
I remember courting the mother of my (later) children. She was studying for her masters, and reading a shit-ton about "equality".

I even bought her textbooks, and while I completely agree with the "current" thinking on equality (and hope they can leap-frog into the available thought on the subject1).

But I was perfectly clear with how I felt about equality of the sexes. That's total shite.

There can never be equality of the sexes because a) "equal" is a bullshit man-made term you could spend a lifetime defining whilst still not get a basic wage and..

b) We are different. Men and Women that is. And everything in between, as my eldest would no doubt remind me. Yes, all of us, I mean.

But especially "Man" and "Women", being the Yin and Yang, the Polar Opposites, etc., etc..

How many Formula One drivers are women? Ahh.. Ermm.. None. That's right. Zero.

How many UN interpreters are men? Actually a few, and when you consider Nepotism and penis-leaning tendencies in HR, not 100% is a HUGE win for the non-penised among us. Yup, it's mostly women. Of course it is. That shit matters.

And many other fields, too. I recommend you take a moment to consider this, especially if you are male (hint: most of the things men are good at are now useless to humanity and most of the things women are naturally good at are right now essential to our species survival; but we are stupidly still oppressing them and preventing them from saving us. Ergo; we are fucked. Aside from the catastrophe of our painful demise; this is great comedy).

I'll leave you to consider which is more important: tearing around some concrete strip at 200mph for kicks, or facilitating communication between the most important people and nations on our planet. 100% your decision which is more important; I'm just laying out the facts.

Top-level international translation is one of those fields where only the very best rise to the very top. It's not like industry or politics or the civil service, where anyone's nephew can rise to the top by being a nephew, or having a cool Wikipedia page, or TicKTok trend, or whatever. Just like Formula One. Only the very very best get to the top.

Men make better drivers. Deal with it. By "better" I mean capable of handling a vehicle at high speed. But if you want to get to school in one piece, always choose the mother.

And women are better at languages. Yes, some men are excellent at languages, but they are exceptions. Basically women have this built-in, and you would need to train for years to even get to their basic level. Why bother? Go drive fast cars, instead.

Of course I'm giving both males and females a hard time here. It isn't just driving and speaking, of course. There are myriad careers and pastimes and pursuits and artforms with which our natural talent varies wildly. I love it! I don't get why we fight it.

WE ARE DIFFERENT. I've always considered this a great thing. I definitely don't want to be tangling with some like me!

Inequality in society is a basic evil we need to each root out of every moment of our lives if we want any hope for a real society. Just do it. Society is the only place "inequality" is a problem. Everywhere else, it's a blessing.

It's like BMI; fantastically useful for populations, but anyone attempting to apply it to individuals is either stupid or (potentially fatally (notice with word "fat" is contained within the word "fatal")) misinformed. That would include our own NHS. Doh!2

Notice how Nature seeks balance? We build aeroplanes like that, creating massive, absolutely level flat surfaces thanks to the loving nature of gravity; it's need. And the perfect nature of water, and its need to be one with gravity. In other words, cut a long tube, fill it with water and Boom! Flatness.

GRAVITY IS YOUR FRIEND. I tell this to my kids a lot. So many tasks are made easier if you use gravity to help you. Everything seeks balance. "Equality" is like that; seeking balance. In society it's easy to see the trends. Get closer in and it starts to break down.

This is natural, and any fight against that is futile. We are different. Not just in our sex; whatever that means to us; but in our unique human uniqueness.

I want to see great women drivers and awesome male translators. And the rest.


1. Jumps up and down with hand aloft shouting, "Here! Here!". Nope., Och well.

2. And that's not the only piece of misinformation our NHS is currently handing out. And I've barely looked.

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