The Spinners

Thought particles1 out there be like who? How? Looking for people like me. A simple thing. A possibility. Examples? Pfff.. Daily.

I'm doing some task, then I see a way to do it better, or "better", the next thing I know my mind spirals2. I see the tech involved, the exact people required, the advertising campaign, the logo, and so on and so on until I reach this sort of orgasmic state where I'm just bathing and bubbling in the possibilities of it all, the millions, Billions, Tens of Billions and what that buys, and then I let it go; completely. I've got no time for all that shit! Instead, Deep Breaths; it's Gone like Lamaze ...

I have this glow about me then, getting on with, well, whatever I was doing twenty seconds ago, but revved up. It lasts for ages. THAT, is enough for me.

When I read the next year that X (not the X that was once called Twitter, and actually mattered; but the whatever X that wishes it was "WhaXeva3", or however variables feel, if they feel at all.. Nope, that's just me being daft) is actually happening-ish, I get another Zap of that immaculate cocktail, and that can last months. They even accumulate. I've had periods in my life when I questioned if I really would plummet, if I stepped off the top of a skyscraper4.

I provide a simple function, a service I guess, for some universal process. I have no idea how many of us there are, but I would imagine quite a few, as LOADS of other, way more novel stuff happens all the time.

We add our spin to simpler things. I have no idea how that shit gets to us, or what happens with all those imaginings. But something definitely does.

In all of our daily lives I wonder as we, you, the human next to you, "daydream"; to somewhere; what universal function are we providing, what reality are we facilitating. Or perhaps the opposite. It's beyond imagining.

Or maybe it's all just fantasy.


1. A reasonable enough word for something I have no word for. Other clustered ideas include; streams, urges, bolts, projectiles, sperm, intentions and others, but none seem to grasp the idea that while this thing shoots off in an unformed state, searching, but not searching (there are laws at work, liike gravity and attraction, not sleuthing) it is already fully formed, like the celebration of a goal still waiting for the striker to kick the ball. "two-celled foetus streaking through space to save the universe, which becomes four, then 42, then..." whataxva, except in one word.

2. A young me, living miles from home for the first time would rant for ten minutes straight over the phone to mum about "beans"; everything from the labels to the farmers.. Or other things. A time of revolution for me, but I did sound mad. smiley for :lol:

3. To pronounce this correctly, you need to be born and raised (at least for the first couple years) in a very specific region of this planet, Earth. Otherwise, it's just meaningless sounds, but nevertheless great vocal exercise.

4. Later, I realise that of course, humans stepping into 300M of air rarely results in good things happening. Nevertheless, that doesn't answer the question of whether or not I could, at that point, walk on air.

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