House. M.D.

TV time is a limited thing. Am I right?1

You don't want to be wasting time with second-rate stuff. So, House. M.D. Eight seasons all-in. 20-ish episodes a pop. Always available on Torrent, as it's great, in the real sense of the word.

It's a medical mystery-comedy-drama show that nails it, almost every single second. The acting is second-to-NONE. The writing is fucking stellar. The direction is nail-meet-hammer at every turn. And it keeps on turning!

Hugh Laurie is like an explosion that just keeps going, like female orgasm on steroids. Or rather, Vicodin.

Comedy actors make the best straight actors. Fact. After I get my kids on the floor from nothing but laughter, I generally launch into a pithy monologue on the emotional dynamics of voice pitching, or the super-ultimate-uber-mega-importance of TIMING, dropping bombs when timing dictates.

It's all about timing.

Not clock-wise, measurable timing, but TIMING. AI can never get this.

So guys like (ho ho!) Hugh Laurie and Paul Whitehouse (and me) can dance around, weaving whatever story-lines the most astute writer can conjure.

Have you watched the "average" episode of house? Hah! There is no such thing! AI can't get that. "Mean" means nothing.

It's like the text here, no AI can handle it. There couldn't BE enough CONTEXT, no amount of calculations can distinguish such a singular performance. Is it real? You betcha. Like episodes of House, it is. Singular, on a moment-to-moment basis.

As for everything else, who knows.

But everything here at the .org is 100% AI-free output.

It's in my contract.


1. I hope so!

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