checksum 1.2 beta

The long-anticipated new beta of checksum is here! The main changes..

checksum v1.2.3.9:

  • You can now specify an output directory for your hashes.
  • You now have the option to cancel a hashing operation in mid-stream.
  • checksum will now update its hashing library automatically.
  • Improved static memory usage.
  • checksum now correctly verifies only hashes of the algorithm specified, regardless of the .hash file's extension.
  • There is a new @parent token which you can use in your "hashfile_name" preference; it will be replaced with the name of the parent directory of the file being hashed.
  • You can also specify how far "up" to go when determining the name to use, like so: "@parent+1", "@parent+2" and so on, as high as you like.
  • Fixed a bug in the "ignore_folders", now subfolders are all properly ignored, too.
  • Fixed a bug where checksum could crash if you had an instance open at the one-shot options, and opened a second instance of checksum.
  • checksum now correctly opens UTF8 files as UTF8 when specified to do so, rather than converting them to ASCII if you deleted the BOM somehow.
  • Fixed the SHA-1 hashing bug in files greater than 4GB.
  • Added an input dialog for the shirtware registration code. Five bucks, people!
  • Fixed a bug where running checksum with an empty checksum.ini file would throw up a fatal error.
  • You can now set the default file mask in your preferences.
  • Fixed a bug where exiting from a long verify operation with no errors (so far) could throw up an empty dialog box.
  • Added a preference (convert_names) which will convert any truly foreign file names that do not map correctly (i.e. Russian), into old-school 8.3 file names.
  • checksum now posts which algorithm it is currently checking in its ToolTip.
  • checksum now logs which algorithm has changed (when logging is enabled).
  • Fixed a potential path length bug.
  • I added a special "portable" command-line switch, for a one-time complete "in one folder" setup.
  • I dropped my "Checksum For Linux" distribution into the extras folder. Have fun with that!
  • The (much loved!) "command-line error" window has been renamed and made smaller.

simple checksum v0.8.2.3:

  • Added new "Auto" options; Auto Copy to Clipboard and Auto Save to File.
  • simple checksum now accepts two files for comparison, either on the command-line, or via drag and drop into its input.
  • simple checksum will now compare any hashes it finds in your windows clipboard with the hash of files you drop (for checking hashes on web pages)

    NOTE: simple checksum will automatically switch between MD5 and SHA1 depending on the type of hash in your system clipboard.
  • Reduced memory usage.
  • Improved ToolTips, reflecting new functionality.
  • Added startup message about the application menu (so folk know it's there). You get this only once.

Get lots more information about all these changes and more in the checksum version.nfo, here.

You can read all about checksum here. If you want to just grab the latest release, click here. Have fun!

for now..


corz clock

Coding is definitely one of those jobs that got a lot tougher with the advent of a baby! Nevertheless, I've been scooping up all the bits that have trickled out over the last year into some new updates. Here's the first..

corz clock

Free and open source as alays, the main change is that corz clock can now handle music playlists as alarms. You can wake up to your favourite album! It simply sends them to your default system handler (winamp, etc.) to play them. You can still have spoken messages to go with these alarms, by the way.

This might also be a good place to note that the spoken message input has alternatively always accepted the full path to a .wav file (as well as paths to text files, html documents, URLs, even with reading start locations…), so you can actually play two .wav files for your alarm, or a playlist and a .wav, or a playlist and a spoken message, or a wav and a spoken message, or just one of any of them.

Check out corz clock here.

As usual, a full source pack with all resources is also available. Have fun!

for now..


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I'm always messing around with the back-end.. See a bug? Wait a minute and try again. Still see a bug? Mail Me!