Vote Kamala.

I don't want to be standing around thinking "I wish I'd done something back then when our planet got relegated to the galactic shit-pile through the actions of one man. Yeah, right, you have your chance. It is now.

So I'm saying, VOTE KAMALA.

My endorsement means nothing to most of you voters, of course.

If you are the sort that listens to outside opinion, you have already decided to vote Kamala; as your personal politics, no matter how right wing they may be, aren't worth tearing down hundreds of years of fuck-yeah! Let's give this America thing a shot. You know there is a better way.

The Trump voters are beyond help, I fear. No amount of reason and logic can get through the hate. Fascism is powerful, and this is what Trump aspires to, hoping to take America with him. Margaret Atwood's vision doesn't seem so far-fetched now. I thought that was Sci-Fi.

Polls are telling me neck-and-neck but I can't see it. No fucking way. Not the America I know. Not those good people who gave me so much love.

I love it, the expanse of it. I love that free-wheeling spirit, that pioneer grit. I've slept in the cold COLD desert, boiled in the cities, walked home from a Hollywood premier, masturbated to Kerouac, Ginsberg and Lynch. I think I get it.

But what that mad orange fuck and his weirdo bunch of degenerates propose for the "United States" is like the worst science fiction that wouldn't ever get made.

It's like all the b-movies you've only ever seen some of; the really bad ones with pink blood and desperately old has-been-actors who need rent. Please, don't do it.

Instead, vote Kamala.

Take a look at your own Constitution, and actually read what your forefather's intended. It wasn't what that mad cunt Trump wants. He's a fucking nutter.

Take a week in the desert (you have great deserts!) and get your fucking shit together. Your very existence, every man woman and child's life, and your kids and theirs depends on it. Our existence on this planet depends on it.

Oh shit, too late. You don't have a week.

Wise up?

Again, too late.

May God shed his Grace on Thee, America.


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