Save Our Seeds

Approved list of seeds? Seriously, what next, eh?

Did you know the EU is preparing legislation that will make it illegal to grow crops that are not on a list of approved seeds? A list that currently 60% dominated by big corporations like Monsanto, AstraZeneca and others? The pros list are basically only hybrids - which means that you can not take next year's seed from his crop. Furthermore, it will not only be forbidden to sell other seeds than those already mentioned, but also to grow. "File sharing" in the area of seeds will become a criminal act. This means that people be even less able to influence what you eat, when you can not even decide what to grow. It also means that the varieties that are historically interesting will disappear, even varieties that can withstand our climate. This means that poor people who live off what they grow is referred to in the seedtrades discretion in terms of pricing, which can be costly where there are few players.

Protect and promote seed diversity!

The proposed EU seed legislation must allow more diversity in our fields and on our plates, rather than destroying it. Traditional and local varieties must remain exempt from licensing or certification requirements. Strict rules, controls, inspections and costly permits should only apply to seeds and seed materials which are traded commercially, in large quantities. The free exchange of seeds and seedlings between farmers, gardeners and seed initiatives must be guaranteed and supported. Only by growing a wide selection of fruits, vegetables and grains, can we ensure that our agriculture adapts to climate change, new diseases and pests. We want colorful variety not standardized uniformity!

I've highlighted what I consider to be the most important aspect of this insane proposal. Please think on it.

More information here:

Please consider signing these petitions..

Here's yet another petition, in another language. If you can read it, why not sign it too!

Thanks for listening.

:o) The Writing Entity @

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