corzoogle logo - a simple chubby magnifier with a lightening bolt inset. Everything is in a cool semi-transparent grey gradient.

install corzoogle..

Simple install..

Drop "corzoogle.php" into whatever folder you want to search, and take your web browser to..


That's it.

Site install..

If you are running corzoogle on a live web site, even if you're not, it would probably be a good idea to open corzoogle.php in a text editor and customize its preferences. There's copious notege and comment within.

If you are running corzoogle on a live web site, and don't want folk to find your database passwords and such, I definitely recommend you read the preferences!

Greatest hits..

If you want corzoogle to remember recent searches, you'll need to have a file named .corzoogles, and that file will need to be writable by the web server process. corzoogle will attempt to create the file itself, but depending on your security settings, probably won't succeed. See this page for more details about how to remedy that.


corzoogle is extremely configurable. It's worth reading through the preference section at the top of corzoogle at least once. I'm told it's a good read, and you may even get a laugh or two.


When I load corzoogle in my browser I get a 403 error. What's up?

Mac OSX user? It sounds like you unzipped corzoogle somewhere, perhaps on a network volume, and then moved it into place on your local machine. Often, when moving files across volumes like this, file permissions get altered, tightened. And the mac webserver is pretty strict about file permissions; generally a good thing.

What to do is, open the file's "get info" (right click the file) in the Finder, and set permissions to read/write for all catagories ( owner / group / others (world) ), or do..

  chmod 755 /path/to/corzoogle.php a shell/terminal session (as root).

If you unzip corzoogle on the same volume (preferably right in the folder where it will live) there is much less chance of its file permissions being reset like this, they will remain at the factory (my iMac) default.

The above probably applies to any script you download and install from

Is my Language supported?
aka. "Can I use such-and-such a character?"

A real-life email response sums up the whole matter..

> Hi!
> (lots of stuff about how great corzoogle is ..snipped.. *grin*)
> Is there any way to make corzoogle include the swedish characters å, ä and ö
> Thanks!
> *non-english person*


There is a way, but currently it's not pretty. I've had similar requests from Hungary, Estonia, Russia and a few other places, and I'm currently looking into full Unicode search support, which should hopefully cover everyone's needs. Sadly, php itself has only recently acquired "full" Unicode support, and older servers (like my host) just choke on it. Unicode handling is also slow.

The alternative (if plan A fails) is to have some kind of plug-in language support, and if I go this way, I will *definitely* be in touch at the early testing stage!

Now here's the really fun answer..

corzoogle ALREADY DOES!

It all depends on your server setup, and the encoding of the documents you are searching. I do know that corzoogle is installed on some *really* foreign sites, and they get results in everything from Arabic to Swahili! It just works, and no one says a word!

Right now (as a wee test) I added the word "öändersonå" to my main title page, and then corzoogled for it. See the attached jpeg. Weird huh?

Try this..

In the main .htaccess file of your site, add the line..

php_value default_charset utf-8

If, for some reason, you don't have access to the .htaccess file (now that's ironic) you could add a line to corzoogle itself, up near the top of the script, this..


might just make it all happen. I'll probably put that in the next release. (done, and just wait for the screams!) Please let me know how that works out, and thanks for caring about corzoogle!

for now..


And PLEASE do let me know how it works out!


You can leave feedback!

You can ask stuff there, leave comments, that kind of thing. I don't expect it to get too busy; corzoogle just works.


If you have a question, feel free to leave a comment, below. I don't expect it to get too busy; Anti-Hammer usually just works.

Welcome to the comments facility!

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Adrian - 08.09.05 6:02 am

Could you add a page that shows either an example of corzoogle we could try out or links to pages that have it in use?


corz - 08.09.05 9:35 am

Which will lead you back to the search page here. You would be quicker clicking the search box in the toolbar, though. Scroll up to the top, you'll see it.


Nathan - 12.09.05 10:13 am

Corzoogle is a really good search engine. I really enjoyed reading through the comments hehe. There are some minor changes i've done like adding the url underneath the link and other stuff. If you'd like to see what i've done with it (so far) go to

corz - 13.09.05 9:51 am

Looks good Nathan, but unless you plan to pay me to use corzoogle, you'll need to put back at least the logo and the download link, thanks.

There's a small version of the logo kicking around somewhere (above) which might be easier to fit into your scheme of things.


ps.. if you enjoy reading comments, there's loads more inside corzoogle itself, en-joy!

Nathan - 14.09.05 7:49 am

&*$% you noticed lol. I've made the changes. I was wondering if having multiple pages for larger max results would be possible or would it eat the speed too much?

corz - 14.09.05 8:27 am

smiley for :lol:

I don't have a mechanism to split the results into pages, no, if someone is getting more than a dozen results, they probably need to narrow their search query, and I have considered adding some text along these lines, something like.. "you have reached the results limit, consider adding more search terms to narrow down your results"

You can set a maximum limit for results, but corzoogle is so good at getting the best results to the top of the list, any half-intelligent search query will usually get the page you wanted in the top three or so, so it's never really been an issue.

Multiple results pages isn't so much a speed issue so much as one of compexity. We'd have to store the results somewhere before splitting them for the user (like these comments are paged) which would mean creating a file somewhere, and I guess I like to keep corzoogle as portable as possible, drop-in-and-search.

If lots of folk asked me for this, of course I'd consider it for when I get around to corzoogle pro, circa early 2006.


ps.. THIS is a corzoogle logo..   an image
being transparent, it will look better against your orange background, too.

Ryan - 09.11.05 5:43 pm

First and foremost, brilliant software. Very easy to understand and implement into any site. Awesome.

Quick question though. I was wondering if corzoogle has the ability to show the results in a sepcified area. Lets say I had the search box at the top of the home page and wanted to overwrite my home page content with the search results when the user inputs a word to search (the site im working with is a php based site) ...Like many sites using other software for their search engine, this layout is used, Just wondering if I could get some help implementing this function! Thanks! And Great Work!

- Ryan.

corz - 10.11.05 10:02 am

Sure, just set $embedded = true; and then include corzoogle in your page. It will return the results in whatever space you put it inside. Lots of folk now run corzoogle this way.

You can put the search form - which is simply an html post form - absolutely anywhere and everywhere (the target being your embedded results page). Check out the 404 page here for an example, there's another example inside corzoogle itself, but you'll have to scroll for that.

have fun!


Rikel - 16.11.05 2:34 pm

Hi Cor,

Nice to see a helpful FAQ page, and what seems like a nice clean search engine.

I wonder if it's possible for corzoogle to receive the search terms from a form, and run the search unseen. What I'm trying to do is have the user choose a couple of dropdown options, and then return just the results page (with logo, of course smiley for :D) after they submit.

This is a bit of a reach for my coding skills, so any help would be appreciated.

- Rik

Rikel - 18.11.05 1:05 pm

...Or could I just change the search text box to dropdowns in the corzoogle code?

That'd probably be a lot easier!

Is that possible?

- R

corz - 18.11.05 1:27 pm

erm - insert apologies for effin gmx mail server - so that's why it's been so quiet these last few days - damn, I wish I could still speak German! smiley for :roll: - yup. The form itself is self-contained (see functions at foot) so you could mess with that without fear of messing up corzoogle itself (you'll have a backup too, of course).

There are loads of ways to run things. Essentially, corzoogle searches and returns the results. You can do this in lots of ways, embedded, in an iframe, whatever you like. I saw one site using a drop-down to fire corzoogle, it was javascript, there was no need to even hit submit, it just shot off, but I'll be darned if I can find that URL.

Feel free to get back with more specifics, there will be a way.


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