
All across the planet, all the time, people do things. This is a given. You can't not do things. But once in a while, for almost everyone, they do a thing and realise that they did a thing which changed everything. For everyone.

That magical feeling, the perfect realisation of an idea who's time has come. Done. You probably know what I mean. So much work and effort and time and resources goes into getting ideas into this reality; calculate it!; but before all that it takes a shaman-like presence to get that thing into the latent space in the first place.

This == YOU + TIME + PLACE.

No one else in the universe is right there right now where you are and the universe appreciates this, and pushes your push.

These folk (you) are never credited; you learn to live with this, even when you get in and surf the groove, changing everything as you go; the joy is the reward; and they are legion. More important than the often busy-bodies who's names get bold in Encyclopedias. At some point, some moment in your life, this was you. Or will be. And you will, or have already, changed reality. For everyone.

This is the human curse. The nefarious interconnectedness of existence. We are all one.

I said curse, as-in there is a downside to being all-one and all that. Example:

Our childish need to dominate** plays out not only in the bedroom or kitchen but in nation states, as I am like you, who is very like the next person, etc.. I stifle a sneeze: say goodbye to another Gazan housing estate*.

As a parent, watching children, like Putin, act-out, is heartbreaking. This bully is also a part of our family, an expression of some unexamined part of ourselves. Forcing him to live outside the house, like some dog, seems extreme. Why don't we instead just kill him, or capture and brainwash him, or you know, the usual stuff? Oh yeah, that's stupid. There is a better way.

The "idea" of how to break this curse has already been "out there" for some time, and more than once. But imprisoned and seduced we abandon such thoughts and instead focus on the usual shit; consuming or creating-for-consumption. Like this is; you and me. We're not planting trees are we? No, we are writing and reading a blog, respectively.

But there's only one of me and soon I really will be out there planting trees again while someone else reads these words. Maths, innit? It's still not enough.

What are you doing?

for now..


* As I have previously stated, I love some individual Israelis, but I do HATE ISRAEL.

FYI. "Hate" is not a word I use often, and only mindfully in front of the kids.

**. There is also an adult desire to dominate. This is something else. Usually a thing agreed first between two adults, and can be a lot of fun.

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