Switch off your fucking engine!

Yes, that freak banging on your window, is me.

Switch off your engine. Simple as that.

Not only is it killing our planet and in the meantime our children, but (for aforementioned reasons) it's pissing me off, and no matter where you are, I will tap and then bang on your window and ask you, rather charmingly; at first; to switch it off.

If you refuse, the charm ends abruptly. I have no patience for belligerent half-wits.

In other words, if you do not switch it off, I will bang your window harder, perhaps to the point of smashing (as I am a strong fucker) until you do.

And if you feel your child-killing position is on some way defensible and the need to leave the comfort of your vehicle to challenge me on this, be sure, I will happily fight you right there on the street.

Perhaps it is this certainty, this assurance that what I am doing is absolutely right, that ensures that NO ONE (at least not yet) has ever seriously challenged my position. (those wimps who crumble when I turn to face them do not count; pussies)

I am right. Simple as that.

And if you are sitting in a stationary vehicle with your engine running, you are wrong. How did you get to be so stupid?

And if it's not me banging on your window asking you politely to switch off your engine, it will soon be someone else, and maybe not so politely.

You fuckwit*.


* Allow me to reiterate; anyone sitting in a stationary vehicle with the engine running is a fuckwit. Knock on their vehicle twice - tap - tap - to let them know how much of a fuckwit they are - once for the kids, another time for the planet - tap -tap. I'll wager they still** don't get it.

** Unless you are a Mercedes or BMW driver; in which case you are of course allowed to park on corners, double-yellow lines or wherever, as well as leave your engine running at any time***.

*** unless I'm around, in which case your car is getting kicked.

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