Get Metric Already.

Water. The basis of almost every living thing.

Alcohol. At back of 90% of existent children.

You probably haven't touched pure alcohol. Good. And you very likely haven't tasted it. "Astringent" would be an understatement. Forget all that touchy-feelie-shite and focus on the Math (or for the uptight, "Maths", aka, "Mathematics", nobend, aka, "knob-end", referring to the outermost extremity of a knob (also known as 'penis', though we are referring to it in the lyrical sense); an already rarely-used and instantly-forgotten part of, erm, what were we convibing?

Oh yeah, alcohol - definitely for adults, no matter how long it takes you to get there, body-wise - and how it's right there doing what all nature is doing except us saying look at amazing me being fucking amazing fucking nature trying to show you you and failing cuz you are, well, you).

We will trail off here, pretending to forget all about alcohol and its universality ...

At precisely zero degrees (0 C ) water freezes (at sea level). At precisely 100 degrees (again, sea-level) water boils. A meter is the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458th of a second. Okay, that's not so easy to measure, but for sure, regardless of where and who you are, you can do it.

These globally-observable phenomena are utilized in the creation of what we enlightened folks call, "The Metric System". Put simply..

HUMAN LIMITS DIVIDED BY 100 (which is a number easily dividable by 10 (which is; hey; fingers)).

I mean ALL humans.

A "foot" is only that for a small minority of earth's population (some white guy hunners of years ago).

Same for an inch (last digit of some white dude's thumb way back in the past).

And so on.

FFS. Wake up America! I am so bored of having to convert to your stupid measurement system. Just Do It! Go Metric.

Sure, some Trump supporters will complain, but you know; they are Trump supporters, so their opinion means precisely nothing.

Absolutely zero.


* Ho Ho! That won't work. I know, because I coded this blog. Web 3.0 began here at, dontcha know. *ahem*

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