#!v0.1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; This is an ARSE (Automatic Router Scripting Engine) script ; [For Viking I chipset] ; ; for more details see here.. ; http://corz.org/windows/software/accessories/Automatic-Router-Scripting-Engine/ ; ; for IL-2 Sturmovik running on a peecee at ; DON'T FORGET to edit the hlpro.ini file, in section [IL-2 Sturmovik (full version)] ; change DetectLocalIP=1 to.. DetectLocalIP=0 ; now the router.. ; essential tweaks.. nbsize maxipsess 511 ; tweak the NAT / timeout settings ; you may want to play with these, still.. modify nat global tcpidletimeout 3600 tcpclosewait 30 tcptimeout 30 udptimeout 45 enable ; #IL-2 Sturmovik UDP firewall rule.. create ipf rule entry ruleid 21000 ifname public dir in act accept transprot eq num 17 destport eq num 21000 seclevel high medium low ; and NAT.. create nat rule entry ruleid 21000 rdr lcladdrfrom lcladdrto destportfrom num 21000 destportto num 21000 lclport num 21000 # one rule to NAT them all.. create nat rule entry ruleid 100000 napt # make the changes permanent.. commit