<?php /* function:strip_stuff()
strips stuff from a string also removes stop-words, and any words of two characters or less
(c) copyright corz.org 2000->today
*/ function strip_stuff($string) { $string = strip_tags($string);
// stuff $stoppers = array ('.',',',':','|','"','\\','/','?','*','~','#','%','$','(',')','[',']','{','}','-','_','=','+' ,'*','£','@','\\'.'$',"Â","\r\n","\r","\n","\t",'»','«',' ','©','®','&' ,'>','<','™','•','°',"!" );
while (list($key, $val) = each($stoppers)) { $string = str_replace($val, ' ', $string); } $string = str_replace("\t",' ',$string); $string = str_replace(' ',' ',$string); $string = str_replace(' ',' ',$string); $string = strtolower($string);
// stop-words $stop_words = array ('' // some of these are probably not neccessary ,' ',';o','a','A','all','and','are','at','be','but','by','can','do','don\'t' ,'for','got','have','he','here','I','in','if','is','it','like','me','my','n','no' ,'o','of','on','one','or','out','she','so','t','than','then','that','that\'s' ,'the','The','there','there\'s','these','this','to','too','was','we','with','you' );
$words = explode (' ', $string); $qs = count($stop_words); reset($words);
while (list($key, $val) = each($words)) { for ($i=0;$i<$qs;$i++) { if (($words[$key] == $stop_words[$i]) or (strlen($words[$key]) < 3)){ unset($words[$key]); break 1; } } } $string = implode(' ', $words); return $string;
}/* end function strip_stuff() */ ?>