1 in 100.

Like that ring in the Sufi tale, I have a few wee devices. This one I use when I'm dwelling on "what folk might think".

I've told this one a few times in speech, so I'll here attempt human speech-to-text.

Example: child-of-acquaintance, draws picture. It's pretty good. The child disagrees. In fact, they say that all their pictures are rubbish. I say NO WAY! And use it as an opportunity to tell a wee story; what this blog is.
Imagine a circle of 100 people.

Now imagine I showed your picture to each and every one of those people in turn. Do you seriously think that NOT ONE of those people would like it?

(wait for response - they admit that yes, that is highly unlikely, which it is)

Okay. (sometimes it's an idea to specify exactly how many, you think, would like the picture/story/sculpture/invention/etc.. Okay, 10 people. Pretty good!)


You realise right, that we live on a planet of almost TEN BILLION PEOPLE. Do the Arithmetic! That's a billion people on the planet right now that would like your (whatever).

(You can get specific again here. If it were a product you could say, "If only ONE PERCENT of those people who like your (thing) clicked and bought it, that would be 10 million folk at £10-a-pop. You can retire now.")

Or whatever. It's a mental construct. An exercise designed to shift consciousness away from feelings of self-worthlessness and whatnot. You don't need to expend the time and effort to go on and do that actual thing. It's about acknowledging the worth of the things you do, whatever they are.

Other opportunities, including financial opportunities, may spring from that. But that's not the point, is it?

If you commit, everything you do has worth, because it's you doing it. Few truly commit. Even if it's just for five minutes, to draw a picture. But if they do..

I'd buy that for a dollar.


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