; LoopDropZ ; https://corz.org/windows/software/loopdropz/ #cs 2do.. notify on volume changes make flashing icon optional? (not everyone hides their taskbar) #ce global $version = "" global $my_version = FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath, "FileVersion") global $special_build = "" #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include #Include ; #Include #Include #Include #Include "Resources\cel.au3" ; #Include "Resources\corz_registry.au3" AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) AutoItSetOption("TrayMenuMode", 11) AutoItSetOption("TrayOnEventMode", 1) $my_name = "LoopDropZ" $my_domain = "corz.org" global $my_title = "LoopDropZ" global $ini_file = $my_name & ".ini" global $my_url = "http://corz.org/windows/software/loopdropz/" global $versioncheck_url = "http://corz.org/inc/versions.php?app=loopdropz" global $download_url = "http://corz.org/windows/software/loopdropz/#section-Download" global $me_app global const $tray_event_primarydown = -7 global const $tray_event_mouseover = -11 global $droppedfiles[1] if @Compiled then $me_app = @ScriptFullPath else $me_app = "C:\Program Files\corz\LoopDropZ\LoopDropZ.exe" endif $data_dir = @AppDataDir & "\corz\" & $my_name $ini_path = $my_name & ".ini" $debug_level = 10 $dump_file = $data_dir & "\LoopDropZ_Debug.log" ; Quick pre-check for installed users, prevents spurious debugging output bugging you.. if FileExists($data_dir & "\" & $ini_path) then $debug_level = Int(IniRead($data_dir & "\" & $ini_path, $my_name, "debug_level", $debug_level)) endif if FileExists($dump_file) then FileDelete($dump_file) global $quit = -99, $multi_loop, $gui_edit, $lv_sort_flag, $unloop, $tray_loop, $tray_looplist global $switches, $exit, $disk, $path, $LoopZGUI, $installed_ini, $gui_prefs, $favourites, $hmm_wipe = 0 global $x, $y, $width, $height, $min_width, $width_magic, $min_height, $height_magic global $def_ix, $def_iy, $def_iw, $input_x, $input_y, $input_width global $show_tips, $notify, $taskbar_entry, $always_on_top, $explorer_context, $explorer_default global $tray_on_top, $tray_show_tips, $tray_context, $tray_def_cmd global $start_with_windows, $tray_startup, $start_minimized, $tray_startmin global $fade_in, $step, $state, $info_time, $timer_stamp = 0, $preview, $keep_file_in_title global $visible, $hover_to_show, $hover_sensitivity, $img_on_buttons global $wav_file, $lab_wav_file, $but_playstop, $lab_dropzone, $lab_drop1 global $combo_wav_file, $wav_len, $wav_lenm, $wav_size, $dropped_file global $reg_user, $reg_to, $proud_wearer, $waited = false, $wait_for = 0, $display_user global $garbage_collector, $gui_about global $portable, $tmpini global $wav_volume, $volume_up_key = "{NUMPADADD}", $volume_down_key = "{NUMPADSUB}" global $big_jump, $volume_big_up_key = "^{NUMPADADD}", $volume_big_down_key = "^{NUMPADSUB}" ; Unused functions are stripped at compile-time. ; This makes for easy navigation in a good text editor. ; You can click your function list to get straight here. ; func __________________START_HERE() endfunc ; Deal with command-line switches.. ; if $cmdline[0] then debug_PrintArray($cmdline, "$cmdline:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if $cmdline[0] > 1 then $switches = StringStripWS($cmdline[1], 3) debug("$switches: " & $switches, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug global $load_list for $i = 2 to $cmdline[0] local $this_file = StringStripWS($cmdline[$i], 3) if $this_file then $load_list &= $this_file & "***" next CRT($load_list, "***") $load_list = StringSplit($load_list, "***", 1) debug_PrintArray($load_list, "$load_list:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug else global $load_list[2] = [1, StringStripWS($cmdline[$cmdline[0]], 3)] endif ; Single item or first item of list.. $path = $load_list[1] else global $load_list[2] = [1, ""] endif debug("$path: " & $path, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug debug("$switches: " & $switches, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug debug_PrintArray($load_list, "$load_list:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if $path = "portable" then $installed_ini = FileInstall("Resources\LoopDropZ.ini", @ScriptDir & "\" & $ini_file) $path = "" endif if FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini_file) then $portable = true $data_dir = @ScriptDir $ini_path = $data_dir & "\" & $ini_file else $data_dir = @AppDataDir & "\corz\" & $my_name if not FileExists($data_dir) then DirCreate($data_dir) $ini_path = $data_dir & "\" & $ini_file $installed_ini = FileInstall("Resources\LoopDropZ.ini", $ini_path) endif if not IsWritable($ini_path) then $tmpini = @TempDir & "\LoopDropZ_TEMP.ini" FileCopy($ini_path, $tmpini) if FileExists($tmpini) then $ini_path = $tmpini FileSetAttrib($tmpini, "-SHRA") endif endif DoSplash("Looping FREE.. ", $my_title, $my_url) if not $installed_ini then UpdateINI() GetPrefs() global $do_layer = false ; Process launch files.. ; if IsArray($load_list) then switch $switches case "preview", "p" if FileExists($path) and GetExtension($path) = "wav" then PreviewWAV($path) exit 0 endif case "layer", "l" $do_layer = true endswitch endif ; Log location.. GetLogLocation() MakeTray() TraySetOnEvent($tray_event_mouseover, "WindowToFront") TraySetOnEvent($tray_event_primarydown, "TrayToggleWindow") MakeGUI() ; Start with Windows? CheckStartupLink() ; offline for now! ; SetExplorerContextMenu("wav", $explorer_context, false, "", "soundrec", "") ; SetExplorerContextMenu("wav", $explorer_default, true, "Preview..", "soundrec", "preview") SetAlwaysOnTop() SetHotKeys() ; Launched with something to do? ; if $do_layer then SimpleLayer($load_list) elseif FileExists($path) then AddStringToCombo($combo_wav_file, $path, "wav_file") GUICtrlSetData($combo_wav_file, $path) LoopSound($path) else UpdateSound(true) endif ; Loop the whole list right off the bat.. if $cmdline[0] then if $cmdline[1] = "all" or $cmdline[1] = "a" then LoopList() endif while $quit = -99 Sleep(1000) wend func GetPrefs() $x = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "x", -1) $y = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "y", @DesktopHeight / 4) $width = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "width", 480) $height = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "height", 130) $min_width = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "min_width", 70) $width_magic = 8 $min_height = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "min_height", 25) $height_magic = 34 $def_ix = 30 $def_iy = 241 $def_iw = 484 $input_x = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "input_x", $def_ix) $input_y = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "input_y", $def_iy) $input_width = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "input_width", $def_iw) $show_tips = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "show_tips", $ON) $taskbar_entry = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "taskbar_entry", $OFF) $always_on_top = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "always_on_top", $OFF) $explorer_context = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "explorer_context", $OFF) $explorer_default = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "explorer_default", $OFF) $start_with_windows = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "start_with_windows", $OFF) $start_minimized = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "start_minimized", $OFF) $hover_to_show = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "hover_to_show", $ON) $hover_sensitivity = Abs(Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "hover_sensitivity", 8))) $fade_in = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "fade_in", $ON) $step = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "step", 5) $state = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "state", "looping") $img_on_buttons = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "img_on_buttons", $ON) $info_time = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "info_time", 5000) $keep_file_in_title = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "keep_file_in_title", $OFF) $wav_volume = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "wav_volume", 50)) $volume_up_key = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "volume_up_key", "{NUMPADADD}") $volume_down_key = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "volume_down_key", "{NUMPADSUB}") $volume_big_up_key = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "volume_big_up_key", "^{NUMPADADD}") $volume_big_down_key = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "volume_big_down_key", "^{NUMPADSUB}") $big_jump = Int(IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "big_jump", 10)) endfunc func MakeGUI() if $taskbar_entry = $ON then $LoopZGUI = GUICreate($my_title & "..", $width, $height, $x, $y, _ BitOR($ws_caption, $ws_sysmenu, $ws_minimizebox, $ws_sizebox), $ws_ex_acceptfiles) else local $dummy_container = GUICreate("", -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, BitOR($ws_ex_acceptfiles, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) $LoopZGUI = GUICreate($my_title & "..", $width, $height, $x, $y, _ BitOR($ws_caption, $ws_popup, $ws_sysmenu, $ws_minimizebox, $ws_sizebox), -1, $dummy_container) endif GUISetIcon($me_app, 0, $LoopZGUI) GUISetOnEvent($gui_event_close, "MenuDoQuit") GUISetOnEvent($gui_event_resized, "ResizeCheckSize") GUISetOnEvent($gui_event_primaryup, "PrimaryUPCheckSize") GUISetOnEvent($gui_event_minimize, "TrayToggleWindow") GUIRegisterMsg(563, "DropfilesFunc") ; Dummy controls for Keyboard Accelerators.. ; (App-Specific HotKeys) ; local $dummy_volume_up = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "HK_WAVVolumeUP") local $dummy_volume_down = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "HK_WAVVolumeDOWN") local $dummy_volume_big_up = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "HK_WAVVolumeBigUP") local $dummy_volume_big_down = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "HK_WAVVolumeBigDOWN") $lab_dropzone = GUICtrlCreateLabel("DROP-ZONE", 0, 32, $width, $height - 32, BitOR($ss_notify, $ss_center), $gui_ws_ex_parentdrag) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 50, 600, 1, "Arial Black") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 11579568) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 9) local $dummy_begin = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -9999, -9999) GUISetCoord(0, 0) $lab_drop1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $width, 7, $ss_notify, $gui_ws_ex_parentdrag) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $gui_dropaccepted) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 9) $lab_wav_file = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Loops:", 5, 10, 32, Default, $ss_notify, $gui_ws_ex_parentdrag) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 9) $combo_wav_file = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 35, -3, $width - 72, 200) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ComboUpdateSound") BuildCombo($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") local $ctxt_source = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($combo_wav_file) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Open Wav Folder", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "OpenCurrentWAVParent") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add to Favourites", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AddToFavourites") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Add the current wav to your favourites group") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save As Favourites", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SaveFavourites") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Load Favourites", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "LoadFavourites") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Delete This Item", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "WipeWavFileItem") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Wipe The List", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "WipeWavFileList") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Sort The List", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SortWAVFileList") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Edit The List", $ctxt_source) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "EditCombo") $but_playstop = GUICtrlCreateButton(" ", $width - 67, 0, 22, 21, BitOR($bs_icon, $ws_tabstop)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ButtPlayStopButton") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $gui_dropaccepted) if $img_on_buttons = $ON then GUICtrlSetImage($but_playstop, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", -138, 0) else GUICtrlSetData($but_playstop, "loop") endif local $dummy_end = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -9999, -9999) for $i = $dummy_begin to $dummy_end GUICtrlSetResizing($i, $gui_dockall) next GUICtrlSetResizing($lab_dropzone, $gui_dockborders) GUICtrlSetResizing($lab_drop1, $gui_dockheight) GUICtrlSetResizing($combo_wav_file, $gui_dockall + $gui_dockright) GUICtrlSetResizing($but_playstop, $gui_dockright + $gui_dockwidth + $gui_dockheight + $gui_docktop) SetShowTips() CheckSize() ; Keyboard accelerators, part 2.. local $AppHotKeys[4][2] = [ _ [$volume_up_key, $dummy_volume_up], _ [$volume_down_key, $dummy_volume_down], _ [$volume_big_up_key, $dummy_volume_big_up], _ [$volume_big_down_key, $dummy_volume_big_down] _ ] GUISetAccelerators($AppHotKeys) if $fade_in = $ON then if $start_minimized = $OFF then FadeIn($LoopZGUI, $step) else GUISetState() endif endif $visible = true SetDropOn() if $start_minimized = $ON then ToggleWindow() endfunc func MakeTray() $tray_loop = TrayCreateItem("Loop The Sound.. F8 or Ctrl+\") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "ButtPlayStopButton") $tray_looplist = TrayCreateItem("Loop The Entire List.. Ctrl+L") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TrayLoopList") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Open WAV File.. Ctrl+O") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "OpenWAV") TrayCreateItem("Load a Folder of WAVs.. Ctrl+F") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "OpenWAVFolder") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Volume Control.. Ctrl+A") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "LaunchVolumeControl") TrayCreateItem("Edit INI File (prefs).. Ctrl+P") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "EditINIFile") TrayCreateItem("") $tray_show_tips = TrayCreateItem("Show ToolTips") TrayItemSetState(-1, $show_tips) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "ToggleShowTips") $tray_on_top = TrayCreateItem("Always on Top") TrayItemSetState(-1, $always_on_top) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "ToggleAlwaysOnTop") ; TrayCreateItem("") ; $tray_context = TrayCreateItem("Keep in Explorer Context Menu") ; TrayItemSetState(-1, $explorer_context) ; TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleExplorerContext") ; $tray_def_cmd = TrayCreateItem("System Default WAV Preview") ; TrayItemSetState(-1, $explorer_default) ; TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleExplorerDefault") TrayCreateItem("") $tray_startmin = TrayCreateItem("Start Minimized") TrayItemSetState(-1, $start_minimized) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleStartMinimized") $tray_startup = TrayCreateItem("Start with Windows") TrayItemSetState(-1, $start_with_windows) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleStartWithWin") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("About " & $my_name & "..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "EventDoAboutBox") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Quit Esc or Alt+F4") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TrayQuit") SetupTray() endfunc func SetupTray() TraySetClick(8) TraySetState(1) TraySetIcon($me_app, 0) TraySetTip() endfunc func EditCombo() DialogOpen() $lv_sort_flag = false local $last_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $last_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 1) local $raw_data = GrabComboPref("wav_file") local $data = StringSplit($raw_data, "|") local $e_x = $x + 10 local $e_y = $y + 30 local $e_width = $width - 48 local $e_height = 55 + (15 * $data[0]) if $e_height > (@DesktopHeight - $e_y - 24) then $e_height = @DesktopHeight - $e_y - 24 $gui_edit = GUICreate(" Edit the Loop List..", $e_width, $e_height, $e_x, $e_y, _ BitOR($ws_caption, $ws_sizebox), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $LoopZGUI) local $list_loops = GUICtrlCreateListView("Loops..", 5, 5, $e_width - 5, $e_height - 38, BitOR($lvs_report, 0)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $gui_dockauto + $gui_dockstatebar + $gui_docktop + $gui_dockleft) FillListView($gui_edit, $list_loops, $data) local $butt_top = $e_height - 25 local $but_edit_up = GUICtrlCreateButton("&UP", 5, $butt_top, 40, 22) local $but_edit_down = GUICtrlCreateButton("&DOWN", 45, $butt_top, 40, 22) local $but_edit_del = GUICtrlCreateButton("Del&ete", 100, $butt_top, 40, 22) local $but_edit_sort = GUICtrlCreateButton("So&rt", 150, $butt_top, 40, 22) local $but_edit_cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", $e_width - 105, $butt_top, 50, 22) local $but_edit_ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save", $e_width - 45, $butt_top, 40, 22) for $i = $but_edit_up to $but_edit_sort GUICtrlSetResizing($i, $gui_docksize + $gui_dockleft) next for $i = $but_edit_cancel to $but_edit_ok GUICtrlSetResizing($i, $gui_docksize + $gui_dockright) next if $show_tips = $ON then GUICtrlSetTip($but_edit_up, " Move the selcted file(s) UP. ") GUICtrlSetTip($but_edit_down, " Move the selcted file(s) DOWN. ") GUICtrlSetTip($but_edit_del, " Delete the selected file(s) from the list. ") GUICtrlSetTip($but_edit_sort, " Sort the list (click again to reverse-sort). ") GUICtrlSetTip($but_edit_cancel, " Close this window and don't save any changes. ") GUICtrlSetTip($but_edit_ok, " Save any changes and close this window. ") endif GUISetState() while 1 local $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $gui_event_close, $but_edit_cancel exitloop case $but_edit_up MoveListViewItemsUP($gui_edit, $list_loops, $data) case $but_edit_down MoveListViewItemsDOWN($gui_edit, $list_loops, $data) case $but_edit_del DeleteListViewItem($gui_edit, $list_loops, $data) case $but_edit_sort SortListView($gui_edit, $list_loops, $data) case $but_edit_ok WriteArrayToPref($data, "wav_file") BuildCombo($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") exitloop endswitch local $size_array = WinGetPos(" Edit the Loop List..") if IsArray($size_array) and $size_array[2] < 310 then WinMove(" Edit the Loop List..", "", Default, Default, 310) wend GUIDelete($gui_edit) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $last_coord_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_event_mode) DialogClose() endfunc func DoSplash($sp_msg, $sp_app, $sp_url) if $waited then return true AdLibRegister("SetWaited", 1000) local $last_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $last_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) local $d_height = 55 local $d_width = 180 local $gui_info = GUICreate($sp_msg, $d_width, $d_height, -1, -1, Default, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) GUICtrlCreateIcon($me_app, 0, 10, 10) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sp_app & " v" & $my_version & $MSG_LF & "from corz.org", 48, 0) GUISetState() while not $waited Sleep(25) local $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $gui_event_close DoQuit(-33) case $gui_event_primarydown VisitURL($sp_url) $waited = true endswitch wend GUIDelete($gui_info) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_event_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $last_coord_mode) endfunc func _______________STRING_FUNCS() endfunc func ConvertNames($some_path, $convert_level = 2) local $ab_file = $some_path local $ub_file = StringToBinary($some_path, $convert_level) $ab_file = BinaryToString($ub_file, 1) if $some_path <> $ab_file then $some_path = FileGetShortName($some_path) endif return $some_path endfunc func SortWAVFileList() SortComboPrefsList($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") endfunc func SortComboPrefsList(byref $control, $ini_prefname) if GUICtrlRead($control) == "" then return local $tmppref = GUICtrlRead($control) local $tmp = "|" & GrabComboPref($ini_prefname) & "|" local $array = StringSplit($tmp, "|") $array = BubbleSort($array) $tmp = "|" for $i = 1 to $array[0] if $i then $tmp &= $array[$i] & "|" next IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, $ini_prefname, $tmp) BuildCombo($control, $ini_prefname) ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $control, "selectString", $tmppref) endfunc func WriteArrayToPref(byref $data, $ini_prefname) if not IsArray($data) then return false local $tmp = "|" for $i = 1 to $data[0] if $data[$i] then $tmp &= $data[$i] & "|" endif next IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, $ini_prefname, $tmp) endfunc func ______________SOUND_FUNCS() endfunc func PreviewWAV($path) debug("PreviewWAV(" & $path & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $memory = GetFreeMem() if FileGetSize($path) >= $memory then Beep(40, 150) Speak("2. Big!", 50, 5) exit -3 endif $preview = true SetupTray() TraySetState(4) TraySetToolTip(" LoopDropZ.. " & $MSG_LF & " Previewing: " & CleanName($path) & " ") local $tray_abort = TrayCreateItem("Abort") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TrayQuit") TraySetClick(9) local $sound = _SoundOpen($path) _SoundPlay($sound) if _SoundStatus($sound) <> "" then while 1 Sleep(100) if _SoundPos($sound, 2) >= _SoundLength($sound, 2) then exitloop wend _SoundCLose($sound) else TraySetToolTip(" LoopDropZ.. " & $MSG_LF & " Previewing: " & CleanName($path) & $MSG_LF & "[this sound cannot be aborted] ") TraySetState(8) TraySetClick(0) TrayItemDelete($tray_abort) SoundPlay($path, 1) SoundPlay("") endif endfunc ; Loop an audio file.. ; func LoopSound($file, $noloop = false, $sync = false) debug("LoopSound(" & $file & "," & $noloop & "," & $sync & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $loop = true if ce_IsPressed(10) or $noloop then $loop = false AdlibUnRegister("ResetTitle") DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySoundA", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", $snd_purge) GetSoundInfo($file) local $show_time = $wav_lenm local $memory = GetFreeMem() if $wav_size >= $memory then local $alert = MsgBox(4 + 48 + 256, "MEMORY ALERT!!!", _ "The selected wav file is larger than the available system memory! " & $MSG_LF & _ "Continuing could have unexpected and potentially disastrous effects." & $MSG_LF & $MSG_LF & _ "Do you still wish to attempt to loop this file? ", 0, $LoopZGUI) if $alert <> 6 then WipeSingleComboItem($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") return false endif endif if $loop then $state = "Looping" DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySoundA", "str", $file, "long", 0, "int", BitOR($SND_ASYNC, $SND_FILENAME, $SND_LOOP)) else $state = "Playing" local $flags1 = BitOR($SND_ASYNC, $SND_FILENAME) if $sync then $flags1 = $SND_FILENAME DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySoundA", "str", $file, "int", 0, "int", $flags1) endif TraySetTip($state & ": " & CleanName($file)) local $my_title = " " & Chr(187) & Chr(187) & " " & $state & ": " & CleanName($file) & " [" & $wav_len & "] " & _ Chr(171) & Chr(171) if $keep_file_in_title = $ON then SetFixedTitle($my_title) else SetInfoTitle($my_title, $show_time) endif SetStopButton() endfunc func TrayLoopList() LoopList() endfunc #cs l "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\primal7.wav" "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\chant.wav" "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\metadrop.wav" l "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\deepend.wav" "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\Perfect5th.wav" #ce ; Just messing about for now! ; A better idea would be to spawn copies of LoopDropZ, for perfect, multi-file ; SEAMLESS looping, which this isn't, quite. The small gap could be further ; shortened at the expense of CPU, I guess. func SimpleLayer($file_array) debug("SimpleLayer()...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug if not IsArray($file_array) then return false local $sounds_array[$file_array[0]+1] = [$file_array[0]+1] debug_PrintArray($file_array, "$file_array:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug debug_PrintArray($sounds_array, "$sounds_array:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug SetDropOff() SetStopButton() $unloop = false for $i = 1 to $file_array[0] local $file = $file_array[$i] local $memory = GetFreeMem() if FileGetSize($file) >= $memory then SetInfoTitle(" FILE TOO BIG FOR MEMORY! ") return false endif TraySetTip("Layering.. ") $sounds_array[$i] = _SoundOpen($file) _SoundPlay($sounds_array[$i]) next debug_PrintArray($sounds_array, "$sounds_array:", @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug while not $unloop for $i = 1 to $file_array[0] if _SoundStatus($sounds_array[$i]) = "stopped" then _SoundPlay($sounds_array[$i]) next Sleep(10) wend for $i = 1 to $file_array[0] _SoundClose($sounds_array[$i]) next SetDropOn() TraySetTip() endfunc func LoopList() AdlibUnRegister("ResetTitle") SetStopButton() TrayItemSetState($tray_looplist, 128) $unloop = false $state = "LoopList" local $llist = GrabComboPref("wav_file") $llist = StringSplit($llist, "|") for $i = 1 to $llist[0] local $lpath = $llist[$i] if not FileExists($lpath) then continueloop local $lsnd = _SoundOpen($lpath) SetInfoTitle(" " & Chr(187) & Chr(187) & " Loop List: " & $i & " of " & $llist[0] & ": " & _ CleanName($lpath) & " [" & _SoundLength($lsnd) & "] " & Chr(171) & Chr(171), _SoundLength($lsnd, 2)) _SoundPlay($lsnd) while _SoundPos($lsnd, 2) < _SoundLength($lsnd, 2) Sleep(100) if $unloop then $state = "Stopped" SetInfoTitle(" [" & $state & "]", $info_time / 2) _SoundCLose($lsnd) TrayItemSetState($tray_looplist, 64) return endif wend _SoundCLose($lsnd) next LoopList() endfunc func OverlapAudio($file) local $memory = GetFreeMem() if FileGetSize($file) >= $memory then SetInfoTitle(" FILE TOO BIG FOR MEMORY! ") return false endif local $sound = _SoundOpen($file) SetDropOff() local $tmplen = _SoundLength($sound) TraySetTip("Previewing: " & CleanName($file)) SetInfoTitle(" " & Chr(187) & Chr(187) & _ " Previewing: " & CleanName($file) & " [" & $tmplen & "] [please wait]" & Chr(171) & Chr(171), $tmplen * 1000) _SoundPlay($sound) while 1 Sleep(100) if _SoundPos($sound, 2) >= _SoundLength($sound, 2) then exitloop wend _SoundCLose($sound) SetDropOn() TraySetTip() endfunc func GetSoundInfo($file) local $sound = _SoundOpen($file) $wav_len = _SoundLength($sound) $wav_lenm = _SoundLength($sound, 2) $wav_size = FileGetSize($file) _SoundCLose($sound) endfunc func OldSpeak($text, $vol = 50, $rate = 1.1) local $o_speech = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice") if not IsObj($o_speech) then return with $o_speech .rate = $rate .volume = $vol .Speak($text) endwith endfunc func comboUpdateSound() UpdateSound() endfunc func UpdateSound($startup = false) debug("UpdateSound(startup: " & $startup & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $file = GUICtrlRead($combo_wav_file) debug("$file: " & $file, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug if not FileExists($file) or GetExtension($file) <> "wav" then SetInfoTitle(" No such wav file! ", $info_time) WipeSingleComboItem($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") return false endif local $noloop = false if $startup then if $state = "Stopped" then SetInfoTitle(" [" & $state & "]", $info_time) return endif if $state = "Playing" then $noloop = true endif $state = "Stopped" LoopSound($file, $noloop) endfunc func HotKeyPlayOnce() switch $state case "Playing", "Looping", "LoopList" StopSound() case else $state = "Playing" UpdateSound(true) endswitch endfunc func ButtPlayStopButton() switch $state case "Looping", "Playing", "LoopList" StopSound() case else UpdateSound() endswitch endfunc func SetPlayButton() if $img_on_buttons = $ON then GUICtrlSetImage($but_playstop, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", -138, 0) else GUICtrlSetData($but_playstop, "loop") endif GUICtrlSetTip($but_playstop, " Click here to begin looping the selected wav file. (F8 or Ctrl+\)" & $MSG_LF & _ " Hold down the SHIFT key to play the sound ONCE ONLY. (F9 or Ctrl+/)") TraySetTip() TrayItemSetText($tray_loop, "Loop The Sound.. F8 or Ctrl+\") endfunc func SetStopButton() if $img_on_buttons = $ON then GUICtrlSetImage($but_playstop, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", -28, 0) else GUICtrlSetData($but_playstop, "stop") endif GUICtrlSetTip($but_playstop, " Click here to stop the sound. (F8, F9, Ctrl+\ or Ctrl+/) ") TrayItemSetText($tray_loop, "Stop The Sound.. F8 or Ctrl+\") endfunc func StopSound() DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySoundA", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", $snd_purge) $state = "Stopped" $unloop = true ResetTitle() SetPlayButton() endfunc func _________________CONTROLS() endfunc func SetDropOff() TraySetState(4) GUICtrlSetState($lab_dropzone, $gui_nodropaccepted) GUICtrlSetState($lab_dropzone, $gui_disable) GUICtrlSetState($lab_drop1, $gui_nodropaccepted) GUICtrlSetState($lab_wav_file, $gui_nodropaccepted) GUICtrlSetState($combo_wav_file, $gui_nodropaccepted) GUICtrlSetState($but_playstop, $gui_nodropaccepted) endfunc func SetDropOn() GUICtrlSetState($lab_dropzone, $gui_enable) GUICtrlSetState($lab_dropzone, $gui_dropaccepted) GUICtrlSetState($lab_drop1, $gui_dropaccepted) GUICtrlSetState($lab_wav_file, $gui_dropaccepted) GUICtrlSetState($combo_wav_file, $gui_dropaccepted) GUICtrlSetState($but_playstop, $gui_dropaccepted) TraySetState(8) endfunc func SortListView(byref $hwnd, byref $control, byref $data) if $lv_sort_flag then $data = BubbleSort($data) _arrayreverse($data, 1) $lv_sort_flag = false else $data = BubbleSort($data) $lv_sort_flag = true endif FillListView($hwnd, $control, $data) endfunc func MoveListViewItemsUP(byref $hwnd, byref $control, byref $data) if not IsArray($data) then return false local $item_id = ControlListView($hwnd, "", $control, "Getselected", 1) local $id_array = StringSplit($item_id, "|") for $j = 1 to $id_array[0] local $sel_idx = $id_array[$j] local $sel_item = ControlListView($hwnd, "", $control, "GetText", $sel_idx) if $sel_idx > 0 then _ArrayDelete($data, $sel_idx + 1) _ArrayInsert($data, $sel_idx, $sel_item) endif next FillListView($hwnd, $control, $data) for $j = 1 to $id_array[0] local $itm = $id_array[$j] - 1 if $itm = -1 then $itm = 0 ControlListView($hwnd, "", $control, "select", $itm) next endfunc func MoveListViewItemsDOWN(byref $hwnd, byref $control, byref $data) if not IsArray($data) then return false local $item_id = ControlListView($hwnd, "", $control, "Getselected", 1) local $id_array = StringSplit($item_id, "|") for $j = $id_array[0] to 1 Step -1 local $sel_idx = $id_array[$j] local $sel_item = ControlListView($hwnd, "", $control, "GetText", $sel_idx) _ArrayDelete($data, $sel_idx + 1) local $ins = $sel_idx + 2 if $ins > $data[0] then $ins = $data[0] _ArrayInsert($data, $ins, $sel_item) next FillListView($hwnd, $control, $data) for $j = $id_array[0] to 1 Step -1 local $itm = $id_array[$j] + 1 if $itm = $data[0] then $itm = $id_array[$j] ControlListView($hwnd, "", $control, "select", $itm) next endfunc func DeleteListViewItem(byref $hwnd, byref $control, byref $data) if not IsArray($data) then return false local $item_id = ControlListView($hwnd, "", $control, "Getselected", 1) local $id_array = StringSplit($item_id, "|") for $j = $id_array[0] to 1 Step -1 _ArrayDelete($data, $id_array[$j] + 1) $data[0] -= 1 next FillListView($hwnd, $control, $data) endfunc func FillListView($hwnd, byref $control, byref $data) debug("FillListView(" & $control & "," & $data & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 8);debug if not IsArray($data) then return false _guictrllistview_deleteallitems($control) for $i = 1 to $data[0] if $data[$i] then GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($data[$i], $control) endif next GUICtrlSendMsg($control, $lvm_setcolumnwidth, 0, $lvscw_autosize) ControlFocus($hwnd, "", $control) endfunc func GrabComboPref($ini_prefname) debug("GrabComboPref(" & $ini_prefname & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $tmp = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, $ini_prefname, "") $tmp = StringStripWS($tmp, 3) $tmp = StringReplace($tmp, "||", "|") while StringRight($tmp, 1) = "|" $tmp = StringTrimRight($tmp, 1) wend while StringLeft($tmp, 1) = "|" $tmp = StringTrimLeft($tmp, 1) wend return $tmp endfunc ; Bulds the WAVs combo box.. ; func BuildCombo(byref $control, $ini_prefname) debug("BuildCombo(" & $control & "," & $ini_prefname & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug GUICtrlSetOnEvent($combo_wav_file, "") local $data = GrabComboPref($ini_prefname) $data = StringSplit($data, "|") GUICtrlSetData($control, "") if $data[0] then for $i = 1 to $data[0] if $data[$i] then ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $control, "AddString", $data[$i]) endif next GUICtrlSetOnEvent($combo_wav_file, "ComboUpdateSound") ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $control, "selectString", $data[$data[0]]) endif endfunc ; Add a string to the main combo box control.. ; func AddStringToCombo(byref $control, $new_str, $ini_prefname, $live_update = true) debug("AddStringToCombo(" & $control & "," & $new_str & "," & $ini_prefname & "," & $live_update & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug local $tmp = "|" & GrabComboPref($ini_prefname) & "|" if $new_str <> "" and not StringInStr($tmp, "|" & $new_str & "|") then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, $ini_prefname, $tmp & $new_str & "|") endif if $live_update then ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $control, "AddString", $new_str) ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $control, "selectString", $new_str) endif endfunc func SetComboToCurrent(byref $control, $ini_prefname) debug("SetComboToCurrent(" & $control & "," & $ini_prefname & ")...", @ScriptLineNumber, 5);debug if GUICtrlRead($control) = "" then return false local $tmp = "|" & GrabComboPref($ini_prefname) & "|" $tmp = StringReplace($tmp, "|" & GUICtrlRead($control) & "|", "|") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, $ini_prefname, $tmp & GUICtrlRead($control) & "|") BuildCombo($control, $ini_prefname) endfunc func LoadFavourites() LoadFaveGroup("favourites", "", $combo_wav_file, "wav_file") endfunc func SaveFavourites() local $exi_faves = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "favourites", "") if $exi_faves then local $def = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "ow_faves", "") if $def = "no" then SetInfoTitle(" No save performed, as per user default action.", $info_time) local $ret = YesNoMsgBox("Overwrite existing Faviourites?", _ "Are you absolutely sure you wish to overwrite the existing Faviourites? ", 0, $def) if @error = 1 then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "ow_faves", $ret) if $ret <> "yes" then return false endif if SaveFaveGroup("favourites", "wav_file") then SetInfoTitle(" Favourites successfully saved.", $info_time) endfunc func AddToFavourites() local $fave = GUICtrlRead($combo_wav_file) AddStringToCombo($combo_wav_file, $fave, "favourites", false) endfunc func LoadFaveGroup($def_grp_pref, $default, byref $combo, $combo_pref) local $i = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, $def_grp_pref, $default) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, $combo_pref, $i) BuildCombo($combo, $combo_pref) endfunc func SaveFaveGroup($def_grp_pref, $combo_pref) local $i = GrabComboPref($combo_pref) if $i = "" then return false local $def_grp = "|" & $i & "|" return IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, $def_grp_pref, $def_grp) endfunc func WipeWAVFileItem() WipeSingleComboItem($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") endfunc func WipeWAVFileList() local $tmp if ce_IsPressed(10) then $tmp = GUICtrlRead($combo_wav_file) local $def = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "do_wipe", "") switch $def case "no" SetInfoTitle(" USER DEFAULT ACTION PREVENS WIPE ", $info_time / 2) case "yes" SetInfoTitle(" LIST WIPED ", $info_time / 2) endswitch local $ret = YesNoMsgBox("Really Wipe?", "Are you absolutely sure you wish to completely wipe the list? ", 0, $def) if @error = 1 then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "do_wipe", $ret) if $ret <> "yes" then return SetInfoTitle(" Loop List Wiped", $info_time / 2) WipeCombo($combo_wav_file, "wav_file", $tmp) endfunc func WipeCombo(byref $control, $ini_prefname, $tmp = "") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, $ini_prefname, "") BuildCombo($control, $ini_prefname) if $tmp then ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $control, "AddString", $tmp) ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $control, "selectString", $tmp) endif endfunc func WipeSingleComboItem(byref $control, $ini_prefname) if GUICtrlRead($control) = "" then return false local $tmp = "|" & GrabComboPref($ini_prefname) & "|" $tmp = StringReplace($tmp, "|" & GUICtrlRead($control) & "|", "|") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, $ini_prefname, $tmp) BuildCombo($control, $ini_prefname) endfunc func __________________SYSTEM() endfunc func TrayToggleWindow() ToggleWindow() endfunc func ToggleWindow() local $winstate = WinGetState($LoopZGUI) if BitAND($winstate, 2) then UnSetHotKeys() GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $LoopZGUI) $visible = false _ReduceMemory() else GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $LoopZGUI) $visible = true SetHotKeys() endif endfunc func ResizeCheckSize() CheckSize() endfunc func PrimaryUPCheckSize() CheckSize() endfunc func CheckSize($save=true) local $size_array = WinGetPos($LoopZGUI) if not IsArray($size_array) then return 0 if $size_array[2] < $min_width + $width_magic then WinMove($LoopZGUI, "", Default, Default, $min_width + $width_magic) if $size_array[3] < $min_height + $height_magic then WinMove($LoopZGUI, "", Default, Default, Default, $min_height + $height_magic) Sleep(25) $size_array = WinGetPos($LoopZGUI) if not IsArray($size_array) then return 0 if $size_array[0] > @DesktopWidth - $size_array[2] + 12 then WinMove($LoopZGUI, "", @DesktopWidth - $size_array[2], Default, Default) endif if $size_array[1] > @DesktopHeight - $size_array[3] + 12 then WinMove($LoopZGUI, "", Default, @DesktopHeight - $size_array[3], Default) endif Sleep(25) $size_array = WinGetPos($LoopZGUI) if not IsArray($size_array) then return 0 if $size_array[0] < 0 then WinMove($LoopZGUI, "", 0, Default) if $save then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "x", 0) endif if $size_array[0] > @DesktopWidth - $size_array[2] then WinMove($LoopZGUI, "", @DesktopWidth - $size_array[2] + 12, Default) if $save then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "x", @DesktopWidth - $size_array[2]) endif if $size_array[1] < 0 then WinMove($LoopZGUI, "", Default, 0) if $save then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "y", 0) endif if $size_array[1] > @DesktopHeight - $size_array[3] + 12 then WinMove($LoopZGUI, "", Default, @DesktopHeight - $size_array[3]) if $save then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "y", @DesktopHeight - $size_array[3]) endif return true endfunc func SaveXYPrefs() if not CheckSize() then return 0 local $size_array = WinGetPos($LoopZGUI) if not IsArray($size_array) then return 0 if $x <> $size_array[0] and $size_array[0] >= 0 and $size_array[0] < (@DesktopWidth - 25) then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "x", $size_array[0]) endif if $y <> $size_array[1] and $size_array[1] >= 0 and $size_array[1] < (@DesktopHeight - 25) then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "y", $size_array[1]) endif $size_array = WinGetClientSize($LoopZGUI) if not IsArray($size_array) then return 0 if $size_array[0] <> $width and $size_array[0] >= $min_width then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "width", $size_array[0]) if $size_array[1] <> $height and $size_array[1] >= $min_height then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "height", $size_array[1]) endfunc func YesNoMsgBox($ynmb_title, $ynmb_text, $timeout=0, $default="", $hwnd=default) if $hwnd = default then $hwnd = $LoopZGUI local $curr = GUICtrlRead($combo_wav_file) if $default <> "" and $curr <> "" then return $default if $curr = "" then $hmm_wipe += 1 if $hmm_wipe == 3 then $hmm_wipe = 0 local $do_reset = MsgBox(1, "Reset this menu item to its default state?", _ "This item has been deactivated by your (someone's!) request. " & $MSG_LF & _ "Do you wish to reset the menu item's behaviour to its default state? ", 0, $hwnd) if $do_reset == 1 then IniDelete($ini_path, $my_name, "do_wipe") $default = "" endif endif if $default <> "" then DialogClose() return $default endif endif DialogOpen() local $last_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $last_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) local $response = "" local $ynmb_width = 360 if StringLen($ynmb_text) > 130 then $ynmb_width = StringLen($ynmb_text) * 2 if $ynmb_width < 360 then $ynmb_width = 360 local $ynmb_height = UBound(StringSplit($ynmb_text, $MSG_LF)) * 20 + 20 if $hwnd then local $size_array = WinGetPos($LoopZGUI) local $ynmb_left = ($size_array[0] + ($size_array[2] / 2)) - ($ynmb_width / 2) local $ynmb_top = ($size_array[1] + ($size_array[3] / 3)) - ($ynmb_height / 3) else $ynmb_left = (@DesktopWidth / 2) - ($ynmb_width / 2) $ynmb_top = (@DesktopHeight / 2) - ($ynmb_height) endif local $style = BitOR($ws_caption, $ws_popup, $ws_sysmenu) local $ynmb = GUICreate($ynmb_title, $ynmb_width, $ynmb_height, $ynmb_left, $ynmb_top, $style, -1, $hwnd) GUICtrlCreateLabel($ynmb_text, 15, 10) local $but_yes = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Yes", -5, $ynmb_height - 37, 60, 25) local $but_no = GUICtrlCreateButton("&No", 70, 0, 60, 25, $bs_defpushbutton) local $chk_remember = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("always do this action", 75, 0, Default, Default, BitOR($bs_right, $bs_autocheckbox)) GUISetCoord($ynmb_width - 65, $ynmb_height - 28) local $but_cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("A&bort", -1, -1, 60, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) if $timeout <> 0 then local $dialog_begin = TimerInit() Do local $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $but_cancel, $gui_event_close exitloop case $but_yes $response = "yes" case $but_no $response = "no" endswitch if $timeout <> 0 then if TimerDiff($dialog_begin)/1000 > $timeout then exitloop endif endif until $response <> "" local $rem = GUICtrlRead($chk_remember) GUIDelete($ynmb) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $last_coord_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_event_mode) DialogClose() return SetError($rem, $rem, $response) endfunc func _ReduceMemory() DllCall("psapi.dll", "int", "EmptyWorkingSet", "long", -1) endfunc func LaunchVolumeControl() local $default_vol = "SNDVOL32.EXE" if @OSArch = "X64" then $default_vol = "SNDVOL.EXE" local $volume_control = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "volume_control", $default_vol) Run($volume_control) endfunc func FadeIn($gui, $step = 5) WinSetTrans($gui, "", 0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui) local $i = 100 while $i >= 3 WinSetTrans($gui, "", (100 - $i) * 2.55) Sleep(5) $step = $i / 9 $i -= $step wend WinSetTrans($gui, "", 255) WinActivate($gui) endfunc func WindowToFront() if not $visible then return if $hover_to_show = $OFF then return if $timer_stamp = 0 or TimerDiff($timer_stamp) > 1000 then $timer_stamp = TimerInit() endif local $diff = TimerDiff($timer_stamp) if $diff > ((11 - $hover_sensitivity) * 100) then $timer_stamp = 0 WinSetOnTop($LoopZGUI, "", 1) WinSetOnTop($LoopZGUI, "", 0) Sleep(100) WinActivate($LoopZGUI) RePaintGUI($LoopZGUI) endif endfunc func RePaintGUI($hwnd, $trect = 0, $hregion = 0, $iflags = 5) local $prect, $aresult if $trect <> 0 then $prect = DllStructGetPtr($trect) $aresult = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "RedrawWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd, "ptr", $prect, "int", $hregion, "int", $iflags) if IsArray($aresult) then return ($aresult[0] <> 0) endfunc func SetAlwaysOnTop() if $always_on_top = $ON then WinSetOnTop($LoopZGUI, "", 1) else WinSetOnTop($LoopZGUI, "", 0) endif endfunc func ToggleAlwaysOnTop() if $always_on_top = $OFF then $always_on_top = $ON else $always_on_top = $OFF endif SetAlwaysOnTop() TrayItemSetState($tray_on_top, $always_on_top) IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "always_on_top", $always_on_top) endfunc func TraySetTip($string = "") if $string then $string = $MSG_LF & " " & $string & " " TraySetToolTip(" LoopDropZ.. " & $string & $MSG_LF & " Left-click: Show/Hide | Right-click: Menu ") endfunc func SetShowTips() if $show_tips = $ON then GUICtrlSetTip($lab_dropzone, " You can drag and drop wav files *anywhere* onto LoopDropZ. " & $MSG_LF & _ " The window resizes real small, too, so you can keep it away in the corner.") GUICtrlSetTip($lab_wav_file, " WAV File input. Drag wav files and folders of wav files onto here." & $MSG_LF & _ " NOTE: You can drag and drop anywhere on LoopDropZ. ") GUICtrlSetTip($combo_wav_file, " This drop-down stores all the wav files you've played." & $MSG_LF & _ " Right-click this control for some drop-down options. ") GUICtrlSetTip($but_playstop, " Click here to begin looping the selected wav file. (F8 or Ctrl+\) " & $MSG_LF & _ " Hold down the SHIFT key to play the sound ONCE ONLY. (F9 or Ctrl+/)") else for $i = $lab_dropzone to $but_playstop GUICtrlSetTip($i, "") next endif endfunc func ToggleShowTips() if $show_tips = $OFF then $show_tips = $ON else $show_tips = $OFF endif SetShowTips() TrayItemSetState($tray_show_tips, $show_tips) IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "show_tips", $show_tips) endfunc ; func MenuToggleExplorerContext() ; if $explorer_context = $ON then ; $explorer_context = $OFF ; else ; $explorer_context = $ON ; endif ; IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "explorer_context", $explorer_context) ; local $ret = SetExplorerContextMenu("wav", $explorer_context, false, "Play in LoopDropZ|LoopDropZ", "soundrec", "") ; if $ret then ; TrayItemSetState($tray_context, $explorer_context) ; else ; TrayItemSetState($tray_context, 128) ; endif ; endfunc ; func MenuToggleExplorerDefault() ; if $explorer_default = $ON then ; $explorer_default = $OFF ; else ; $explorer_default = $ON ; endif ; IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "explorer_default", $explorer_default) ; local $ret = SetExplorerContextMenu("wav", $explorer_default, true, "Preview..", "soundrec", "preview") ; if $ret then ; TrayItemSetState($tray_def_cmd, $explorer_default) ; else ; TrayItemSetState($tray_def_cmd, 128) ; endif ; endfunc func MenuToggleStartWithWin() ToggleStartWithWindows() endfunc func ToggleStartWithWindows() if $start_with_windows = $ON then $start_with_windows = $OFF else $start_with_windows = $ON endif TrayItemSetState($tray_startup, $start_with_windows) IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "start_with_windows", $start_with_windows) CheckStartupLink() endfunc func CheckStartupLink() local $lnk = @StartupDir & "\" & $my_name & ".lnk" if $start_with_windows = $ON then if not FileExists($lnk) then FileCreateShortcut(@ScriptFullPath, $lnk, "", "startup", "A WAV looper, for your seamless background audio..") endif else FileDelete($lnk) endif endfunc func MenuToggleStartMinimized() ToggleStartMinimized() endfunc func ToggleStartMinimized() if $start_minimized = $ON then $start_minimized = $OFF else $start_minimized = $ON endif TrayItemSetState($tray_startmin, $start_minimized) IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "start_minimized", $start_minimized) CheckStartupLink() endfunc func DialogOpen() SetDropOff() GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $LoopZGUI) TraySetState(2) UnSetHotKeys() endfunc func DialogClose() TraySetState(1) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $LoopZGUI) WinActivate($LoopZGUI) GUISwitch($LoopZGUI) SetHotKeys() SetDropOn() endfunc func SetFixedTitle($info) WinSetTitle($LoopZGUI, "", $my_title & ".." & " " & $info) endfunc func SetInfoTitle($info, $time = "") if not $time then $time = $info_time AdlibUnRegister("ResetTitle") WinSetTitle($LoopZGUI, "", $my_title & ".." & " " & $info) AdlibRegister("ResetTitle", $time) endfunc func ResetTitle() local $tmp_title = WinGetTitle($LoopZGUI) WinSetTitle($LoopZGUI, "", $my_title & "..") AdlibUnRegister("ResetTitle") if $state <> "Stopped" then if $wav_lenm < $info_time then WinSetTitle($LoopZGUI, "", $tmp_title) AdlibRegister("ResetTitle", $info_time - $wav_lenm) $wav_lenm = 1.7e+308 endif if $state = "Playing" then StopSound() endif endfunc func SetWaited() $waited = true AdlibUnRegister("SetWaited") endfunc func _____________________HOTKEYS() endfunc func SetHotKeys() HotKeySet("{Esc}", "HK_DoQuit") HotKeySet("^o", "HK_OpenWAV") HotKeySet("^e", "HK_EditCombo") HotKeySet("^f", "HK_OpenWAVFolder") HotKeySet("^l", "HK_LoopList") HotKeySet("^a", "HK_LaunchVolumeControl") HotKeySet("^p", "HK_EditINIFile") HotKeySet("{F8}", "HK_PlayStop") HotKeySet("{F9}", "HK_PlayOnceStop") HotKeySet("^\", "HK_PlayStop2") HotKeySet("^/", "HK_PlayOnceStop2") HotKeySet("^{Del}", "HK_WipeWavFileItem") ; HotKeySet($volume_up_key, "HK_WAVVolumeUP") ; HotKeySet($volume_down_key, "HK_WAVVolumeDOWN") ; HotKeySet($volume_big_up_key, "HK_WAVVolumeBigUP") ; HotKeySet($volume_big_down_key, "HK_WAVVolumeBigDOWN") endfunc func UnSetHotKeys() HotKeySet("{Esc}") HotKeySet("^o") HotKeySet("^e") HotKeySet("^f") HotKeySet("^l") HotKeySet("^a") HotKeySet("^p") HotKeySet("{F8}") HotKeySet("{F9}") HotKeySet("^\") HotKeySet("^/") HotKeySet("^{Del}") ; HotKeySet($volume_up_key) ; HotKeySet($volume_down_key) ; HotKeySet($volume_big_up_key) ; HotKeySet($volume_big_down_key) ResetCTRLKey() endfunc func ResetCTRLKey() Send("{CTRLDOWN}") Send("{CTRLUP}") endfunc func HK_DoQuit() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then DoQuit() else HotKeySet("{Esc}") Send("{Esc}") HotKeySet("{Esc}", "HK_DoQuit") endif endfunc func HK_OpenWAV() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then OpenWAV() else HotKeySet("^o") Send("^o") HotKeySet("^o", "HK_OpenWAV") ResetCTRLKey() endif endfunc func HK_EditCombo() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then EditCombo() else HotKeySet("^e") Send("^e") HotKeySet("^e", "HK_EditCombo") ResetCTRLKey() endif endfunc func HK_OpenWAVfolder() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then OpenWAVfolder() else HotKeySet("^f") Send("^f") HotKeySet("^f", "HK_OpenWAVFolder") ResetCTRLKey() endif endfunc func HK_LaunchVolumeControl() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then LaunchVolumeControl() else HotKeySet("^a") Send("^a") HotKeySet("^a", "HK_LaunchVolumeControl") ResetCTRLKey() endif endfunc func HK_WAVVolumeUP() $wav_volume += 1 if $wav_volume > 100 then $wav_volume = 100 SoundSetWaveVolume($wav_volume) endfunc func HK_WAVVolumeDOWN() $wav_volume -= 1 if $wav_volume < 0 then $wav_volume = 0 SoundSetWaveVolume($wav_volume) endfunc func HK_WAVVolumeBigUP() $wav_volume += $big_jump if $wav_volume > 100 then $wav_volume = 100 SoundSetWaveVolume($wav_volume) endfunc func HK_WAVVolumeBigDOWN() $wav_volume -= $big_jump if $wav_volume < 0 then $wav_volume = 0 SoundSetWaveVolume($wav_volume) endfunc func HK_EditINIFile() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then EditINIFile() else HotKeySet("^p") Send("^p") HotKeySet("^p", "HK_EditINIFile") ResetCTRLKey() endif endfunc func HK_PlayStop() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then ButtPlayStopButton() else HotKeySet("{F8}") Send("{F8}") HotKeySet("{F8}", "HK_PlayStop") endif endfunc func HK_PlayStop2() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then ButtPlayStopButton() else HotKeySet("^\") Send("^\") HotKeySet("^\", "HK_PlayStop2") ResetCTRLKey() endif endfunc func HK_PlayOnceStop() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then HotKeyPlayOnce() else HotKeySet("{F9}") Send("{F9}") HotKeySet("{F9}", "HK_PlayOnceStop") endif endfunc func HK_PlayOnceStop2() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then HotKeyPlayOnce() else HotKeySet("^/") Send("^/") HotKeySet("^/", "HK_PlayOnceStop2") ResetCTRLKey() endif endfunc func hk_WipeWAVFileItem() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then WipeWAVFileItem() else HotKeySet("^{Del}") Send("^{Del}") HotKeySet("^{Del}", "HK_WipeWavFileItem") ResetCTRLKey() endif endfunc func HK_LoopList() if WinActive($LoopZGUI) then TrayLoopList() else HotKeySet("^l") Send("^l") HotKeySet("^l", "HK_LoopList") ResetCTRLKey() endif endfunc func ___________FILES_AND_PATHS() endfunc func GetDroppedItem() local $drop_ok = "" for $i = 0 to UBound($droppedfiles) - 1 local $dragfile = $droppedfiles[$i] if not FileExists($dragfile) then return false local $dropped_file = false local $nosubs = false if ce_IsPressed(10) then $nosubs = true if ce_IsPressed(11) then if GetExtension($dragfile) = "wav" or GetExtension($dragfile) = "mp3" then OverlapAudio($dragfile) return endif if IsDir($dragfile) then ImportWAVFolder($dragfile, $nosubs) else switch GetExtension($dragfile) case "wav" $dropped_file = $dragfile case "lnk" local $lnk_arr = FileGetShortcut($dragfile) select case IsDir($lnk_arr[0]) ImportWAVFolder($lnk_arr[0], $nosubs) case GetExtension($lnk_arr[0]) = "wav" $dropped_file = $lnk_arr[0] endselect case else return false endswitch endif if $dropped_file then $drop_ok &= "|" & $dropped_file next if StringLen($drop_ok) then $drop_ok = StringTrimLeft($drop_ok, 1) local $add_files = StringSplit($drop_ok, "|", 2) for $i = 0 to UBound($add_files) - 1 AddStringToCombo($combo_wav_file, $add_files[$i], "wav_file", false) next BuildCombo($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $combo_wav_file, "selectString", $add_files[0]) UpdateSound() endif endfunc func DropfilesFunc($hwnd, $msgid, $wparam, $lparam) #forceref $hwnd, $msgid, $lparam local $nsize, $pfilename local $d_arr = DllCall(@SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFile", _ "hwnd", $wparam, _ "int", -1, _ "ptr", 0, _ "int", 255) ReDim $droppedfiles[$d_arr[0]] for $i = 0 to $d_arr[0] - 1 $nsize = DllCall(@SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFile", _ "hwnd", $wparam, _ "int", $i, _ "ptr", 0, _ "int", 0) $nsize = $nsize[0] + 1 $pfilename = DllStructCreate("char[" & $nsize & "]") DllCall(@SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFile", _ "hwnd", $wparam, _ "int", $i, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pfilename), _ "int", $nsize) $droppedfiles[$i] = DllStructGetData($pfilename, 1) $pfilename = 0 next GetDroppedItem() endfunc func OpenWAV() local $wavs_folder = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "wavs_folder", $data_dir & "\alerts") local $open_file = FileOpenDialog("Load a WAV file for looping..", $wavs_folder, "WAV Files (*.wav)", 1, "*.wav", $LoopZGUI) if GetExtension($open_file) = "wav" then AddStringToCombo($combo_wav_file, $open_file, "wav_file") BuildCombo($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $combo_wav_file, "selectString", $open_file) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "wavs_folder", GetParent($open_file)) endif endfunc func OpenWAVfolder() local $current = GUICtrlRead($combo_wav_file) local $load_folder = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "load_folder", $data_dir & "\alerts") local $open_folder = FileselectFolder("Load a folder of WAV files into the combo..", _ "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}", 2, $load_folder, $LoopZGUI) local $nosubs = false if ce_IsPressed(10) then $nosubs = true if IsDir($open_folder) then ImportWAVFolder($open_folder, $nosubs) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "load_folder", $open_folder) endif if $current then ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $combo_wav_file, "selectString", $current) endif endfunc func ImportWAVFolder($dir, $do_recurse = true) SetInfoTitle("scanning for wav files in: " & BaseName($dir)) local $list_o_wavs = RecurseDir($dir, "*.wav", $do_recurse) if IsArray($list_o_wavs) then for $i = 1 to $list_o_wavs[0] if $list_o_wavs[$i] <> "" then AddStringToCombo($combo_wav_file, $list_o_wavs[$i], "wav_file", false) next BuildCombo($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $combo_wav_file, "selectString", $list_o_wavs[1]) endif endfunc func OpenCurrentWAVParent() if not GUICtrlRead($combo_wav_file) then ControlCommand($LoopZGUI, "", $combo_wav_file, "SetCurrentselection", 0) if not GUICtrlRead($combo_wav_file) then OpenWAV() if not GUICtrlRead($combo_wav_file) then SetInfoTitle(" No WAV File = NO WAV FOLDER! ", $info_time) return false endif local $parent = GetParent(GUICtrlRead($combo_wav_file)) if not FileExists($parent) then OpenWAVfolder() return endif ShellExecute("Explorer.exe", '"' & $parent & '"') endfunc func IsWritable($test_path) local $test = IniWrite($test_path, $my_name, "write_test", 1) IniDelete($test_path, $my_name, "write_test") return $test endfunc func UpdateINI() local $old_version = IniRead($ini_path, $my_name, "version", 0) local $vcomp = _versioncompare($my_version, $old_version) switch $vcomp case 0, -1 return false endswitch local $tmp_ini = @TempDir & "\" & $ini_file & ".new" FileInstall("Resources\LoopDropZ.ini", $tmp_ini, 1) local $existing_sections = IniReadSectionNames($tmp_ini) if IsArray($existing_sections) then for $a = 1 to $existing_sections[0] if $existing_sections[$a] <> $my_name then IniDelete($tmp_ini, $existing_sections[$a]) endif next endif $existing_sections = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path) if IsArray($existing_sections) then for $a = 1 to $existing_sections[0] local $section = IniReadSection($ini_path, $existing_sections[$a]) if IsArray($section) then for $b = 1 to $section[0][0] if StringLeft($section[$b][0], 1) <> "#" then IniWrite($tmp_ini, $existing_sections[$a], $section[$b][0], $section[$b][1]) endif next endif next endif FileMove($ini_path, GetParent($ini_path) & "\[" & FileDateStamp() & "] " & $ini_file & ".ini") FileMove($tmp_ini, $ini_path, 1) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "version", $my_version) endfunc func __________________BYE_NOW() endfunc func EventDoAboutBox() DoAboutBox($LoopZGUI) endfunc func DoAboutBox($my_gui) local $a_x = -1 local $a_y = -1 local $a_shunt = 0 local $d_height = 105 local $d_width = 260 local $txt_l = 80 if WinVisible($my_gui) then local $n_size_array = WinGetPos($my_gui) if IsArray($n_size_array) then $a_x = $n_size_array[0] + ($n_size_array[2] / 2) - ($d_width / 2) $a_y = $n_size_array[1] + ($n_size_array[3] / 2) - ($d_height) endif AboutBoxOpen($my_gui) endif local $last_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $last_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 1) $gui_about = GUICreate(" About " & $my_name & "..", $d_width, $d_height + $a_shunt, $a_x, $a_y, Default, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) GUISetBkColor(16777215) local $x1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($my_name & " v" & $my_version & $MSG_LF & "from corz.org", $txt_l, 8) FileInstall("Resources\About.gif", @TempDir & "\", 1) local $pic if FileExists(@TempDir & "\About.gif") then $pic = GUICtrlCreatePic(@TempDir & "\About.gif", 6, 9, 64, 64) else $pic = GUICtrlCreateIcon($me_app, 0, 6, 9, 64, 64) endif local $x2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Do you want to visit the " & $my_name & $MSG_LF & "web page at this time?", $txt_l, $a_shunt + 40) local $gui_about_no = GUICtrlCreateButton("No, not right now", 10, $a_shunt + 80, 95, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " The other button is the one you want to click! ") local $gui_about_ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes, let's do it!", $d_width - 104, $a_shunt + 80, 95, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " The link will open in your system default browser ") local $vbit = "x86" if @AutoItX64 = 1 then $vbit = "x64" local $lab_v = GUICtrlCreateLabel($vbit, $d_width - 19, 1, 18, 12) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 200, 0, "Lucida Console") FileInstall("Resources\About.wav", @TempDir & "\LoopDropZ-loopdigga-about.wav", 1) if FileExists(@TempDir & "\LoopDropZ-loopdigga-about.wav") then SoundPlay(@TempDir & "\LoopDropZ-loopdigga-about.wav", 0) endif GUISetState() local $count = 1 local $my_action while 1 $count += 1 if Mod($count, 25) = 0 then GUICtrlSetColor($lab_v, 4473924) endif if Mod($count, 50) = 0 then GUICtrlSetColor($lab_v, 0) endif local $msg = GUIGetMsg() Sleep(33) switch $msg case $gui_event_close, $gui_about_no exitloop case $gui_about_ok $my_action = "url" exitloop case $pic if ce_IsPressed(10) or not $proud_wearer then $my_action = "inp" else $my_action = "url" endif exitloop case $x1, $x2 VisitURL($my_url) case $lab_v $my_action = "sysi" exitloop endswitch wend GUIDelete($gui_about) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $last_coord_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_event_mode) switch $my_action case "url" VisitURL($my_url) case "sysi" SysInfoBox() endswitch if WinVisible($my_gui) then AboutBoxClose($my_gui) endfunc func AboutBoxOpen($my_gui) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $my_gui) TraySetState(2) endfunc func AboutBoxClose($my_gui) TraySetState(1) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $my_gui) WinActivate($my_gui) guiswitch($my_gui) endfunc func GetLogLocation($this_preset=$my_name) local $i = DeTokenizeString(IniRead($ini_path, $this_preset, "log_location", $log_location)) if $i <> "-" then if $portable then if $i and TestFileWrite($i) then $log_location = $i else if TestFileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $my_name & ".log") then $log_location = @ScriptDir & "\" & $my_name & ".log" endif endif elseif IsDir($i) and TestFileWrite($i & "\" & $my_name & ".log") then $log_location = $i & "\" & $my_name & ".log" elseif $i and TestFileWrite($i) then $log_location = $i else $log_location = @TempDir & "\" & $my_name & ".log" endif endif debug("$log_location set to: " & $log_location, @ScriptLineNumber, 7);debug endfunc func TrayQuit() DoQuit() endfunc func MenuDoQuit() DoQuit() endfunc func DoQuit($x=0) IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_name, "state", $state) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_name, "wav_volume", $wav_volume) DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySoundA", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", $snd_purge) if not $preview then SetComboToCurrent($combo_wav_file, "wav_file") SaveXYPrefs() endif FileDelete(@TempDir & "\About.gif") VersionCheckOnline($my_name, $versioncheck_url, $download_url, $ini_path, $my_name, $my_version) GUIDelete($LoopZGUI) exit $x endfunc ; AutoIt Wrapper / Compiler directives.. ; #Region ; For resources included with FileInstall() #pragma compile(Compression, 9) ;::dev::.. ; If you want your binary NOW, comment this out.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=Y ; See the notes above debug() for what /rsln does. #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/StripOnly /rsln ; Like calling the wrapper with /debug, which we do anyway. This is handy, though .. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_LogFile=%scriptdir%\wrapper.log #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=N #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 -v 1 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Stop_OnError=Y ; Main program icon.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=.\Resources\Icons\LoopDropZ.ico ; Free-Form Res Fields.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Author|corz.org #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Contact|windows@corz.org #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Instructions|Drop in WAV files and loop! #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Publisher|corz.org #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Web Page|http://corz.org/windows/software/loopdropz/ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Compiled|%date% %time% ; These now have their own fields.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=LoopDropZ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_CompanyName=corz.org #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=corz.org ; Application's resource info.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=LoopDropZ ; This is the one that shows up in Process Explorer.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=LoopDropZ - A Seamless Background Audio Looper #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=corz.org #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion=1 ; I must get a shot of my son's Surface and see if this does anything! I suspect not. ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_HiDpi=N ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Build|Public Release #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Build|Beta Release ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Build|DEBUG ; Run pre- & post-compile tasks elevated.. ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before_Admin=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After_Admin=Y ; Tasks to perform BEFORE compilation.. ; ;::dev::.. ; You might want to comment this out (kills any running instance of LoopDropZ).. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before=taskkill /F /T /IM LoopDropZ.exe ; But if you do, copying your new binary over (below) probably won't work. ; Tasks to perform AFTER compilation.. ; ; Backup this version of the script (dropped into a backup.zip, below). So I don't have to remember to.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "%in%" ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%.au3" ; Handy to keep a backup of the stripped version, too.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=move /Y .\%scriptfile%_stripped.au3 ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%_stripped.au3" ;::dev::.. ; Your copy of LoopDropZ may be somewhere else.. ; Copy latest binaries to app folders (overwrites existing binary).. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "%outx64%" "C:\Program Files\corz\LoopDropZ\LoopDropZ.exe" ;::dev::.. ; You can probably comment-out this entire next section. ; It relates to building the distribution and source packages. ; ; It has some useful commands for your reference, though. ; ; Move latest binaries, etc. to distro folder (out of the way of the source).. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=mkdir "..\LoopDropZ" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=move /Y "%outx64%" "..\LoopDropZ\LoopDropZ.exe" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=mkdir "..\LoopDropZ\Info" ; Latest ini FYI.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Itstory.txt" "..\LoopDropZ\Info\Itstory.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\QuickStart.txt" "..\LoopDropZ\QuickStart.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\LoopDropZ.ini" "..\LoopDropZ\Info\LoopDropZ.ini" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\About This Folder.txt" "..\LoopDropZ\Info\About This Folder.txt" ; Use master license file.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "..\..\Free Software License.txt" "..\LoopDropZ\Info\Free Software License.txt" ; Source pack update... #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=mkdir "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=mkdir "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=mkdir "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\Icons" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "%in%" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\%scriptfile%.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Itstory.txt" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\Itstory.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\About resources.txt" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\About resources.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\About.gif" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\About.gif" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\About.wav" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\About.wav" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\cel.au3" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\cel.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\corz_registry.au3" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\corz_registry.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\LoopDropZ.ini" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\LoopDropZ.ini" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\QuickStart.txt" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\QuickStart.txt" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "..\..\Free Software License.txt" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\Free Software License.txt #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy ".\Resources\Icons\LoopDropZ.ico" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\Icons\LoopDropZ.ico" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=Xcopy "..\..\stuff\Notepad++Goodies" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\Resources\Notepad++Goodies" /E /H /C /I ; Zip and multi-hash (MD5+SHA1) the distro and source pack for release.. ; NOTE: The 7z and checksum program directories are in my %PATH% (System Properties >> Advanced >> Environment Variables). #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip "..\LoopDropZ Beta v%fileversion%.zip" "..\LoopDropZ\" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip "..\LoopDropZ Beta Source Pack v%fileversion%.zip" "..\LoopDropZ Source Pack\" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe cq-t "..\LoopDropZ Beta v%fileversion%.zip" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe csq-t "..\LoopDropZ Beta v%fileversion%.zip" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe cq-t "..\LoopDropZ Beta Source Pack v%fileversion%.zip" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=checksum.exe csq-t "..\LoopDropZ Beta Source Pack v%fileversion%.zip" ; Backup this version of the source files to BackUp.zip.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip ".\BackUp.zip" ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=7z.exe a -mx7 -tzip ".\BackUp.zip" ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%_stripped.au3" ; Finally, remove the (now-zipped) source files.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=del /f /q ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=del /f /q ".\%scriptfile% - %fileversion%_stripped.au3" ; Version (keep this!).. ; This is visible all over the place (explorer properties, on mouse hover, etc.) ; and also used internally for version checking and the about box.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #cs Some tests.. l "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\chant.wav" "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\primal7.wav" "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\metadrop.wav" layer "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\chant.wav" "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\primal7.wav" "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\metadrop.wav" p "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\chant.wav" p "B:\Archive\Entrainment\[Presets]\Brainwave Generator\metadrop.wav" #ce #EndRegion