The Plane of Earth.
Ever read Dante's Inferno?Do that before jumping in here, it's a required reference. Sorry; there isn't a movie; yet0.
The comedy here onsite is often divine, but you may have missed that. This entry is definitely less accessible than most so if you Googled straight here, God help you.
Ever been a sperm? Of course you have; but of course, that was before you were actually "being", in the accepted sense. As great poetry explains, you are the winner in a race of millions. Pretty good, eh? So you defeated millions of competitors, left them for dead, and went on to claim your prize; this life. Well done you.
Yes, you forgot about all that; as is proper. That stuff is too monumental to bring into this life. But it was only a taste; 1ppm1 of what is to come. Next?
Actually, in manually writing all that intro I forgot what I was to write next. Probably for the best; yours will likely be different.
Point is, it's logarithmic like that. This is 1% of 1% compared to the next step.
You don't get much time here. One minute you are surfing the wave of youthful abandon, the next thing all your official form's code numbers are changing. Thank fuck I'm a guy! That ageing business comes on strong.
I genuinely feel for the few folks I still recognise from my youth. The others are dead. Those that still live look fucking ancient. Is that really the norm? For sure, I did a lot of things different from most. So if sticking around interests you, pay attention!
For starters I have abused my body in every way imaginable, and for prolonged periods. Stuff you would consider torture I inflicted upon myself, just to see how I would respond. I don't for one second suggest you emulate this science, but would instead gleefully point you to those in-between periods.
I have forced myself to live without everything that is essential to life as we know it (food, water, shelter, love, clothing ...), sometimes all at once. I currently drink stupid amounts of strong alcohol every day, as Mario Kart is better that way; always watching; having gained the ability to detach and watch.
What abilities have you gained?
I ask this seriously. Remembering a stupid Christopher Reeve movie a girlfriend subjected me to, he just thought himself into a totally different time, like WTF!!
But then I thought, why not?
At the other end of the scale I have indulged in things you probably (statistically) wouldn't even imagine considering fantasizing about. And I'm not done yet. I don't have access to 1000 people for a day, but I do have total access to one person for 1000 days, or 10,000 days, for some of my longer-term studies.
In between I've skidded over balance, then glided over it, then noticed it, then settled there for a moment. This was only the me of me, and the rest of me keeps on skipping and sliding and swinging back and forth over the point where the me of me now resides, stretching out a finger every once in a while, touching base, so to speak.
Can we be two places at once? Yes. And many many more. It's all a question of focus.
Right now I'm on Earth; a most magnificent place3 At least it was when I got here. It is populated by "human", a strange species capable of anything you might imagine.
And that is the point, isn't it? Being here, "in the body", as one of my lost tapes often reminded me.
Crazy shit like a Trump victory seems par for the course, for us humans; no cheating required.
My apprentices have all moved on now. I took a break from all that and consider the cost-benefit. There's only so much one can do, unless you are Taylor Swift2.
Or not do.
0. Well, yes, obviously there are hundreds of movies, BUT, none that really capture the entirety. It's like Don Quixote; you need to read the actual book.
1. "Parts Per Million - used to measure the volume of a substance in water. For example, in many places in England the PPM of tap water is 300+. It's all useless forms of magnesium and calcium, mostly. Here it is 50ppm, tops.
2. Admittedly I've only heard her music in TV shows and visits so I'm no expert. But I do know she is super-mega-rich and can therefore wield a lot of power, but mostly doesn't. Looking at fuckers like this makes me rethink my whole frugal living thing.
3. Listening to Glory Box, again. I love this sequence. Celeste recently re-used it to great effect. It's always a re-using: the original is lost in time and genetics, for now.
1. "Parts Per Million - used to measure the volume of a substance in water. For example, in many places in England the PPM of tap water is 300+. It's all useless forms of magnesium and calcium, mostly. Here it is 50ppm, tops.
2. Admittedly I've only heard her music in TV shows and visits so I'm no expert. But I do know she is super-mega-rich and can therefore wield a lot of power, but mostly doesn't. Looking at fuckers like this makes me rethink my whole frugal living thing.
3. Listening to Glory Box, again. I love this sequence. Celeste recently re-used it to great effect. It's always a re-using: the original is lost in time and genetics, for now.