The art of ignoring.

I do this with my kids sometimes. They understand it to be the ultimate insult and simultaneously, the ultimate answer; in that it forces them to seek the answer unaided.

When I ignore, it's with a purpose, and the ignored know it. Mostly..

If I had a buck for every email thread I've responded to only once and then watched the other end wither or flail into insignificance, I'd buy an island.

Whilst ready to freely give my time, sometimes even at the expense of other; seemingly more important time (kids, earning a living, and so on), they bypass the opportunity and instead accept second-best, or worse.

Randomly; I recently had a rant about cbparser (I forgot about writing that YEARS ago) would select the word AND THE FOLLOWING SPACE if you double-clicked it.

I got a genuine belly laugh and hit delete. I figured he'd go off Googling and get the answer (that's a browser thing; nothing to do with me: maybe try double-click and move the mouse left-a-bit - boom!).

The next day I get a mail about how I have a responsibility when releasing software to- whatever he said next. I just hit delete right there.

This is exactly the sort of shit we need AI for.

Training in progress!


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I'm always messing around with the back-end.. See a bug? Wait a minute and try again. Still see a bug? Mail Me!