Master and Slave was a thing, no really.

So one of the software packages I use and regularly update has decided that the terms "master" and "slave" are no longer appropriate and must now be something else. Something way less memorable and 100% not intuitive.

They posit that this some sort of advancement. No. This as another black mark in humanity's racist past. Shame on you.

Fact: I am not racist. I moved past my whole genetic heritage in my early years. My mother was racist. She was brought up in a racist family in the middle east where the locals were "dirty niggers". As a young boy, one of my close friends was black so my mother's attitude always seemed strange to me. I put it down to bad parenting and ignorance.

Today I see this a triumph for my younger self. I wouldn't want to rename the experience or pretend it didn't exist. I *like* to be reminded of my triumphs. Don't you?

So why has some minority fuckwit pressure group been allowed to have its stupid opinion taken seriously? So seriously that perfectly fine technical terms like "master" and "slave" are being renamed? So seriously that millions of pages of perfectly fine technical documentation are now instantly confusing to future generations.

Guess what? They will now have to Google the terms Master and Slave, to find out what they mean. Doh!

And after a horrific hour or two delving in to America's past they will discover that these technical terms are still alive and well in the real world and for many, quite enjoyable!



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