
I this morning uploaded a small update to BackUp, the changes..

~   BackUp will now automatically add a trailing slash to the target
    directory (when chosen with the button) to prevent unwary users from 
    getting backups in D:\backupSource, or similar locations. You can still 
    remove it for the actual copy operation, if required.

~   When an operation is paused, the "[paused]" title will no longer time-

~   The "Run BackUp Set" button will now, like the QuickCopy run button
    ("Do It!"), transform into an Abort button during a BackUp operation.

*   Full tray menu now correctly displays during QuickCopy operations,
    enabling you to pause/abort the operation from there, as well as get to
    the preferences (ini file).

*   Fixed the folder select dialog to correctly open in the previously
    chosen directories.

*   Fixed the tray menu not being reset correctly after a BackUp operation
    when the GUI is running.

*   Fixed an issue where aborting an operation during the paused state would
    exit BackUp.

More details, downloads and such, here..

an image

for now..


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I'm always messing around with the back-end.. See a bug? Wait a minute and try again. Still see a bug? Mail Me!