The future of Amiibo (Free Amiibo)..
Billion-dollar companies like Nintendo have a responsibility to the planet. Amiibo are fun, but they are also a *lot* of plastic-for-nothing. Or, almost nothing. It's basically a plastic figure with an NFC tag in it, right? Data. How about this, instead..Rather than manufacture a Fucktillion plastic figures with NFC tags up their arse, you manufacture a dozen, maybe even a hundred of them, and give them freely to deserving reviewers1, gamers, whatever. One of whom must scan the NFC tag and upload the .bin file to the interweb. To receive an Amiibo would be an honour. They would resell for Vagillions.
"HOLD ON!", I hear you say, for so many reasons. Today we're not doing psychology, but how to get free Amiibo on your device, probably a Switch.
Heard of Flipper Zero? Probably not. But this wee beastie can do all sorts of interesting communications, especially when it comes to access systems. It's essentially a cleverly-constructed group of microprocessors and other kewl chips fluent in all sorts of wireless protocols. While awesome, 90% of these devices sit at the bottom of drawers.
But yeah, it can pretend to be (aka. "emulate") an Amiibo. So you load up the .bin file (which someone simply read from an existing Amiibo, likely with their phone; many many apps for this) and sit the dolphin-themed Flipper Zero hack-toy on your controller's NFC hot-spot and Boom! Your Switch thinks you bought and Amiibo and placed it nearby.
Rewards for loyal Nintendo fanboys ensue; ancient armour, wolf companion with 20 hearts, whatever. NFC can read as well as write; folk have written some great Amiibo you can pick up and use.
Enter China. And the "Allmiibo"2. It's like a Flipper Zero, but focused solely on NFC tag emulation. It comes pre-installed with every Amiibo-made-so-far and can be updated easily with new Amiibo, as they appear in the wild.
You select the Amiibo you want, hold it over your controller's NFC reader and Boom! Let the magical chests drop, or whatever.
This is literally a "game changer". Think about it.
When my youngest hinted at me buying plastic figures with NFC tags up their arse (my words), I simply suggested there must be a better way and researched the shit out of it. £5 and 7 days later we had our Allmiibo. The cheapest now is around £12, but still a bargain compared to the £25,000 it would cost for the physical counterparts.
If they need a statue, Buddha is good. For data transfer, storage, Ninty rewards and such, an NFC-emulation device is better.
Sadly, those plastic figures are still made in their bajillion, but one can hope that; once we all have our Allmiibos up and running, Nintendo might get the message, and go level-up their Amiibo IP to Award Status.
Well, a boy can dream...
1. Keza would get one.
2. NOTE: The wee button on the top of these things is EXTREMELY FRAGILE. Think of it like a touch switch. Menu-scrolling during frantic gameplay is NOT advised.
2. NOTE: The wee button on the top of these things is EXTREMELY FRAGILE. Think of it like a touch switch. Menu-scrolling during frantic gameplay is NOT advised.