Stop doing that stoopid shit..

I have maybe ten apps1 running and I want to get to my browser (so I can do Ctrl+T - type search term - {Enter}). My hands are at the keyboard.

I have a number of options, of course, including grabbing the mouse, which I'd rather not. Alt-Tab feels comfortable, but involves maybe (how many did I say?) TEN actions (okay, five tops as you would see where your app was and add a shift key to go the other way; right? But still..).

Of course, on Windows one can simply do Win+{insert numeric place in taskbar}, e.g..


Thing is, even after you realise this handy time-saving facility exists and could save you weeks of lifetime, you do not use it. Why? Force of habit + laziness, is why.

Ouch! Yes, there is a point between the two things; tiny at first; where we can force ourselves in, like raindrops splitting a mountain, widening the gap, pushing the old habit out and the new one in.

Force of habit has us doing it the old way at first. By the time we notice we're done; such is the speed of the body. Then laziness kicks in. Or not. That's our choice. I have observed only a small sample, but they almost to a one continue to do things the slow way even when they know it's the slow way.

Even when you prick yourself deeply in the fleshy part of the palm with a thumbtack for each Alt-Tab error it takes weeks. Muscle memory, see.

Re-training that shit takes time and mental effort; discipline; a thing rarely trained into the young. Even my own young. Best not to train the wrong way to begin with; if possible, I suppose. Otherwise good luck! Re-training muscle memory isn't easy. But it is doable.

Many techniques work; use whatever comes to mind. It's never too late; simply rewind back to the moment before the action; do it again, the right way this time. It's an investment of time quickly repaid; suiting a particular personality.

Others need to catch themselves in the act, so to speak.


1. *sigh* I these days call a program that has a visible presence an "app" and everything else a "program". Saves on confusion.

2. In case I didn't make this clear enough; in Windows, the order of the apps on your taskbar corresponds to Win+{Number} to launch or activate that app. It blows my mind how many people do not realise this and Alt-Tab-tab-tab-tab weeks of their potential life away. For mousers it's months.

If this doesn't work on your system because your Function keys are mapped in the BIOS to "media" keys then well, damn you to hell for breaking your operating system. Get to the BIOS and fix that shit!

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