#include #include /* uptime v0.1 outputs uptime to stdout in a simple, parsable format. this program is designed for trivial usage, forum signatures and suchlike. ;o) */ void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { long tc, day, hour, min, sec; day = 0; hour = 0; min = 0; sec = 0; if (argc > 1) { // there are no arguments! printf("\n outputs the time since the peecee booted\n"); printf(" in the format \"days,hours,minutes,seconds\"\n"); printf(" specifically designed for parsing\n\n"); printf(" usage: uptime\n\n"); printf(" no additional arguments required!\n"); printf(" v 0.1 (c) corz.org 2005 ->\n"); return 1; } // get number of milliseconds PC has been up.. tc = GetTickCount() / 1000; // and convert into seconds // work out days, etc.. while (tc > 86400) { day++; tc -= 86400; } while (tc > 3600) { hour++; tc -= 3600; } while (tc > 60) { min++; tc -= 60; } while (tc > 1) { sec++; tc -= 1; } // finally, output uptime to stdout.. printf("%d,%d,%d,%d", day, hour, min, sec); }