#include-once #include ; ; Feel free to tap into this in your apps, I do. ; If $ce_debug is set to true/$GUI_CHECKED/1/etc., all debug lines will be sent ; to an actual debug file. See itstory (at the foot of this script) for more info. ; global $ce_debug = 0 #cs corz essential functions v0.7b (c) corz.org 2006-> function list.. [see the functions themselves for more detailed usage instructions] BubbleSort( array ) InsertionSort( array ) ShellSort( array ) MaxMax(int/float{num1), int/float{num2} [, int/float{num2})] MinMin(int/float{num1), int/float{num2} [, int/float{num2})] BaseName ( string {file/folder path} ) GetExtension( string {file path} ) RemoveExtension( string {file path} ) CleanName( string {file path} ) GetParent( string {file/folder path} ) FolderIsEmpty( string {directory path} ) IsDir( string {directory path} ) ReadDir ( string {folder path}, string {extensions to return {wildcards allowed}}) NOTE: This now returns an "AutoIt array" RecurseDir(string {folder path}, string {file masks[, bool {$dont_recurse=false}[, string {path to dump file}[, bool {$return_dirs=false}]]]) GrabCommentsFromIniSection( string{path to ini file}, string{ini section}[, bool{make array}[, string{ignore lines containing this}]]) WriteCommentsToIniSection( string{path to ini file}, string{ini section}, string{comments to write}) IniReadCheckBoxValue( string {ini file path}, string {"section"}, string {"key"}, string {"default value"} ) IniWriteCheckBoxValue( string {ini file path}, string {"section"}, string {"key"}, string {"value"} ) IniKeyExists( array (probably output from IniReadSeaction), string {key to search for}) InArray ( array{to search}, string{to find} ) MakeDummyArray ( string ) TwoD2OneDArray(array {Two-Dimensional array}) SaveSizePos(window handle, string{ini path}, string {ini section}[, int{min width}[, int{min height} [,string{x name in ini}[, string{y name in ini}[, string{width name in ini}[, string{height name in ini}]]]]]]) RememberComboSelection( array{this combo box's special selection array}, string{value to store}) GetLastComboSelection( array{this combo box's special selection array}, array{list of current valid names in this combo}) VisitURL( string {valid URI} ) UrlToText( string{Valid URI or html file path)[, bool{local file = false} [, string{begin output from this string}]]) ReplaceHTMLEntities( string{text to translate entities in;   (numeric) ö regular ("ö")}) OrdAbbAppend( int/string {number to append an ordinal abbreviation to (20 becomes "20th")}) LogError( string ) Deprecated (best to be app-specific) DoLog( string {log file full path}, string {a value to write*} [, string final output}]) PrintArray ( array [, string {title}, bool {true if 2D array}] ) Print2DArray(array {array to print} [, string {(name in console}[, int {line number}]]) Print3DArray(array {array to print} [, string {(name in console}[, int {line number}]]) DumpArray ( array ) debug( string ) ExitReport ( string ) -- From UDF's.. ArrayBox(ByRef $Array, $ArrayBase = 1, $sTitle = 'Array Box', $Width = 350, $Height = 350, $Left = -1, $Top = -1) ce_Singleton($occurenceName, $flag = 0) ce_IsPressed($Key) QuitBox() #ce ; ; ; BubbleSort() ; ; A very basic, but very handy array sort. ; Designed for small lists; menus and such-like, where it excels. ; Purist can kiss my butt, this is simple, and elegant. ; ; NOTE: this is for "AutoIt Arrays", where the first value is ; the total number of elements. Basically, it will be left as-is. ; Also note, this is a case-insensitive search. ; ; to use.. BubbleSort($my_array) ; func BubbleSort(ByRef $bs_array) for $i = uBound($bs_array)-1 to 1 step -1 for $j = 2 to $i if $bs_array[$j-1] > $bs_array[$j] then $temp = $bs_array[$j-1] $bs_array[$j-1] = $bs_array[$j] $bs_array[$j] = $temp endif next next return $bs_array endfunc ; ; By the way, it should be noted that I have no idea why this works. ; Technically, using strings as numbers in AutoIt should implicitly call ; Number() and all "words" would be 0. But it does work, and works great! ; Hmmm. ; ; InsertionSort() ; ; slightly different results, here ; simple algo, good for lists of numbers, and pretty fast, too.. ; func InsertionSort(ByRef $is_array) for $i = 1 to uBound($is_array)-1 $index = $is_array[$i] $j = $i while $j > 1 and $is_array[$j-1] > $index $is_array[$j] = $is_array[$j-1] $j -= 1 wend $is_array[$j] = $index next return $is_array endfunc ; mail me if you want an AutoIt version of the QuickSort algo ; ; ; ShellSort() ; Invented by Donald Shell, 1959. ; ; more efficient than a BubbleSort ; good for repetative sorting of smaller lists ; neck-and-neck with InsertionSort in most of my tests ; ; note: this is designed for "AutoIt Arrays" (first value it the total) ; func ShellSort(ByRef $some_array) $increment = 1 while $increment > 0 for $i = 2 to uBound($some_array)-1 $j = $i $temp = $some_array[$i] while $j >= $increment and $some_array[$j-$increment] > $temp $some_array[$j] = $some_array[$j-$increment] $j = $j - $increment wend $some_array[$j] = $temp next if $increment/2 <> 0 then ; ? $increment = int($increment/2) elseif $increment = 1 then $increment = 0 else $increment = 1 endif wend return $some_array endfunc ; MaxMax() ; ; Evaluates two or three numbers and returns the highest ; Because _Max($a,(_Max($b,$c)) is just plain ugly. ; func MaxMax($num1, $num2, $num3=1.7E-308) if not IsNumber($num1) or not IsNumber($num2) or not IsNumber($num3) then return if $num1 > $num2 then if $num3 > $num1 then return $num3 return $num1 else if $num3 > $num2 then return $num3 return $num2 endif endfunc ; ; MinMin() ; ; Evaluates two or three numbers and returns the smallest ; func MinMin($num1, $num2, $num3=1.7E+308) if not IsNumber($num1) or not IsNumber($num2) or not IsNumber($num3) then return if $num1 > $num2 then if $num3 < $num2 then return $num3 return $num2 else if $num3 < $num1 then return $num3 return $num1 endif endfunc ; string format, a-la C.. ; func printf($format, $var1, $var2=-1, $var3=-1) if $var2=-1 then return StringFormat($format, $var1) else return StringFormat($format, $var1, $var2, $var3) endif endfunc ; ; BaseName() ; ; get the base name of a file from a full path.. ; in other words; returns the path name without the folders part (ie. file name only) ; also works for folders. ; func BaseName($bn_path) $bn_path = StringReplace($bn_path, "/", "\") if StringRight($bn_path, 1) = "\" then $bn_path = StringTrimRight($bn_path, 1) local $parts = StringSplit($bn_path, "\") local $bn_tmp = $parts[$parts[0]] if StringRight($bn_tmp, 1) = ":" then $bn_tmp = StringTrimRight($bn_tmp, 1) return $bn_tmp endfunc ; ; GetExtension() ; ; returns the extension of a file name, e.g. "txt" ; if the file has no extension, returns a blank "" string ; also works for folders. This function is Case-Insensitive. ; func GetExtension($some_name) $parts = StringSplit($some_name, ".") local $e = $parts[$parts[0]] if $e <> $some_name and not StringInStr($e, "\") then ; "." was not found - extensionless file, possibly in a path with a dot return $e else return "" endif endfunc ; ; RemoveExtension() ; ; removes the extension of a file name (including the dot ".") ; requires the above functions ; also works for folders. ; func RemoveExtension($some_name) local $add = 0 if StringInStr(BaseName($some_name), ".") then $add = 1 ;might not have an extension return StringTrimRight($some_name, StringLen(GetExtension($some_name)) + $add) endfunc ; ; CleanName() ; ; returns a file name minus the path AND the extension ; basically does two of the above functions, all-in-one.. ; func CleanName($some_name) return RemoveExtension(BaseName($some_name)) endfunc ; ; CleanPath() ; ; Clean-up potentially problematic file path characters ; func CleanPath($string) $string = StringReplace($string, "|", "~") $string = StringReplace($string, '"', "'") $string = StringReplace($string, ":", "~") $string = StringReplace($string, "*", "~") $string = StringReplace($string, "/", "~") $string = StringReplace($string, "\", "~") $string = StringReplace($string, ">", "~") $string = StringReplace($string, "<", "~") $string = StringReplace($string, "?", "~@") return $string endfunc ; ; GetParent() ; ; Returns the parent DIRECTORY of a given file or directory path.. ; (The returned path does NOT end in a backslash) ; func GetParent($gp_dir) if StringRight($gp_dir, 1) = "\" then $gp_dir = StringTrimRight($gp_dir, 1) local $gp_full_path = StringSplit($gp_dir, "\") ; array $tmp_parent = StringTrimRight($gp_dir, StringLen($gp_full_path[$gp_full_path[0]]) + 1) ; 1 = "\" if StringLen($tmp_parent) <= 3 then return GetWinDrive($gp_dir) & ":" return $tmp_parent endfunc ; ; GetWinDrive() ; ; Returns the parent DRIVE of a given path.. ; ; "I:\temp\test\musk.mp3" >> returns: I ; ; Invalid (or UNC) paths return an empty string. ; func GetWinDrive($gd_path) select case StringMid($gd_path, 2, 1) == ":" return StringLeft($gd_path, 1) case else return "" endselect endfunc ; ; ; LnkToReal() ; ; convert shortcut to its real target path ; if link is invalid, returns false ; if file path sent is not a .lnk file, returns the path that was sent ; so you can safely insert it into any user's path choosing operation ; func LnkToReal($file) if GetExtension($file) = "lnk" then local $lnk_arr = FileGetShortcut($file) if IsArray($lnk_arr) and FileExists($lnk_arr[0]) then return $lnk_arr[0] else return $file endif return false endfunc ; FolderIsEmpty() ; ; empty the folder is? ; ; returns 0 is folder is not empty ; returns 1 if the given folder path is empty ; returns 2 if the path does not exist ; func FolderIsEmpty($fie_folder) if not FileExists($fie_folder) then return 2 local $ret = 0 local $fie_search_files = FileFindFirstFile($fie_folder & "\*.*") if $fie_search_files = -1 then ; No files! Good! if @error = 1 then $ret = 1 else $ret = 2 endif endif FileClose($fie_search_files) return $ret endfunc ; ; IsDir() ; ; is the given path a directory? ; func IsDir($some_path) ; simple but slow.. ; (although the fastest of all the methods I've tried - a lot) return StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($some_path), "D") ;, 2 = slower! endfunc ; ; ReadDir() ; ; open a folder and return files with a particular $extension ; as an array of file names. See RecurseDir() (below) for ; more functionality. ; ; NO Wild-Cards Allowed ; func ReadDir($folder, $extension) ; AutoIt array handling is basic, to say the least! local $files[1] local $new_array[2] if StringLeft($folder, 4) <> "\\?\" then $folder = "\\?\" & $folder ; create a "search handle" of all the *.$extension files in the folder $search_files = FileFindFirstFile($folder & "\*." & $extension) if $search_files = -1 then FileClose($search_files) $search_files = FileFindFirstFile($folder & "\*." & $extension) endif $i = 1 do $tmp = FileFindNextFile($search_files) $files[$i-1] = $tmp $i += 1 ; like php, same as $i = $i + 1 redim $files[$i] until @error FileClose($search_files) ; close the search handle ; this removes the extraneous/empty elements from the array $i = 2 for $this_file in $files if StringInStr($this_file, $extension, 2) then redim $new_array[$i] $new_array[0] = $i-1 $new_array[$i-1] = $this_file $i = $i + 1 endif next ; wipe this array.. $files = 0 ;if $new_array[1] = "" then return 0 ; return the array of filenames.. return $new_array endfunc ; ; RecurseDir() v2.34 ; ; Recursively search a directory structure for files matching a pattern ; and return its files as an array of file paths, the first value being the ; total number of file paths in the array (a-la "AutoIt Array"). ; ; I spent some time testing many different routines. _GetFileList, by Jos van ; der Zande, always gave me the best results, and nicely coded, but around ten ; times slower (52s) than Larry (and Beerman's) recursion routines (4.9s) when ; recursing my home folder.** ; ; ** 1000 folders, 4773 files, 702MB. [cpu:1.3GHz, 640MB RAM] at time of writing ; ; This function is based on _GetFileList, but after a few hacks and tweaks is now ; more than fifteen times faster than the original.** The results are still as good, ; but instead of 50+ seconds to recurse my home folder, it now takes 3.3 seconds, ; making it fastest and bestest of all the AutoIt recursion routines! *tic* ; ; Note: you can now supply multiple file masks (needed for backup). It makes a lot ; of sense to grab any other extensions while we are in a directory. ; The delimiter is a comma.. ; ; RecurseDir("C:\Program Files", "*.reg,*.ini,*.cfg") ; ; When searching for multiple masks the speed improvements are *staggering*, and ; logarithmic; basically multiply the number of masks. For instance, a backup of ; all the pref files in my Program Files folder is scanned, copied, zipped and ; completed in around a minute. pretty good, considering it's over 12GB; all ; tools, no big game installs, and ten file masks to search. ; ; The optional third parameter "$dont_recurse" tells RecurseDir() to only return ; matches for files in the top level directory, no deeper. (true/false) ; see also ReadDir() above. ; ; You can also supply an optional fourth parameter which is a string; the path to ; a "dump file" to dump (log) the paths of all matched files; for debugging only, ; because it will slow things down some. ; ; In v2.2 you can also supply an optional fifth parameter, "$return_dirs" which ; will do exactly that, returning an AutoIt array of all the directories in the ; path, and *only* the directories. (true/false) ; ; The optional 6th parameter ($max) is the maximum limit for returned paths, ; which is normally 1,000,000 (one million). Bigger sizes use more memory, roughly ; 10MB per million (for the initial *empty* array - before it gets filled with ; values). The absolute maximum size for an array is around 8,388,606, so don't ; go above that, or you will get errors. Also, ensure this value is never zero. ; ; This function gets used a lot in my apps. ; ; 6th parameter $dirs_match_mask is for when you ask to return_dirs. Set this to ; true, and RecurseDir will only return those dirs which match the file mask. ; ; ** A lot to do with using the "&=" operator. Those wee differences mount up. ; Probably that operator wasn't available when the code was first written. ; ; 2do. enable levels of recusion, and also files+dirs ; also remove this silly var name.. global $quit = false func RecurseDir($dir, $mask, $dont_recurse=false, $dump="", $return_dirs=false, $mx=1000000, $dirs_match_mask=false, $convert_names=false, $convert_level=2) ;ConsoleWrite(".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : ==> " & "dir: " & $dir & @LF) ;ConsoleWrite(".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : ==> " & "mask: " & $mask & @LF) ;ConsoleWrite(".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : ==> " & "dont_recurse: " & $dont_recurse & @LF) ;ConsoleWrite(".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : ==> " & "dump: " & $dump & @LF) ;ConsoleWrite(".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : ==> " & "return_dirs: " & $return_dirs & @LF) ;ConsoleWrite(".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : ==> " & "mx: " & $mx & @LF) ;ConsoleWrite(".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : ==> " & "dirs_match_mask: " & $dirs_match_mask & @LF) local $n_dirnames[$mx] ; maximum number of directories which can be scanned local $n_dircount = 0 ; ^ could be set much higher, if required local $n_file local $n_search local $file_array local $filenames local $matching_dirs local $filecount local $dircount = 1 ; if there was an "\" on the end of the given directory, remove that.. if StringRight($dir, 1) = "\" then $dir = StringTrimRight($dir, 1) $n_dirnames[$dircount] = $dir if not FileExists($dir) then return 0 while $dircount > $n_dircount ; keep on looping until all directories are scanned (or user interrupts).. if $quit = 1 then return $n_dircount += 1 $n_search = FileFindFirstFile($n_dirnames[$n_dircount] & "\*.*") while 1 ; find all subdirs in this directory and store them in a array.. $n_file = FileFindNextFile($n_search) ;if @error then exitloop if @error then FileClose($n_file) exitloop ; end of dir endif ; skip directory references.. if $n_file = "." or $n_file = ".." then continueloop if $convert_names = $GUI_CHECKED then $cn_file = BaseName(ConvertNames($n_dirnames[$n_dircount] & "\" & $n_file, $convert_level)) if $n_file <> $cn_file then $n_file = $cn_file endif $n_file = $n_dirnames[$n_dircount] & "\" & $n_file ; if it's a directory, add it to the list of directories to be processed.. if StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($n_file ), "D") and not $dont_recurse then $dircount += 1 $n_dirnames[$dircount] = $n_file endif wend FileClose($n_search) ; multiple masks.. if StringInStr($mask, ",", 2) then $mask_array = StringSplit($mask, ",") else ; or else create a dummy array.. local $mask_array[2] = [1, $mask] endif ; loop through the masks array.. for $mask_c = 1 to $mask_array[0] ; find all files that match this mask.. $n_search = FileFindFirstFile($n_dirnames[$n_dircount] & "\" & $mask_array[$mask_c] ) if $n_search = -1 then continueloop if @error then FileClose($n_search) exitloop ; end of dir endif while 1 $n_file = FileFindNextFile($n_search) if @error then FileClose($n_file) exitloop ; end of dir endif if $n_file = "." or $n_file = ".." then continueloop if $convert_names = $GUI_CHECKED then $cn_file = BaseName(ConvertNames($n_dirnames[$n_dircount] & "\" & $n_file, $convert_level)) if $n_file <> $cn_file then $n_file = $cn_file endif $n_file = $n_dirnames[$n_dircount] & "\" & $n_file if not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib( $n_file ), "D") then $filecount += 1 $filenames &= $n_file & @LF else $matching_dirs &= $n_file & "|" endif wend FileClose($n_search) next FileClose($n_search) wend ; flip to a string and back to remove extraneous entries ; this is quicker than redimming on every loop if $return_dirs then $tmp_str = "" $i = 1 if $dirs_match_mask then $matching_dirs = StringTrimRight($matching_dirs, 1) $n_dirnames = StringSplit($matching_dirs, "|") return $n_dirnames else while $n_dirnames[$i] <> "" ; what about comparing file mask here, $dirs_match_mask=false $tmp_str &= $n_dirnames[$i] & "|" $i += 1 wend $tmp_str = StringTrimRight($tmp_str, 1) $n_dirnames = StringSplit($tmp_str, "|") return $n_dirnames endif endif $filenames = StringTrimRight($filenames, 1) if $filenames = "" then return 0 $file_array = StringSplit($filenames, @LF) ; dump results to a file.. if $dump then $dump_file = FileOpen($dump, 2) FileWrite($dump_file, $filenames) FileClose($dump_file) endif return($file_array) endfunc ; used (optionally) by RecurseDir ; ; convert weird filenames to 8.3 filenames func ConvertNames($some_path, $convert_level=4) ; $convert_level >> 4 = UTF8 (converts UTF8, too), 2 = UTF16 Little Endian (only converts WEIRD names) local $ab_file = $some_path $ub_file = StringToBinary($some_path, $convert_level) $ab_file = BinaryToString($ub_file, 1) ; >> ASCII if $some_path <> $ab_file then $some_path = FileGetShortName($some_path) endif return $some_path endfunc ; ; GrabCommentsFromIniSection() ; ; AutoIt doesn't support ini comments (for some reason that I can't see - ; I would have them in an @extended variable in IniReadSection, or something) ; It's a shame, because otherwise AutoIt is very strong in the ini department. ; Anyway, I feel that ini file comments are very important, so I'll have to ; write some code to deal with this.. ; ; GrabCommentsFromIniSection("test.ini", "foo") ; ; ..returns all comments from the section "foo", in the file; "test.ini" ; The path must point to a real ini file with standard ini sections. ; ; Set the optional third parameter to TRUE to get back an AutoIt array of ; the comments, one line per element. ; ; Send a string of text for the [optional] fourth parameter ($ignore), ; and any comment lines containing that word/phrase will be ignored. ; ; NOTE: GrabCommentsFromIniSection() returns lines of comments with a CRLF ; ("\r\n"; Windows line-break) between each line, but none before or after.. ; ; ALSO NOTE: Lines of comments beginning with a semi-colon ";" will be ; returned beginning with a hash "#", instead. This improves portability. ; func GrabCommentsFromIniSection($ini_file, $ini_section, $make_array=false, $ignore="(*&^(*&%*&^$&^£$^$%*&^%(*&%(") $whole_file = FileOpen($ini_file, 0) $file_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR(FileRead($whole_file, FileGetSize($ini_file))), @LF) FileClose($whole_file) $comment_string = "" $found_my_section = false for $a = 1 to $file_lines[0] $file_lines[$a] = StringStripWS($file_lines[$a], 3) if $found_my_section and StringLeft($file_lines[$a], 1) = "[" then exitloop if $file_lines[$a] = "[" & $ini_section & "]" then $found_my_section = true if $found_my_section then if StringLeft($file_lines[$a], 1) = ";" then $file_lines[$a] = StringReplace($file_lines[$a], ";", "#", 1) endif if StringLeft($file_lines[$a], 1) = "#" then if not StringInStr($file_lines[$a], $ignore) then $comment_string &= @CRLF & $file_lines[$a] endif endif endif next $comment_string = StringStripWS($comment_string, 1) if $make_array then return StringSplit($comment_string, @CRLF, 1) return $comment_string endfunc ; ; WriteCommentsToIniSection() [counterpart of the above.function] ; (there's no theoretical limit for the number of comment lines) ; ; Supply the full path to the ini file, the name of the ini section, ; and the string of comments to write. ; ; A CRLF (Windows Line-break character, "\r\n") is added before the comments. ; If you want line breaks after, you will need to add them yourself.e.g.. ; ; WriteCommentsToIniSection($ini_file, $my_group, $comment_string & @CRLF) ; ; Nothing else is added. Don't forget to put a "#" at the start of each line. ; ; WriteCommentsToIniSection() will backup the current ini file before proceeding. ; When complete, it will compare the size of the files. If the new ini isn't ; bigger than the old one, the backup is swapped back into place, no harm done. ; In this case, WriteCommentsToIniSection() will return False. Normally it ; returns True, meaning the operation was successful. ; ; NOTE: if you are writing to a new ini section, it's best to write the comments ; after this, which will ensure they are placed directly under the [section name] ; func WriteCommentsToIniSection($ini_file, $ini_section, $comment_string) FileCopy($ini_file, @TempDir & "\" & Basename($ini_file) & ".bax.ini", 1) IniWrite($ini_file, $ini_section, "wctis_foo", "bar") ; create the section if it doesn't exist $whole_file = FileRead($ini_file) $whole_file = StringReplace($whole_file, "[" & $ini_section & "]", "[" & $ini_section & "]" & @CRLF & $comment_string) $tmp_file = FileOpen($ini_file, 2) FileWrite($tmp_file, $whole_file) FileClose($tmp_file) if FileGetSize($ini_file) < FileGetSize(@TempDir & "\" & Basename($ini_file) & ".bax.ini") then FileDelete($ini_file) FileCopy(@TempDir & "\" & Basename($ini_file) & ".bax.ini", $ini_file) ; leave backup in-place return 0 endif IniDelete($ini_file, $ini_section, "wctis_foo") return 1 endfunc ; The following two functions assume you have the GUI constants loaded already. ; If not, uncomment the second-top line of this file. ; ; IniReadCheckBoxValue() ; ; This function "transforms" an AutoIt or human unchecked value (4 or 0, respectively), ; into plain old 4, which AutoIt can understand. this function is intended as a drop-in ; replacement for the IniRead command, simply replace the function name. ; Of course, it's only useful when reading checkbox values, e.g.. ; ; $big_switch = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "big_switch", $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; ; However I've gotten into the habit of using $GUI_CHECKED and $GUI_UNCHECKED as ; general booleans, which has proven to be very effective, especially when coupled ; with these two functions. Why? .. ; ; AutoIt, annoyingly, uses 1 as the value for checked checkboxes, and 4 as the value ; for unchecked checkboxes. This makes passing the values directly in and out of ini ; files undesirable, because "4" is not a logical value, and most humans would expect ; it to be 0 (zero). The following two functions act as interface between the program ; and the ini file, making sense of the "human" equivalents. Other "human" values are ; also understood, just in case.. ; func IniReadCheckBoxValue($rcbv_inifile, $rcbv_section, $rcbv_key, $rcbv_default) $ircbv_val = IniRead($rcbv_inifile, $rcbv_section, $rcbv_key, $rcbv_default) switch $ircbv_val case $GUI_UNCHECKED ; 4 return $GUI_UNCHECKED case "false", "off", "n", "no", "not", "nope", "nay", "nay!", "nah", "nah!", "no way!", "no sir!", "negative", "neg", "no!" return $GUI_UNCHECKED case "true", "on", "y", "yes", "yes!", "yay", "yay!", "yup", "hell yes!", "indeed", "yes sir!", "yessir!", "affirmative", "cool" return $GUI_CHECKED case "0" return $GUI_UNCHECKED case $GUI_CHECKED ; 1 return $GUI_CHECKED case else ; some special value, perhaps "-" (I sometimes employ, to enable user to disable something) let it pass.. return $ircbv_val endswitch endfunc func ProcessReadHumanCheckBoxValue($some_string) switch $some_string case $GUI_UNCHECKED ; 4 return $GUI_UNCHECKED case "false", "off", "n", "no", "not", "nope", "nay", "nay!", "nah", "nah!", "no way!", "no sir!", "negative", "neg", "no!" return $GUI_UNCHECKED case "true", "on", "y", "yes", "yes!", "yay", "yay!", "yup", "hell yes!", "indeed", "yes sir!", "yessir!", "affirmative", "cool" return $GUI_CHECKED case "0" return $GUI_UNCHECKED case $GUI_CHECKED ; 1 return $GUI_CHECKED case else return $GUI_UNCHECKED endswitch endfunc ; ; IniWriteCheckBoxValue() ; ; This function transforms an AutoIt checkbox value into a 'human' unchecked value (4 into 0, basically) ; this is intended as a drop-in replacement for the IniWrite command, simply replace the function name. ; Of course, it's only useful when writing checkbox values that will be read by 'IniReadCheckBoxValue' ; above. Instead of true/false, you can also write "no", "off", or whatever, by passing the optional 5th/6th ; parameters (while still leaving the function to decide which to use, of course). ; ; Other values will be written as-is, so it's safe to use in situations where the preference can be a boolean ; OR something else, like a regular string or integer value. ; func IniWriteCheckBoxValue($wcbv_inifile, $wcbv_section, $wcbv_key, $wcbv_val, $tru_val="true",$fal_val="false") if $wcbv_val = $GUI_CHECKED then $wcbv_val = $tru_val if $wcbv_val = $GUI_UNCHECKED then $wcbv_val = $fal_val IniWrite($wcbv_inifile, $wcbv_section, $wcbv_key, $wcbv_val) endfunc ; The above functions are useful until you create a proper preferences interface for your application! haha! ; actually, I tend to use $GUI_CHECKED and $GUI_UNCHECKED as general-purpose booleans these days, and like inis. func ProcessWriteHumanCheckBoxValue($some_string) if $some_string = $GUI_CHECKED then return "true" return "false" endfunc ; ; IniKeyExists() ; ; Feed it a 2-dimensional array (as supplied by IniReadSeaction) ; if the key exists, IniKeyExists() returns its value; if not, it returns false. ; The search is case-insensitive, but otherwise must be an exact (not partial) match. ; sometimes handy. ; func IniKeyExists(ByRef $search_array, $search_string) if not IsArray($search_array) then return false endif for $i = 1 to $search_array[0][0] if $search_string = $search_array[$i][0] then return $search_array[$i][1] endif next return false endfunc ; ; ; InArray() [for single-dimension arrays] ; ; Feed it an AutoIt array and a string, returns true if $ia_string ; is one of the $ia_array's *values*. Non-AutoIt arrays work fine, ; the first element is not relied upon, it is simply ignored. ; ; The search is case-insensitive, but must be an exact (not partial) match. ; Returns the index of the first value that was matched. ; ; There's probably a real function for this these days. (08, not yet!) ; func InArray(ByRef $ia_array, $ia_string) if not IsArray($ia_array) then return SetError(1, 0, false) $ia_limit = UBound($ia_array) - 1 for $i = 1 to $ia_limit ; not 0, which would return the total as a positive result if $ia_array[0]= e.g. "1" if $ia_string = $ia_array[$i] then return $i next return false endfunc ; ; ; InArrayValue() [for single-dimension arrays] ; ; Feed it an AutoIt array and a string, returns true if $ia_string ; is inside one of the $ia_array's *values*. Non-AutoIt arrays work fine, ; the first element is not relied upon, it is simply ignored. ; ; The search is case-insensitive, and can be a partial) match. ; Returns the index of the first value containing the string. ; func InArrayValue(ByRef $ia_array, $ia_string) if not IsArray($ia_array) then return SetError(1, -8, false) $ia_limit = UBound($ia_array) - 1 for $i = 1 to $ia_limit if StringInStr($ia_array[$i], $ia_string) then return $i next return false endfunc ; ; ; InArrayColumn() [for single-dimension arrays, with columned indexes] ; ; Feed it an AutoIt array and a string, returns true if $ia_string ; is a column of one of the $ia_array's *values*. Non-AutoIt arrays work ; fine, the first element is not relied upon, it is simply ignored. ; ; Because AutoIt's array-handling is almost non-existant, and redimming ; amazingly slow, other methods need to be devised to work with indexed ; lists. A "column marker" is simply a delimiter within the value which ; can be used to further split a value into multiple values. ; ; This function is designed to find text (e.g. "path/name.ext") inside a ; value that may look like.. "path/name.ext*179*20080621114934". ; ; The search is case-insensitive, and must be an exact match for a ; particular column. Columns are numbered from 1, which is the value of ; the first column, and the correct match in the above example. ; ; Success: Returns the index of the first value containing the string. ; Fail: Returns false ; func InArrayColumn(ByRef $ia_array, $ia_string, $col=1, $marker="*") if not IsArray($ia_array) then return SetError(1, -8, false) $ia_limit = UBound($ia_array) - 1 for $i = 1 to $ia_limit $columns = StringSplit($ia_array[$i], $marker) if $columns[$col] == $ia_string then return $i next return false endfunc ; MakeDummyArray() ; ; We need an array, but only have a string, what to do? this function returns an ; "AutoIt array" with a single data element, that is, two elements; $dummy_array[1] ; containing your string, and $dummy_array[0] being the total number of data elements, ; AutoIt-style, which will always be 1, of course. ; ; Although this is simple enough to do in place, it's more readable to do use a function. ; func MakeDummyArray($regular_string) local $dummy_array[2] = [1, $regular_string] return $dummy_array endfunc ; TwoD2OneDArray() ; ; convert a 2-dimensional array into a 1-dimensional array ; of all the *values* of the original 2D array.. func TwoD2OneDArray(ByRef $Array2D) if not IsArray($Array2D) then return false local $array[$Array2D[0][0]+1] $array[0] = $Array2D[0][0] for $i = 1 to $Array2D[0][0] $array[$i] = $Array2D[$i][1] next return $array endfunc ; takea a 2-dimensional array as input and splits it into two arrays, ; the first, all the indexes, the second, all the values. func TwoD22OneDArrays(ByRef $Array2D) if not IsArray($Array2D) then return false local $array[$Array2D[0][0]+1] local $array2[$Array2D[0][0]+1] $array[0] = $Array2D[0][0] $array2[0] = $Array2D[0][0] for $i = 1 to $Array2D[0][0] $array[$i] = $Array2D[$i][0] $array2[$i] = $Array2D[$i][1] next local $newarray[2] = [$array, $array2] return $newarray endfunc #cs SaveSizePos() save a window's size and position preferences.. [mainly for windows that can be re-sized, but fine for fixed-size windows, too] note: at the time of writing, this needs debugging. SaveSizePos Parameters.. window handle = Control ID of the gui you want to save prefs for string {ini path} = Full path to ini file to save settings to. string {ini section} = Name of [section] to use in the specified ini file. int {min width} [optional] = Minimum width gui is allowed to shrink to, defaults to 100. int {min height} [optional] = Minimum height gui is allowed to shrink to, defaults to 50. string {x name in ini} [optional] = The name of the "x" key inside the ini, defaults to "x". string {y name in ini} [optional] = The name of the "y" key inside the ini, defaults to "y". string {width name in ini} [optional] = The name of the "width" key inside the ini, defaults to "width". string {height name in ini} [optional] = The name of the "height" key inside the ini, defaults to "height". If don't want to write a value, set its name parameter to "-". If you need to set any of the later optional paramters, but not earlier ones, set the earlier parameters to an empty string "" to get their default values. Simple usage.. SaveSizePos($my_gui, "my.ini", "prefs") SaveSizePos($my_gui, "my.ini", "prefs", 380, 156) ; this app uses the tips system! Saving prefs for a second gui within the app.. SaveSizePos($my_other_gui, "my.ini", "prefs", 100, 20, "tool_x", "tool_y", "tool_width", "tool_height") Save only width and height (but not x and y), and set minimum limits for those, too.. SaveSizePos($some_gui, "my.ini", "main prefs", 380, 80, "-", "-") And so on. #ce func SaveSizePos($ssp_gui, $ssp_path, $ssp_section, $min_width="", $min_height="", $ssp_x="", $ssp_y="", $ssp_w="", $ssp_h="") $wsize_array = WinGetPos($ssp_gui) if not IsArray($wsize_array) then return $x = $wsize_array[0] $y = $wsize_array[1] $width = $wsize_array[2] $height = $wsize_array[3] ; this is a better way to set the defaults in this case. if not $ssp_x then $ssp_x = "x" if not $ssp_y then $ssp_y = "y" if not $ssp_w then $ssp_w = "width" if not $ssp_h then $ssp_h = "height" if $x < 0 then $x = 0 if $y > @DesktopWidth - $width then $y = @DesktopWidth - $width if $ssp_x <> "-" then IniWrite($ssp_path, $ssp_section, $ssp_x, $x) if $ssp_y <> "-" then IniWrite($ssp_path, $ssp_section, $ssp_y, $y) $width = $wsize_array[2] $height = $wsize_array[3] if $min_width = "" then $min_width = 100 ; might be set to zero if $min_height = "" then $min_height = 50 ; ditto if $width < $min_width then $width = $min_width if $height < $min_height then $height = $min_height $size_array = WinGetClientSize($ssp_gui) if IsArray($size_array) then if $ssp_w <> "-" then IniWrite($ssp_path, $ssp_section, $ssp_w, $size_array[0]) if $ssp_h <> "-" then IniWrite($ssp_path, $ssp_section, $ssp_h, $size_array[1]) endif endfunc ; RememberComboSelection() ; does what it says on the tin ; ; If the user deletes an item, the previous item will be selected ; This makes multiple deltions easier, and more. This code is also ; more compact than checking for even a single "previous" entry on ; each combo box individually. It's neater, too. ; ; To use, simply create a global "AutoIt" array for the values, ; with the number of values you would like to remember (remember ; to set element 0 to the total).. ; ; global $previous_combo_selections[501] = [500] ; plenty! ; ; Make one for each combo. ; Rather than set a limit, we could use redim, but it's slow. ; ; Anyway, when the user selects something, store that.. ; ; RememberComboSelection($previous_combo_selections, $current_preset) ; ; And when they delete an item, recall the previous item with.. ; ; $previous_selection = GetLastComboSelection($previous_combo_selections_array, $valid_names_array) ; ControlCommand($MyGUI, "", $GUI_control_ID, "SelectString", GetLastComboSelection($previous_combo_selections_array, $valid_names_array)) ; ; "$previous_selection" will now contain the string, which you can ; use to set the selection on your combo box, though you can, of ; course, use it directly. ; ; RememberComboSelection( array{this combo box's special selection array}, string{value to store}) ; func RememberComboSelection(ByRef $combo_array, $value) for $i = 1 to $combo_array[0] if $combo_array[$i] = "" then if $combo_array[$i-1] <> $value then $combo_array[$i] = $value endif exitloop ; store or not, we're outta here endif next endfunc ; String = GetLastComboSelection( array{this combo box's special selection array}, array{list of current valid names in this combo}) ; func GetLastComboSelection(ByRef $combo_array, ByRef $names_list) ;PrintArray($combo_array, "$combo_array", 0, @ScriptLineNumber) ;PrintArray($names_list, "$names_list", 0, @ScriptLineNumber) $new_val = "" $i = $combo_array[0] while $i > 0 if $combo_array[$i] <> "" then if not InArray($names_list, $combo_array[$i]) then $combo_array[$i] = "" $i -= 1 continueloop endif $new_val = $combo_array[$i] $combo_array[$i] = "" exitloop endif $i -= 1 wend ; in the absence of a stored value, load the "last" value. ; if deleting newly imported/created presets, this will get you the ; most recent additions, even when haven't been selected this session. if $new_val = "" then $new_val = $names_list[$names_list[0]] return $new_val endfunc ; Although I don't, it would be trivial to store this array in an ; ini file between launches, and keep a selection "history". ; ; VisitURL() ; ; send the "default browser" to our URL.. ; ; This uses the USER'S SYSTEM BROWSER! (eg. Firefox) ; func VisitURL($vu_url="http://corz.org/") ; $vu_browser_str = RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\HTTP\shell\open\command", "") ; $vu_browser_str = StringReplace($vu_browser_str, '"%1"', $vu_url) ; run($vu_browser_str, "", @SW_SHOW) ; if @error == 1 then ShellExecute($vu_url) ; return 0 ; else ; return 1 ; endif endfunc ; Remember to set.. ; ; AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 0) ; ; Or else run a failure kill crash your program. ; The AutoIt default is ("RunErrorsFatal", 1) - sheer madness! [now thankfully deprecated -ed] ; ; ; UrlToText() ; ; basic HTML > text translation, for spoken web pages ; slow, and not terribly clever.. ; ; feed it a URL or path to a local html file, returns the plain text, for speaking ; all formatting is removed, and "." dots are also added to break up big sections. ; ; you can send start and end points for the text stream; simply tag the words/phrases ; onto the end of the URL (or local file location) using an asterisk, e.g.. ; ; $myText = UrlToText('http://news.bbc.co.uk/*Last Updated*CONTACT US') ; ; which would get you the latest headlines from the BBC, ready for feeding to Sam, or Mike ; or Mary or whoever. If you omit the end point, e.g.. ; ; $myText = UrlToText('http://www.answers.com/topic/gal-pagos-tortoise-2*Synonyms') ; ; all the text from the start point to the end of the page will be returned. If you provide ; no start and end points, the text of the whole page is returned. Something to play with. ; func UrlToText($url) local $start = "" local $end = "" local $handle = "" if StringInStr($url, "*", 0, -1) then $url_parts = StringSplit($url, "*") $url = $url_parts[1] if uBound($url_parts) > 2 then $start = $url_parts[2] if uBound($url_parts) > 3 then $end = $url_parts[3] endif if StringLeft($url, 4) = "http" then InetGet($url, @tempdir & "\UrlToText.tmp", 1) ; if no file or emp $handle = FileOpen(@tempdir & "\UrlToText.tmp", 0) else $handle = FileOpen($url, 0) endif $web_text = FileRead($handle) ; we'll break shit up for speaking.. $web_text = StringRegExpReplace($web_text, '', '. ') ; strip out the HTML.. $web_text = StringRegExpReplace($web_text, '\s', ' ') $web_text = StringRegExpReplace($web_text, '<(?i)head(.*?)', '') ; best done individually.. $web_text = StringRegExpReplace($web_text, '<(?i)script(.*?)', '') $web_text = StringRegExpReplace($web_text, '<(?i)style(.*?)', '') $web_text = StringRegExpReplace($web_text, ']*?>', '') $web_text = ReplaceHTMLEntities($web_text) ; speak from.. if $start then $web_text = StringTrimLeft($web_text, StringInStr($web_text, $start)-1) endif ; speak to.. $strlen = StringLen($web_text) $end_pos = StringInStr($web_text, $end) if $end_pos = 0 then $end_pos = $strlen if $end then $web_text = StringTrimRight($web_text, $strlen-$end_pos+1) endif FileClose($handle) FileDelete(@tempdir & "\UrlToText.tmp") return StringStripWS($web_text, 4) endfunc ; ; ReplaceHTMLEntities() ; ; probably rather slow, but, erm, fairly thorough.. ; ; note: unless you are using a proper international font, many of the entities ; below will appear as boxes, or empty. Worry not, everything is working fine. ; func ReplaceHTMLEntities($text) for $i = 32 to 255 $text = StringReplace($text, String('&#' & $i & ';'), chr($i)) next $text = StringReplace($text, "Á", "Á") $text = StringReplace($text, "á", "á") $text = StringReplace($text, "Â", "Â") $text = StringReplace($text, "â", "â") $text = StringReplace($text, "´", "´") $text = StringReplace($text, "Æ", "Æ") $text = StringReplace($text, "æ", "æ") $text = StringReplace($text, "À", "À") $text = StringReplace($text, "à", "à") $text = StringReplace($text, "ℵ", "ℵ") $text = StringReplace($text, "Α", "Α") $text = StringReplace($text, "α", "α") $text = StringReplace($text, "&", "&") $text = StringReplace($text, "∧", "∧") $text = StringReplace($text, "∠", "∠") $text = StringReplace($text, "Å", "Å") $text = StringReplace($text, "å", "å") $text = StringReplace($text, "≈", "≈") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ã", "Ã") $text = StringReplace($text, "ã", "ã") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ä", "Ä") $text = StringReplace($text, "ä", "ä") $text = StringReplace($text, "„", "„") $text = StringReplace($text, "Β", "Β") $text = StringReplace($text, "β", "β") $text = StringReplace($text, "¦", "¦") $text = StringReplace($text, "•", "•") $text = StringReplace($text, "∩", "∩") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ç", "Ç") $text = StringReplace($text, "ç", "ç") $text = StringReplace($text, "¸", "¸") $text = StringReplace($text, "¢", "¢") $text = StringReplace($text, "Χ", "Χ") $text = StringReplace($text, "χ", "χ") $text = StringReplace($text, "ˆ", "ˆ") $text = StringReplace($text, "♣", "♣") $text = StringReplace($text, "≅", "≅") $text = StringReplace($text, "©", "©") $text = StringReplace($text, "↵", "↵") $text = StringReplace($text, "∪", "∪") $text = StringReplace($text, "¤", "¤") $text = StringReplace($text, "†", "†") $text = StringReplace($text, "‡", "‡") $text = StringReplace($text, "↓", "↓") $text = StringReplace($text, "⇓", "⇓") $text = StringReplace($text, "°", "°") $text = StringReplace($text, "Δ", "Δ") $text = StringReplace($text, "δ", "δ") $text = StringReplace($text, "♦", "♦") $text = StringReplace($text, "÷", "÷") $text = StringReplace($text, "É", "É") $text = StringReplace($text, "é", "é") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ê", "Ê") $text = StringReplace($text, "ê", "ê") $text = StringReplace($text, "È", "È") $text = StringReplace($text, "è", "è") $text = StringReplace($text, "∅", "∅") $text = StringReplace($text, " ", " ") $text = StringReplace($text, " ", " ") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ε", "Ε") $text = StringReplace($text, "ε", "ε") $text = StringReplace($text, "≡", "≡") $text = StringReplace($text, "Η", "Η") $text = StringReplace($text, "η", "η") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ð", "Ð") $text = StringReplace($text, "ð", "ð") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ë", "Ë") $text = StringReplace($text, "ë", "ë") $text = StringReplace($text, "€", "€") $text = StringReplace($text, "∃", "∃") $text = StringReplace($text, "ƒ", "ƒ") $text = StringReplace($text, "∀", "∀") $text = StringReplace($text, "½", "½") $text = StringReplace($text, "¼", "¼") $text = StringReplace($text, "¾", "¾") $text = StringReplace($text, "⁄", "⁄") $text = StringReplace($text, "Γ", "Γ") $text = StringReplace($text, "γ", "γ") $text = StringReplace($text, "≥", "≥") $text = StringReplace($text, ">", ">") $text = StringReplace($text, "↔", "↔") $text = StringReplace($text, "⇔", "⇔") $text = StringReplace($text, "♥", "♥") $text = StringReplace($text, "…", "…") $text = StringReplace($text, "Í", "Í") $text = StringReplace($text, "í", "í") $text = StringReplace($text, "Î", "Î") $text = StringReplace($text, "î", "î") $text = StringReplace($text, "¡", "¡") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ì", "Ì") $text = StringReplace($text, "ì", "ì") $text = StringReplace($text, "ℑ", "ℑ") $text = StringReplace($text, "∞", "∞") $text = StringReplace($text, "∫", "∫") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ι", "Ι") $text = StringReplace($text, "ι", "ι") $text = StringReplace($text, "¿", "¿") $text = StringReplace($text, "∈", "∈") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ï", "Ï") $text = StringReplace($text, "ï", "ï") $text = StringReplace($text, "Κ", "Κ") $text = StringReplace($text, "κ", "κ") $text = StringReplace($text, "Λ", "Λ") $text = StringReplace($text, "λ", "λ") $text = StringReplace($text, "⟨", "〈") $text = StringReplace($text, "«", "«") $text = StringReplace($text, "←", "←") $text = StringReplace($text, "⇐", "⇐") $text = StringReplace($text, "⌈", "⌈") $text = StringReplace($text, "“", "“") $text = StringReplace($text, "≤", "≤") $text = StringReplace($text, "⌊", "⌊") $text = StringReplace($text, "∗", "∗") $text = StringReplace($text, "◊", "◊") $text = StringReplace($text, "‎", "‎") $text = StringReplace($text, "‹", "‹") $text = StringReplace($text, "‘", "‘") $text = StringReplace($text, "<", "<") $text = StringReplace($text, "¯", "¯") $text = StringReplace($text, "—", "—") $text = StringReplace($text, "µ", "µ") $text = StringReplace($text, "·", "·") $text = StringReplace($text, "−", "−") $text = StringReplace($text, "Μ", "Μ") $text = StringReplace($text, "μ", "μ") $text = StringReplace($text, "∇", "∇") $text = StringReplace($text, " ", " ") $text = StringReplace($text, "–", "–") $text = StringReplace($text, "≠", "≠") $text = StringReplace($text, "∋", "∋") $text = StringReplace($text, "¬", "¬") $text = StringReplace($text, "∉", "∉") $text = StringReplace($text, "⊄", "⊄") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ñ", "Ñ") $text = StringReplace($text, "ñ", "ñ") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ν", "Ν") $text = StringReplace($text, "ν", "ν") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ó", "Ó") $text = StringReplace($text, "ó", "ó") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ô", "Ô") $text = StringReplace($text, "ô", "ô") $text = StringReplace($text, "Œ", "Œ") $text = StringReplace($text, "œ", "œ") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ò", "Ò") $text = StringReplace($text, "ò", "ò") $text = StringReplace($text, "‾", "‾") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ω", "Ω") $text = StringReplace($text, "ω", "ω") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ο", "Ο") $text = StringReplace($text, "ο", "ο") $text = StringReplace($text, "⊕", "⊕") $text = StringReplace($text, "∨", "∨") $text = StringReplace($text, "ª", "ª") $text = StringReplace($text, "º", "º") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ø", "Ø") $text = StringReplace($text, "ø", "ø") $text = StringReplace($text, "Õ", "Õ") $text = StringReplace($text, "õ", "õ") $text = StringReplace($text, "⊗", "⊗") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ö", "Ö") $text = StringReplace($text, "ö", "ö") $text = StringReplace($text, "¶", "¶") $text = StringReplace($text, "∂", "∂") $text = StringReplace($text, "‰", "‰") $text = StringReplace($text, "⊥", "⊥") $text = StringReplace($text, "Φ", "Φ") $text = StringReplace($text, "φ", "φ") $text = StringReplace($text, "Π", "Π") $text = StringReplace($text, "π", "π") $text = StringReplace($text, "ϖ", "ϖ") $text = StringReplace($text, "±", "±") $text = StringReplace($text, "£", "£") $text = StringReplace($text, "′", "′") $text = StringReplace($text, "″", "″") $text = StringReplace($text, "∏", "∏") $text = StringReplace($text, "∝", "∝") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ψ", "Ψ") $text = StringReplace($text, "ψ", "ψ") $text = StringReplace($text, """, '"') $text = StringReplace($text, "√", "√") $text = StringReplace($text, "⟩", "〉") $text = StringReplace($text, "»", "»") $text = StringReplace($text, "→", "→") $text = StringReplace($text, "⇒", "⇒") $text = StringReplace($text, "⌉", "⌉") $text = StringReplace($text, "”", "”") $text = StringReplace($text, "ℜ", "ℜ") $text = StringReplace($text, "®", "®") $text = StringReplace($text, "⌋", "⌋") $text = StringReplace($text, "Ρ", "Ρ") $text = StringReplace($text, "ρ", "ρ") $text = StringReplace($text, "‏", "‏") $text = StringReplace($text, "›", "›") $text = StringReplace($text, "’", "’") $text = StringReplace($text, "‚", "‚") $text = StringReplace($text, "Š", "Š") $text = StringReplace($text, "š", "š") $text = StringReplace($text, "⋅", "⋅") $text = StringReplace($text, "§", "§") $text = StringReplace($text, "­", 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StringReplace($text, "ö", "%F6") $text = StringReplace($text, "÷", "%F7") $text = StringReplace($text, "ø", "%F8") $text = StringReplace($text, "ù", "%F9") $text = StringReplace($text, "ú", "%FA") $text = StringReplace($text, "û", "%FB") $text = StringReplace($text, "ü", "%FC") $text = StringReplace($text, "ý", "%FD") $text = StringReplace($text, "þ", "%FE") $text = StringReplace($text, "ÿ", "%FF") return $text endfunc func DeCodeURL($text) $text = StringReplace($text, "%20", " ") $text = StringReplace($text, "%21", "!") $text = StringReplace($text, "%22", '"') $text = StringReplace($text, "%23", "#") $text = StringReplace($text, "%24", "$") $text = StringReplace($text, "%25", "%") $text = StringReplace($text, "%26", "&") $text = StringReplace($text, "%27", "'") $text = StringReplace($text, "%28", "(") $text = StringReplace($text, "%29", ")") $text = StringReplace($text, "%2A", "*") $text = StringReplace($text, "%2B", "+") $text = StringReplace($text, "%2C", ",") $text = StringReplace($text, "%2D", "-") $text = StringReplace($text, "%2E", ".") $text = StringReplace($text, "%2F", "/") $text = StringReplace($text, "%30", "0") $text = StringReplace($text, "%31", "1") $text = StringReplace($text, "%32", "2") $text = StringReplace($text, "%33", "3") $text = StringReplace($text, "%34", "4") $text = StringReplace($text, "%35", "5") $text = StringReplace($text, "%36", "6") $text = StringReplace($text, "%37", "7") $text = StringReplace($text, "%38", "8") $text = StringReplace($text, "%39", "9") $text = StringReplace($text, "%3A", ":") $text = StringReplace($text, "%3B", ";") $text = StringReplace($text, "%3C", "<") $text = StringReplace($text, "%3D", "=") $text = StringReplace($text, "%3E", ">") $text = StringReplace($text, "%3F", "?") $text = StringReplace($text, "%40", "@") $text = StringReplace($text, "%41", "A") $text = StringReplace($text, "%42", "B") $text = StringReplace($text, "%43", "C") $text = StringReplace($text, "%44", "D") $text = StringReplace($text, "%45", "E") $text = StringReplace($text, "%46", "F") $text = StringReplace($text, "%47", "G") $text = StringReplace($text, "%48", "H") $text = StringReplace($text, "%49", "I") $text = StringReplace($text, "%4A", "J") $text = StringReplace($text, "%4B", "K") $text = StringReplace($text, "%4C", "L") $text = StringReplace($text, "%4D", "M") $text = StringReplace($text, "%4E", "N") $text = StringReplace($text, "%4F", "O") $text = StringReplace($text, "%50", "P") $text = StringReplace($text, "%51", "Q") $text = StringReplace($text, "%52", "R") $text = StringReplace($text, "%53", "S") $text = StringReplace($text, "%54", "T") $text = StringReplace($text, "%55", "U") $text = StringReplace($text, "%56", "V") $text = StringReplace($text, "%57", "W") $text = StringReplace($text, "%58", "X") $text = StringReplace($text, "%59", "Y") $text = StringReplace($text, "%5A", "Z") $text = StringReplace($text, "%5B", "[") $text = StringReplace($text, "%5C", "\") $text = 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StringReplace($text, "%D5", "Õ") $text = StringReplace($text, "%D6", "Ö") $text = StringReplace($text, "%D7", " ") $text = StringReplace($text, "%D8", "Ø") $text = StringReplace($text, "%D9", "Ù") $text = StringReplace($text, "%DA", "Ú") $text = StringReplace($text, "%DB", "Û") $text = StringReplace($text, "%DC", "Ü") $text = StringReplace($text, "%DD", "Ý") $text = StringReplace($text, "%DE", "Þ") $text = StringReplace($text, "%DF", "ß") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E0", "à") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E1", "á") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E2", "â") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E3", "ã") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E4", "ä") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E5", "å") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E6", "æ") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E7", "ç") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E8", "è") $text = StringReplace($text, "%E9", "é") $text = StringReplace($text, "%EA", "ê") $text = StringReplace($text, "%EB", "ë") $text = StringReplace($text, "%EC", "ì") $text = StringReplace($text, "%ED", "í") $text = StringReplace($text, "%EE", "î") $text = StringReplace($text, "%EF", "ï") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F0", "ð") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F1", "ñ") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F2", "ò") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F3", "ó") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F4", "ô") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F5", "õ") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F6", "ö") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F7", "÷") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F8", "ø") $text = StringReplace($text, "%F9", "ù") $text = StringReplace($text, "%FA", "ú") $text = StringReplace($text, "%FB", "û") $text = StringReplace($text, "%FC", "ü") $text = StringReplace($text, "%FD", "ý") $text = StringReplace($text, "%FE", "þ") $text = StringReplace($text, "%FF", "ÿ") return $text endfunc ; ; OrdAbbAppend() ; ; Used to append ordinal abbreviations onto numbers, for ; use in human-readable numeric strings, mainly dates. ; ; Feed it a number, OrdAbbAppend() returns that number, ; plus the appendment, as a string. e.g.. ; ; $foo = OrdAbbAppend(20) ; ; $foo = "20th" ; func OrdAbbAppend($d_str) if $d_str < 1 then SetError(1) return "" endif local $appends[10] $appends[0] = "th" $appends[1] = "st" $appends[2] = "nd" $appends[3] = "rd" $appends[4] = "th" $appends[5] = "th" $appends[6] = "th" $appends[7] = "th" $appends[8] = "th" $appends[9] = "th" if StringMid($d_str, StringLen($d_str)-1, 1) == 1 then $appends[1] = "th" $appends[2] = "th" $appends[3] = "th" endif return $d_str & $appends[StringRight($d_str, 1)] endfunc ; ; LogError() ; ; it should be "errer", really. ; log an (usually, exit) error to a file ; func LogError($error_string) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\error.log", "") FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\error.log", _ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\error.log", @Year & "/" & @Mon & "/" & @MDay _ & " " & @Hour & ":" & @Min & ":" & @Sec ) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\error.log", "") FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\error.log", "command-line: " & $CmdLineRaw) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\error.log", "") FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\error.log", $error_string) endfunc ;; ;; DoLog() ;; ;; logs stuff.. ;; ;; these init variables will likely be changed by the program, shortly after we load. ;; or perhaps not. just as well we cover that here, before the program starts.. ;; ;global $log_string ;global $my_shortname ;if $my_shortname = "" then $my_shortname = "application" ;global $log_file ;if $log_file = "" then $log_file = @ScriptFullPath&".log" ;; ;; the optional second parameter tells DoLog to append, or not. ;; $dl_append will most likely receive the output from a checkbox.. ;; 1 (append) or 4 [or anything else] (create new log) ;; ;; to stop and close the log, send "out" as your log string ;; the optional third parameter '$log_extra' goes at top of log, ;; and, if required, you must send it along with your "out" command, eg.. ;; ;; DoLog("out", 0, "command-line: " & $my_arguments & @CRLF & @CRLF) ;; ;; ;; and now the function itself.. ;; ;func DoLog($dl_string, $dl_append=4, $log_extra="") ; if $dl_string = "out" then ; if $log_string <> "" then ; if $dl_append = 1 then ; $dl_append = 9 ; else ; $dl_append = 10 ; endif ; ; $my_log_file = FileOpen($log_file, $dl_append) ; FileWriteLine($my_log_file, "corz " & $my_shortname & " log @ "&@YEAR&"-"&@MON&"-"&@MDAY&".. " & @CRLF & _ ; "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & @CRLF & @CRLF) ; if $log_extra = "" then FileWriteLine($my_log_file, "command-line: " & $CmdLineRaw) ; FileWriteLine($my_log_file, $log_extra) ; FileWriteLine($my_log_file, $log_string & @CRLF & @CRLF) ; FileClose($my_log_file) ; $log_string = "" ; endif ; else ; $log_string &= $dl_string & @CRLF ; endif ;endfunc ; ;; debugging functions.. ; ; ; PrintArray() ; ; debug output of an array, in the console ; (your text editor can probably display this for you, if you so desire).. ; func PrintArray(ByRef $array, $tring="array", $limit=0, $ln="") if @compiled then return $pre = "" if $ln <> "" then $pre = ".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & $ln & ") : ==> " if not IsArray($array) then ConsoleWrite(@LF & $pre & $tring & ": NOT an array!" & @LF) ConsoleWrite($pre & "it's a string: " & "->" & $array & "<-" & @LF & @LF) ; & @CRLF return 0 endif if UBound ($array, 0) > 1 then return Print2DArray($array, $tring, $limit, $ln) local $pa_string = "" local $count = 0 for $element in $array $pa_string &= '[' & $count & '] : ' & $element & @LF $count += 1 if $count = $limit then exitloop next SplashOff() ProgressOff() ConsoleWrite($pre & $tring & ": " & @LF & $pa_string & @LF) endfunc ;; ;; hacking, for if you know what you have, and want to see it. ;; only works for the kind of arrays returned by IniReadSection() ;; and similar functions, or ones you created yourself. ;; ;func Print2DArray(ByRef $array, $tring="array", $limit=0, $ln="") ; $limit for compatability only ; ; if @compiled then return ; ; $pre = "" ; if $ln <> "" then $pre = ".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & $ln & ") : ==> " ; ; if not IsArray($array) then ; ConsoleWrite(@LF & $pre & $tring & ": NOT an array!" & @LF) ; ConsoleWrite($pre & "it's a string: " & "->" & $array & "<-" & @LF) ; & @CRLF ; return 0 ; endif ; $limit += 1 ; avoid warnings ; ; local $pa_string = "" ; for $i = 0 to $array[0][0] ; $pa_string &= '[' & $i & '] [0] = ' & $array[$i][0] & ' [1] = ' & $array[$i][1] & @LF ; next ; ; SplashOff() ; ProgressOff() ; ConsoleWrite(@LF & $pre & $tring & ": " & @LF & $pa_string & @LF) ; ;endfunc ; Like Print2DArray, but will handle arrays with more than two columns.. ; ; Like Debug(), the output will enable you to double-click to go straight to the line of code ; at least, in a decent text editor it will. ; func Print2DArray(ByRef $array, $tring="array", $limit=0, $ln="") ; $limit for compatability only if @compiled then return $pre = "" if $ln <> "" then $pre = ".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & $ln & ") : ==> " if not IsArray($array) then ConsoleWrite(@LF & $pre & $tring & ": NOT an array!" & @LF) ConsoleWrite($pre & "it's a string: " & "->" & $array & "<-" & @LF) ; & @CRLF return 0 endif ; 1-dimensional array sent.. if UBound ($array, 0) < 2 then return PrintArray($array, $tring, $limit, $ln) $limit += 1 ; avoid warnings local $cols = UBound($array, 2) local $pa_string = "" for $i = 0 to $array[0][0] $pa_string &= '[' & $i & '] [0] = ' & $array[$i][0] & ' ' for $j = 1 to $cols-1 $pa_string &= ' [' & $j & '] = ' & $array[$i][$j] & ' ' next $pa_string &= @LF next ConsoleWrite(@LF & $pre & $tring & ": " & @LF & $pa_string & @LF) endfunc ; ; DumpArray() ; ; debug output of an array, to a file.. ; func DumpArray(ByRef $array, $dump_file="dump", $new=false) if @compiled then return if $new then FileOpen($dump_file, 2) if not IsArray($array) then return 0 local $da_string = "" local $count = 0 for $element in $array $da_string &= '[' & $count & '] : ' & $element & @CRLF $count += 1 next FileWrite($dump_file, $da_string) endfunc ; ; dump() ; ; like debug(), but to a file.. ; func dump($d_string, $ln=false, $dump_file="dump") if @compiled and ($ce_debug = 0 or $ce_debug = $GUI_UNCHECKED) then return 0 if $d_string = "new" then FileOpen($dump_file, 10) ;MsgBox(0, "New Dump File Created", "created file: " & $dump_file, 10) return 1 endif $pre = "" if $ln then $pre = ".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & $ln & ") : ==> " FileWrite($dump_file, $pre & $d_string & @CRLF) endfunc ; ; debug() ; ; provides quick debug report in your console.. ; ; if your text editor can do it (probably), this is a great ; way to get debug output without halting the script execution.. ; func debug($d_string, $ln=false) if ($ce_debug <> 0 and $ce_debug <> $GUI_UNCHECKED) then return dump($d_string, "compiled", "debug") else if @compiled then return 0 endif $pre_str = "" if $ln then $pre_str = ".\" & @ScriptName & " (" & $ln & ") : ==> " ConsoleWrite($pre_str & $d_string & @LF) endfunc ; ; ExitReport() ; ; oh oh! ; A MessgeBox on exit error report. ; func ExitReport($er_string, $code="") MsgBox(262160, "Error " & $code, $er_string, 60) exit $code endfunc ; ArrayBox() ; ; from the UDF's, but wouldn't work there. ; here so I can get it working, and along my own lines Func ArrayBox(ByRef $Array, $ArrayBase=1, $sTitle='Array Box', $Width=500, $Height=300, $Left=-1, $Top=100) ; if @compiled then return local $i, $j, $ArrayDimensions = UBound($Array, 0) local $hndForm_Main, $hndListView_Display If $ArrayDimensions = 0 Then SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf ;Setup If $ArrayBase <> 0 Then $ArrayBase = 1 If $ArrayBase Then Select Case $ArrayDimensions = 1 $ArrayMax = $Array[0] Case $ArrayDimensions = 2 $ArrayMax = $Array[0][0] EndSelect Else $ArrayMax = UBound($Array, 1) - 1 EndIf ;Create GUI If $Width < 200 Then $Width = 200 If $Height < 100 Then $Height = 100 $last_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $hndForm_Main = GUICreate($sTitle, $Width, $Height, $Left, $Top, BitOR(0x80000000, 0x00C00000, 0x00040000)) GUISetOnEvent(-3, "QuitBox" , $hndForm_Main) ;Create List Box If $ArrayDimensions = 1 Then $sTemp = 'Index|Value' ElseIf $ArrayDimensions = 2 Then $sTemp = 'Index' For $i = 0 To UBound($Array, 2) - 1 $sTemp = $sTemp & '|' & $i Next EndIf $hndListView_Display = GUICtrlCreateListView($sTemp, 0, 0, $Width, $Height-32, BitOR(0x0008, 0x0004)) GUICtrlSetResizing($hndListView_Display, BitOR(0x0002, 0x0020, 0x0004, 0x0040)) ;Create Controls, Show GUI $hndButton_Close = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Close',$Width-83,$Height-30,80,24) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "QuitBox") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, BitOR(0x0004, 0x0040, 0x0300)) GUICtrlSetState($hndButton_Close, 512) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW, $hndForm_Main) ;Display Array Select Case $ArrayDimensions = 1 ;1-Dimensional Array For $i = $ArrayBase To $ArrayMax GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($i & '|' & $Array[$i], $hndListView_Display) Next ;$i Case $ArrayDimensions = 2 ;2-Dimensional Array For $i = $ArrayBase To $ArrayMax $sTemp=$Array[$i][0] for $j = 1 To UBound($Array, 2) - 1 $sTemp = $sTemp & '|' & $Array[$i][$j] Next ;$j GUICtrlCreateListViewItem('[' & $i & ']|' & $sTemp, $hndListView_Display) Next ;$i Case Else ;Unhandled Type EndSelect global $QuitBox = 0 do Sleep(100) until $QuitBox = 1 AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_event_mode) GUIDelete($hndForm_Main) Return 0 EndFunc ; from the UDF's.. ; here to save including the whole files. ; Description: _Singleton ; Author(s): Valik Func ce_Singleton($occurenceName, $flag = 0) Local $ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183 $occurenceName = StringReplace($occurenceName, "\", "") ; to avoid error Local $handle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CreateMutex", "int", 0, "long", 1, "str", $occurenceName) Local $lastError = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLastError") If $lastError[0] = $ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS Then If $flag = 0 Then Exit -1 Else SetError($lastError[0]) Return 0 EndIf EndIf Return $handle[0] EndFunc ;==>_Singleton ; _IsPressed (is a key pressed?) ; Author(s): ezzetabi and Jon / Valik ; ; This is a simpler version. If you are in a tight loop, use the ; proper version and open the dll/pass the handle, instead. ; func ce_IsPressed($Key) local $kp = DllCall('user32.dll', "int", "GetAsyncKeyState", "int", '0x' & $Key) ; does this work on Win9x ? :/ if not @error and BitAND($kp[0], 0x8000) = 0x8000 then return 1 return 0 endfunc ; I don't think this will work on Win9x, but I don't know anyone still running it to test. ; ; NOTE: To get the codes for this, see AutoIt Help file - no more? func QuitBox() $QuitBox = 1 endfunc ; Reduce memory usage ; Author wOuter ( mostly ) ; this requires Win2K Pro + to work ;o) ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682606(VS.85).aspx Func _ReduceMemory() DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) EndFunc ; Automatic Version Checking.. ; ; $ini_path = @ScriptDir & "\MyINI.ini" ; $my_name = "Batch Runner" ; $my_title = $my_name & " Pro" ; $my_version = "" ; $BatchRunnerGUI = GUICreate(... ; $versioncheck_url = "http://corz.org/inc/versions.php?app=BatchRunnerPro" ; $download_url = "http://corz.org/windows/software/batch-runner/batch-runner-pro.php#section-Download" ; ; CheckOnlineVersion($my_title, $BatchRunnerGUI, $versioncheck_url, $download_url, $ini_path, $my_name, $my_version) ; ; CheckOnlineVersion(String {app title}, Handle {ID of GUI to attach to}, string {URL} {version check URL},String {URL to send them to}, _ ; STRING {file path to ini}, STRING {ini section to use}, DIGIT {running version number} ) ; ; NOTE: the version check URL is expected to return a version number in plain text. ; func CheckOnlineVersion($v_name, $GUI, $vck_url, $dl_url, $my_ini, $my_section, $my_version) local $version_checking = IniRead($my_ini, $my_section, "version_checking", "") if $version_checking == 0 then return if $version_checking = -1 or $version_checking = "" then ; -1 at install time DialogOpen() local $do_checkver = InputBox("Automatic Version Checking?", $v_name & " can check online for a new version of itself." & $msg_lf & _ "Enter the number of days between checks (0 to disable version checking). ", "" , "" , 400, 150 , $x, $y, 0, $GUI) DialogClose() if $do_checkver = "" then return false ; cancelled out of inputbox IniWrite($my_ini, $my_section, "version_checking", Int($do_checkver)) ; they enter "fuck off!", we write "0" if $do_checkver = 0 then return endif if $version_checking > 365 then $version_checking = 365 if $version_checking > 0 then local $version_checked = IniRead($my_ini, $my_section, "version_checked", "2000/01/01 00:00:00") local $days_passed = _DateDiff("D", $version_checked, _NowCalc()) if $days_passed < $version_checking then return endif local $pl = '' if $version_checking > 1 then $pl = 's' ProgressOn("Version Check (every " & $version_checking & " day" & $pl & ")" , "Checking for new version..") ProgressSet(25) local $published_version = InetRead($vck_url, 1) if @error <> 0 then ProgressOff() MsgBox(16, "Version Check FAILED!", "Could not determine version online." & $msg_lf & "Check your firewall.") return endif $published_version = BinaryToString($published_version) ProgressSet(50) IniWrite($my_ini, $my_section, "version_checked", _NowCalc()) ProgressSet(75) $vcomp = _VersionCompare($my_version, $published_version) switch $vcomp case 0, 1 ; both equal (or $my_version is greater!!!) ProgressSet(100) ProgressOff() return false case -1 ProgressSet(100) local $version_response = MsgBox(4+48+262144, "New Version Available", "A newer version of " & $v_name & " is available." & $msg_lf _ & "Would you like to visit the download page?") ProgressOff() switch $version_response case 6 ; yes ShellExecute($dl_url) endswitch endswitch endfunc ; IN-TESTING FUNCTIONS.. ; is some window visible? func WinVisible($GUI) return BitAnd(WinGetState($GUI), 2) endfunc ; convert seconds to readable H/M/S time.. ; func SecondsToDHMS($sec=0) if $sec < 0 then return -1 select case $sec < 61 return $sec & " seconds" case $sec < 3601 return StringFormat('%.01dm %.01ds', Mod(($sec / 60), 60), Mod($sec, 60)) case $sec < 86401 return StringFormat('%.01dh %.01dm %.01ds', Mod($sec / 3600, 24), Int(Mod(($sec / 60), 60)), Mod($sec, 60)) case else return StringFormat('%.01dd %.01dh %.01dm %.01ds', Mod($sec / 86400, 7), Mod($sec / 3600, 24), Int(Mod(($sec / 60), 60)), Mod($sec, 60)) endselect endfunc ; Strip HTML tags from a string.. ; func StripHTML($web_text) ; strip out the HTML.. $web_text = StringReplace($web_text, " ", " ") $web_text = StringRegExpReplace($web_text, ']*?>', '') $web_text = StringReplace($web_text, $lf & $lf, $lf) return StringStripWS($web_text,3) endfunc #cs itstory.. 0.7 Improvements to Print2DArray - it can now handle *D, and switches automatically to 1D putput when required. PrintArray now switches automatically to *D when required, so you can simply use PrintArray() for /all/ array types, and let it switch to *D as required. 0.6.5 ~ In GetWinDrive(), Invalid (or UNC) paths now return an empty string. Previously they returned false. Probably no one will notice; they will be functionally identical in most situations. 0.6.4 * Fixed "bug" in recursedir where search handles could be left unclosed 0.6.3 + Added LnkToReal() which convert a shortcut to its real target path + Added CleanPath() which makes any old string safe for use as a file name 0.6.2 [current beta release] + Added OrdAbbAppend(), which appends the ordinal abbreviation to a number, in other words, converts 20 into "20th". * Fixed potential issue in GetParent() when sending a directory with a slash at the end. + debug() can now switch to dump() output automatically once compiled, you simply set $ce_debug to true in your script somewhere, perhaps a user- preference could enable this, for example.. $ce_debug = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "debug", 0) Remember to send "new" to start a new debug file. 0.6.1 ~ IniReadCheckBoxValue() no longer considers an empty string "" in the ini to be false. It is now simply passed as blank. ~ InArray() now returns the index of the match, as opposed to simply true. This will still (render) a true result in future conditional statements, but has the added advantage of enabling you to get directly to the result with no further testing. + Added InArrayValue() which is like InArray(), expect rather than an exact match, it will return non-false for any partial matching string within a value. Returns the index (int) containing the first partial match. 0.6 + Added TwoD2OneDArray and Print2DArray() functions ~ IniWriteCheckBoxValue() now writes "true" and "false" be default. ~ switched (soon to be deprecated) "dim" commands for "local", etc. 0.5.8 ~ VisitURL() will now simply grab the URL using IE, if the default browser entry in the registry is broken (this can happen, apparently) Rememebr to use AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 0) so the Run command doesn't halt your program. 0.5.7 * Fixed a bug in InArray() which could potentially return numeric index entries as positive results, i.e. "0" .. 0.5.2 * fixed a bug in GetParent where for a path like.. I:\work\dev\all files\test\a It would remove the "\a", as expected, but removed it from "dev\all files", making "devll files", unexpected! Now we simply trim off "so-many" characters from the right. the "so-many" being the length of the final part of the path. * BaseName() will now trim any traling slashes you might have left at the end of the folder path, before working on the string. #ce