CopyWrong Right?

I guess seeing red shit in your shit makes you reconsider. Or at least, consider.

Thinking about the shit I put out; here and elsewhere, and the shit people do with my shit.

What a versatile word, "shit"; almost as good as "fuck".

Anyways, I'm thinking back to when there were domains that would just sit there year after years with my articles on them. And those PDF files folk bought from Amazon that had nothing to do with me, promising the "Secrets of Web Server Mastery" or whatever the fuck it was and I think, "You go!"

If I had a buck for every song I've given away that went wild, or every idea I've shared that now makes millions I would be wasting a lot of time per day thinking about bullshit.

Who cares? I have my own income streams. I'm not gonna waste my days chasing after wannabes. That's what lawyers are for!

But to be honest, I almost never make that call. I mean, who cares? It's all recorded.

I was telling my eldest today about the time I threw one of my early web articles into a plagiarism checker and it told me that my work was actually a copy of some other article (which was, of course, a copy of mine). I laughed solid for a whole minute when I first saw that. And I definitely didn't call my lawyer.

What is wrong with you people?

YEARS ago I had a scaffold bar land on my foot whilst working on a building site. They hadn't secured the bar properly.

Shit happens. I was off work for a while, living on savings but shit, it was a mistake. I've made those, many many of those!

All those small bones recover. I upgrade my boots, life goes on. That's not the only injury I've sustained through "someone else's" fault. I'm not American though, I'm not gonna sue.

If I can't get my body back to perfect, that's no one's fault but my own.

You took my idea and made a million, a billion. You go! This is me saying that anything you stumble upon here is fair game. No commission required.

And once the blog is complete, I literally couldn't care less.


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