html=more code

I've been updating the pages for the±wire tonight (in between well, Sunday), looking good; got the FAQ's and the main page ready to go, the trouble starts when I get to the downloads. It's not the secret beta download area any more, it's the internet! Where anyone can see. The known bugs page is a scroll and a half. Poor windows users, nuff said.

Got to get this itstory on the real webserver, not fair keeping it to myself. But when was life supposed to be fair, huh? Eh? Where was I? Blogging; thought it would be cute to use it for the version itstory, handy soft-stuff this corzblog! ;o)

Oh yes! I do like metal windows, well apparent on the new page, as you'll see. I make no apologies for this, took me long enough to come over to the buggers, but I wont, can't hide my addiction any longer, it's hopeless. Look into my eyes!

Viv$eacute; la Aluminium! (Le? sorry french people, erm..)

RealBasic's funky new metal windows still leave many things to be desired, but I fairly enjoy desire, and the emails it creates, postings. Heading in the right direction though, RB. I might blog about it another day, I get passionate about this, and there's still HTML to do.

for now..


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I'm always messing around with the back-end.. See a bug? Wait a minute and try again. Still see a bug? Mail Me!