More than a 404..

My "Clever 404" has come a long way over the years. The most recent evolution being that it can now handle all your error document needs. Clearly the old name had to go, so.. Introducing...

Active Error Pages

Here's a quick summary of what Active Error Pages has to offer..

  • Automatically redirect visitors to your moved documents. (without .htaccess hacking!)
  • Automatically search for the visitor's lost page. (and returns a list of likely candidates)
  • Automatically jump visitors on single matches. (they won't even know they got a 404!)
  • Partial and Fuzzy matches weird and not-so-weird user typos.
  • Automatically handles all your error document needs (400, 401, 403, 410, 500, 503, whatever you need).

Active Error Pages is compatible with the old 404's "catchers", so any redirections you have setup in your moved.ini will function with no extra work on your part.

I've also added a testing mode, so you can send 302 headers, aka. "Temporary Redirect". And other goodies.

And lastly, I (finally) gave it a page of its own, here.

That's it. Now you keep your lost visitors!

for now..


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