Active Error Pages
Intelligent custom error document handling..
Automatically redirect visitors to your moved documents.
hacking!)Automatically search for the visitor's lost page.
(and returns a list of likely candidates)Automatically jump visitors on single matches.
(they won't even know they got a 404!)Fuzzy matches weird and not-so-weird user typos.
Automatically handles all your error document needs
(400, 401, 403, 410, 500, 503, whatever you need).Responsive, 100% compliant HTML5 output. All styling in CSS.
404 pages are more important than we generally think. Most visitors, when presented with a broken link, will just go elsewhere. A decent 404 page will give you a "second-shot", keep them hanging around, shows you care, which many webmasters don't. Hit a 404 at corz.org for a wee demo.
The other error documents are generated automatically, so they can all share your site's layout and styles.
What it does..
As well as the usual valid link to your front page and contact email address to click and give feedback, Active Error Pages provides an intelligent response to your site's missing documents..
First, Active Error Pages does automatic redirection for all your site's moved pages. Whenever you move a page, simply add it to Active Error Pages's "catcher" list, (aka. "
") and have all visitors and search engines automatically and permanently redirected, without any fuss or.htaccess
hacking.For genuinely missing documents, Active Error Pages goes on to do a quick (usually 0.01 seconds or less) scan of your site, looking for similarly named documents, and returns a list matching files as links. Active Error Pages is capable of "fuzzy" matching, too, so it will catch typos in most hand input URL's.
If there is only a single matching document, Active Error Pages can (optionally) jump the visitor directly to that document, quite nifty. This auto-jumping can be either by meta-refresh, or proper 302/301 HTTP headers. The latter is preferable; Active Error Pages' 404 page does look cool, but its purpose is to get users to the correct page as soon as possible, if at all possible..
Finally, if no matches are found, Active Error Pages (optionally) presents the user with a corzoogle search form, the important part of their query already inserted into the search field, enabling them to perform a full content search of your web site.
If the error isn't a 404 (perhaps a 401 Authentication Error, or 403 Permission Denied Error) Active Error Pages won't search your site, simply spits out the correct, pre-defined error response page. You can edit these in your settings (at the top of
Get Active Error Pages..
What Active Error Pages has over "Clever-404"..
All the regular Clever-404 goodies..
- Strict XHTML 1.0 output (that's where pro came from!).
- Automatic missing document locator.
- Fuzzy and partial matching file names.
- File and directory matching.
- Scan locking (to prevent abuse).
- Real HTTP 301 or Meta redirect capabilities.
- Auto-Jump on single match capability (moved images just appear!)
- corzoogle integration.
One Script to rule them all!
Active Error Pages is now a single script that can handle ALL your error document needs.
So much has changed internally, it's definitely worth scrolling through the preferences section!
Beautiful, responsive, 100% compliant HTML5 output.
Your error documents look stunning on any browser, on any platform.
More configuration options.
This is a good thing. You have more control.
More to come!
You can view the php source code here..

And download a ready-to-go zip package, right here..
click to see zip archive contents
# made with checksum.. point-and-click hashing for windows (64-bit edition). # from corz.org.. http://corz.org/windows/software/checksum/ # #md5#Active Error Pages.zip#2021.04.21@02.42:17 72c2f686ce635d437476e5b691b9bba4 *Active Error Pages.zip #sha1#Active Error Pages.zip#2021.04.21@02.42:17 a60c4c0a039f2ace5585d7ffc5f9b17591bd38d2 *Active Error Pages.zip
And that's it! You keep your lost visitors now.
Have fun!
;o) corz.org