Long Path Fixer Logo, in large 256 pixel size. Long Path Fixer

Copy, Move, Rename and Delete files and folders with Very Long Paths.

Got a "Path Too Long" error in Windows? Try this free utility for moving, copying, renaming and deleting files and folders with Very Long Paths.


Because the alternative (Long Path Tool) is shit payware by a shitty company that employs idiots to spam the entire internet about their crappy product.

What does it do?

Simply put, Long Path Fixer is a program enables you to "get at" files and folders that Windows Explorer refuses to reach, that is, anything with a path longer than the Windows API can handle (MAX_PATH: 259 actual characters).

With Long Path Fixer, you can effortlessly manipulate files and folders with paths of up to 32,767 characters in length. No destination is "Too Long"!

How does it work?

Image of Long Path Fixer showing the contents of my C DriveLong Path Fixer presents you with a simple list of files and folders in the current directory (including "hidden" files and folders). You can drag and drop files or folders onto it and it will navigate directly to path of whatever you dropped.

From there, you simply click on the file or folder you want to move, copy, delete, and hit the appropriate button; Move, Copy or Delete. All these options are also available from the context (right-click) menu, as well as rename (I may add a button for that!), delete to recycle bin, copy the path and so on.

Image of Long Path Fixer context menu showing open and unlock optionsJust like Explorer windows, F5 refreshes the list.

The top item "●●" enables you to go UP, as if you hadn't guessed!

There is a drop-down menu at the top with all your available drives listed, so you can start navigating from there, use your up/down arrow keys to switch drives and so on. Having said that, it's usually easier to drag-and-drop items directly from Explorer.

Note: if you drag a shortcut, Long Path Fixer will automatically resolve the shortcut to its real location. If you would prefer to have it open at the actual .lnk file's directory, hold drown the <Ctrl> key whilst dropping the item onto the main window.

You can also have Long Path Fixer in your explorer directory context menu, and an option to enable this is available from Long Path Fixer's System Tray menu (see image below). This way you can right-click folders in Explorer and send them straight to Long Path Fixer, which will launch with your selected folder in view.

Alternatively, you can keep a shortcut in your SendTo menu, and send items from there. Or even drag and drop items directly onto Long Path Fixer, or a shortcut to it. If you send files, Long Path Fixer will open at the parent folder.

If you launch Long Path Fixer with no path on the command line (by clicking it directly), Long Path Fixer will remember your previous folder and start there, same goes for whatever destination folder you last chose to copy/move an item to - that's where the dialog will open next time around. Anything to save a few precious seconds!

On the subject of time-saving, if Long Path Fixer if buried beneath some windows on your desktop, hovering over its tray menu will jump it immediately to the front. There is also an option to stay on top, if you prefer.

What if an item is locked?

Long Path Fixer has a context (right-click) menu in its file list. If you select an item and right-click the list, you have the option to open the item using the default shell (Explorer) action (this is also what happens if you double-click a file), as well options as move, copy, rename and delete the selected item.

You can also copy the full path in short or long format to your Windows clipboard (paths longer than 259 characters will be automatically prefixed with the standard UNC-style prefix "\\?\", for compatibility).

There is also an "unlock" option..

Long Path Fixer uses the excellent (and free) LockHunter to do its unlocking, silently launching LockHunter in the background to unlock the file. I have nothing to do with LockHunter. I just think it's great software that everyone should have installed on their system! If you don't have LockHunter installed, then you should definitely go here..

Get LockHunter..

Grab the FREE and highly useful LockHunter - works in all modern versions of Windows

It STILL won't delete?

When dealing with hard-to-shift files of any description, it's best to run Long Path Fixer as an Administrator. If something won't delete, do that!

Portable operation..

Like all my Windows apps, if there is a copy of of the preference file (Long Path Fixer.ini) sitting right next to the program (Long Path Fixer.exe), it will automatically switch to portable mode, so you can happily put Long Path Fixer in a Pen-Drive, DVD, Blu-Ray, or wherever you like.

Normally, your Long Path Fixer.ini is stored in your user folder (C:\Users\<Your-name>\corz\Long Path Fixer). By the way, if you ever need to manually edit your preferences (unlikely), there is an option to do exactly that in Long Path Fixer's System Tray menu..


If you want to checks out the changes, fixes and what-not, go here.

Image of Long Path Fixer System Tray Menu, showing edit prefs option about to be selected

Long Path Fixer Download
100% FREE. Available in 32 and 64 bit flavours..


Long Path Fixer for Windows

click to see zip archive contents

LIVE MD5+SHA1 Multi-Hashes..
# made with checksum.. point-and-click hashing for windows (64-bit edition). # from corz.org.. http://corz.org/windows/software/checksum/ # #md5#Long Path Fixer for Windows.zip#2014.07.24@02.09:20 1241bea8f2fa13a15902bf2b35140c12 *Long Path Fixer for Windows.zip #sha1#Long Path Fixer for Windows.zip#2014.07.24@02.09:20 32d9c6f4d942cb6805dc12ba301790bb90688004 *Long Path Fixer for Windows.zip

Long Path Fixer for Windows x64

click to see zip archive contents

LIVE MD5+SHA1 Multi-Hashes..
# made with checksum.. point-and-click hashing for windows (64-bit edition). # from corz.org.. http://corz.org/windows/software/checksum/ # #md5#Long Path Fixer for Windows x64.zip#2014.07.24@02.09:23 a21df2b58f8bd505f58dd875a3770dc5 *Long Path Fixer for Windows x64.zip
SoftFiles award image telling you that Long Path Fixer got 5/5 stars, don't they all! Long Path Fixer's Soft Go award.. 5/5 Long Path Fixer's soft32download award.. 5/5 Long Path Fixer's nonags award.. Softpedia award image telling you that this download is guaranteed to be free of virii, trojans and all that jazz bluechillies 5 star award Long Path Fixer's TopShareware award.. 5/5 Shareup Networks Long Path Fixer at filefishstick Long Path Fixer at TopShareware - 5 stars

Have fun!

;o) corz.org

p.s. Long Path Fixer is 100% FREE.

Making great tools for you is a full-time job. So if you saved some valuable time or frustration using Long Path Fixer, you can help support the development of this and many other fine works by sending a couple of quid (or more!) my way..

Thank you!

And a big thank you to orbs, for his work on the LFN UDF, Keep it up, man!

If you are looking for a data verfication app that can handle long paths, check out checksum..

checksum logo - yes, your data is 100% OK

Please feel free to comment below. All suggestions welcome. If you want to leave a bug report, please do so by MAIL. Thanks!

previous comments (seven pages)   show all comments

Yuvraj - 30.11.16 3:08 pm

I agree with the same of
Broke Student Dev as I searched almost a day of time for the right tool and most of them are not straight to the point and are of payware, spyware blah blah..
Thanks for the tool and I found a bit inconvenience of "copy progress"(As there's no progress UI/console/ time status to see the status) during folders copy. But anyways, it's manageable by cross checking the properties after copy smiley for :)

Andrew - 05.12.16 9:23 am

Hi, I came across your tool and love that you want to stick it up the other company (I found it quite offensive that they were spamming everywhere too). Thanks for going to the effort to create it.

However, the function your tool lacks that theirs has is the ability to search for files.

I had a server full of crypto 'Your files have been encrypted' type files but they were crazy long names so I could not delete them. I just wanted a tool to be able to find and delete all these files but your tool does not do that - Future enhancement?

I ended up using a trial version of 'FileBoss' which allowed me to do this - not a paid plug smiley for :)

I didn't write this as a way to "stick it" to anyone. It wasn't my intention that this should become THE free long paths tool, simply that there should be free alternatives. I wanted to get a vanguard going.

There are now quite a few free tools for working with long paths. For searching for files with long paths, I recommend TLPD. There are others.

You could also use a Powershell command..

cmd /c dir /s /b |? {$_.length -gt 260}

It's unlikely that I will add search capabilities to Long Path Fixer.


Hans - 18.12.16 11:05 pm

For some kind of reason the app can't be installed (W10 x64).
What could be the problem?

There is no installer! Just run it! ;o)

Samih - 22.12.16 2:15 pm

Thanks, worked well in WIN 10, its great!

BobbyC - 28.12.16 4:01 am

Hi Corz,

Did it work? Yes!!smiley for :lol: Was it easy to use? well lets say it was a bit of a learning curve but works and that is what counts. As others have commented on, it could use a progress bar as some of my tries didn't seem to work but after a a refresh they were gone.
I am using Win 10 x64 and had no problems.
Best Regards

To - 13.01.17 12:22 pm

Thank you so much for your effort to make this utility.
Happy New Year 2017

Bill Woodland - 16.01.17 2:48 am

This tool has helped me tremendously. It would be really cool if it showed the two panes; the folder tree on the left, and the files/folders on the right, similar to windows explorer. Once I click down to folders off the root, I can't tell where I am. At least would be nice to shoe the full path in the top bar. The dot dot is nice, but how about a button that you only have to click once?

Make those two changes, email me, and I'll paypal you $20.

BTW I'm 61 years old, and have a real hard time reading your page, due to poor vision. I have to hit control-a (select all) to be able to read it. Orange on orange on orange....more contrast would help a lot.

If you look at the left of this page (and all pages onsite) you will see "prefs". Click that for a choice of colour schemes (including a high contrast browser colour scheme). There is also a scheme selector at the foot of all pages.

Users have always been able to change colour schemes at corz.org.

As for your bribe, I'll pass.


Carlos - 30.01.17 9:28 am

Thank you so much, worked well in WIN 7
smiley for :lol:smiley for :lol:smiley for :lol:

Tom M - 10.02.17 9:00 am


I erroneously set up a robocopy that cascaded on itself by copying a directory (with subdirectories) to an area that was on the chain of subdirectories. I canceled the job but it has left a very, very long string of paths and filenames. The properties command at the root of the where it took off says 94 folders. I've tried shortening the directory names to 1 character, etc. but even though I was able to accomplish that Windows still will not allow me to remove the base of the directory tree or delete the files in the subdirectory's far down in the chain (at about folder 87). I was able to delete the files in the directories less than 87.

Anyway, when I try and run the Long Path Fixer I get an error: AutoIt Error "Line 1031 (File "C:\{Long Path Fixer for Windows x64}..."

Error: Recursion level has been exceeded - AutoIt will quit to prevent stack overflow."

Any thoughts on what I might try next?



Wow! That must be some mess in there! You could always navigate into these and work on subsets, but if you are familiar with robocopy, why not get it to clean up its own mess, something like..

robocopy c:\someemptyfolder c:\foldertodelete /purge


alex - 20.02.17 2:18 pm

I have used your tool wherever possible and it really saved us quite a bit of headache. The fact no install is needed just makes it handy.

Would love to have the option to copy data as well or move with the option to copy open file. we are using a paid tool to do that (GS RichCopy 360) which does the job.
Hopefully you can do as a product enhancement or if there is a roadmap would be ideal.

pmz - 24.05.18 8:33 pm

Thanks for this super amazing tool. Works wonders but I ran in a serious error. Hope it can be solved. I moved(should have copied I know) a folder to the root of the drive and my folder disappeared on both source and destination. smiley for :geek:smiley for :geek:smiley for :geek:

Is there a way to undo?

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