Your awareness is self-evident!
What's this all about, then?
It's a tech-savvy Tai-Chi for the 21st Century! AYE-NO is a tool, an exclamation, a contemplative mandala, a problem-solving device, and much more. Wear it, and it's a way of saying that you've got all that New Age stuff in perspective where it belongs, but that you aren't afraid of self-knowledge. Aware, without being weary. Hip, but not necessarily a hippy.itstory..
Some years ago, I was having trouble making a decision. A mentor of mine suggested taking a piece of paper, drawing a line down the centre, writing YES on one side, and NO on the other. It all seemed a bit mystical and geomantic to me, but I was assured that if I could lose focus long enough, and allow myself to drift into the paper some, the answer would present itself.I thought about it a long time before I actually did it, figuring out how such a technique might actually work. Perhaps it's like the Tarot, I wondered, or the I Ching; where a certain level of detachment brings into play certain subconscious and supersonscious factors. At any rate, I did it, and found it useful.

And then it struck me that this is like the Tai Chi (aka "Yin-Yang"), where each polarity contains the germ of its opposite. Hmmm.. I completed an ink sketch, and put it to the test.
When the solution came, I exclaimed "I KNOW!", realized what I'd done, and laughing, it hit me for real, AYE-NO was born.
On your body..

As well as a bold exclamation of self-awareness, it's the perfect shirt for going out on the town!