N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, aka: DMT

This (pasting a text message directly into a blog) is something that's been suggested I do more than once. Shit, that seems like really bad grammar. Let me try again. Real-Life-Copy-paste-As-Requested. Fuck that's worse. Och well, here goes...

I've only went over the edge three times but each time was fucking monumental

Like Cary Grant on Mount Rushmore at the end of North by Northwest, except turned up to 11 (another movie reference, ffs!), except just LET GO, and BOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The universe catches you.

I can honestly say that I have no fucking idea where I went for ten minutes (or whatever it was) but I remember falling in and also whooooshiing back out. One thing is for sure; I took WAAAAY too much. I didn't measure anything, just assumed it was "old" t-shirt material* and plonked a wee spoonful (chemist's spoon) on the mesh.

It's taken me a couple of days to assimilate the experience because it was so fucking out there. As much as I have tried in notepad I cannot put it into words. No psychedelic shapes and patterns, no drawable entities, none of that. It's just indescribable.

There was a fade, a cinematic-like thing where it went from this to that to this to that reality faster and faster until it was just pfff.. I remember feeling suspended, like floating in the air in the space I normally call my home and sure enough when it ended I had moved from the kitchen to the living room somehow. But the 6m from being lifted into the suspended state in the kitchen to landing comfy in my big beanbag in the lounge is out there; indescribable beauty. That's the best I have. Beauty*Beauty Squared!

Next morning I am healed of all my little ailments and am leaping about the flat like a baby Markhor; even the ceiling seems doable. These negative qualities (aches and pains, et al) cannot exist alongside the Beauty*squared frequency (that enraptures your body) and so just melt away, it seems.

I guess in the future they will use hallucinogenics to cure all sorts of ailments.

I feel like a pioneer!** Again..


ps. OMFG! Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece!

* This is underground code you either get or don't. If I went into details it would spoil it.

** This is of course how you feel every time you take Psilocybin, and indeed you truly are. Once a year is probably enough with the P-body.

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