ffe ('Soft Landings On Sausages')

+   You can now Ctrl+Click the reset button to also clear the input+output
    file paths. Shift+Click will clear ONLY the input+output file paths.

~   Updated the automatic wildcard you get when dropping a folder from the
    old-school "*.*", to the ultra-modern, sleek and so-cool, "*". Obviously
    this was a massive amount of work and when you first try it you will
    see why; it's like you've jumped straight into a science fiction movie.
    All donations welcome.

+   You can now display a timer in the title bar when FFmpeg is running for
    at-a-glance job time.

    The toggle is in the app menu > visual prefs. You can switch this on and
    off whilst FFmpeg is running. There is also a HotKey: Ctrl+R.

    Think "Running Time"; it also uses "R" as the app menu accelerator.

~   Improved the FFplay Quick Task button command handling so you can do
    slightly more complex tasks. Remember to enclose all paths, including
    @tokens, in "quotes".

+   Added a new macro, which is @arguments. This translates into the
    arguments that will be fed to FFmpeg, as can be seen in your "Command-
    line" display.

    This is useful in the above new more complex FFplay tasks, e.g..

        @arguments "@inputfile"

    .. which will give you an instant preview of how your output file will
    look, potentially saving you having to make short test clips.

    All your cropping and such can be viewed instantly. BUT BEWARE.. This
    won't work if you have parameters in your extra parameters input that
    FFplay doesn't understand. Click the FFplay help button for more details.

    If you are messing around, trying to get a working FFplay command, you
    will probably want to display the output in the ffe console (F6).

*   Fixed saving the old output file to the exit settings when the user had
    deleted the contents of the input (it was being read afresh).

    Also the spurious saving of the inputfile when it was empty. Now, if you
    reset everything and exit, your exit-settings is an empty preset, as

*   Fixed a glitch on reading the fall-back directory, which was being lost
    somewhere in the matrix.

~   Changed the cropping controls to use the new cropping format. I don't
    know how I managed to miss skip this! Thanks for the heads-up, again..

D   ffe has been stripped of all "common" functions, that is, function which
    also exist inside "Corz Essentials (Lite version)", aka. "cel.au3",
    which is now included (in Resources/). Yes, I know! It's back!

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I'm always messing around with the back-end.. See a bug? Wait a minute and try again. Still see a bug? Mail Me!