Oh bugger! Just go see it!

I tried this one three times, no less! But somehow I just couldn't do it justice. I'm not in a literary phase, perhaps. Anyway, it's holding up the show, so let's simplify..

I have watched a lot of Sci-Fi over the years, and I conclude that..

Firefly is the best Science Fiction series ever made. Bar none.
Serenity is the best Science Fiction film ever made. Well, it's certainly up there with 2001, but in a totally different way.

Go see them!

Except you can't because a) Firefly was cancelled, and b) Serenity slipped into the cinemas with more stealth than a - no, I promised myself I wasn't going to get all flowery again. it's just damned good Sci-Fi, nothing comes close. Imagine a cross between a good solid, gritty Western, and Blake's Seven.

Hah! that's it! it's a cross between a Blake's Seven and a Western. What more could you want? Oh! And There's no aliens! w00t! And There's some amazing babes, and spectacular space camera work, and incredible performances, shockingly good script, musical score to die for, and, and Oh-Oh! I'm off again.

The series and film are both available on DVD, and if you buy a copy, they may just make another film, right? After all, that's how a cancelled TV show evolved into a blockbuster action Sci-Fi movie. Gotta love 'em browncoats.

for now..

:o) The Writing Entity @ corz.org

ps. Good luck, Nathan! Looks like you still need it!

Hasta La Vista, Vista!

I had to drop in to say, after careful consideration I have decided that if you are planning on installing Vista onto your peecee, you need to stop and think again, you silly person.

If you have already installed Vista on your peecee, go hang your head in shame, you fool! Only technical staff forced to review the beast are exempt. All other Vista users are either sheep or insane. Their could be a third catagory of which I am not aware.

I mean, really, what was it, eh? Fancied some eye-candy, did ye? Puleeze! it's taken Bill and gang years to make XP stable, fast and secure (relatively speaking, behind a decent third-party firewall), and you would give that up for a few gradients? Did I hear "Baaah?"

XP will be supported for a decade yet, take a deep breath and sniff the reality; There's still much to discover and learn; most of the so-called experts haven't yet realised its full potential. The current beast still has legs a plenty, fo sho.

Anyways, all those 50/50 Billy-Goats that come this way should at least leave 49/51, job done. If you really want eye candy, perhaps a new theme…


:o) The Writing Entity @ corz.org

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