ffe ('Song of Tar')

*    Fixed a bug where MATOF was being incorrectly enabled for single files
    when the user had disabled MATOF (who does that!? Okay it turns out, a
    few people..)

*    Fixed directory loading in presets and command-line. The following..

        ffe.exe go(preset)  B:\Test\ffe\IN\*
        ffe.exe go(preset)  B:\Test\ffe\IN\
        ffe.exe go(preset)  B:\Test\ffe\IN

    Will now all produce the same result, especially when using @tokens in
    the outputfile setting.

    See also: "Quirks & Caveats" section at the foot.

*    You can now override store_filepaths inside presets. I added this as a
    workaround which I'm pretty sure is no longer required but I'll leave
    in for now.

*    Fixed errant file loading into inputs when store_filepaths is disabled.

+    Added AV1 to the list of types that ffe will automatically switch the
    extension of output files. In this case, "ivf".

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I'm always messing around with the back-end.. See a bug? Wait a minute and try again. Still see a bug? Mail Me!