
° Fixed the few minor bugs, including the sticky login window problem on windoze.

• Finally removed the "log to file" checkbox from the main window.

• drag-n-send™ window: added a pop-up menu of all the files in the current folder, so you can select any file directly. There's a small time penalty, but well worth it I feel. It's still pretty darn swift, even with LARGE folders.

To give you an idea, on my 333MHz iMac running OS X Panther, the••wire will index a folder of 1359 images (my "wonky pix" folder, on a remote volume on my network), build the pop-up, and display the first image in just over three seconds! Don't expect to chat while this is happening!

note: you can use the pageup/pagedown keys to move very quickly through the pop-up menu of very large folders.

• I added a preference to tell the dns window to stay put, that is; in the folder you are browsing. In other words, it WILL NOT jump to your "wirefiles" folder on receiving a new file. It will display the new file/image as usual, but moving left/right/up/down continues from exactly where you were.

• Also added a few other hot-keys to the dns window:

deletemoves current file to trash
(no warnings, cuz it"s in yer trash)
backspacesame as above, but for mac users.
(on other platforms, backspace takes you LEFT)
hometakes you to the first file in the current folder
endtakes you to the last file in the current folder
(any Mac keyboards have this?)
uupdate the folder.
useful if you have added items to a folder and want the±wire to index it again. If you were at file no. 3, you will remain at file no. 3, regardless of whether or not file no.3 is still the same file after the update.

note: this happens automatically on new files dropped/received
Ltoggles the "lock size" control, which prevents the window size from altering.

This is in addition to the current commands:

left arrow/keypad-4previous file
right arrow/keypad-6next file
down arrow/keypad-2takes you into a folder Cor RIGHT, if it"s not a folder)
up arrow/keypad-8takes you up to the parent folder
PageUPback 10 files
PageDOWNforward 10 files
spacebarwire it!
oopen/launch file
apple/ctrl - ddrag-n-send™
toggle the drag-n-send™ functionality, which automatically wires every file you drop.

Still doing my rounds through the code, hoovering and dusting. which reminds me, I think I"ve got someone coming to stay any day now, I"d better do the same to my apartment sometime soon. I knew sacking the cleaner was a mistake! hahah

for now..


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I'm always messing around with the back-end.. See a bug? Wait a minute and try again. Still see a bug? Mail Me!