uses cookies to remember that you've seen this notice explaining that uses cookies, okay!
; Internationally known as "KDE Mover-Sizer" Version 2.9
; http:
; Which is essentially..
; Easy Window Dragging -- KDE style (requires XP/2k/NT) -- by Jonny
; ..with nobs on. See http:
; This script makes it much easier to move or resize a window: 1) Hold down
; the ALT key and LEFT-click anywhere inside a window to drag it to a new
; location; 2) Hold down ALT and RIGHT-click-drag anywhere inside a window
; to easily resize it; 3) Press ALT twice, but before releasing it the second
; time, left-click to minimize the window under the mouse cursor, right-click
; to maximize it, or middle-click to close it.
; This script was inspired by and built on many like it in the forum. Thanks
; go out to ck, thinkstorm, Chris, and aurelian for a job well done.
; Itstory:
; Sep 10, 2014: Added option to hide tray icon - a message will appear first, warning you that you have no easy way to shutdown KMS
; Aug 10, 2013: Added: Option to use 3x3 grid for resizing as to lock resizing horizontally or vertically depending on mouse position
; Fixed: Resizing wrong window after resizing a restored maximized window
; July 28, 2013: Moved options into "Options" submenu and merged with "Resize Options"
; Changed WheelUp/Down: SendMessage replaced with PostMessage for extended application support for Focusless scrolling
; July 25, 2013: removed "SendMode Input" and added a static m-hook button (~^!+MButton) for testing compatibility with MacroExpress
; July 22, 2013: Added focusless scrolling: sends WheelUP/Down to Window under mousecursor, even if not active (mih, shimanov, scoox)
; June 7, 2013: Changed Hotkey handling back to use RegisterHotkey() instead of keyboard hook (no $)
; Updated Tooltips and About box to show actual hotkeys instead of the default ones
; Added more grid lines for QuickPositioning: Now at 1/4, 1/3, 0.382 and 1/2 plus 3 center grids (mih)
; June 5, 2013: Improved handling of horizontal/vertical locking during resizing
; May 14, 2013: Added LockHorizontalVertical: Press LockHorizVert_Hotkey2 (default: Shift) during Moving or Resizing
; to constrain mouse to either horizontal or vertical movements (mih)
; Added Hide Windows content while moving and resizing
; Aug 8, 2012: Added QuickPositionWindow: Press QuickPosition_Hotkey2 during Moving or Resizing to quickly position window on screen edge (mih)
; Aug 6, 2012: Added special feature: Insert Special Character with hotkey (mih)
; Can be used to define shortcuts (e.g. AltGr+c) to insert special characters (e.g. cedille) from foreign languages
; Example: Press AltGr + c to enter French cedille . Add new
; Configuration: Edit .INI File, Section [SpecialCharacters]
; Add new SpecialCharactersTrig_
; See here for trigger key symbols: http:
; Max. Number of custom keys: 15
; Known Limitations:
; If Mover-Sizer hotkey is Ctrg+Alt, it collides with SpecialCharacter Hotkey AltGr
; only works for ASCII/ANSII character set. No Unicode (UTF-8/UTF-16/...)!
; Aug 1, 2012: Changed default for LWin hotkey, ShowMeasuresAsTooltip=1, DrawGridShowDistance=1
; Changed default for AltGr: DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey=<^>!+
; July 27, 2012: Fixed: send DoubleKey_hotkey2 after execution of hotkey action
; July 22, 2012: Added option to disable Double-Alt shortcuts
; Fixed loop performance issues and window redraw for DrawGrid
; July 19, 2012: Added option to show grid measurements as a ToolTip (for folk with balloon tips disabled)
; This also prevents the Taskbar from popping into view when measuring (if you have it hidden) ~ Cor
; July 17, 2012: Added special feature "Draw Grid" to overlay golden ratio/3x3 & 4x4 grid to analyze images (mih)
; Added colour sampler
; Added Escape button to abort moving & resizing
; Added script reload after closing INI editor
; Added configurable hotkeys (based on jlr's version)
; May 17, 2011: Added "Ignore Window" list to pass-through hotkeys (e.g. for Remote Desktop or Adobe Photoshop) (mih)
; October 31, 2009: Added special feature "Always On Top". Click with the cross cursor on a window you want to toggle AlwaysOnTop (mih)
; October 12, 2009: V3 icon! (the last one produced even more mails!). This one rocks. No complaints please!
; You can now get straight to the KDE Mover-Sizer page from the About dialog.
; Removed superfluous default AutoHotKey tray menu items.
; Added an "Enable HotKeys" tray menu item, which toggles the HotKeys (it un/checks)
; Added an Exit menu item and simple exit function.
; Added a menu option to get to the ini file, to hack at the things there's no menu item for.
; All current prefs get written to the ini file so the user can see/set what's available.
; Cleaned up documentation and web page, some. More to come. Maybe even comments!
; Added about box text, some default prefs, tray, gui + menu fixes, other minor stuff. ~ Cor
; October 10, 2009: Added new algorithm for Snapping on Resize (mih)
; Added option for Restoring Window on Resize
; October 4, 2009: Added full support for multi screens (incl. snapping) (mih)
; Fixed Snapping on WorkArea (excluding task bar)
; Added INI option for Snapping Distance and WinDelay
; Added About box
; October 3, 2009: Added configuration file and option to enable&disable snapping (mih)
; Added snapping for (Alt-Left-Click) Moving Windows
; June 16, 2009: Added Vista Alt-Tab fix (by jordoex)
; Added an information tip for the tray hover. Updated Icon (I noticed it
; clashed with a portable Linux I recently tried, so I created an original
; icon for KDE Mover-Sizer. ~ Cor
; March 10, 2009: Moving a maximized windows is now possible (First WinRestore to orig. size, then move)
; Added: Alt+Middle Button maximizes/restores a window (mih)
; December 04, 2007: Window snap-to-edge - just like KDE, but with extra fun!
; Added Tray ToolTip help. ~ Cor
; November 07, 2006: Optimized resizing code in !RButton, courtesy of bluedawn.
; February 05, 2006: Fixed double-alt (the ~Alt hotkey) to work with latest versions of AHK.
; Snap-To Edges ..
; If their edge comes within ten pixels of your desktop edge, the window snaps to it.
; Very neat; it's what KDE does. But there's more..
; If you keep mousing after the window snaps, you get a beautiful resizing control which
; keeps on going. Also you can Alt-right-click any oversized windows and pop them straight back
; into the desktop. Note: If you are quick enough, you can break the snap when needed.
; Have fun! NOTE: You can now disable the right-click-to-snap behaviour, if preferred.
; ;o) Cor
; June 16, 2009:
; Since giving this a page of its own, it's become insanely popular,
; and keeps finding its way onto those "five wee apps you can't live
; without" type lists, which says a lot for the kind of software you
; can have for yourself if you only rake about in the AutoIt and
; AutoHotKey forums once in a while.
; NOTE: If your application wants the Alt key for hotkey modifiers, use Alt+Win+Key for that.
; It's quite easy once you do it a few times, simply roll your thumb and finger on and off.
If (A_AhkVersion < "")
MsgBox, 0x30,,This script may not work properly with your version of AutoHotkey. Continue?
IfMsgBox, No
;if not A_IsAdmin
; ; TODO: Check if windows version is Win8
; MsgBox, 0x30,,% "Note: KDE_Mover-Size is not run as administrator. It may not work on all Windows. Try: `r`n"
; . "runas.exe /savecred /user:administrator """ . %A_ScriptFullPath%
; TODO: Add Menu command to create/delete a KDEMoverSize_as_admin.lnk in Startmenu/Autostart
; Read INI file
IniRead, SnapOnSizeEnabled, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnapOnSizeEnabled, 1 ; default: true
IniWrite, %SnapOnSizeEnabled%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnapOnSizeEnabled
IniRead, SnapOnMoveEnabled, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnapOnMoveEnabled, 1 ; default: true
IniWrite, %SnapOnMoveEnabled%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnapOnMoveEnabled
IniRead, SnapOnResizeMagnetic, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnapOnResizeMagnetic, 1 ; default: true
IniWrite, %SnapOnResizeMagnetic%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnapOnResizeMagnetic
IniRead, DoRestoreOnResize, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, DoRestoreOnResize, 1 ; default: true
IniWrite, %DoRestoreOnResize%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, DoRestoreOnResize
IniRead, Use3x3ResizeGrid, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, Use3x3ResizeGrid, 0 ; default: false (use 2x2 grid)
IniWrite, %Use3x3ResizeGrid%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, Use3x3ResizeGrid
IniRead, DoubleAltShortcuts, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, DoubleAltShortcuts, 1 ; default: true
IniWrite, %DoubleAltShortcuts%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, DoubleAltShortcuts
IniRead, BringWindowToFront, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, BringWindowToFront, 0 ; default: false
IniWrite, %BringWindowToFront%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, BringWindowToFront
IniRead, ShowWindowWhenDragging, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, ShowWindowWhenDragging, 1 ; default: true
IniWrite, %ShowWindowWhenDragging%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, ShowWindowWhenDragging
IniRead, SnappingDistance, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnappingDistance, 10 ; default: 10 pixels
IniWrite, %SnappingDistance%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnappingDistance
; This is the setting that runs smoothest on my system. Depending on your video card and cpu power,
; you may want to raise or lower this value.. System default: 100
IniRead, WinDelay, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, WinDelay, 2
IniWrite, %WinDelay%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, WinDelay
IniRead, DoubleModifierKey_MaxDelay_ms, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, DoubleModifierKey_MaxDelay_ms, 400
IniWrite, %DoubleModifierKey_MaxDelay_ms%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, DoubleModifierKey_MaxDelay_ms
IniRead, WindowIgnoreList, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, WindowIgnoreList, mstsc.exe, ; default: MS Terminal Services Client
IniWrite, %WindowIgnoreList%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, WindowIgnoreList
IniRead, HideTrayIcon, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, HideTrayIcon, 0 ; default is to show the icon
IniWrite, %HideTrayIcon%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, HideTrayIcon
; Settings for hotkeys
s := "Alt=!, Ctrl=^, Shift=+, LWin=
IniWrite, %s%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, Hints_Hotkeys ; quick hotkey reference
IniRead, MovingWindow_Hotkey, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Hotkey, ! ; default: ! (Alt)
IniWrite, %MovingWindow_Hotkey%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Hotkey
IniRead, MovingWindow_Mouse, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Mouse, LButton ; default: LButton
IniWrite, %MovingWindow_Mouse%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Mouse
IniRead, ResizingWindow_Hotkey, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Hotkey, ! ; default: ! (Alt)
IniWrite, %ResizingWindow_Hotkey%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Hotkey
IniRead, ResizingWindow_Mouse, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Mouse, RButton ; default: RButton
IniWrite, %ResizingWindow_Mouse%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Mouse
IniRead, ToggleMaximize_Hotkey, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Hotkey, ! ; default: ! (Alt)
IniWrite, %ToggleMaximize_Hotkey%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Hotkey
IniRead, ToggleMaximize_Mouse, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Mouse, MButton ; default: MButton
IniWrite, %ToggleMaximize_Mouse%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Mouse
IniRead, DoubleKey_Hotkey2, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DoubleKey_Hotkey2, Alt ; default: Alt
IniWrite, %DoubleKey_Hotkey2%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DoubleKey_Hotkey2
IniRead, QuickPosition_Hotkey2, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, QuickPosition_Hotkey2, Alt ; default: Alt
IniWrite, %QuickPosition_Hotkey2%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, QuickPosition_Hotkey2
IniRead, LockHorizVert_Hotkey2, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, LockHorizVert_Hotkey2, Shift ; default: Shift
IniWrite, %LockHorizVert_Hotkey2%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, LockHorizVert_Hotkey2
IniRead, DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey, !^ ; default: !^ (Ctrl+Alt)
IniWrite, %DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey
IniRead, DrawGridOverlay_Mouse, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Mouse, RButton ; default: RButton, also used as OK for Colour Sampler
IniWrite, %DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Mouse
IniRead, FreezeSampler_Mouse, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, FreezeSampler_Mouse, LButton ; default: LButton, pins location of Colour Sampler
IniWrite, %FreezeSampler_Mouse%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, FreezeSampler_Mouse
; Settings for Draw Grid and colour sampler
IniRead, EnableDrawGrid, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, EnableDrawGrid, 0 ; default: disabled
IniWrite, %EnableDrawGrid%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, EnableDrawGrid
IniRead, DrawGridShowDistance, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridShowDistance, 1 ; default: no info box
IniWrite, %DrawGridShowDistance%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridShowDistance
IniRead, DrawGridColour, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridColour, White ; default: White
IniWrite, %DrawGridColour%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridColour
IniRead, DrawGridGUIOptions, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridGUIOptions, +Border ; default: +Border
IniWrite, %DrawGridGUIOptions%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridGUIOptions
IniRead, DrawGridMouseAutoHold, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridMouseAutoHold, 1 ; default: true, release grid with another click
IniWrite, %DrawGridMouseAutoHold%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridMouseAutoHold
IniRead, DrawGridWidth, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridWidth, 1 ; default: 1px, make bigger if no border
IniWrite, %DrawGridWidth%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridWidth
IniRead, ShowMeasuresAsToolTip, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, ShowMeasuresAsToolTip, 1 ; default: true
IniWrite, %ShowMeasuresAsToolTip%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, ShowMeasuresAsToolTip
IniRead, ShowMeasuresToolTip_X, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, ShowMeasuresToolTip_X, 3 ; default: top-left
IniWrite, %ShowMeasuresTooltip_X%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, ShowMeasuresToolTip_X
IniRead, ShowMeasuresToolTip_Y, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, ShowMeasuresToolTip_Y, 3 ; default: top-left
IniWrite, %ShowMeasuresTooltip_Y%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, ShowMeasuresToolTip_Y
; Settings for focusless scrolling
IniRead, EnableFocuslessScroll, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, EnableFocuslessScroll, 0 ; default: disabled
IniWrite, %EnableFocuslessScroll%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, EnableFocuslessScroll
IniRead, FocuslessScrollSpeed, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, FocuslessScrollSpeed, 120 ; default: 120
IniWrite, %FocuslessScrollSpeed%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, FocuslessScrollSpeed
IniRead, FocuslessScrollModifier, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, FocuslessScrollModifier, - ; -/empty:none, *:all, ^:Ctrl, +:Shift, ...
If FocuslessScrollModifier = -
FocuslessScrollModifier := ""
IniWrite, %FocuslessScrollModifier%,KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, FocuslessScrollModifier
; Mappings and status for key shortcuts to special characters
IniRead, EnableSpecialCharacters, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, EnableSpecialCharacters, 0 ; default: disabled
IniWrite, %EnableSpecialCharacters%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, EnableSpecialCharacters
IniRead, SpecialCharactersTrig_1, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersTrig_1, <^>!c ; default: AltGr+c
IniWrite, %SpecialCharactersTrig_1%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersTrig_1
IniRead, SpecialCharactersChar_1, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersChar_1, �
IniWrite, %SpecialCharactersChar_1%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersChar_1
IniRead, SpecialCharactersTrig_2, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersTrig_2, <^>!+c ; default: AltGr+C
IniWrite, %SpecialCharactersTrig_2%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersTrig_2
IniRead, SpecialCharactersChar_2, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersChar_2, �
IniWrite, %SpecialCharactersChar_2%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersChar_2
IniRead, SpecialCharacters_NumberOfActiveHotkeys, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharacters_NumberOfActiveHotkeys, 2 ; default: 2 (_1 and _2 are active)
IniWrite, %SpecialCharacters_NumberOfActiveHotkeys%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharacters_NumberOfActiveHotkeys
; enable(=1)/disable(=0) a special feature. If they are disabled here, they are also hidden in the AddOn menu.
s := "If the AddOns are disabled here, they are not shown in the Special Features menu."
IniWrite, %s%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, Hints_AddOns
IniRead, AddOnEnable_ToggleForeground, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_ToggleForeground, 1
IniWrite, %AddOnEnable_ToggleForeground%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_ToggleForeground
IniRead, AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters, 0
IniWrite, %AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters
IniRead, AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll, 1
IniWrite, %AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll
IniRead, AddOnEnable_ColourSampler, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_ColourSampler, 0
IniWrite, %AddOnEnable_ColourSampler%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_ColourSampler
IniRead, AddOnEnable_DrawGrid, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_DrawGrid, 0
IniWrite, %AddOnEnable_DrawGrid%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, AddOns, AddOnEnable_DrawGrid
; Prepare Menu
; If compiled, hide standard menu options
If A_IsCompiled
Menu, tray, NoStandard
; Useful info on tray mouse hover.. ;o)
Menu, Tray,Tip, % "KDE Mover-Sizer.. `n" . strname(MovingWindow_Hotkey) . "-" . strname(MovingWindow_Mouse) . "-Click Windows to Move`n"
. strname(ResizingWindow_Hotkey) . "-" . strname(ResizingWindow_Mouse) . "-Click Windows to Resize`n[right-click here for a menu]"
; Create Special menu
if ( AddOnEnable_ToggleForeground )
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add, Toggle Window-Always-On-Top.., MenuToggleAlwaysOnTop
if ( AddOnEnable_ToggleForeground AND ( AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters OR AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll OR AddOnEnable_DrawGrid OR AddOnEnable_ColourSampler ) )
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add
if ( AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters )
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add, Enable Hotkeys to insert Special Characters, MenuEnableSpecialCharacters
if ( AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll )
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add, Enable Mouse Wheel Scrolling on inactive Windows, MenuEnableFocuslessScroll
if ( (AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters OR AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll) AND ( AddOnEnable_DrawGrid OR AddOnEnable_ColourSampler ) )
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add
if ( AddOnEnable_ColourSampler ) {
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add, Colour sampler.., MenuColourSampler
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add
if ( AddOnEnable_DrawGrid ) {
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add, Enable Draw grid, MenuDrawGrid
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add, Auto-hold grid, MenuDrawGridMouseAutoHold
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add, Show Grid Measures, MenuDrawGridShowDistance
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add
if ( AddOnEnable_ColourSampler OR AddOnEnable_DrawGrid )
Menu, MySpecialMenu, add, Show Measures as ToolTip, MenuShowMeasuresAsToolTip
; Create Options-, Ignore- and Hotkey Menu
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, add, Snap on Move, MenuSnapOnMoveHandler
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, add, Snap on Resize, MenuSnapOnSizeHandler
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, add
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, add, Magnetic Resizing, MenuSnapOnResizeMagnetic
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, add, Resize restores Maximized Window, MenuDoRestoreOnResize
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, add, Use 3x3 grid on Resize, MenuUse3x3ResizeGrid
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, add
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, add, Bring Windows to Front on dragging, MenuBringWindowToFront
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, add, Show Window Contents while dragging, MenuShowWindowWhenDragging
Menu, MyIgnoreMenu, add, Add Window to Ignore List.., MenuAddWindowToIgnoreList
Menu, MyIgnoreMenu, add, Remove Window from Ignore List.., MenuRemoveWindowFromIgnoreList
Menu, MyIgnoreMenu, add
Menu, MyIgnoreMenu, add, Show currently ignored Windows, MenuShowIgnoreList
Menu, MyHotkeyMenu, add, Reset all Hotkeys to Default, MenuHotkey_Default
Menu, MyHotkeyMenu, add
Menu, MyHotkeyMenu, add, Swap Left<->Right Mouse buttons, MenuHotkey_MouseSwap
Menu, MyHotkeyMenu, add
Menu, MyHotkeyMenu, add, Use Alt key, MenuHotkey_Alt
Menu, MyHotkeyMenu, add, Use Control+Shift key, MenuHotkey_ControlShift
Menu, MyHotkeyMenu, add, Use Control+Alt key, MenuHotkey_ControlAlt
Menu, MyHotkeyMenu, add, Use Left Windows key, MenuHotkey_LWin
Menu, MyHotkeyMenu, add, Use AltGr key, MenuHotkey_AltGr
; Create main tray menu
Menu, tray, add, About.., MenuAbout
Menu, tray, add
Menu, tray, add, Enable Double-Alt Shortcuts, MenuDoubleAltShortcuts
Menu, tray, add, Options, :MyOptionsMenu
Menu, tray, add
Menu, tray, add, Ignore Windows, :MyIgnoreMenu
Menu, tray, add, Change Hotkeys, :MyHotkeyMenu
Menu, tray, add
if ( AddOnEnable_ToggleForeground OR AddOnEnable_ColourSampler OR AddOnEnable_DrawGrid OR AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters OR AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll)
Menu, tray, add, Special Features, :MySpecialMenu
Menu, tray, add
Menu, tray, add, Edit My Ini File, EditMyIni
Menu, tray, add, Enable HotKeys, HotKeysToggle
Menu, tray, add
Menu, tray, add, Hide Tray Icon, HideIcon
Menu, tray, add
Menu, tray, add, Exit, MenuExit
; Set initial "enable" Checks in menu according to configuration variables
if ( AddOnEnable_DrawGrid )
if EnableDrawGrid
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Enable Draw grid
if DrawGridMouseAutoHold
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Auto-hold grid
if DrawGridShowDistance
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Show Grid Measures
if ( AddOnEnable_DrawGrid OR AddOnEnable_ColourSampler )
if ShowMeasuresAsToolTip
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Show Measures as ToolTip
if ( AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters )
if EnableSpecialCharacters
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Enable Hotkeys to insert Special Characters
if ( AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll )
if EnableFocuslessScroll
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Enable Mouse Wheel Scrolling on inactive Windows
Menu, tray, Check, Enable HotKeys
if SnapOnMoveEnabled
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Snap on Move
if SnapOnSizeEnabled
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Snap on Resize
if BringWindowToFront
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Bring Windows to Front on dragging
if ShowWindowWhenDragging
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Show Window Contents while dragging
if SnapOnResizeMagnetic
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Magnetic Resizing
if DoRestoreOnResize
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Resize restores Maximized Window
if DoubleAltShortcuts
Menu, tray, ToggleCheck, Enable Double-Alt Shortcuts
if Use3x3ResizeGrid
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Use 3x3 grid on Resize
;SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. (jlr)
SetWinDelay, %WinDelay%
CoordMode, Mouse,Screen
CoordMode, Pixel,Screen
CoordMode, ToolTip,Screen
MayToggle := true
if HideTrayIcon
; **************************************
; ********* MENU handler ***************
; **************************************
; *** MENU: Configure Moving & Resizing ***
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Snap on Move
SnapOnMoveEnabled := NOT SnapOnMoveEnabled
; save option to INI file in working directory
IniWrite, %SnapOnMoveEnabled%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnapOnMoveEnabled
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Snap on Resize
SnapOnSizeEnabled := NOT SnapOnSizeEnabled
IniWrite, %SnapOnSizeEnabled%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnapOnSizeEnabled
if NOT SnapOnSizeEnabled AND SnapOnResizeMagnetic
Gosub, MenuSnapOnResizeMagnetic
Menu, tray, ToggleCheck, Enable Double-Alt Shortcuts
DoubleAltShortcuts := NOT DoubleAltShortcuts
IniWrite, %DoubleAltShortcuts%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, DoubleAltShortcuts
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Bring Windows to Front on dragging
BringWindowToFront := NOT BringWindowToFront
If BringWindowToFront
Traytip Bring Window to Front enabled, Automatically brings up window to foreground on Resizing and Moving.,20,1
IniWrite, %BringWindowToFront%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, BringWindowToFront
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Show Window Contents while dragging
ShowWindowWhenDragging := NOT ShowWindowWhenDragging
If ShowWindowWhenDragging
Traytip Show window contents while moving or resizing, Disable this to show only frame and reduce UI redrawing on slow or remote machines.,20,1
IniWrite, %ShowWindowWhenDragging%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, ShowWindowWhenDragging
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Magnetic Resizing
SnapOnResizeMagnetic := NOT SnapOnResizeMagnetic
If SnapOnResizeMagnetic
Traytip Magnetic Resizing, Allows to keep the window snapped when resizing slowly.`r`nDrag a snapped window slowly to see how it works`.,20,1
IniWrite, %SnapOnResizeMagnetic%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, SnapOnResizeMagnetic
if SnapOnResizeMagnetic AND NOT SnapOnSizeEnabled
Gosub, MenuSnapOnSizeHandler
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Resize restores Maximized Window
DoRestoreOnResize := NOT DoRestoreOnResize
If DoRestoreOnResize
Traytip Resize restores maximized Window, When enabled`, a maximized window is restored to its original size before resizing.`r`nWhen disabled`, a maximized window starts resizing from the maximized width and height.`r`nYou'll only notice the difference when you resize a maximized window`.,20,1
IniWrite, %DoRestoreOnResize%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, DoRestoreOnResize
Menu, MyOptionsMenu, ToggleCheck, Use 3x3 grid on Resize
Use3x3ResizeGrid := NOT Use3x3ResizeGrid
If Use3x3ResizeGrid
Traytip Use 3x3 grid on Resize, The Windows is divided into 9 areas`. If the mouse is not on the corner fields`, direction of resizing is restricted`.,20,1
Traytip Use 2x2 grid on Resize, % "The Windows is divided into 4 areas.`nDirection of resizing can be restricted with " . strname(LockHorizVert_Hotkey2) . ".",20,1
IniWrite, %Use3x3ResizeGrid%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, Use3x3ResizeGrid
; *** MENU: Edit Windows Ignore List ***
TrayTip Add window to Ignore list, Left-Click the window you want to restore the original application-specific hotkey behaviour`.`r`nUse this e.g. for Remote Desktop or imaging applications`., 20, 1
KeyWait, LButton, D ; Wait for left button to be pressed down
MouseGetPos, ,,curwin_id
WinGet currentwinname, ProcessName, ahk_id %curwin_id%
if ( InStr( WindowIgnoreList, currentwinname, CaseSensitive = false ) != 0 )
TrayTip Add window to Ignore list, Application already on Ignore list, 2
WindowIgnoreList := WindowIgnoreList . currentwinname . ","
IniWrite, %WindowIgnoreList%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, WindowIgnoreList
TrayTip Applications now on Ignore list:, %WindowIgnoreList%, 10, 1
TrayTip Remove window from Ignore list, Left-Click the window which you want to control with KDE Mover-Sizer`., 15, 1
KeyWait, LButton, D ; Wait for left button to be pressed down
MouseGetPos, ,,curwin_id
WinGet currentwinname, ProcessName, ahk_id %curwin_id%
currentwinname := currentwinname . ","
StringReplace, WindowIgnoreList, WindowIgnoreList, %currentwinname%
IniWrite, %WindowIgnoreList%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, WindowIgnoreList
TrayTip Applications now on Ignore list:, %WindowIgnoreList%, 10, 1
MsgBox 64, KDE Mover-Sizer Ignore list, Applications currently on Ignore list:`r`n%WindowIgnoreList%
; *** MENU: Change Hotkey settings
IniWrite, !, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, LButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Mouse
IniWrite, !, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, RButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Mouse
IniWrite, !, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Hotkey
IniWrite, MButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Mouse
IniWrite, Alt, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DoubleKey_Hotkey2
IniWrite, Alt, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, QuickPosition_Hotkey2
IniWrite, Shift, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, LockHorizVert_Hotkey2
IniWrite, !^, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey
IniWrite, RButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Mouse
IniWrite, LButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, FreezeSampler_Mouse
If MovingWindow_Mouse = LButton
IniWrite, RButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Mouse
IniWrite, LButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Mouse
IniWrite, LButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Mouse
IniWrite, RButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, FreezeSampler_Mouse
} else
IniWrite, LButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Mouse
IniWrite, RButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Mouse
IniWrite, RButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Mouse
IniWrite, LButton, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, FreezeSampler_Mouse
IniWrite, !, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, !, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, !, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Hotkey
IniWrite, !^, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey
IniWrite, Alt, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DoubleKey_Hotkey2
IniWrite, Alt, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, QuickPosition_Hotkey2
IniWrite, ^+, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, ^+, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, ^+, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Hotkey
IniWrite, !^+, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey
IniWrite, LControl, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DoubleKey_Hotkey2
IniWrite, Control, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, QuickPosition_Hotkey2
IniWrite, ^!, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, ^!, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, ^!, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Hotkey
IniWrite, ^!+, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey
IniWrite, LControl, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DoubleKey_Hotkey2
IniWrite, Alt, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, QuickPosition_Hotkey2
IniWrite, LWin, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DoubleKey_Hotkey2
IniWrite, LWin, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, QuickPosition_Hotkey2
IniWrite, <^>!, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, MovingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, <^>!, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ResizingWindow_Hotkey
IniWrite, <^>!, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, ToggleMaximize_Hotkey
IniWrite, <^>!+, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey
IniWrite, AltGr, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, DoubleKey_Hotkey2
IniWrite, Alt, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Hotkeys, QuickPosition_Hotkey2
; *** MENU: Special features ***
Traytip Toggle Always-on-Top, Left-Click the window you want to keep in the foreground. Redo to restore normal behaviour.,15,1
KeyWait, LButton, D ; Wait for left button to be pressed down
MouseGetPos, ,,curwin_id
WinSet AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, ahk_id %curwin_id%
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Enable Hotkeys to insert Special Characters
EnableSpecialCharacters := NOT EnableSpecialCharacters
IniWrite, %EnableSpecialCharacters%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, EnableSpecialCharacters
If EnableSpecialCharacters
Traytip Key Shortcuts for Special Characters enabled, Use this to create up to 15 key shortcuts to insert special characters`, e.g. for foreign languages.`r`nConfigure hotkeys and characters in Ini file.`r`nExample (default): Press AltGr+c for �.,30,1
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Enable Mouse Wheel Scrolling on inactive Windows
EnableFocuslessScroll := NOT EnableFocuslessScroll
IniWrite, %EnableFocuslessScroll%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, EnableFocuslessScroll
If EnableFocuslessScroll
Traytip Focusless Scrolling enabled, Mouse wheel scrolls window under mouse cursor`, even if it has no focus.`r`n(To include modifier combinations`, set FocuslessScrollModifier (*:any`, ^:Ctrl`, +:Shift) in Ini file. Keep in mind this may not work on all windows!),30,1
Traytip Colour Sampler, % "Click " . strname(DrawGridOverlay_Mouse) . " to save colour to clipboard.`r`nClick " . strname(FreezeSampler_Mouse) . " to freeze sampler position.`r`nPress Control and/or Shift to average colour of surrounding pixels.`r`nCancel with ESC", 30, 1
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Enable Draw grid
EnableDrawGrid := NOT EnableDrawGrid
if EnableDrawGrid
Traytip Drawing Grid Enabled, % "Use " . strname(DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey) . "+" . strname(DrawGridOverlay_Mouse) . "-click to draw grid.`r`nTo change ratio`, press Control (1/4 grid) or Shift (1/3 grid)`r`nor none (golden ratio grid).`r`nClick " . strname(DrawGridOverlay_Mouse) . " to hide it.", 30, 1
IniWrite, %EnableDrawGrid%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, EnableDrawGrid
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Auto-hold grid
DrawGridMouseAutoHold := NOT DrawGridMouseAutoHold
if DrawGridMouseAutoHold
Traytip Drawing Grid Auto Hold, Grid remains after releasing button. Click again or press ESC to remove grid`., 20, 1
IniWrite, %DrawGridMouseAutoHold%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridMouseAutoHold
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Show Grid Measures
DrawGridShowDistance := NOT DrawGridShowDistance
IniWrite, %DrawGridShowDistance%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, DrawGridShowDistance
Menu, MySpecialMenu, ToggleCheck, Show Measures as ToolTip
ShowMeasuresAsToolTip := NOT ShowMeasuresAsToolTip
IniWrite, %ShowMeasuresAsToolTip%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, ShowMeasuresAsToolTip
; *** MENU: General functions
RunWait, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini
menu, tray, ToggleCheck,Enable HotKeys
MsgBox, 4,Be Careful!, % "If you disable the tray icon will have no way to shutdown`r`n"
. "KDE-Mover-Sizer!`r`n`r`n"
. "To revert to the normal behaviour, you will need to set:`r`n`r`n"
. " HideTrayIcon=0`r`n`r`n"
. " your KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini.`r`n`r`n"
. "Are you sure you wish to continue disabling the icon?"
IfMsgBox No
HideTrayIcon = 1
IniWrite, %HideTrayIcon%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Settings, HideTrayIcon
MsgBox,4,About KDE Mover-Sizer.., % "KDE Mover-Sizer.. Version 2.9 (September, 2014)`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. "KDE-Mover-Sizer (created with AutoHotKey: makes it easy`r`n"
. "to move and resize windows without having to position your mouse cursor accurately.`r`n"
. "Simply hold down the " . strname(MovingWindow_Hotkey) . " key, and click or drag anywhere on the window.`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. "During move or resize, use " . strname(LockHorizVert_Hotkey2) . " to lock movements horizontally or vertically.`r`n"
. "During move or resize, (release,) press and hold " . strname(QuickPosition_Hotkey2) . " to quick-fit window into grid. Move mouse to select window position and size.`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. "The shortcuts:`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. " " . strname(MovingWindow_Hotkey) . " + " . strname(MovingWindow_Mouse) . " Button -> Drag to move a window.`r`n"
. " " . strname(ResizingWindow_Hotkey) . " + " . strname(ResizingWindow_Mouse) . " Button -> Drag to resize a window.`r`n"
. " " . strname(ToggleMaximize_Hotkey) . " + " . strname(ToggleMaximize_Mouse) . " Button -> Maximize/Restore a window.`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. " Double-" . strname(DoubleKey_Hotkey2) . " + " . strname(MovingWindow_Mouse) . " Button -> Minimize a window.`r`n"
. " Double-" . strname(DoubleKey_Hotkey2) . " + " . strname(ResizingWindow_Mouse) . " Button -> Maximize/Restore a window. `r`n"
. " Double-" . strname(DoubleKey_Hotkey2) . " + " . strname(ToggleMaximize_Mouse) . " Button -> Close a window.`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. " The Double-" . strname(DoubleKey_Hotkey2) . " modifier is activated by pressing the`r`n"
. " " . strname(DoubleKey_Hotkey2) . " key twice, much like a double-click. Hold the second`r`n"
. " " . strname(DoubleKey_Hotkey2) . "-press down until you click the mouse button. Tada!`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. "For more, see menu and tray info balloons.`r`n"
. "For even more, edit the INI file and the [AddOns] section.`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. "If it doesn't work on all windows, try to run KDE-Mover-Sizer as administrator:`r`n"
. "runas.exe /savecred /user:administrator """ . A_ScriptFullPath . """`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. "Known authors (in alphabetical order)..`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. " aurelian`r`n"
. " Chris`r`n"
. " ck`r`n"
. " Cor`r`n"
. " Jonny`r`n"
. " jordoex`r`n"
. " Matthias Ihmig`r`n"
. " scoox`r`n"
. " shimanov`r`n"
. " thinkstorm`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. "Do you wish to visit the KDE Mover-Sizer web page?`r`n"
IfMsgBox No
else IfMsgBox Yes
Run, http:
; *********************************************************
; ********* Install MOUSE & KEY EVENT handler *************
; *********************************************************
; Set hotkeys for event handlers dynamically
; Details on http:
; and on http:
; Init Catch hotkeys, used to hinder windows to pass them to underlying window
Hotkey, !Escape, CatchEscape1
Hotkey, Escape, CatchEscape2
; Init actual Mover-Sizer hotkeys
Hotkey, %MovingWindow_Hotkey%%MovingWindow_Mouse%, DoMovingWindowMinimize, On
Hotkey, %ResizingWindow_Hotkey%%ResizingWindow_Mouse%, DoResizingWindowMaximize, On
Hotkey, %ToggleMaximize_Hotkey%%ToggleMaximize_Mouse%, DoToggleMaximize, On
Hotkey, %ToggleMaximize_Hotkey%%ToggleMaximize_Mouse% Up, DoToggleMaximize_Up, On
if ( AddOnEnable_DrawGrid )
Hotkey, %DrawGridOverlay_Hotkey%%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, DoDrawGridOverlay, On
; DoubleAlt requires special handling for AltGr (a different KeyWait in OnDoubleKey)
if DoubleKey_Hotkey2 = AltGr
DoubleKey_isAltGr := 1
DoubleKey_Hotkey2 := "LControl & ~RAlt"
; Set Special Characters hotkey handler
if ( AddOnEnable_SpecialCharacters AND EnableSpecialCharacters )
if ( SpecialCharacters_NumberOfActiveHotkeys > 15 )
MsgBox Warning: Maximum number of special character hotkeys (SpecialCharacters_NumberOfActiveHotkeys) is 15.
SpecialCharacters_NumberOfActiveHotkeys := 15
Loop, %SpecialCharacters_NumberOfActiveHotkeys%
IniRead, SpecialCharactersTrig_%A_Index%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersTrig_%A_Index%, <^>!a
IniRead, SpecialCharactersChar_%A_Index%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersChar_%A_Index%, a
val := SpecialCharactersTrig_%A_Index%
Hotkey, %val%, SpecialCharactersLbl_%A_Index%
if ( AddOnEnable_FocuslessScroll AND EnableFocuslessScroll )
Hotkey, %FocuslessScrollModifier%WheelUp, DoFocuslessScrollUp, On
HotKey, %FocuslessScrollModifier%WheelDown, DoFocuslessScrollDown, On
if ( DoubleAltShortcuts )
Hotkey, ~%DoubleKey_Hotkey2%, OnDoubleKey, On
; *********************************************
; *********** ACTION: MOVING WINDOW ***********
; *********************************************
If CheckIsWindowInIgnoreList(WindowIgnoreList)
SendEvent {Blind}{%MovingWindow_Mouse% down}
KeyWait %MovingWindow_Mouse%, U
SendEvent {Blind}{%MovingWindow_Mouse% up}
If DoubleAlt
; This message is mostly equivalent to WinMinimize,
; but it avoids a bug with PSPad.
PostMessage, 0x112,0xf020,,,ahk_id %KDE_id%
DoubleAlt := false
Send {Blind}{%DoubleKey_hotkey2%}
; Vista+ Alt-Tab fix by jordoex..
IfWinActive ahk_class TaskSwitcherWnd
Send {Blind}{%MovingWindow_Mouse%}
; stop the double-key from interfering
if ( DoubleAltShortcuts )
Hotkey, ~%DoubleKey_Hotkey2%, Off
SaveOriginalWindowState() ; and enable ESC keys
If ( NOT ShowWindowWhenDragging )
; Get the initial mouse position and window id, and
; WinRestore if the window is maximized.
MouseGetPos, KDE_X1,KDE_Y1,KDE_id
If ( BringWindowToFront )
WinActivate, ahk_id %KDE_id%
WinGet, KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%
If KDE_Win
WinRestore,ahk_id %KDE_id% ; restore window size
QuickPosition_Button_wasUp := NOT GetKeyState( QuickPosition_Hotkey2, "P" ) ; check that Alt button was released once before window is QuickPositioned.
LockHorizVert_Button_wasUp := NOT GetKeyState( LockHorizVert_Hotkey2, "P" ) ; check that Shift button was released once before movement is locked.
; Get the initial window position.
WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1,KDE_WinW,KDE_WinH,ahk_id %KDE_id%
GetKeyState,KDE_Button,%MovingWindow_Mouse%,P ; Break if button has been released.
If KDE_Button = U
GetKeyState,Esc_Button,Escape,P ; Break if escape button was pressed.
If Esc_Button = D
if ( NOT QuickPosition_Button_wasUp )
QuickPosition_Button_wasUp := NOT GetKeyState( QuickPosition_Hotkey2, "P" )
if ( NOT LockHorizVert_Button_wasUp )
LockHorizVert_Button_wasUp := NOT GetKeyState( LockHorizVert_Hotkey2, "P" )
if ( QuickPosition_Button_wasUp AND GetKeyState( QuickPosition_Hotkey2 , "P" ) ) ; no regular moving, but quickly snap and resize window to screen edge/corner
QuickPositionWindowOnEdge( KDE_WinX2, KDE_WinY2, KDE_WinW2, KDE_WinH2 )
MouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; Get the current mouse position.
KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; Obtain an offset from the initial mouse position.
KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1
if ( LockHorizVert_Button_wasUp AND GetKeyState( LockHorizVert_Hotkey2 , "P" ) ) ; lock mouse to horizontal or vertical movements
if ( abs(KDE_X2) - abs(KDE_Y2) > 0 )
KDE_Y2 := 0 ; lock Y
KDE_X2 := 0 ; lock X
KDE_WinX2 := (KDE_WinX1 + KDE_X2) ; Apply this offset to the window position.
KDE_WinY2 := (KDE_WinY1 + KDE_Y2)
; get current screen boarders for snapping, do this within the loop to allow snapping an all monitors without releasing button
GetCurrentScreenBoarders(CurrentScreenLeft, CurrentScreenRight, CurrentScreenTop, CurrentScreenBottom)
if SnapOnMoveEnabled
if (KDE_WinX2 < CurrentScreenLeft + SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinX2 > CurrentScreenLeft - SnappingDistance)
KDE_WinX2 := CurrentScreenLeft
if (KDE_WinY2 < CurrentScreenTop + SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinY2 > CurrentScreenTop - SnappingDistance)
KDE_WinY2 := CurrentScreenTop
if (KDE_WinX2 + KDE_WinW > CurrentScreenRight - SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinX2 + KDE_WinW < CurrentScreenRight + SnappingDistance)
KDE_WinX2 := CurrentScreenRight - KDE_WinW
if (KDE_WinY2 + KDE_WinH > CurrentScreenBottom - SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinY2 + KDE_WinH < CurrentScreenBottom + SnappingDistance)
KDE_WinY2 := CurrentScreenBottom - KDE_WinH
KDE_WinW2 := KDE_WinW
KDE_WinH2 := KDE_WinH
If ( ShowWindowWhenDragging )
WinMove, ahk_id %KDE_id%,, %KDE_WinX2%, %KDE_WinY2%, %KDE_WinW2%, %KDE_WinH2% ; Move the window to the new position.
DrawRectFrame_Show( KDE_WinX2, KDE_WinY2, KDE_WinW2, KDE_WinH2 )
If ( NOT ShowWindowWhenDragging )
If Esc_Button = U
WinMove, ahk_id %KDE_id%,, %KDE_WinX2%, %KDE_WinY2%, %KDE_WinW2%, %KDE_WinH2% ; Move the window to the new position.
; reenable DoubleKey_Hotkey
if ( DoubleAltShortcuts )
Hotkey, ~%DoubleKey_Hotkey2%, OnDoubleKey, On
; ***********************************************
; *********** ACTION: RESIZING WINDOW ***********
; ***********************************************
If CheckIsWindowInIgnoreList(WindowIgnoreList)
SendEvent {Blind}{%ResizingWindow_Mouse% down}
KeyWait %ResizingWindow_Mouse%, U
SendEvent {Blind}{%ResizingWindow_Mouse% up}
If DoubleAlt
If ( BringWindowToFront )
WinActivate, ahk_id %KDE_id%
; Toggle between maximized and restored state.
WinGet, KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%
If KDE_Win
WinRestore, ahk_id %KDE_id%
WinMaximize, ahk_id %KDE_id%
DoubleAlt := false
Send {Blind}{%DoubleKey_hotkey2%}
; Vista+ Alt-Tab fix by jordoex..
IfWinActive ahk_class TaskSwitcherWnd
Send {Blind}{%ResizingWindow_Mouse%}
; stop the double-key from interfering
if ( DoubleAltShortcuts )
Hotkey, ~%DoubleKey_Hotkey2%, Off
If ( NOT ShowWindowWhenDragging )
; Get the initial mouse position and window id, and
; do WinRestore if the window is maximized.
MouseGetPos, KDE_X1,KDE_Y1,KDE_id
If ( BringWindowToFront )
WinActivate, ahk_id %KDE_id%
WinGet, KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%
If KDE_Win
if DoRestoreOnResize
WinRestore, ahk_id %KDE_id%
GetCurrentScreenBoarders(CurrentScreenLeft, CurrentScreenRight, CurrentScreenTop, CurrentScreenBottom)
WinRestore, ahk_id %KDE_id%
WinMove, ahk_id %KDE_id%,, CurrentScreenLeft ; X of resized window
, CurrentScreenTop ; Y of resized window
, CurrentScreenRight - CurrentScreenLeft ; W of resized window
, CurrentScreenBottom - CurrentScreenTop ; H of resized window
; Get the initial window position and size.
WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1,KDE_WinW, KDE_WinH, ahk_id %KDE_id%
WinGetPos,KDE_WinX2,KDE_WinY2,KDE_WinW2,KDE_WinH2,ahk_id %KDE_id%
; save original position to use for locked magnetic resizing
MouseGetPos, Lock_saveKDE_X1, Lock_saveKDE_Y1
WinGetPos, Lock_saveKDE_WinX2, Lock_saveKDE_WinY2, Lock_saveKDE_WinW2, Lock_saveKDE_WinH2, ahk_id %KDE_id%
; Define the window region the mouse is currently in.
if NOT Use3x3ResizeGrid ; use 2x2 grid
; The four regions are Up and Left, Up and Right, Down and Left, Down and Right
; WinLeft = [-1;1], WinUp = [-1;1]
If (KDE_X1 < KDE_WinX1 + KDE_WinW / 2)
KDE_WinLeft := 1
KDE_WinLeft := -1
If (KDE_Y1 < KDE_WinY1 + KDE_WinH / 2)
KDE_WinUp := 1
KDE_WinUp := -1
else ; use 3x3 grid
; WinLeft = [-1;0;1], WinUp = [-1;0;1]
KDE_WinLeft := 0
KDE_WinUp := 0
If (KDE_X1 < KDE_WinX1 + KDE_WinW / 3)
KDE_WinLeft := 1
If (KDE_X1 > KDE_WinX1 + KDE_WinW *2/3)
KDE_WinLeft := -1
If (KDE_Y1 < KDE_WinY1 + KDE_WinH / 3)
KDE_WinUp := 1
If (KDE_Y1 > KDE_WinY1 + KDE_WinH *2/3)
KDE_WinUp := -1
QuickPosition_Button_wasUp := NOT GetKeyState( QuickPosition_Hotkey2, "P" )
LockHorizVert_Button_wasUp := NOT GetKeyState( LockHorizVert_Hotkey2, "P" )
QuickPosition_wasActive := 0
locked := 0
GetKeyState, KDE_Button,%ResizingWindow_Mouse%,P ; Break if button has been released / pressed twice
If KDE_Button = U
GetKeyState, Esc_Button,Escape,P ; Break if escape button was pressed.
If Esc_Button = D
MouseGetPos,MouseX,MouseY ; Get the current mouse position.
KDE_X2 := MouseX - KDE_X1 ; Obtain an offset from the initial mouse position.
KDE_Y2 := MouseY - KDE_Y1
if ( LockHorizVert_Button_wasUp AND GetKeyState( LockHorizVert_Hotkey2 , "P" ) ) ; lock mouse to horizontal or vertical movements
if (SnapOnSizeEnabled AND SnapOnResizeMagnetic) ; locking during Magnetic Resizing needs special handling because of the way it's updated
if ( locked = 0 )
MouseMove Lock_saveKDE_X1, Lock_saveKDE_Y1
MouseX := Lock_saveKDE_X1
MouseY := Lock_saveKDE_Y1
KDE_WinX2 := Lock_saveKDE_WinX2
KDE_WinY2 := Lock_saveKDE_WinY2
KDE_WinW2 := Lock_saveKDE_WinW2
KDE_WinH2 := Lock_saveKDE_WinH2
KDE_X1 := Lock_saveKDE_X1
KDE_Y1 := Lock_saveKDE_Y1
KDE_X2 := 0
KDE_Y2 := 0
If ( ShowWindowWhenDragging )
WinMove, ahk_id %KDE_id%,, %KDE_WinX2%, %KDE_WinY2%, %KDE_WinW2%, %KDE_WinH2%
DrawRectFrame_Show( KDE_WinX2, KDE_WinY2, KDE_WinW2, KDE_WinH2 )
Loop ; wait until mouse moved to determine locked direction
if ( abs(MouseX-MX)>4 or abs(MouseY-MY)>4 or NOT GetKeyState(LockHorizVert_Hotkey2,"P") or GetKeyState("Escape","P") )
Sleep, 20
if ( abs(MX - MouseX) - abs(MY - MouseY) > 0)
locked := 1 ; lock Y
locked := 2 ; lock X
if ( locked = 1 )
KDE_Y2 := 0
if ( locked = 2 )
KDE_X2 := 0
} else ; locking for default Resizing
if ( abs(KDE_X2) - abs(KDE_Y2) > 0 )
KDE_Y2 := 0 ; lock Y
KDE_X2 := 0 ; lock X
if ( LockHorizVert_Button_wasUp AND NOT GetKeyState( LockHorizVert_Hotkey2 , "P" ) AND locked != 0 )
locked := 0
; snap the window to the edge of the screen if closer than 10 pixels to border
; first, get current screen boarders for snapping, do this within the loop to allow snapping an all monitors without releasing button
; get current screen boarders for snapping, do this within the loop to allow snapping an all monitors without releasing button
GetCurrentScreenBoarders(CurrentScreenLeft, CurrentScreenRight, CurrentScreenTop, CurrentScreenBottom)
if ( NOT QuickPosition_Button_wasUp )
QuickPosition_Button_wasUp := NOT GetKeyState( QuickPosition_Hotkey2, "P" )
if ( NOT LockHorizVert_Button_wasUp )
LockHorizVert_Button_wasUp := NOT GetKeyState( LockHorizVert_Hotkey2, "P" )
if ( QuickPosition_Button_wasUp AND GetKeyState( QuickPosition_Hotkey2, "P") ) ; "quick positioning", Control button must be released once before window is QuickPositioned
if ( NOT QuickPosition_wasActive ) ; save mouse and window position to allow clean switch between magnetic resizing and QuickPositioning
QuickPos_saveMouseX := MouseX
QuickPos_saveMouseY := MouseY
QuickPos_saveKDE_WinX2 := KDE_WinX2
QuickPos_saveKDE_WinY2 := KDE_WinY2
QuickPos_saveKDE_WinW2 := KDE_WinW2
QuickPos_saveKDE_WinH2 := KDE_WinH2
QuickPosition_wasActive := 1
QuickPositionWindowOnEdge( KDE_WinX2, KDE_WinY2, KDE_WinW2, KDE_WinH2 )
else if (SnapOnSizeEnabled AND NOT SnapOnResizeMagnetic) ; "normal" resizing
KDE_WinX2 := (KDE_WinX1 + (KDE_WinLeft =1 ? 1 : 0)*KDE_X2) ; X of resized windows
KDE_WinY2 := (KDE_WinY1 + (KDE_WinUp =1 ? 1 : 0)*KDE_Y2) ; Y of resized windows
KDE_WinW2 := (KDE_WinW - KDE_WinLeft *KDE_X2) ; W of resized windows
KDE_WinH2 := (KDE_WinH - KDE_WinUp *KDE_Y2) ; H of resized windows
if (KDE_WinX2 < CurrentScreenLeft + SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinX2 > CurrentScreenLeft - SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinLeft > 0) {
KDE_WinW2 := KDE_WinW + KDE_WinX1 - CurrentScreenLeft
KDE_WinX2 := CurrentScreenLeft
if (KDE_WinY2 < CurrentScreenTop + SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinY2 > CurrentScreenTop - SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinUp > 0) {
KDE_WinH2 := KDE_WinH + KDE_WinY1 - CurrentScreenTop
KDE_WinY2 := CurrentScreenTop
if (KDE_WinX2 + KDE_WinW2 > CurrentScreenRight - SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinX2 + KDE_WinW2 < CurrentScreenRight + SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinLeft < 0) {
KDE_WinW2 := - KDE_WinX1 + CurrentScreenRight
if (KDE_WinY2 + KDE_WinH2 > CurrentScreenBottom - SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinY2 + KDE_WinH2 < CurrentScreenBottom + SnappingDistance) AND (KDE_WinUp < 0) {
KDE_WinH2 := - KDE_WinY1 + CurrentScreenBottom
else if (SnapOnSizeEnabled AND SnapOnResizeMagnetic) ; Magnetic Edges resize the window but keep the edge "locked"
if (QuickPosition_wasActive) ; restore previous mouse and window position to ensure clean switch between Magnetic resizing and QuickPositioning
MouseMove QuickPos_saveMouseX, QuickPos_saveMouseY
MouseX := QuickPos_saveMouseX
MouseY := QuickPos_saveMouseY
KDE_WinX2 := QuickPos_saveKDE_WinX2
KDE_WinY2 := QuickPos_saveKDE_WinY2
KDE_WinW2 := QuickPos_saveKDE_WinW2
KDE_WinH2 := QuickPos_saveKDE_WinH2
KDE_X2 := QuickPos_saveMouseX - KDE_X1
KDE_Y2 := QuickPos_saveMouseY - KDE_Y1
QuickPosition_wasActive := 0
; Get the current window position and size.
KDE_WinX1 := KDE_WinX2
KDE_WinY1 := KDE_WinY2
KDE_WinW := KDE_WinW2
KDE_WinH := KDE_WinH2
if (KDE_WinX1 < CurrentScreenLeft + SnappingDistance) ;AND (KDE_WinX1 > CurrentScreenLeft - SnappingDistance)
KDE_WinX1 := CurrentScreenLeft
if (KDE_WinY1 < CurrentScreenTop + SnappingDistance) ;AND (KDE_WinY1 > CurrentScreenTop - SnappingDistance)
KDE_WinY1 := CurrentScreenTop
if (KDE_WinX1 + KDE_WinW > CurrentScreenRight - SnappingDistance) ;AND (KDE_WinX1 + KDE_WinW < CurrentScreenRight + SnappingDistance)
KDE_WinX1 := CurrentScreenRight - KDE_WinW
if (KDE_WinY1 + KDE_WinH > CurrentScreenBottom - SnappingDistance) ;AND (KDE_WinY1 + KDE_WinH < CurrentScreenBottom + SnappingDistance)
KDE_WinY1 := CurrentScreenBottom - KDE_WinH
KDE_WinX2 := (KDE_WinX1 + (KDE_WinLeft =1 ? 1 : 0)*KDE_X2) ; X of resized windows
KDE_WinY2 := (KDE_WinY1 + (KDE_WinUp =1 ? 1 : 0)*KDE_Y2) ; Y of resized windows
KDE_WinW2 := (KDE_WinW - KDE_WinLeft *KDE_X2) ; W of resized windows
KDE_WinH2 := (KDE_WinH - KDE_WinUp *KDE_Y2) ; H of resized windows
KDE_X1 := MouseX ; Reset the initial position for the next iteration.
KDE_Y1 := MouseY
else ; no snapping, just resizing
KDE_WinX2 := (KDE_WinX1 + (KDE_WinLeft =1 ? 1 : 0)*KDE_X2) ; X of resized windows
KDE_WinY2 := (KDE_WinY1 + (KDE_WinUp =1 ? 1 : 0)*KDE_Y2) ; Y of resized windows
KDE_WinW2 := (KDE_WinW - KDE_WinLeft *KDE_X2) ; W of resized windows
KDE_WinH2 := (KDE_WinH - KDE_WinUp *KDE_Y2) ; H of resized windows
; Then, act according to the defined region.
If ( ShowWindowWhenDragging )
WinMove, ahk_id %KDE_id%,, %KDE_WinX2%, %KDE_WinY2%, %KDE_WinW2%, %KDE_WinH2%
DrawRectFrame_Show( KDE_WinX2, KDE_WinY2, KDE_WinW2, KDE_WinH2 )
Sleep, 1
If ( NOT ShowWindowWhenDragging )
If Esc_Button = U
WinMove, ahk_id %KDE_id%,, %KDE_WinX2%, %KDE_WinY2%, %KDE_WinW2%, %KDE_WinH2% ; Move the window to the new position.
; reenable DoubleKey_Hotkey
if ( DoubleAltShortcuts )
Hotkey, ~%DoubleKey_Hotkey2%, OnDoubleKey, On
; *************************************************************
; *********** ACTION: TOGGLE Maximize/Original size ***********
; *************************************************************
If CheckIsWindowInIgnoreList(WindowIgnoreList)
SendEvent {Blind}{%ToggleMaximize_Mouse% down}
KeyWait %ToggleMaximize_Mouse%, U
SendEvent {Blind}{%ToggleMaximize_Mouse% up}
; For Double-Alt + middle Button: Close Window
If DoubleAlt
MouseGetPos, ,,KDE_id
WinClose, ahk_id %KDE_id%
DoubleAlt := false
Send {Blind}{%DoubleKey_hotkey2%}
; Toggle window Maximize/Original size with Alt+Middle mouse button
If MayToggle
; Toggle between maximized and restored state of window under mouse cursor
MouseGetPos, ,,KDE_id
WinGet, KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%
If KDE_Win
WinRestore, ahk_id %KDE_id%
WinMaximize, ahk_id %KDE_id%
MayToggle := false
MayToggle := true
; ********************************************************************************
; ******* This detects "double-clicks" of the alt/DoubleKey_hotkey2 key. *******
; ********************************************************************************
if ( DoubleAltShortcuts )
DoubleAlt := A_PriorHotKey = "~"DoubleKey_hotkey2 AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < DoubleModifierKey_MaxDelay_ms
Sleep 0
if DoubleKey_isAltGr
KeyWait RAlt
KeyWait %DoubleKey_hotkey2% ; This prevents the keyboard's auto-repeat feature from interfering.
; *******************************************************************************
; ************* ACTION: DRAW GRID OVERLAY, e.g. to analyze images ***************
; *******************************************************************************
; Default Trigger: Control+Alt+Right + mousebutton
; - overlay a golden ratio, 3x3 or 4x4 grid, to find out why those other images always looks so great.
; - Position, Size, length of diagonal and ratio of grid is shown in Tooltip or balloon (configurable)
; - HINT: Move the tooltip with Alt+Left(default moving hotkey) mouse button to new destination and confirm with Right click.
; This position will be used the next time . Edit INI to change how grid looks, e.g. for a thinner 2px black grid, set:
; DrawGridColour=Black and DrawGridGUIOptions=-Border and DrawGridWidth=2
; Keys:
; - Use Ctrl, Shift or both to toggle grid ratio
; - Use Right click or ESC to abort
If CheckIsWindowInIgnoreList(WindowIgnoreList) OR NOT EnableDrawGrid
SendEvent {Blind}{%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse% down}
KeyWait %DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, U
SendEvent {Blind}{%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse% up}
CatchGridButtonHotkey() ; Catch %DrawGridOverlay_Mouse% mouse button and don't pass it to underlying app
MouseGetPos,Mouse_X1,Mouse_Y1,curwin_id ; Get the current mouse position.
Loop, 12
Gui, %A_Index%: -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTOp +OwnDialogs %DrawGridGUIOptions%
Gui, %A_Index%: Color, %DrawGridColour%
ButtonOnce := 0
KeyLast := 0
KeyToggle := 0
Hotkey, Escape, On ; Catch ESC to stop underlying app to handle it
If ( GetKeyState("Escape","P") ) ; Break if escape button was pressed.
GetKeyState, KDE_Button,%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%,P ; Break if button has been released (and AutoHold is off). Otherwise, freeze grid
If KDE_Button = U
If DrawGridMouseAutoHold = 1
If ( ButtonOnce = 0 )
ButtonOnce = 1
If ButtonOnce = 1
If KDE_Button = D
GetKeyState, KDE_Ctrl,Control,P ; Toggle 3x3 and 4x4 grid with Control key
GetKeyState, KDE_Shift,Shift,P ; Toggle golden cut and 1/3 grid with Shift key
If ButtonOnce = 0
Loop ; wait with graphics update until mouse moved or keys were pressed/released
GetKeyState, KDE_Ctrl_new, Control,P
GetKeyState, KDE_Shift_new,Shift,P
MouseGetPos, MX,MY ; Get the current mouse position.
if ( MX != Mouse_X2 or MY != Mouse_Y2 or NOT GetKeyState(DrawGridOverlay_Mouse,"P") or GetKeyState("Escape","P") )
if ( KDE_Ctrl_new != KDE_KCtrl or KDE_Shift_new != KDE_Shift )
KDE_Ctrl := KDE_Ctrl_new
KDE_Shift := KDE_Shift_new
Sleep, 20
Mouse_X2 = %MX%
Mouse_Y2 = %MY%
WinX := min( Mouse_X1, Mouse_X2 )
WinY := min( Mouse_Y1, Mouse_Y2 )
WinW := abs( Mouse_X1 - Mouse_X2 )
WinH := abs( Mouse_Y1 - Mouse_Y2 )
If ( KDE_Ctrl = "D" AND KDE_Shift = "U" ) { ; draw 1/4 grid
WX1 := WinX
WX2 := WinX + 1/4 * WinW
WX3 := WinX + 2/4 * WinW
WX4 := WinX + 3/4 * WinW
WX5 := WinX + 4/4 * WinW
WX6 := WinX + 4/4 * WinW
WY1 := WinY
WY2 := WinY + 1/4 * WinH
WY3 := WinY + 2/4 * WinH
WY4 := WinY + 3/4 * WinH
WY5 := WinY + 4/4 * WinH
WY6 := WinY + 4/4 * WinH
If KeyLast != 1
KeyToggle = 1
KeyLast = 1
If ( KDE_Ctrl = "U" AND KDE_Shift = "D" ) { ; draw 1/3 grid
WX1 := WinX
WX2 := WinX + 1/3 * WinW
WX3 := WinX + 2/3 * WinW
WX4 := WinX + 3/3 * WinW
WX5 := WinX + 3/3 * WinW
WX6 := WinX + 3/3 * WinW
WY1 := WinY
WY2 := WinY + 1/3 * WinH
WY3 := WinY + 2/3 * WinH
WY4 := WinY + 3/3 * WinH
WY5 := WinY + 3/3 * WinH
WY6 := WinY + 3/3 * WinH
If KeyLast != 2
KeyToggle = 1
KeyLast = 2
If ( KDE_Shift = "D" AND KDE_Ctrl = "D" ) { ; draw complex golden rule grid
WX1 := WinX + 0.382 * WinW
WX2 := WinX + 0.382*0.382 * WinW
WX3 := WinX + 0.382*0.618 * WinW
WX4 := WinX + (0.618 + 0.382*0.382) * WinW
WX5 := WinX + (0.618 + 0.382*0.618) * WinW
WX6 := WinX + 0.618 * WinW
WY1 := WinY + 0.382 * WinH
WY2 := WinY + 0.382*0.382 * WinH
WY3 := WinY + 0.382*0.618 * WinH
WY4 := WinY + (0.618 + 0.382*0.382) * WinH
WY5 := WinY + (0.618 + 0.382*0.618) * WinH
WY6 := WinY + 0.618 * WinH
If KeyLast != 3
KeyToggle = 1
KeyLast = 3
If ( KDE_Ctrl = "U" AND KDE_Shift = "U" ) { ; draw simple golden rule grid
WX1 := WinX
WX2 := WinX + 0.382 * WinW
WX3 := WinX + 0.618 * WinW
WX4 := WinX + 3/3 * WinW
WX5 := WinX + 3/3 * WinW
WX6 := WinX + 3/3 * WinW
WY1 := WinY
WY2 := WinY + 0.382 * WinH ; 1/3 * WinH
WY3 := WinY + 0.618 * WinH ; 2/3 * WinH
WY4 := WinY + 3/3 * WinH
WY5 := WinY + 3/3 * WinH
WY6 := WinY + 3/3 * WinH
If KeyLast != 4
KeyToggle = 1
KeyLast = 4
Gui, 1: Show, % "x" WX1 " y" WinY " w" DrawGridWidth " h" WinH " NoActivate"
Gui, 2: Show, % "x" WX2 " y" WinY " w" DrawGridWidth " h" WinH " NoActivate"
Gui, 3: Show, % "x" WX3 " y" WinY " w" DrawGridWidth " h" WinH " NoActivate"
Gui, 4: Show, % "x" WX4 " y" WinY " w" DrawGridWidth " h" WinH " NoActivate"
Gui, 5: Show, % "x" WX5 " y" WinY " w" DrawGridWidth " h" WinH " NoActivate"
Gui, 6: Show, % "x" WX6 " y" WinY " w" DrawGridWidth " h" WinH " NoActivate"
Gui, 7: Show, % "x" WinX " y" WY1 " h" DrawGridWidth " w" WinW " NoActivate"
Gui, 8: Show, % "x" WinX " y" WY2 " h" DrawGridWidth " w" WinW " NoActivate"
Gui, 9: Show, % "x" WinX " y" WY3 " h" DrawGridWidth " w" WinW " NoActivate"
Gui,10: Show, % "x" WinX " y" WY4 " h" DrawGridWidth " w" WinW " NoActivate"
Gui,11: Show, % "x" WinX " y" WY5 " h" DrawGridWidth " w" WinW " NoActivate"
Gui,12: Show, % "x" WinX " y" WY6 " h" DrawGridWidth " w" WinW " NoActivate"
If ( (DrawGridShowDistance AND NOT ButtonOnce) OR (DrawGridShowDistance AND KeyToggle) )
dist := Round( sqrt( WinH * WinH + WinW * WinW ), 2)
ratio := WinW / WinH
if (ratio < 1)
ratio := WinH / WinW
ratio1_1 := Round(ratio, 3)
ratio3_2 := Round(2*ratio, 3)
ratio4_3 := Round(3*ratio, 3)
ratio16_9 := Round(9*ratio, 3)
if (ShowMeasuresAsToolTip) {
ToolTip, Grid Measures:`r`nX: %WinX%`, Y: %WinY% `r`nW: %WinW%`, H: %WinH% `r`nDiagonal: %dist%`r`nRatio: %ratio1_1%:1`, %ratio3_2%:2`, %ratio4_3%:3`, %ratio16_9%:9, %ShowMeasuresToolTip_X%, %ShowMeasuresToolTip_Y%
} else
Traytip Grid Measures, X: %WinX%`, Y: %WinY% `r`nW: %WinW%`, H: %WinH% `r`nDiagonal: %dist%`r`nRatio: %ratio1_1%:1`, %ratio3_2%:2`, %ratio4_3%:3`, %ratio16_9%:9, 100, 0
Sleep, 10
; Refresh window under grid (required for GIMP). Workaround for WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %curwin_id% (didn't work)
DllCall("RedrawWindow", "Uint", curwin_id , "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0x81) ; Workaround for WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %curwin_id% (didn't work for Gimp)
KeyToggle = 0
Sleep, 20
; remove grid lines
Loop, 12
Gui, %A_Index%: Cancel
DllCall("RedrawWindow", "Uint", curwin_id , "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0x81) ; Workaround for WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %curwin_id% (didn't work for Gimp)
; save (new) tooltip position
; there seems no way to filter for our own tooltip, so we recognize it by height. Ours has 68 pixels.
WinGetPos, WX, WY, WW, WH, ahk_class tooltips_class32
if (DrawGridShowDistance AND ShowMeasuresAsToolTip AND WH = 68)
WinGetPos, WX, WY, WW, WH, ahk_class tooltips_class32
ShowMeasuresToolTip_X = %WX%
ShowMeasuresToolTip_Y = %WY%
IniWrite, %ShowMeasuresTooltip_X%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, ShowMeasuresToolTip_X
IniWrite, %ShowMeasuresTooltip_Y%, KDE_Mover-Sizer.ini, Special, ShowMeasuresToolTip_Y
DisableGridButtonHotkey() ; Disable catcher for %DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%
Hotkey, Escape, Off
; ***************************************************************************************
; ************* ACTION: Do colour sampler, end with DrawGridButton or ESC **************
; ***************************************************************************************
; Colour Sampler: shows RGB+HSV colour of pixel(s) under cursor as tooltip or balloon (configurable)
; Keys:
; - Right mousebutton: copies colour to clipboard
; - ESC: abort
; - Control/Shift: change size of averaging area: get colour average of 3x3, 5x5 and 7x7 pixels around cursor
global ShowMeasuresAsToolTip, DrawGridOverlay_Mouse, FreezeSampler_Mouse
CatchGridButtonHotkey() ; Catch %DrawGridOverlay_Mouse% mouse button and don't pass it to underlying app
FreezeSamplerPosition := GetKeyState( FreezeSampler_Mouse ,"P")
MouseGetPos, MXl, MYl
KCtrl_last := GetKeyState("Control","P")
KShift_last := GetKeyState("Shift","P")
Loop ; wait until mouse moved or keys were pressed/released
if ( MXl != MX or MYl != MY or GetKeyState(DrawGridOverlay_Mouse,"P") or GetKeyState("Escape","P") )
if ( GetKeyState("Control","P") != KCtrl_last or GetKeyState("Shift","P") != KShift_last or GetKeyState(FreezeSampler_Mouse,"P"))
Sleep, 20
if ( GetKeyState(DrawGridOverlay_Mouse,"P") or GetKeyState("Escape","P") )
AvgSize := 0
if ( GetKeyState("Control","P") )
AvgSize += 1
if ( GetKeyState("Shift","P") )
AvgSize += 2
FreezeSamplerPosition := FreezeSamplerPosition OR GetKeyState(FreezeSampler_Mouse,"P")
if ( NOT FreezeSamplerPosition )
MouseGetPos, PosX, PosY
mycolour := getAvgPixelGetColor( PosX, PosY, AvgSize )
; split color to RGB and convert RGB to HSV
cR := (mycolour>>16) & 255
cG := (mycolour>>8) & 255
cB := mycolour & 255
cH := 0
cS := 0
cMin := min(min(cR, cG), cB)
cMax := max(max(cR, cG), cB)
cChr := cMax - cMin
if (cChr != 0) {
if (cR = cMax) {
cH := (cG - cB) / cChr
if (cH < 0)
cH := cH + 6
} else if (cG = cMax)
cH := ((cB - cR) / cChr) + 2
cH := ((cR - cG) / cChr) + 4
cH := cH * 60
cS := cChr / cMax
cV := cMax / 2.55
SetFormat, Integer, hex
mycolour += 0
mycolourhex := mycolour . ""
SetFormat, Integer, d
StringRight, mycolourhex, mycolourhex, StrLen(mycolourhex)-2
mycolourhex := "00000000" . mycolourhex
StringRight, mycolourhex, mycolourhex, 6
str := "RGB: . mycolourhex . "`r`nR: " cR " G: " cG " B: " cB "`r`nH: " Round(cH) " S: " Round(cS*100) " V: " Round(cV)
w := AvgSize*2 +1
if ( ShowMeasuresAsToolTip ) {
ToolTip Colour Sampler: (%w%x%w% pixel)`r`n%str%, % (PosX+1), % (PosY+1)
} else
Traytip Colour Sampler (%w%x%w% pixel), %str%, 100, 0
Sleep, 20
if GetKeyState(DrawGridOverlay_Mouse,"P")
clipboard := " . mycolourhex
DisableGridButtonHotkey() ; Disable catcher for GridButton
; helper function for DoColourSampler: gets the average pixel colour around MX/MY
; avg=0: 1x1 (single pixel), avg=1: 3x3 (9px), avg=2: 5x5 (25px), avg=3: 7x7 (49px), ...
getAvgPixelGetColor( MX, MY, avg )
cR := 0
cG := 0
cB := 0
Loop % (avg*2+1)
l = %A_Index%
Loop % (avg*2+1)
m = %A_Index%
PixelGetColor, mycolour, MX-avg+m-1, MY-avg+l-1, Slow|RGB
cR := cR + ((mycolour>>16) & 255)
cG := cG + ((mycolour>>8) & 255)
cB := cB + (mycolour & 255)
n := ( avg*2+1 ) * ( avg*2+1 )
r := ((cR/n)<<16 | (cG/n)<<8 | (cB/n))
return r
; ****************************************************************************************************************
; ************* ACTION Helper: Quickly position and resize window on edge/grid during Move/Resize ***************
; ****************************************************************************************************************
QuickPositionWindowOnEdge(ByRef X2, ByRef Y2, ByRef W2, ByRef H2)
; Resize&Snapping Areas:
; Off X,Y W,H QkSize X,Y W,H Off_l
; 0 0 1/4 =[1] [0] [1] 1
; 1/16 0 1/3 =[2] [0] [2] 2
; 2/16 0 0.382 =[3] [0] [3] 3
; 3/16 0 1/2 =[4] [0] [4] 4
; 4/16 0 0.618 [0] 1-[3] 5
; 5/16 0 2/3 [0] 1-[2] 6
; 6/16 0 3/4 [0] 1-[1] 7
; 7/16 0 1 [0] 1-[0] 8
; 8/16 0 1 1-W,H 1-[0] 8
; 9/16 1/4 3/4 1-W,H 1-[1] 7
; 10/16 1/3 2/3 1-W,H 1-[2] 6
; 11/16 0.382 0.618 1-W,H 1-[3] 5
; 12/16 1/2 1/2 1-W,H [4] 4
; 13/16 0.618 0.382 1-W,H [3] 3
; 14/16 2/3 1/3 1-W,H [2] 2
; 15/16 3/4 1/4 1-W,H [1] 1
QuickSize0 := 0
QuickSize1 := 1/4
QuickSize2 := 1/3
QuickSize3 := 0.382
QuickSize4 := 1/2
; Center: (at 7/16 <= .. < 9/16)
; Off X+Y X=Y, W=H
; outer: 1
; middle: 0.66
; inner: 0.333
GetCurrentScreenBoarders(scrLeft, scrRight, scrTop, scrBottom)
scrWidth := scrRight - scrLeft
scrHeight := scrBottom - scrTop
MouseGetPos, WinCenterX,WinCenterY
WinCenterXl := WinCenterX - scrLeft
WinCenterYl := WinCenterY - scrTop
OffX := Floor( (16 * WinCenterXl) / scrWidth) ; floor divide to obtain OffX 0..15
OffY := Floor( (16 * WinCenterYl) / scrHeight) ; floor divide to obtain OffY 0..15
OffX_l := OffX + 1
OffY_l := OffY + 1
if ( OffX >= 8 )
OffX_l := 16 - OffX
if ( OffY >= 8 )
OffY_l := 16 - OffY
M8mOffX_l := 8 - OffX_l
M8mOffY_l := 8 - OffY_l
if ( abs(WinCenterXl - scrWidth /2) < scrWidth /16*0.33
AND abs(WinCenterYl - scrHeight/2) < scrHeight/16*0.33 ) ; is the inner center
X2 := scrLeft + 0.33 * scrWidth
Y2 := scrTop + 0.33 * scrHeight
W2 := scrWidth * 0.33
H2 := scrHeight * 0.33
else if ( abs(WinCenterXl - scrWidth /2) < scrWidth /16*0.66
AND abs(WinCenterYl - scrHeight/2) < scrHeight/16*0.66 ) ; is the middle center
X2 := scrLeft + 0.25 * scrWidth
Y2 := scrTop + 0.25 * scrHeight
W2 := scrWidth * 0.5
H2 := scrHeight * 0.5
else if ( abs(WinCenterXl - scrWidth /2) < scrWidth /16*1
AND abs(WinCenterYl - scrHeight/2) < scrHeight/16*1 ) ; is the outer center
X2 := scrLeft + 0.382*0.382 * scrWidth
Y2 := scrTop + 0.382*0.382 * scrHeight
W2 := scrWidth * ( 1 - 2*0.382*0.382)
H2 := scrHeight * ( 1 - 2*0.382*0.382)
else ; is one of the outer squares
if ( OffX_l <= 4 )
W2 := scrWidth * QuickSize%OffX_l%
W2 := scrWidth * (1 - QuickSize%M8mOffX_l%)
if ( OffX < 8)
X2 := scrLeft
X2 := scrLeft + scrWidth - W2
if ( OffY_l <= 4 )
H2 := scrHeight * QuickSize%OffY_l%
H2 := scrHeight * (1 - QuickSize%M8mOffY_l%)
if ( OffY < 8)
Y2 := scrTop
Y2 := scrTop + scrHeight - H2
; ***********************************************************************************************************
; ************* ACTION: Scroll windows under mouse cursor, even if not active (shimanov, scoox) ********
; ***********************************************************************************************************
FocuslessScroll( FocuslessScrollSpeed )
FocuslessScroll( -FocuslessScrollSpeed )
MouseGetPos, m_x, m_y, WinID, Control1
MouseGetPos, m_x, m_y, , Control2, 2
MouseGetPos,,,, Control3, 3
;TrayTip,, winid %WinID% ctl1 _%Control1%_ ctl2 _%Control2%_ ctl3 _%Control3%_
wParam := Scrollstep << 16
wParam := wParam | 0x4
wParam := wParam | 0x8
If(Control2 = "")
PostMessage, 0x20A, wParam, (m_y << 16) | (m_x &0xFFFF),, ahk_id %WinID% ; SendMessage does not work for TotalCommander Lister
;SendMessage, 0x1, wParam, (m_y << 16) | (m_x &0xFFFF),, ahk_id %WinID%
If(Control2 != Control3)
SendMessage, 0x20A, wParam, (m_y << 16) | (m_x &0xFFFF),, ahk_id %Control3%
SendMessage, 0x20A, wParam, (m_y << 16) | (m_x &0xFFFF),, ahk_id %Control2%
; *******************************************************
; ************* General Helper Functions ***************
; *******************************************************
; get current screen boarders for monitor where mouse cursor is
GetCurrentScreenBoarders(ByRef CurrentScreenLeft, ByRef CurrentScreenRight, ByRef CurrentScreenTop, ByRef CurrentScreenBottom)
; get current screen boarders for snapping, do this within the loop to allow snapping an all monitors without releasing button
SysGet, MonitorCount, MonitorCount
Loop, %MonitorCount%
SysGet, MonitorWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea, %A_Index%
if (Mouse_X >= MonitorWorkAreaLeft) AND (Mouse_X <= MonitorWorkAreaRight) AND (Mouse_Y >= MonitorWorkAreaTop) AND (Mouse_Y <= MonitorWorkAreaBottom)
CurrentScreenLeft := MonitorWorkAreaLeft
CurrentScreenRight := MonitorWorkAreaRight
CurrentScreenTop := MonitorWorkAreaTop
CurrentScreenBottom := MonitorWorkAreaBottom
; Draw rectangular frame on screen - set attributes
Loop, 4 {
Gui, %A_Index%: -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTOp +OwnDialogs %DrawGridGUIOptions%
Gui, %A_Index%: Color, %DrawGridColour%
; Draw rectangular frame on screen - do the actual drawing
DrawRectFrame_Show( KDE_WinX2, KDE_WinY2, KDE_WinW2, KDE_WinH2 )
Gui, 1: Show, % "x" KDE_WinX2-2 " y" KDE_WinY2-2 " w" DrawGridWidth+1 " h" KDE_WinH2 " NoActivate"
Gui, 2: Show, % "x" KDE_WinX2-2 " y" KDE_WinY2-2 " w" KDE_WinW2 " h" DrawGridWidth+1 " NoActivate"
Gui, 3: Show, % "x" KDE_WinX2+KDE_WinW2-2 " y" KDE_WinY2-2 " w" DrawGridWidth+1 " h" KDE_WinH2 " NoActivate"
Gui, 4: Show, % "x" KDE_WinX2-2 " y" KDE_WinY2+KDE_WinH2-2 " w" KDE_WinW2 " h" DrawGridWidth+1 " NoActivate"
; Draw rectangular frame on screen - hide frame
Loop, 4
Gui, %A_Index%: Cancel
;DllCall("RedrawWindow", "Uint", curwin_id , "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0x81) ; Workaround for WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %curwin_id% (didn't work for Gimp)
; returns 1 if Window at current Mouse position is in Window Ignore list
WinGet currentwinname, ProcessName, ahk_id %curwin_id%
res := (InStr( WindowIgnoreList, currentwinname, CaseSensitive = false ) != 0)
return res
; returns the smaller of two values
min( a, b )
minimum := a
if (b < a)
minimum := b
return minimum
; returns the greater of two values
max( a, b )
maximum := a
if (b > a)
maximum := b
return maximum
; functions to change the mouse cursor to cross and restore it
CursorHandle := DllCall( "LoadCursor", Uint,0, Int,32515 ) ; load new cursor (32515:Cross)
DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,CursorHandle, Int,32512 ) ; overwrite arrow new cursor
DllCall( "SystemParametersInfo", UInt,0x57, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0 ) ; restore systems cursors
; save current window state to allow restore on Escape
global orig_WinID,orig_isMax, orig_WinX,orig_WinY,orig_WinW,orig_WinH, orig_MouseX, orig_MouseY
MouseGetPos, ,,orig_WinID
WinGet, orig_isMax,MinMax,ahk_id %orig_WinID%
WinGetPos, orig_WinX,orig_WinY,orig_WinW,orig_WinH,ahk_id %orig_WinID%
MouseGetPos, orig_MouseX,orig_MouseY
Hotkey, !Escape, On
Hotkey, Escape, On
; restore saved window state on Escape
global orig_WinID,orig_isMax, orig_WinX,orig_WinY,orig_WinW,orig_WinH, orig_MouseX, orig_MouseY
WinMove ahk_id %orig_WinID%,, orig_WinX,orig_WinY,orig_WinW,orig_WinH
WinGet, current_isMax,MinMax,ahk_id %orig_WinID%
if current_isMax AND NOT orig_isMax
WinRestore, ahk_id %orig_WinID%
if ! current_isMax AND orig_isMax
WinMaximize, ahk_id %orig_WinID%
; returns readable name for hotkey
strname( key )
if (key = "!" )
return "Alt"
if (key = "!^" or key = "^!")
return "Ctrl+Alt"
if (key = "^" )
return "Ctrl"
if (key = "^+" )
return "Ctrl+Shift"
if (key = "^+" )
return "Ctrl+Shift"
if (key = "^!+" or key = "!^+")
return "Ctrl+Shift+Alt"
if (key = ")
return "LeftWin"
if (key = ")
return "Ctrl+LeftWin"
if (key = "<^>!")
return "AltGr"
if (key = "<^>!+")
return "AltGr+Shift"
if (key = "LControl & ~RAlt")
return "AltGr"
if (key = "LButton")
return "Left"
if (key = "RButton")
return "Right"
if (key = "MButton")
return "Middle"
return key
Hotkey, !Escape, Off
Hotkey, Escape, Off
global ; DrawGridOverlay_Mouse
if ( DoubleAltShortcuts )
Hotkey, ~%DoubleKey_Hotkey2%, Off ; stop the double-key from interfering with colour sampler
Hotkey, %DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, CatchGridButton, On
Hotkey, ^%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, CatchGridButtonCtrl, On
Hotkey, +%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, CatchGridButtonShift, On
Hotkey, ^+%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, CatchGridButtonCtrlShift, On
global DrawGridOverlay_Mouse
Hotkey, %DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, Off
Hotkey, ^%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, Off
Hotkey, +%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, Off
Hotkey, ^+%DrawGridOverlay_Mouse%, Off
Init_SetHotkeyHandler() ; reenable original hotkeys
; These are the labels required to handle SpecialCharacters key remapping
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_1%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_2%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_3%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_4%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_5%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_6%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_7%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_8%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_9%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_10%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_11%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_12%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_13%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_14%
Send %SpecialCharactersChar_15%
; One (static) hotkey must always be enabled - otherwise, (dynamic) mouse hotkeys won't work for some reason
; This hotkey Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F9 does nothing and is passed on, just makes sure dynamic mouse hotkeys don't disappear
;SendEvent {Blind}{F9 down}
;KeyWait F9, U
;SendEvent {Blind}{F9 up}
;ProductName := "KDE Mover-Sizer"
;ProductVersion := 2.9
;ProductPublisher := ""
;ProductWebsite := "http: