Unwind yourself...

Like many of the great secrets of existence, this one is hidden in plain sight inside the English language1.

And when I say "great secrets", I'm not messing around. This is something even so-called Sufis would have you spinning around all day about without getting even close to the truth of things.

And I mean literally; in some Middle-Eastern countries they take tourists and let you think you are getting enlightened by actually spinning around. And around. Sometimes for long periods of time. The longer the better, I assume; as it will produce a euphoric effect. Ask any kid.

Of course they are missing the point, as they are missing a real teacher. While I'm not about to rewrite the works of Idries Shah2 any time soon, I do feel it's about time more of these wonderful techniques were "laid bare", so to speak; more usable for the current ADHD generation. So here goes..

Pay Attention: Throughout the day to turn left or right to do things. When another thing is within the 160-200 degree zone you make a decision to turn this way or that. For me it's usually left. We are all different. But we are all the same in that if we make that same decision later, we will turn the exact same way.

Over the course of the day this amounts to many turns, in one direction. The original instruction is simple: discover which way you naturally turn, and how much, and at the end of the day, with joy and dance, turn all the way back.

In the English language we say, "unwind". Implicit in the word are the negative connotations of the opposite state, so it can be used as an insult and more. Instructive.

The Western methods, while reasonably effective, are painfully slow. It can take hours to unwind with TV, alcohol, eating, and so on.

The Sufi way, on the other hand, is quick and mightily efficient. Find a spot and start spinning backwards. And that's it3.

If you just "happened" upon this blog, well done; proving chance isn't a thing, again.


1. I am a self-proclaimed languigist. English rules. And this is coming from a Scot. Swearing in French (or Hebrew) is lovely in the mouth. Russian speaks volumes. Many languages rock for many reasons, but English is where it is at. We code in English. Think about it. This is why, in every country in the world, except native English-ish-speaking countries; they learn English as a second language. It's required learning. In the UK we mostly can't be bothered learning other languages because frankly, there's no need; y'all speak English. Or else Hollywood be off-limits, and that won't do.

2. If you are about to search Idries Shah's works for a fuller description of this technique, don't bother. As far as I know he doesn't explain it anywhere. However, he does describe the phenomena (I think perhaps in "Learning how to Learn") as well as leave clues around his other works as to how to discover the technique for yourself. But who has the time, right?

3. This state is, of course, a prerequisite to doing anything else.

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