wire_v0.6.3 (pseudo-public beta)

° fixed some login-related issues, nothing serious, just the popups getting wierd sometimes. keep an eye out for that still, the xml parser can be a bit moody.

• beefed up the chatbox, you can now copy multiple selections* into the clipboard using the copy (apple/ctrl-c) menu, and you can delete lines/selections in the log box with the delete key, amongst other minor improvements.

*use the apple -ctrl on windows- to make multiple selections, shift to make big selections, or a combination of both.

• sorting out the menu's. added a couple of rudimentary concept menus too, put the editing functions on a right-click. (ctrl-click for one-button *sigh* mouse users). The log box has a concept menu too, and this is the preferred method for clipboard functions. note: it is possible to drag lines around in the logbox, even multiple selections, even to cut lines and selections right out. think of it like a chat-sorting window. you can prepare sections before dragging/copying them somewhere else.

° cleaned-up some of the internal logic, which is a nice way of saying some of the internal logic sucked.

• the±wire now let's you know if it can't locate the address you are trying to connect to. However, it won't prompt you to check your spelling or anything like that.

° started messing around with the sockets again. I'd been trying out the new realbasic easytcp class, but its limitations are becoming apparent. Toying with a few ideas for now. don't expect the next version of these betas to be able to speak this one!

° preference files are now stored inside their own folder in the preferences folder, methinks you might have some of my other apps kicking around before too long. The folder is called "corz".


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I'm always messing around with the back-end.. See a bug? Wait a minute and try again. Still see a bug? Mail Me!