
With age, or rather, with time well spent, comes experience. it's a marvelous thing, one of the best; enables you to cut through the chaff; something which seemed to occupy a large part of my early life, mainly struggling, as some of you may know, with the concept that me, I, cor, am creating the realty around me as I go along, and the creating of a whole bunch of tools, mainly in the form of poetry, to enable me and a few others to navigate and utilize this new reality in beneficial ways. I'm hoping to be all done (snort!) by the time I shuffle off this lovely planet, maybe eighty years from now, and leave behind what is already a frankly gigantic body of work. But it's okay, like I said, I'm getting pretty good at sorting the chaff from the... erm.. what was the other part?

it's just pulped sesame seeds, I tell people. And often.

I might manage to squeeze it all into one song.

What has this got to do with Tahini, you might ask. Well, one of the things I've learned about Tahini, is that it's practically impossible to make a jar last any longer than two days. Unless you buy California Garden Tahini, that is, which surely can't but does seem to taste like it's had salt added. At any rate, aside from CG, you can't go wrong with Tahini (and even CG is delicious for savoury snacking). If a jar says Tahini on the side, you are pretty much guaranteed to be in for a voluminous helping of pleasurable eating.

The trouble with Tahini, as far as I'm concerned, is availability. This is why I include it in my wish-list here at the .org. In order to get a jar of the stuff, and I mean the good stuff, the best stuff, which would be "Cortas" (and no, not because you can stick your thumb over the label and get my name, No!) I have to walk miles, or get multiple buses, and so generally don't buy it every week, even every fortnight. So when I do get some, I tend to gorge. I know this is wrong. With every delicious, dripping mouthful I know it is wrong, but it's Tahini! And therefore it is right! It is healthy and it is good! If only it would last...

And this is where experience comes in. Understanding the real reason why my jars of Tahini only last a day enabled me to devise a cunning technique to circumvent this shortcoming.. I buy a HUGE jar! Even after you've dipped a half Kilo of plump, soft dates into it, There's still enough to last the average family, or me, a week. And this technique works even if you haven't had a real live jar of tahini in your house for months!

And then, post-gorge, as I recline here, considering the bucket of calcium I have just consumed, a text message arrives.. "I got ye a jar of tahini. When you want it?". Bonner, I love ya!

It was just a thought, see.. "I want a jar of Tahini". And only yesterday, as the sun rose across my window...

But, I guess it was the way I thought it, eh?
Tomorrow, I'll probably get another in the mail.

Oh yeah, I'm back.
for now..

:o) The Writing Entity @ corz.org

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