
Okay, that's a red herring. It could be anything. Viagra is just such a great example. Keep up!

So a while back I read some research that said Viagra isn't only good for erections, but has other benefits. I'm thinking those benefits PLUS awesome erections; worth a tinker.

Viagra is pretty amazing, as drugs go. By Viagra, I mean any of those drugs which will induce maximum erection with minimum stimulation. And the first weekend you play with this powerful substance, you will enjoy it immensely.

The downside; something definitely not in the accompanying leaflet; is that you have now lost an important feedback mechanism. In fact, TWO feedback mechanisms that are, sorry to say, essential.

First being nutrition and exercise. No longer do you need to eat a balanced diet filled with those goodies your body loves; nuts and seeds, fruit and veg, eggs, etc.. You don't need cardio, resistance training, none of that; you can sit about and eat Pizza all day long and still have a fully functioning penis. Great for your penis and one-night-stand lifestyle; not so good for the rest of your body, mind and spirit.

Also, any old shit now gets you horny. Basic female (or whatever your thing is) anatomy is enough. But that should not be enough.

Instead of getting healthy; in body and mind, one can accept second-best. Or worse.

Instead of seeking out the perfect partner for a true meeting of mind and body, you can just do it with anyone fitting a rough description.

But like I said, Viagra is just one example of many many many1.

Wegovy presents an even bigger solution; and therefore, a much bigger problem.

Just sayin'.


1. Yes, that's a Fugees reference.

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