Still fuckin wid da script kiddies..
This is the continuing story of..c99.php - the joke
There have been two unexpected amusing consequences of my (literally) running c99.php gag..1. People keep mailing me, to let me know that my "site has been Hacked", and..
2. and I really should have foreseen this one.. "Hackers" keep trying to take credit for it!

These postings are swiftly removed once someone realizes what's happened, but the Google cache usually provides a few examples, if you're interested. Keep at it, guys! Belly-laughing is great for the soul!
As to the former, Thank you! Not just for the laugh I get when I read you mail, but for your caring. I mean that. Most net citizens these days wouldn't make the time to send a thoughtful, helpful mail, alerting a webmaster to some potential security risk, or bug on their site, or whatever. So, even though it's erroneous in this instance, please don't let that stop you from doing it again, with some other site, for some other reason. The net needs more people like you in it!
In almost all cases, they mail a second time, a little later, explaining how they now get the joke. See! They clicked! Even for do-gooders, the urge is irresistible!

I don't mind, and I certainly don't track IP addresses, so feel free. I do follow the occasional inward link, though. At least the ones I can get to easily - so many of these H4x0rz forums require membership, for some reason, and who could be bothered signing-up, just to see if they got the joke or not?
that's not to say that if some member mailed me such a thread, I wouldn't be thankful *wink*. In English though, eh!
Wait! There was another unexpected consequence. Someone sent me a small donation, citing my "c99/fuckin wid da script kiddies" as the reason. Now THAT is the kind of unexpected consequence I'd like to encourage most of all!
for now..
:o) The Writing Entity @