##### ### ## ### ######## ### ## ### ###TM ####### ####### ####### ######## ####### ####### ####### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ## ### ### ### ## ### ### ### ## ### ## ####### ####### ## ######## ### ####### ## ###### ##### ### ## ######## ### ### ## #### ###### IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BETA TESTERS ßetas from a ßeta, what will they think of next? Hi! Thanks for getting involved with corz.org ßetas! Please be aware, as well as getting all the latest and greatest features, you may, at times, get all the latest and nastiest bugs. Remember that. If you *do* encounter any bugs/weirdness/unexpected behaviour, I will appreciate even the quickest of emails directing me to the trouble. Many thanks in advance if you do. Some debug editions may make optional use of the "debug unit" (with copious statistical output, etc). To use this, download "debug.php.zip" in the 'corz function library' section in the php source part of the /engine, notes within. There may even be a ßeta available! Have fun! ;o) (c) 2003->tomorrow! ~ cor + corz.org ;o)