always in progress..


Example: "The server just gronked at me for thirty seconds"

When an application interface is overwhelmed by data of a nature it was not designed to display. A good example would be opening an executable binary file in a text editor. the editor tries desperately to parse the input, and after some moments you receive a page of complete gibberish. "it's all gronk"

A fine way to experience gronking in your web browser, is by running php scripts with interesting recursive loops, especially with non-fatal errors within those loops!


Example: "Sorry, the cd player's wonked"

Related to gronk. this is when something breaks, usually at a physical level, like an engine going kaput. a thing being "wonked" usually means it will take work/time/parts/debugging to return it to useful service.

A thing being "totally wonked" or experiencing a "total wonk-out" usually means the end of its useful life; similar to "fubar", though generally the result of years of wear and tear, not some sudden force or injury.

It is perhaps notable that "wonk" is "know", backwards.


Example: "That lassie's a real gype"

As a noun, associated with comical clumsiness, or plain acting silly, daft.

Generally attributed to someone's nature; you're either a gype, or you're not.

My old dog was a gype, pure thoroughbred, 100% gype. She would, for no apparent reason, run off at full speed and leap six feet into the air. Sometimes, when given a tasty morsel, instead of eating it, she would throw it up into the air and fight with it, growl at it, and then eat it. Once she turned sharply in a stairwell and knocked herself out on the banister, just not paying attention, gyping about.

It's a verb too, ordinary folks can "gype around", or be "gypit", which is to act like a gype, even when you're not a real gype, so there's hope for you, then.


Example: "As luck would have it, the cable was an exact match!"

There is no such thing as luck, of course, though I do still use it as a technical term. Luck is closely related to fortune, to serendipity, to synchronicity; the crucial difference is that these things can be effected by our thoughts an actions, they can be "tweaked". And so can luck.

The idea of some outside force which bestows fortune on some and not on others is abhorrent to me, if it's all working out beautifully, it has nothing to do with "luck", though for convenience, I often attribute this fortune to "luck", on the understanding that I mean no such thing!

Sad beta-males often refer to bedding a woman as "getting lucky", but as anyone who knows the game will tell you, it has absolutely nothing to do with luck!


Example: "Forward the ports to whatever puter is running the server"

"puter" is short for "computer". The "com" part is removed in recognition of the interconnectedness of all things, and to affirm the idea of "puting". We use these things to "put" data out there, on the internet, paper media, wherever. These tools make dreams real. Read the poem "Like a Penny in your top drawer" to further explore the idea of "putting" things into the ether, the culture, the language and thoughts, the lives of the world's peoples.

The most basic of actions, to put. Like the birth of a child, creativity seems to defy basic physics; we create something where before there was nothing. Make a folder. A new file. Puters are the manifestation of the blueprint for reality creation on the highest level. They are practice. Our minute actions are microcosms of future skills, reality creation in the higher realms. The puter is an analogy of human's connexion to the infinite, the all-at-one-ness represented by the internet, a thing that is no more than lots of puters meaningfully connected together.

Strictly speaking, a "puter" is a server. Most everything in networking is client-and-server, and what the client requests, the server delivers, puts out over the network, travelling the crazy journey hop-to-hop to the waiting client. But as all modern peecees are capable of being fair servers, and with the advent of P2P, usually are; puter has come to mean any computing device capable of producing distributable data.

Or it may just be old IRC slang.


Example: "No. There's no way to achieve that with Perl. Syat."

Roughly translated, it means "to the best of my knowledge, at this time", and can be heard dropping into all sorts of conversations in certain regions of India, and elsewhere.

It's similar to "As far as I know", aka. "AFAIK", though more elegant, more humble, and offers the possibility that one might know better, at some future time. It recognises that we live in a Universe of infinite possibility, and if there are any limitations at all; they are ours.