Lazy Passwords

Passwords are a pain. For most of my computing career I didn't use them; until that diskhead in Elgin decided to shouldersnoop me for my current pass. And all that other legal shit more recently *yawn*. Now I take them seriously.

My passwords are usually "shapes", in that they are actions on a keyboard surface, as opposed to anything word-like. Upside: they are fast. I can enter my pass in milliseconds. (My youngest still marvels at how quickly I get the family PC up and running. He yet knows little of muscle-memory; of which there are two kinds1).

But here's an idea (like most of my best, it's buried in amongst other, less worthy output. That's a filter, see. You win!) ..

What if some clever app were able to recognise that a) yes) you know the password, but b) you simply mis-typed one single character..

With the likes of VeraCrypt, et all, this would save you a lot of time and fucking around. What's the chances of someone *else* knowing your password but with one character out. ZERO. I did the math. Okay, ALMOST ZERO.

But instead, we will wait ten minutes to be told to fuck off, instead.

That feature that solves all this is called "Lazy Passwords" and like everything else here, you can have it for free.


1. the first being that muscles are able to remember a sequence of actions with IMMENSE precision, and then repeat them; e.g. tying your shoelaces, and 2. they can remember how big they are supposed to be2.

2. If you build a muscle to "Yo!" size, it will remember. If you spend years writing code and become a reed, bendable by basic wind, worry not; your muscles will remember; as it was the best they could be, so far. It will take you half the effort to regain that bulk, compared to someone just starting out in getting their body in order. Best done when you are a teen; with all d'em 'ormones, fo sho. Think of it like financial investment, which I stupidly never did.

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