
° Fixed most of the major bugs in the image transfer. the±wire wont crash if you send the same image repeatedly, or send back an image you just received. You can send non-image files too, though currently there's no way to get the windoze version to accept dropped non-images.

Without threading, transferring large files over slow networks (particularly if you are short of memory, on a dial-up connexion perhaps) will be frustrating, but I've transferred 100MB+ files over a local network without problems. I'll look into more efficient transfer methods for slow networks. And threading too. When I've got a more logical head on. It's almost a full moon.

Oh, and if you come across some filetype that wont send let me know.

The prefs are all live, by the way. If you make a change, it's updated immediately in the plist file, and only then (well, also at quit). It's a good system, in the event of a crash, the last saved prefs remain. I haven't had a trashed plist yet, and I've crashed the±wire a *lot*. Ah, the joys of debugging...


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