uses cookies to remember that you've seen this notice explaining that uses cookies, okay!
<?php /* --- ۞---> text { encoding:utf-8;bom:no;linebreaks:unix;tabs:4sp; } */
$version = '0.9.5';
Music To Your Eyes!
corz dynamic sig file generator thing
This program creates a dynamic "now playing" type signature image that can
be used in forums, emails, etc.
ampsig uniquely (at the time of writing) goes on to overlay a *dynamic*
progress bar over the image. You can watch your now playiing.. playing!
For full documentation, tips, tricks, feedback, latest downloads, etc, go here..
Have fun!
(c) 2005->tomorrow! ~ cor + ;o)
Please view the license for this free software, here:
global preferences..
rudimentary security measures..
you don't want some twat posting "alternative" information to your sig
$password = 'PASSWORD(or client code)';
/* ini file..
[default: $data_file = 'data/amp.ini';]
location, relative to amp.php, or else specify the *full* valid full path.
the data file needs to be "world writable" (though windows servers won't care much)
or at least, writable by the server process. in *nix: chmod 777 /path/to/amp.ini */
$data_file = 'data/amp.ini'; // or call it whatever you like
[default: $schemes_dir = 'schemes';]
// name of the folder you keep your ampsig schemes in (relative to amp.php)..
$schemes_dir = 'schemes';
// which scheme to use?..
// note: you don't need to enter the '.scheme' (extension) part of the name.
//$scheme_file = 'spidey';
//$scheme_file = 'simple';
$scheme_file = 'standard';
random scheme..
[default: $random_schemes = false;]
ampsig can randomly pick a scheme for you. this makes things interesting.
remember to test your schemes first. etc.
to disable a particular scheme from loading, change its extension, i.e. "standard._scheme"
or else remove it from your schemes folder! "test.scheme" (or even "my-cool-test.scheme")
will *not* appear in random results, which is handy if you are testing stuff, and prevents
it becoming your 'public' sig. For this to work, you'll need to also set a $favourite_scheme.
$random_schemes = false;
favourite scheme
[default: $favourite_scheme = 'spidey';]
this scheme will be *much* more likely to appear..
enter an empty value (or commant out) if you don't have a favourite. */
$favourite_scheme = 'imac-girl';
// random factor. [a number, from 1 - (no. of schemes)]
// the higher you go, the more likely it is your favourite scheme will appear.
// default: $r_factor = 3;
$r_factor = 3;
// a simple text file to count the number of times your ampsig has been viewed
// [default: $counter_file = 'data/counter';]
$counter_file = 'data/counter';
two values can be overridden by the incoming request, if you wish.
to specify a particular scheme and output image format, use..
which would, unsurprisingly, get you the 'hal' scheme, in 'png' format.
this is handy if you normally set your ampsig to random, but always want
to show a particular scheme on a particular forum. perhaps something
related to the forum, I dunno, maybe special email ampsig scheme.
it's a cool feature anyway.
$allow_override = true;
// display song rating? (does nothing yet, just thinking about this)
$rating = false;
end global prefs
// init..
$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
if (!is_numeric($r_factor) or $r_factor == 0) $r_factor = 3;
if (isset($scheme_file)) { $scheme_file = $schemes_dir.'/'.$scheme_file.'.scheme'; }
// get the time()..
$time = explode(' ',microtime());
$time = $time[1]; settype($time,'int'); // one second accuracy!
request was an HTTP POST, so we go into data collecting mode..
if (isset($_POST['pass'])) { // collect data..
if ($_POST['pass'] == $password) {
$data = '';// grab old ini data..
$config = read_ini($data_file);
"NowPlaying" compatibility layer! */
if (isset($_POST['Filename1'])) {
// altering the _POST array directly is evil, but we're gonna do it anyway..
if (isset($_POST['Playing'])) {
if ($_POST['Playing'] == '1') { $_POST['playing'] = 'playing'; }
if ($_POST['Playing'] == '0') { $_POST['playing'] = 'stopped'; }
unset ($_POST['Playing']); // we keep 'playing'
$_POST['title'] = $_POST['Artist1'].' - '.$_POST['Title1'];
$_POST['album'] = $_POST['Album1'];
$lenny = explode(':',$_POST['Length1']);
$_POST['length'] = (60 * $lenny[0]) + $lenny[1];
// delete all *****1 type keys..
foreach ($_POST as $i => $pval) {
// they forgot to set NowPlaying history to '1', the default is '2'.
if (strstr($i, '1') or strstr($i, '2')) unset($_POST[$i]);
check for any changes..
// uptime sync ..[uTu]..
if (isset($_POST['uptime'])) {
$config['uptime_diff'] = ($time - $_POST['uptime']);
// update "last played"..
if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
if (stripslashes($_POST['title']) != @$config['title']) {
$config['last_played'] = $config['title'];
// paused or stopped play..
if (isset($_POST['playing'])) {
$_POST['playing'] = strtolower($_POST['playing']);
if ($_POST['playing'] == 'paused' or $_POST['playing'] == 'stopped') {
if (($config['playing'] != 'paused') and ($config['playing'] != 'stopped')) {
$config['static_bar'] = $time;
} else { $config['static_bar'] = $config['started'] + @$_POST['pos']; }
// you pressed play!
if ($_POST['playing'] == 'playing') {
// shift "started at" to a new time
$config['started'] = $time - (@$_POST['pos']);
if (!isset($_POST['album']) and !isset($_POST['dir'])) {
$config['album'] = $config['dir'] = 'album unknown';
if (!isset($config['status']) and !isset($_POST['status'])) {
$config['status'] = 'no status given';
// merge the old and new settings and data..
$config = array_merge($config, $_POST);
// write out our "ini" file..
} else { die ('YOU HAVE NOT TEH AUTHORITEE!'); }
} elseif (isset($_GET['version'])) { die ("ampsig v$version"); } else {
or else generate an image from the current data set..
// random scheme?..
if (isset($random_schemes) and $random_schemes) {
// go into the dir and scan..
if ($dir_handle = opendir($schemes_dir)) {
$schemes_pool = array();
$i = 0;
while (($file = readdir($dir_handle)) !== false) {
if ((ord($file) != 46) and (substr(strrchr($file, "."), 1) == 'scheme')) {
$schemes_pool[$i] = $schemes_dir.'/'.$file;
$pool_count = count($schemes_pool);
// favourite scheme?
if (isset($favourite_scheme)) {
if ($favourite_scheme != '') {
$pool = rand(0, ($pool_count * 2) - ($pool_count / $r_factor));
if ($pool > ($pool_count - 1)) {
$scheme_file = $schemes_dir.'/'.$favourite_scheme.'.scheme';
} else {
$scheme_file = $schemes_pool[$pool];
if (strstr($scheme_file, 'test.scheme')) {
$scheme_file = $schemes_dir.'/'.$favourite_scheme.'.scheme';
} else {
$scheme_file = $schemes_pool[rand(0, (count($schemes_pool) - 1))];
// specified scheme in the URL?..
if ($allow_override and isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
$p_nfo = explode('/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']);
$o_scheme = substr($p_nfo[count($p_nfo) - 1], 0, strpos($p_nfo[count($p_nfo) - 1], "."));
if (file_exists($schemes_dir.'/'.$o_scheme.'.scheme')) {
$scheme_file = $schemes_dir.'/'.$o_scheme.'.scheme'; }
} else { $allow_override = false; }
// include the scheme now..
if (isset($scheme_file) and file_exists('./'.$scheme_file)) {
include './'.$scheme_file;
} else { die ("scheme file not found. sorree."); }
// override output format?..
if ($allow_override) {
$get_format = substr(strrchr($p_nfo[count($p_nfo) - 1], "."), 1);
if (($get_format == 'jpg') or ($get_format == 'jpeg')) { $output_format = 'jpg'; }
elseif ($get_format == 'png') { $output_format = 'png'; }
elseif ($get_format == 'gif') { $output_format = 'gif'; }
check scheme preferences, insert defaults if need be..
if (!isset($fields[1]['id'])) $fields[1]['id'] = 'playing';
if (!isset($fields[2]['id'])) $fields[2]['id'] = 'status';
if (!isset($fields[3]['id'])) $fields[3]['id'] = 'title';
if (!isset($fields[4]['id'])) $fields[4]['id'] = 'album';
if (!isset($status_affixes)) $status_affixes = array('[', ']');
if (!isset($playing_string)) $playing_string = 'now playing..';
if (!isset($stopped_string)) $stopped_string = 'last played..';
if (!isset($truecolor)) $truecolor = false;
if (!isset($q)) $q = 100;
if (!isset($output_format)) $output_format = 'png';
if (!isset($interlace)) $interlace = false;
if (!isset($reduce)) $reduce = false;
if (!isset($greyscale)) $greyscale = false;
if (!isset($gamma)) $gamma = '1.0';
if (!isset($r_balance)) $r_balance = 0;
if (!isset($g_balance)) $g_balance = 0;
if (!isset($b_balance)) $b_balance = 0;
if (isset($do_col_bg)) $color_layer = $do_col_bg; // depricated!
if (!isset($color_layer)) $color_layer = true;
if ((!isset($img_width) or !isset($img_height)) and (!isset($image_file))) { $img_width = 350; $img_height = 80; }
if (!isset($merge_images)) $merge_images = false;
if (!isset($pre_merge)) $pre_merge = true;
if (!isset($transparency)) $transparency = 50;
if (!isset($merge_x)) $merge_x = 0;
if (!isset($merge_y)) $merge_y = 0;
if (!isset($mx_nudge)) $mx_nudge = 0;
if (!isset($my_nudge)) $my_nudge = 0;
if (!isset($border)) $border = 1;
if (!isset($target_color)) $target_color = '#f0ff32';
if (!isset($variation)) $variation = 15;
if (!isset($do_frame)) $do_frame = true;
if (!isset($font_size)) $font_size = 2;
if (!isset($ttf)) $ttf = false;
if (!isset($ttf_size)) $ttf_size = '9';
if (!isset($bold)) $bold = false;
if (!isset($align)) $align = 'center';
if (!isset($antialiasing)) $antialiasing = true;
if (!isset($trim_adjust)) $trim_adjust = 0;
if (!isset($auto_shrink)) $auto_shrink = true;
if (!isset($field[1]['em'])) $field[1]['em'] = 1;
if (!isset($leading)) $leading = 1;
if (!isset($nudge)) $nudge = 0;
if (!isset($push)) $push = 6;
if (!isset($skew)) $skew = 0;
if (!isset($field[2]['fp'])) $field[2]['fp'] = -1;
if (!isset($do_bargraph)) $do_bargraph = true;
if (!isset($thickness)) $thickness = 14;
if (!isset($squeeze)) $squeeze = 0;
if (!isset($xnudge)) $xnudge = 0;
if (!isset($ynudge)) $ynudge = 0;
if (!isset($do_btxt)) $do_btxt = true;
if (!isset($btxt_trans)) $btxt_trans = false;
if (!isset($btxt_size)) $btxt_size = 1;
if (!isset($btxt_valign)) $btxt_valign = 'middle';
if (!isset($do_browser_info)) $do_browser_info = true;
if (!isset($ip_string)) $ip_string = 'your ip is.. ';
if (!isset($percent_string)) $percent_string = '';
if (!isset($use_themes)) $use_themes = true;
if (!isset($calc_red)) $calc_red = '255-(($i/2)/255)';
if (!isset($calc_green)) $calc_green = '255-($i/2)';
if (!isset($calc_blue)) $calc_blue = '($i/2)-255';
if (!isset($lf)) $lf = 1;
if (!isset($termination)) $termination = 1;
if (!isset($bar_frame)) $bar_frame = 0;
if (!isset($bar_trans)) $bar_trans = 0;
if (!isset($rating)) $rating = false;
if (($ttf) and (!isset($font_face))) { $ttf = false; }
// what were they thinking!
// old version schemes..
if (isset($center)) $align = 'center';
//digest the ini..
$config = read_ini($data_file);
//foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
// $$key = $value;// ooh! clever!
//} // i find it clearer and quicker to work with $status, than $config['status'], see.
// this creates lots of "interesting" security holes. hahah
// increment the view counter..
if (is_writable($counter_file)) {
$count = implode('', file($counter_file));
$file_handle = fopen($counter_file, 'w+');
fwrite($file_handle, $count);
} else { $count = '[no file]'; }
// are we paused or stopped?
if ($config['playing'] == 'stopped') {
$header = $stopped_string;
} else {
// how spidey's eyes light up if you are listening to a song..
$me_paths = pathinfo($self);
if (isset($image_file)) {
if (stristr($me_paths['dirname'], 'amp.php')) { // if you append /spidey.png, everything moves..
$me_paths['dirname'] = substr($me_paths['dirname'], 0, strrpos($me_paths['dirname'],'/'));
} // generally speaking, it's a bad idea to alter this directly, but hey!
$foo = str_replace($me_paths['dirname'], '', $image_file);
$playing_img = $root.$me_paths['dirname'].'/'.substr($foo, 0, strpos($foo, ".")).'_play.png';
if (file_exists($playing_img)) { $image_file = $playing_img; }
$header = $playing_string;
// prepare the colours..
$target_color = hex2dec($target_color);
$red_limit = $target_color[0];
$green_limit = $target_color[1];
$blue_limit = $target_color[2];
// randomise..
$variation = array(0, $variation);
$red_level = rand($variation[0], $variation[1]);
$green_level = rand($variation[0], $variation[1]);
$blue_level = rand($variation[0], $variation[1]);
$red_value = abs($red_limit-$red_level);
$green_value = abs($green_limit-$green_level);
$blue_value = abs($blue_limit-$blue_level);
create the base image
I fancy doing a plug-in API for this. hmm.
if (isset($image_file)) {
$img2 = imagecreatefrompng($image_file);
imagesavealpha ($img2, true);
$img_width2 = imagesx($img2);
$img_height2 = imagesy($img2);
if (!isset($img_width) or !isset($img_height)) {
$img_width = $img_width2;
$img_height = $img_height2;
if ($color_layer) {
if ($truecolor) {
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($img_width, $img_height);
} else {
$img = imagecreate($img_width, $img_height);
if (isset($img2)) {
// smaller size has been specified, need to crop..
if (($img_width != $img_width2) or ($img_height != $img_height2)) {
$t_img = imagecreatefrompng($image_file);
imagecopy($img2, $t_img, $mx_nudge, $my_nudge, $merge_x, $merge_y, $img_width, $img_height);
imagedestroy ($t_img);
} else {
imagecopy($img2, $img2, $mx_nudge, $my_nudge, $merge_x, $merge_y, $img_width, $img_height);
} else {
if (isset($img2)) {
$img = $img2;
//imagedestroy($img_b); // amazingly, this destroys $img! erm. hello!
unset($img2); // no merging possible now.
if (!isset($img)) { die ("no image has been specified!"); }
$img_width = imagesx($img);
$img_height = imagesy($img);
// setup transparent background..
if (isset($trans_color)) { // you can still set this, though it is depricated.
$trans_color = hex2dec($trans_color);
$t_bg = imagecolorallocate($img, $trans_color[0], $trans_color[1], $trans_color[2]);
imagecolortransparent($img, $t_bg);
// add our randomised color layer, inside the frame..
if ($color_layer) {
if ($do_frame == true) { $bf = $border; } else { $bf = 0; }
$bg = imagecolorallocate($img, $red_value, $green_value ,$blue_value);
imagefilledrectangle($img, $bf, $bf, $img_width-$bf-1, $img_height-$bf-1, $bg);
// create frame colour..
if (isset($frame_color)) {
$frame_color = hex2dec($frame_color);
$frame = imagecolorallocate($img, $frame_color[0], $frame_color[1], $frame_color[2]);
} else {
$frame = imagecolorallocate($img, $red_level, $green_level, $blue_level);
// draw the frame..
if ($do_frame == true) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $border; $i++) {
$points = array($i, $i, $img_width-1-$i, $i, $img_width-1-$i, $img_height-1-$i, $i, $img_height-1-$i);
imagepolygon ($img, $points, 4, $frame);
// allocate the text colors (early, to avoid obliteration!)
if (isset($text_color)) { $text_color = hex2dec($text_color); }
else { $text_color = array(255 - $red_value, 255 - $green_value, 255 - $blue_value); }
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $text_color[0], $text_color[1], $text_color[2]);
if (isset($btxt_color) and !$btxt_trans) {
$btxt_color = hex2dec($btxt_color);
$btxt_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $btxt_color[0], $btxt_color[1], $btxt_color[2]);
} else { $btxt_color = $text_color; }
if ($btxt_trans) { $btxt_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $red_value, $green_value ,$blue_value); }
prepare the text fields..
// no album name? let's create it from the folder name..
if ($config['album'] == '') { $config['album'] = $config['dir']; } // or..
if ($config['album'] == '' and ($config['length'] == 0 or $config['length'] = $config['pos'])) $config['album'] = 'Internet Audio Stream';
// run through the fields one-at-a-time, select the data type and format as we go..
foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
// if you want to add new data types, this is where to do it..
switch ($value['id']) {
case 'playing':
$fields[$key]['txt'] = $header;
case 'status':
$fields[$key]['txt'] = $status_affixes[0].$config['status'].$status_affixes[1];
case 'title':
$fields[$key]['txt'] = $config['title'];
case 'artist':
$fields[$key]['txt'] = $config['artist'];
case 'album':
$fields[$key]['txt'] = $config['album'];
case 'last':
$fields[$key]['txt'] = 'last played: '.$config['last_played'];
case 'uptime':
$fields[$key]['txt'] = 'uptime: '.calc_uptime($config['uptime_diff']);
case 'counter':
$fields[$key]['txt'] = 'This ampsig has been viewed '.$count.' times.';
case 'custom':
if (isset($config['custom']) and $config['custom'] != '') {
$fields[$key]['txt'] = $config['custom'];
} else { $fields[$key]['txt'] = 'custom text not available!'; }
case 'custom2':
if (isset($config['custom2']) and $config['custom2'] != '') {
$fields[$key]['txt'] = $config['custom2'];
} else { $fields[$key]['txt'] = 'custom text not available!'; }
case 'custom3':
if (isset($config['custom3']) and $config['custom3'] != '') {
$fields[$key]['txt'] = $config['custom3'];
} else { $fields[$key]['txt'] = 'custom text not available!'; }
// add more data types here.
default: // blank lines
$fields[$key]['txt'] = ' ';
$fields[$key]['id'] = 'blank';
// per-line user overrides..
// add the 'extra' field user prefs..
if (isset($field[$key]['em'])) { $fields[$key]['em'] = $field[$key]['em'];} else { $fields[$key]['em'] = 0; }
if (isset($field[$key]['fp'])) $fields[$key]['fp'] = $field[$key]['fp']; else { $fields[$key]['fp'] = 0; }
// alignment (individual lines can be overridden) ..
$fields[$key]['align'] = $align;
if (isset($field[$key]['align'])) $fields[$key]['align'] = $field[$key]['align'];
// we could theoretically allow any override, the mechanism is already in place.
calculate sizes for this line of text (and trim, if necessary) ..
if ($ttf) { // truetypes..
$alloc_width = $img_width - (2 * $nudge) - (2 * $border) - $trim_adjust;
$bx = imagettfbbox($ttf_size + $fields[$key]['em'], $skew, $font_face, '|'.$fields[$key]['txt']);
$txt_width = abs($bx[0]) + abs($bx[2]);
// oversized text fields..
if (($txt_width) >= $alloc_width) {
if ($auto_shrink) {
//$trim_adjust = 0;
while ($txt_width >= $alloc_width) {
$bx = imagettfbbox($ttf_size + $fields[$key]['em'],
$skew, $font_face, '|'.$fields[$key]['txt']);
$txt_width = abs($bx[0]) + abs($bx[2]);
} else {
$fields[$key]['txt'] = substr($fields[$key]['txt'], 0,
- ( ($txt_width - $alloc_width) / ($txt_width / strlen($fields[$key]['txt'])) )
- $trim_adjust, 2)).'...';
// everything has changed now, do it again! (the '|' is to vsize 'blank' lines)
$bx = imagettfbbox($ttf_size + $fields[$key]['em'], $skew, $font_face, '|'.$fields[$key]['txt']);
$txt_width = abs($bx[0]) + abs($bx[2]);
// work out the x factor..
if ($fields[$key]['align'] == 'center') {
$fields[$key]['x'] = ((($img_width - (2 * $border)) - $txt_width) / 2) + $nudge + $border;
} elseif ($fields[$key]['align'] == 'right') {
$fields[$key]['x'] = $img_width - $border - $txt_width + $nudge;
} else {
$fields[$key]['x'] = $border + (2 * $nudge);
$fields[$key]['y'] = abs($bx[1]) + abs($bx[7]);
} else { // GD built-in font..
// constants..
$halfway = ($img_width / 2) + $nudge;
$chr_width = imagefontwidth($font_size + $fields[$key]['em']);
$trim = ($img_width - (2 * $border) - $squeeze + $trim_adjust) / $chr_width;
// for some reason, it's NOT possible to add an "…" (ellipsis). damn!
if (strlen($fields[$key]['txt']) > $trim) {
$fields[$key]['txt'] = substr($fields[$key]['txt'], 0, $trim - 3).'...';
$string_width = strlen($fields[$key]['txt']) * $chr_width;
if ($fields[$key]['align'] == 'center') {
$fields[$key]['x'] = $halfway - ($string_width / 2);
} elseif ($fields[$key]['align'] == 'right') {
$fields[$key]['x'] = $img_width - $border - $string_width + $nudge;
} else {
$fields[$key]['x'] = 2 * $nudge + $border;
} // end foreach()
// we'll lay down the text after the bar-graph..
// pre-merge (for saturation)
if ($merge_images and isset($img2) and $pre_merge) {
imagecopymerge($img, $img2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $img_width, $img_height, $transparency);
the gradient bar-graph
the funkiest coolest neatest thing in the known universe, bar, erm..
if ($do_bargraph) {
// subtle 3D effect on termination, etc..
if ($thickness == 'fill') { $thickness = $img_height-(2 * $border); $shadadd = 0; } else { $shadadd = 1; }
if ($termination > 1) { $shadadd = 0; }
// are we paused or stopped..
if (isset($config['static_bar'])) { $played = $config['static_bar'] - $config['started'];
} else { $played = $time - $config['started']; }
if ($config['length'] > 0) { $percent_done = floor(($played / $config['length']) * 100); } else { $percent_done = 0; }
if ($percent_done > 100) $percent_done = 100; // *shouldn't* happen
// for the displayed text
if ($do_btxt) { $percent = $percent_string.$percent_done.'%';
} else { $percent = ''; }
// total length of the bar
$bar_len = ($percent_done / 100) * ($img_width - $border - $squeeze);
if ($bar_len > 0) { if ($truecolor) { $img3 = imagecreatetruecolor($bar_len, $thickness); }
else { $img3 = imagecreate($bar_len, $thickness); }
if (isset($img3)) {
if ($use_themes) { @do_theme($theme); } // @ in case they forget to actually specify a theme
// create the gradient effect..
for ($i = 1; $i <= $bar_len; $i++) {
eval("\$r = $calc_red;"); eval("\$g = $calc_green;"); eval("\$b = $calc_blue;");
$fill = imagecolorallocate($img3, $r, $g, $b);
imagefilledrectangle($img3, $i, 0, $i, $thickness - 1, $fill);
// vertical line at the end of the bar-graph (very important!)
if ($termination) {
if (!isset($term_color)) {
$term_color = $frame_color;
} else {
$term_color = hex2dec($term_color);
$term_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $term_color[0], $term_color[1], $term_color[2]);
$bar_len - $termination, $shadadd, $bar_len, $thickness - 1, $term_color);
// a border around the progress bar?
if ($bar_frame) {
for ($i=0; $i<$bar_frame; $i++) {
imagerectangle ($img3, $i + 1, $i, $bar_len - $i, $thickness - $i -1, $frame);
// lay the progress bar down onto the image..
imagecopymerge($img, $img3, $border + ($squeeze / 2) + $xnudge,
$img_height - $border - $thickness + $ynudge, 1, 0, $bar_len -1, $thickness, 100 - $bar_trans);
// vertical alignment of the progress bar text .. (no ttfs here)
$bar_txt_fsize = imagefontheight($btxt_size);
switch($btxt_valign) {
case 'top':
$vpos = ($img_height - (2 * $border) - $thickness) + ($bar_txt_fsize / 2);
case 'bottom':
$vpos = ($img_height - $border) - ($bar_txt_fsize + 2);
default: // middle (easiest to misspell!)
$vpos = ($img_height - $thickness) + ($thickness / 2) - ($bar_txt_fsize / 2) - $border;
// merge the images
// all text will go on after this..
if ($merge_images and isset($img2)) {
imagecopymerge($img, $img2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $img_width, $img_height, $transparency);
// progress bar text..
if ($do_bargraph) {
if ($do_btxt) {
$b_string = $percent;
if ($do_browser_info) { $b_string = $ip_string.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' '.$b_string; }
} else { $b_string = ''; }
if ($percent_done == 100 or isset($_GET['credit'])) { $b_string = $config['copyright'].' '.$b_string; }
// come on, credit where it's due.. (this only shows at exactly 100%)
$str_length = imagefontwidth($btxt_size) * strlen($b_string);
if ($str_length > $bar_len - 2) {
$bar_limit = (floor($bar_len) / imagefontwidth($btxt_size));
if (!$squeeze) $sq = 1; else $sq = abs($squeeze);
if (!$xnudge) $nud = $sq; else $nud = abs($xnudge);
$bar_limit = floor(abs($bar_limit - ( (floor($sq / $nud)) / imagefontwidth($btxt_size))) - 1 );
if ($bar_limit > 0 ) { $b_string = substr($b_string, - $bar_limit); } else { $b_string = ''; }
imagestring ($img, $btxt_size,
$bar_len - (imagefontwidth($btxt_size) * strlen($b_string)) + ($xnudge + ($squeeze / 2.05)) - 4,
$vpos + $ynudge, $b_string, $btxt_color);
your bar-graph is complete!
finally, lay down the text fields..
we do it last so it's always on top
$txt_height = imagefontheight($font_size);
if ($ttf) {
$tpush = $push;
if ($antialiasing != true) { $text_color = -$text_color; }
$push -= $txt_height;
//settype($bold, 'int');
foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
$bl = (int) $bold;
if ($key == 1) { $ld = 0; } else { $ld = $leading; } // no leading on first row
if ($ttf) {
do {
imagettftext($img, $ttf_size + $fields[$key]['em'], $skew, $fields[$key]['x'] + $bl,
$tpush + $ld + $ttfh + $fields[$key]['y'] + $fields[$key]['fp'] - $key,
$text_color, $font_face, $fields[$key]['txt']);
} while ($bl >= 0);
if ($skew != 0) {
$ttfh += $fields[$key]['y'] + ($skew * ($fields[$key]['y'] / $skew)) + $leading; // what!?!
// if anyone desperately needs, or better still, works this out, get in touch!
} else { $ttfh += $fields[$key]['y'] + $ld; }
} else { // gd built-in font..
do {
imagestring ($img, $font_size + $fields[$key]['em'], $fields[$key]['x'] + $bl,
$push + $fields[$key]['fp'] + (($txt_height + $ld) * $key - $fields[$key]['em']),
$fields[$key]['txt'], $text_color);
} while ($bl >= 0);
finally, send our image to the browser..
function output_image($img) {
global $gamma, $greyscale, $interlace, $output_format, $q, $reduce, $r_balance, $g_balance, $b_balance;
// Bael discovered some funky extra headers..
Header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
Header('Expires: Tue, 01 Apr 1970 00:00:00 GMT');
Header('Pragma: no-cache');
if ($greyscale == true) {
$img = make_greyscale($img, $r_balance, $g_balance, $b_balance);
if (($gamma) != '1.0' ) { // probably make reduce only
$img = adjust_gamma($img, $gamma);
if ($interlace) imageinterlace($img, 1);
if ($output_format == 'png') {
// this tells the browser to interpret whatever comes next as an image.
if ($reduce) { $img = reduce_img($img, 256); }
header('Content-type: image/png');
imagepng($img,NULL,$q); // the actual image is created HERE, and sent to browser.
} else if ($output_format == 'jpg'){
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
} else if ($output_format == 'gif'){
$img = reduce_img($img, 256);
header('Content-type: image/gif');
imagegif ($img,"",$q);
}// you MUST destroy the image afterwards, to free-up the server's memory..
// reduce to a pallette..
function reduce_img($img, $colors) {
global $trans_color;
// create a temporary truecolor image..
$width = imagesx($img);
$height = imagesy($img);
$t_img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagecopymerge($t_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, 100);
// convert original image to paletted image..
imagetruecolortopalette($img, true, $colors);
// match color palette with original
imagecolormatch($t_img, $img);
// get the top-left pixel color, make transparent..
$t_color = imagecolorat($img, 1, 1);
imagecolortransparent ($img, $t_color);
return $img;
end function reduce_img() */
make a greyscale image (8 bit) */
function make_greyscale($img, $r_bal, $g_bal, $b_bal) {
global $width, $height;
$width = imagesx($img);
$height = imagesy($img);
$t_img = imagecreate($width, $height);
for ($idx = 0; $idx < 256; $idx++) {
// loop the colours.
$r = $idx + $r_bal; $g = $idx + $g_bal; $b = $idx + $b_bal;
if ($r < 0 ) { $r = 0 - $r; } elseif ($r > 256 ) { $r = $r - 256; }
if ($g < 0 ) { $g = 0 - $g; } elseif ($g > 256 ) { $g = $g - 256; }
if ($b < 0 ) { $b = 0 - $b; } elseif ($b > 256 ) { $b = $b - 256; }
imagecolorallocate($t_img, $r, $g, $b);
imagecopymerge($t_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, 100);
$t_color = imagecolorat($t_img, 0, 0);
imagecolortransparent ($t_img, $t_color);
// imagecolormatch($img, $t_img);
return ($t_img);
end function make_greyscale() */
gamma adjustmentment
really long-winded, but sadly necessary, afaik.
altering image gamma destroys the alpha layer, so we attempt to
get back some transparency, but it still looks like 8 bit, reduce!
function adjust_gamma($img, $gamma) {
global $width, $height;
// fix the gamma
$gamma = (double) $gamma;
imagegammacorrect($img, 1.0, $gamma);
// create temporary image..
$width = imagesx($img);
$height = imagesy($img);
$t_img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$t_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($t_img, 0, 0, 0, 127);// pointless!
// merge the two images..
imagecopymerge($t_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, 100);
// where's the alpha channel? pfff..
imagecolortransparent ($t_img, $t_color);
return $t_img;
end function gamma adjustment() */
crop a big image into a small image */
function make_cropped_image($image_file, $height, $width) {
global $truecolor;
$t_img = imagecreatefrompng($image_file);
if ($truecolor) {
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagecopymerge($img, $t_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
} else {
$img = imagecreate($width, $height);
imagecopy($img, $t_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
imagedestroy ($t_img);
return $img;
end function make_cropped_image() */
function hex2dec()
convert an HTML #hex colour to decimal colour levels.. */
function hex2dec($rgb) {
if (substr($rgb, 0, 1) == "#") {
$rgb = substr($rgb, 1);
$r = hexdec(substr($rgb, 0, 2));
$g = hexdec(substr($rgb, 2, 2));
$b = hexdec(substr($rgb, 4, 2));
return array($r, $g, $b);
end function hex2dec() */
function read_ini()
pull the current data from the prefs file and return a $config() array
function read_ini($config_file) {
$config = array();
if (is_readable($config_file)) {
$file = file($config_file);
foreach($file as $conf) {
// if first real character isn't '#' or ';'and there is a '=' in the line..
if ( (substr(trim($conf),0,1) != '#')
and (substr(trim($conf),0,1) != ';')
and (substr_count($conf,'=') >= 1) ) {
$eq = strpos($conf, '=');
$config[trim(substr($conf,0,$eq))] = trim(substr($conf, $eq + 1));
if (!isset($_POST['pass'])) {
if (array_key_exists('copyright', $config) and (!strstr($config['copyright'], '' )))
{ exit ("bad vodoo!!"); }
return $config;
} else die ("ampsig's ini file is missing. sorree.");
end function read_ini() */
function write_ini()
accepts an array of values, and creates an "ini" file from them.
for security reasons, write_ini won't store keys named 'password' or 'pass'.
so you can easily capture whole $_POST arrays, get authentication, and
pass the rest to write_ini. improved for ampsig.
function write_ini($data_file,$config) {
$config['copyright'] = '(c)'; // ;o)
$data = '';
foreach ($config as $var => $val) {
if ($var != 'password' and $var != 'pass') {
$data .= $var.' = '.$config[$var]."\n";
$data = stripslashes($data);
if (is_writable($data_file)) {
$fp = fopen($data_file, 'w');
$lock = flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
if ($lock) {
fwrite($fp, $data);
flock ($fp, LOCK_UN);
} else { die ("can't lock the ini file!"); }
} else { die ("ini file is not writable!"); }
end function write_ini() */
function calc_uptime()
input the difference in seconds, returns a human-readable time string. */
function calc_uptime($diff) {
global $time;
$diff = $time - $diff;
// work out days, etc..
while ($diff > 86400) {
$diff -= 86400;
} if ($day != 1) $da = 's';
while ($diff > 3600) {
$diff -= 3600;
} if ($hour != 1) $ha = 's';
while ($diff > 60) {
$diff -= 60;
} if ($min != 1) $ma = 's';
while ($diff > 1) {
$diff -= 1;
} if ($sec != 1) $sa = 's';
return "$day day$da, $hour hour$ha, $min minute$ma, $sec second$sa";
end function calc_uptime() */
function do_theme()
setup the gradient colour calculations for the progress bar.
note: some of the math is designed to be humourous!
function do_theme($theme) {
global $calc_red, $calc_green, $calc_blue, $lf;
switch($theme) {
case 'gentle fire':
$calc_red = '(255-(($i/5)/255))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i/5))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(($i/2)-255)/$lf';
case 'interesting feiry':
$calc_red = '(255-($i/255))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-$i)/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(($i/255)-255)/$lf';
case 'basic grey grad':
$calc_red = '(255-$i)/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-$i)/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(255-$i)/$lf';
case 'gentle grey grad':
$calc_red = '(255-$i)/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-$i)/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(255-$i)/$lf';
case 'the torrenteer':
$calc_red = '(abs(50-$i/3))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i/sin($i)))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(255-($i/($i*4)))/$lf';
case 'swarm member x':
$calc_red = '(abs(250*$i/3))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i/sin($i/3)))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(255-($i/($i*4)))/$lf';
case 'ouch!':
$calc_red = '(255-($i*255))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-(255*($i*255)))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(255*($i*255))/$lf';
case 'mr. green':
$calc_red = '(($i/4))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i/4))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '($i/4)/$lf';
case 'mrs. green':
$calc_red = '((($i/4)/255))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-(255*(($i/4)/150)))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(($i/4))/$lf';
case 'toffee mint':
$calc_red = '(($i/4)/120)/$lf';
$calc_green = '255-($i/5)/$lf';
$calc_blue = '$i/1.5/$lf';
case 'green meanie':
$calc_red = 'abs($i/4)/$lf';
$calc_green = '255-($i*cos($i/(2*$img_width)))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '($i/($i*4))/$lf';
case 'deep sky fader':
$calc_red = '(abs($i/4))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i*cos($i/(2*$img_width))))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(255-($i/($i*4)))/$lf';
case 'blue duo':
$calc_red = '(abs($i/4))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i*cos($i/170)))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(255-($i/($i*4)))/$lf';
case 'blue two':
$calc_red = '(abs($i/4))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i*cos($i/210)))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(255-($i/($i*4)))/$lf';
case 'multicoloured':
$calc_red = '(abs(255-($i/255)))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(abs(255-(2*$i)))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(abs((255*($i/255))-255))/$lf';
case 'its gonna break':
$calc_red = '(255-(($i*10)/255))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-(($i*10)))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(($i*10)-255)/$lf';
case 'stripees':
$calc_red = '(255-(($i/50)/255))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i*10))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '((($i/50))-255)/$lf';
case 'white into red':
$calc_red = '(abs(255-($i/255)))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(abs(255-(255*($i/255))))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(abs((255*($i/255))-255))/$lf';
case 'black into white':
$calc_red = '(255-($i*255))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i*255))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(255*($i*255))/$lf';
default: // standard feiry progress ba
$calc_red = '(255-(($i/2)/255))/$lf';
$calc_green = '(255-($i/2))/$lf';
$calc_blue = '(($i/2)-255)/$lf';
end function do_theme() */
// you have reached the end of the program