A chisel-end hammer, cracked, near smashed to pieces by Anti-Hammer, in semi-transparent greyscale.Setup

This page will (hopefully!) tell you everything you need to know to setup Anti-Hammer protection on your web site. It's usually straightforward.

If you need help with any aspect of the seup, I am an email away.

Quick-Start Guide:


If you have a question, feel free to leave a comment, below. I don't expect it to get too busy; Anti-Hammer usually just works. If you think you have found a bug, please mail me about it, with full details, preferably attaching your script to thte mail. Thanks!

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oussamaDZ - 11.05.10 6:28 am

Thanks smiley for :D


Tweaked my own prefs in, installed and everything works fine :-)
Lately I've been pinged a BIG time with whatnots and this kills practically all of it.
I'm a VERY happy chap :-D

A question - how big the .ht_hammer can grow? Before there are some effects, that is...

Great "add-on" even to a Joomla site, I suppose it's ok to direct people here with a link (?). I'm sure quite a few people could use this one.

A HUGE thank you, mate.

Inward links from original sites are always welcome. Anti-hammer's log file has no limit, other than the space available; it doesn't mind. My site's logger has a clean-up facility which archives my logs at a particular size. If requested, I could look at putting something similar together an add-on for anti-hammer; automatic clean-up. ;o)

moogy - 16.08.10 7:24 am

If it doesn't work for you...

And your error logs don't show anything (you have enabled error logging, right?), try using php.ini rather than .htaccess and check the logs again. Also make sure the anti-hammer directory is writeable..

Only about one other person in the world visits my site regularly, but this'll keep 'em in line for sure. Thanks cor, this is awesome

proxylist.co - 31.08.10 7:16 pm

This is exactly what I'm looking for the proxylist.co proxy list site.

Many thanks!

hecker - 23.01.11 2:23 pm

I got anti-hammer to work just fine. Thanks for that! But I am uncomfortable setting permissions in the directory it is in to 777, which is the only way the code will run.

I therefore tried to put the directory above the root, but that didn't work.

Having a directory below the root that is set to 777 is risky. I wonder if there is a way to avoid this situation.

My PHP runs as DSO API.

The directory anti-hammer runs from does NOT need to be chmod 777, only the directory where the temporary anonymous sessions are kept.

ps. I'd love you to explain exactly how having a deirectory below the root set to 777 is risky. ;o)

Tim - 14.02.11 4:10 pm

Great script, but I have a slight issue with it. When the site pushes out a temporary redirect header (e.g. to proceed after submitting a form, or for example, to jump out to the admin login form), it appears to trigger immediately.

Any quick way to resolve this?

EDIT : (it just did it when submitting this comment form on your site too)

Highly unlikely! Anti-hammer only triggers at the preset levels. If you are almost at trigger point, then it is an easy thing to trigger the anti-hammer mechanism. Simply adjust the levels to suit your needs. ;o)

KKolya - 16.02.11 12:04 am

Same problem as others have reported above: php_value auto_prepend_file simply doesn't seem to work here, despite htaccess working in general.

auto_prepend_file is sometimes disabled at the server (httpd.conf) level, and there's not a lot you can do about it except ask the admins to enable it. If you explain what it is for; anti-hammer; they will probably agree; it's in their best interests. Also see my earlier posts, above. ;o)

Barry - 10.09.11 6:11 am

I think we all should donate at least $1 (more if you can)

I have been coming to this site for about a year now for the best .htaccess tutorial on the web - period. Tonight I was doing the same when I came across the anti-hammer link. I have just downloaded it, so I can only anticipate the benefits to my Easy Profit Bot Review Website,
but I already owe you a debt of gratitude for the countless hours of frustration that I did NOT have to suffer once I found your .htaccess tutorial.

I am donating $1 right now. I think everyone that sees this comment should also, more if you can spare the change!

We all know that this site is worth much, much more. Collectively, lets show our appreciation thru donation, so this site can continue to provide the priceless value that it has to me, to you and to everyone of our visitors that had an enriched user experience because of the tips and hints we found on corz.org.

I guess, what I mean is, "Thanks! Here's a hundred pennies for your thoughts!"

Thanks for your kind words. I really do wish everyone would follow your advice, for so many reasons! Good luck with your project(s)! ;o)

MadeUpName - 17.10.11 5:01 pm

My host deactivated my website multiple times due to spam bots. This script saved it! Very powerful and efficient. Thanks
Does the script allow Bing bots?

It can allow whatever bots you like, see inside ./anti-hammer/exemptions/ ;o)

CasperX - 01.11.11 5:16 pm

I have an error in my file
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at X:*****\******\anti-hammer\anti-hammer.php:1) in X:*****\******\index.php on line 2
please tell me how to fix this error? smiley for :erm:

These sorts of errors are common for new php coders. You probably have a white space somewhere it shouldn't be (maybe altering anti-hammer's preferences), or somehting like that (Google: php "headers already sent" for lots of information about this error.

You also might want to consider using output buffering (ob_start();) at the beginning of your scripts. ;o)

Mickey - 03.11.11 3:25 pm

I've gotten this to work with WordPress, but I'm having a problem getting it to work with Joomla. Does anyone know of any settings that need to be adjusted for this to work with Joomla? Any settings with the anti-hammer.php file? smiley for :roll:

I have no idea, but if you let us know the kind of error(s) you are getting, someone might.

[edit]I just installed anti-hammer at my son's Joomla site, works great.

As for yours, if something isn't working your php error log should be your fist port of call.[/edit]


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