uses cookies to remember that you've seen this notice explaining that uses cookies, okay!
<?php // ۞// text { encoding:utf-8 ; bom:no ; linebreaks:unix ; tabs:4sp ; }
// begin by sending the correct header..
header('content-type: application/rss+xml');
// for my site logger, and other stuff
@include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/init.php';
// note, if your config files are included before the following line
// and there is any whitespace outside your php tags, the feed will fail.
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',"\n\n";
// log the hit..
//include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/logger.php';
outputs an xml rdf (RSS 1.0 spec) feed for corzblog
(would be easy enough to adapt for other purposes)
© 2004 cor
this file allows you to "syndicate" your blogs, so anyone with a
half-decent news aggregator can grab your "headlines", live.
pretty cool.
if you don't have a news aggregator, get one, it could quite
literally change your life, at least your online life. You can
look at this page in a web browser, but that's no fun.
you can edit these elements directly, over-riding init.php,
except generator admin tags, of course.
echo '<rdf:RDF',"\n";
echo ' xmlns:rdf=""',"\n";
echo ' xmlns=""',"\n";
echo ' xmlns:dc=""',"\n";
echo ' xmlns:sy=""',"\n";
echo ' xmlns:admin="">',"\n\n";
echo '<channel rdf:about="',$corzblog['blog_url'],'">',"\n";
echo ' <title>',$corzblog['mysite'],'</title>',"\n";
echo ' <link>',$corzblog['blog_url'],'</link>',"\n";
echo ' <description>',htmlentities($corzblog['description']),' .. powered by corzblog</description>',"\n\n";
echo ' <dc:language>en-gb</dc:language>',"\n";
echo ' <dc:coverage>worldwide</dc:coverage>',"\n";
echo ' <dc:rights>content (c) ',$corzblog['host'],' - ',date("Y"),
' .. corzblog powered syndication (c) 2003 - ',date("Y"),'</dc:rights>',"\n";
echo ' <dc:date>',$today,'</dc:date>',"\n"; // must be in correct (W3DTF) format
echo ' <dc:publisher>',$corzblog['host'],'</dc:publisher>',"\n";
echo ' <dc:creator>',$corzblog['blogger'],'(',mail_mash($corzblog['mail_addy']),')</dc:creator>',"\n";
echo ' <dc:subject>',$corzblog['mysite'],'</dc:subject>',"\n";
echo ' <sy:updatePeriod>daily</sy:updatePeriod>',"\n";
echo ' <sy:updateFrequency>2</sy:updateFrequency>',"\n\n"; // update twice-daily
// I would consider removal of the next two lines an act of violence..
echo ' <admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource="" />',"\n";
echo ' <admin:errorReportsTo rdf:resource="',$corzblog['version'],'"/>',"\n\n";
echo ' <image rdf:resource="',$corzblog['blog_url'],'inc/img/corzblog.png" />',"\n\n";
echo ' <items>',"\n";
echo ' <rdf:Seq>',"\n"; //the tabs are optional, but make the xml output more readable
// now the science bit..
//$fp = fopen($corzblog['blog_file'], 'rb');
//$blogzfile = @fread( $fp, filesize($corzblog['blog_file'])); // @ you may be updating
$blogzfile = file_get_contents($corzblog['blog_file']);
$line = explode('<!--*end*-->', $blogzfile);
$blogcount = count($line);
// first the headlines
for ($i=0 ; $i < $blogcount ; $i++ ) {
$z = $i + 1;
if ($z == $blogcount) {
} else {
$blog = $line[$i];
$mark = explode('<!--*g*-->', $blog);
$blog_title = do_valid_id($mark[1]);
echo ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="',$corzblog['blog_url'],'index.php#',$blog_title,'" />',"\n";
echo ' </rdf:Seq>',"\n";
echo ' </items>',"\n\n";
echo '</channel>',"\n\n";
echo '<image rdf:about="',$corzblog['blog_url'],'inc/corzblog.png">',"\n";
echo ' <title>',$corzblog['mysite'],'</title>',"\n";
echo ' <link>http://',$corzblog['host'],'/</link>',"\n";
echo ' <url>',$corzblog['blog_url'],'inc/img/corzblog.png</url>',"\n";
echo '</image>',"\n\n";
for ($i=0 ; $i < $blogcount ; $i++ ) {
$z = $i + 1;
if ($z == $blogcount) {
} else {
$blog = $line[$i];
$mark = explode('<!--*g*-->', $blog);
// URL encoded verion for valid(atable) links
$enctitle = rawurlencode(do_valid_id(trim(strip_tags($mark[1]))));
//$enctitle = rawurlencode(strip_tags($mark[1]));
$blog_title = trim(strip_tags($mark[1]));
/* I like this better than the rss feed's fancy string splitting
grab the first two paragraphs for the news preview */
$tp = explode('<br />', $mark[2]);
$entriez = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($tp[0])).
htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($tp[1])) .
htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($tp[2])); // what a pain!
echo '<item rdf:about="',$corzblog['blog_url'],'index.php#',$enctitle,"\">\n";
echo ' <title>',$blog_title,"</title>\n";
echo ' <link>',$corzblog['blog_url'],'index.php#',$enctitle,'</link>',"\n";
echo ' <description>',$entriez,"</description>\n";
echo "</item>\n";
echo "</rdf:RDF>\n";