<?php //if ?image=*something* isn't set, there's no point continuing..
if (!isset($_GET['image'])) { die("To err is human, human!"); }
Remote Watermark Script. v0.1.1
If you are hosting your images on a different server or with an image
service, you may want to..
Hide the fact that the images are hosted elsewhere
Add a watermark to the image before the browser gets it.
So instead of linking to the remote site, we pipe the requests through
our /own/ domain, to some "image handler" script like this one.
The code is simple. The notes are *much* bigger!
To use:
* Create your CMS/pages so that all URI references to
point instead to..
For example:
<img id="MyImage" src="/hosted/path/to/some/image.jpg" alt="image">
* In .htaccess, rewrite all image links (to '/hosted/something') to your
"handler" script, something like this..
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^hosted/(.*)\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$ /remote-watermark.php?image=$1.$2 [NC,L,QSA]
NOTE: Check if you can use RewriteRule before re-coding your CMS!
The "QSA" flag ensures any original query strings are appended back on
to the final request (e.g. ?watermark=My%20Super%20Funky%20Watermark)
If you want to use some other path (i.e. NOT /hosted/), simply switch
it in your links and RewriteRule. It's a virtual path only, but you may
be using it elsewhere.
OK, all image requests are now rewritten to /remote-watermark.php which does
three things:
1. Fetches the image from the *real* location (on the remote server)
2. Adds a custom watermark to the image.
3. Spits out the new image.
You can change the name and location of this script, as required, so long as
your RewriteRule matches its final destination.
For this to work, your installation of PHP must have the php flag:
allow_url_fopen On
This is likely already switched on at the server level. If not you can
probably enable it in .htaccess, too. Like so:
php_flag allow_url_fopen On
Any issues, mail me at the usual address..
@ corz.org
ps. of course you could expand greatly on this, check for png and other
image types, send out more headers and so on. This is merely a working bare-
bones-proof-of-concept-example type thing.
And of course this is more processing for /your/ server.
If you are reading this file at corz.org, the "test" button will take you
to a simple HTML page which demonstrates this script in action. You can
also hit "download" to get a zip of everything required.
// 'Watermark' text we will overlay on the image (can be overridden by page)..
$my_text = 'My Funky Watermark';
// Grab image location from query string..
$img_location = $_GET['image'];
// You could send the text as well, I guess.. ?watermark=My%20Super%20Funky%20Watermark
if (isset($_GET['watermark']) and !empty($_GET['watermark'])) { $my_text = $_GET['watermark']; }
// Open remote image..
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg('https://corz.org/public/machine/source/php/imaging/'.$img_location);
// This is where you put the REAL location of the image on the REMOTE host.
// Add white text..
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); // RGB
// place the text: size 3 "built-in" font, 8px along, 5 down..
imagestring($img, 3, 8, 5, $my_text, $text_color);
// send the image..
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
// Tada!