AI reaching human intelligence?? Haha! Rrright!

The AI researcher in me, trying to grasp the Maths, says, "No. No way. Not happening. Not for a long, long time."

The realist in me, looking at the stupidity that passes for the average human being these days just laughs and says, "WAM!1 That has already happened".

And yes, AI will say completely stupid stuff, connecting things that aren't meant to be connected, and disconnecting things that are definitely meant to be together. It speaks utter rubbish. It mixes stuff up and plain old makes up stuff. And so on.

In fact, every logic puzzle variant in existence can be utterly baffling to AI, and just like with actual humans, the results can be utterly incomprehensible.

Playing with my local LLMs, it's getting hard to see the difference between its output and the average facebook post.

In other words; if you are looking to legislate around this, it's too late.


1. "Wait A Minute!"

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