$my_version = "2.6" $my_shortname = "corz clock" ; used in quite a few places $data_parent = @AppDataDir & "\corz\" & $my_shortname ; like here #cs corz clock (I made it my own!) for more information, see here.. http://corz.org/windows/software/clock/ If you are compiling this yourself, you need to use "AutoIt Wrapper" to add the extra icons. You will also need to use AT LEAST version 1.9.3 of AutoIt Wrapper for the paths to work correctly. You can download it here.. http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/downloads.shtml have fun! ;o) © 2007-> Cor @ corz.org ;o) #ce ##include ##include const $TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN = -7 const $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE = -3 const $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN = -7 const $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED = -13 const $GUI_CHECKED = 1 const $GUI_UNCHECKED = 4 const $GUI_DROPACCEPTED = 8 const $GUI_FOCUS = 256 const $GUI_SHOW = 16 const $GUI_HIDE = 32 const $GUI_ENABLE = 64 const $GUI_DISABLE = 128 const $LBS_SORT = 0x0002 const $LBS_NOTIFY = 0x0001 const $WS_VSCROLL = 0x00200000 const $WS_CAPTION = 0x00C00000 const $WS_POPUP = 0x80000000 const $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES = 0x00000010 const $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = 0x00000080 const $WS_EX_TOPMOST = 0x00000008 const $WS_BORDER = 0x00800000 const $ES_LEFT = 0 const $ES_NUMBER = 8192 const $ES_AUTOHSCROLL = 128 const $CBS_DROPDOWN = 0x0002 const $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL = 0x0040 const $CBS_SORT = 0x0100 const $SS_CENTER = 1 const $SS_NOTIFY = 0x0100 const $BS_CENTER = 0x0300 const $BS_PUSHLIKE = 0x1000 const $BS_VCENTER = 0x0C00 const $TCS_FLATBUTTONS = 0x0008 const $TCS_HOTTRACK = 0x0040 const $TCS_BUTTONS = 0x0100 const $TCS_TOOLTIPS = 0x4000 const $TBS_NOTICKS = 0x0010 ; user32.dll constants (for drag) const $HTCAPTION = 2 const $WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 0xA1 #include "Include\corz_essentials.au3" #include "Include\color pickin chooser.au3" #include "Include\corz_gui_fx.au3" #include "Include\corz_colors.au3" #include "Include\corz_tips.au3" #include AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) AutoItSetOption("TrayOnEventMode", 1) AutoItSetOption("TrayMenuMode", 9) ; get ini(t) values.. ; func clock_ini() ; dummy function so I can jump here in my editor ;o) endfunc ; if not FileExists($data_parent) then DirCreate($data_parent) $ini_path = $data_parent & "\" & $my_shortname & ".ini" global $prefs_open = false ; a nice idea ; got ini?.. FileInstall(".\stuff\clock-default.ini", $ini_path, 0) ; got noise? if not FileExists($data_parent & "\alerts") then DirCreate($data_parent & "\alerts") FileInstall(".\stuff\alarm.wav", $data_parent & "\alerts\alarm.wav", 0) FileInstall(".\stuff\clockchime.wav", $data_parent & "\alerts\chime.wav", 0) ; got tips? FileInstall(".\stuff\clock-tips.txt", $data_parent & "\tips.txt", 0) global $tips_file = $data_parent & "\tips.txt" $no_tips = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "no_tips", $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; and alerts? $ini_path_alerts = $data_parent & "\alerts.ini" if not FileExists($ini_path_alerts) then FileInstall(".\stuff\default-alerts.ini", $ini_path_alerts, 0) global $AlarmStatus[3] = ["Off", "On", 0]; off, on, and currently selected global $chimes_status[5] = ["", "On", "", "", "Off"] ; checkbox logic is funner! global $check_master_enabled, $check_chimes, $keys_unset $size = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "size", 250) $clock_x = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "x", @DesktopWidth/2 - $size) $clock_y = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "y", @DesktopHeight/2 - $size) if ($size < 10) or ($size > @DesktopWidth) then $size = 250 $clock_x = -1 $clock_y = -1 endif $fade_in = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "fade_in", 1) $start_with_windows = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "start_with_windows", 0) $on_top = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "always_on_top", 0) $click_drag_to_move = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "click_drag_to_move", 4) $do_chime = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "do_chime", 1) $chime_minute = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "chime_minute", "00") if $chime_minute = 0 then $chime_minute = "00" ; these will likely be overridden.. $speech_voice = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "speech_voice", "Sam") $speech_volume = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "speech_volume", 50) $speech_rate = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "speech_rate", 0) $chime_done = 0 $current_preset = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "current_preset", "unsaved alarm") $missed_minutes = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "missed_minutes", 60) global $previous_combo_alarms[501] = [500] ; for storing previous combobox selections global $previous_combo_schemes[501] = [500] ; redimming is slow, memory is cheap. global $previous_combo_alerts[501] = [500] ; and what about those schemes.. $current_scheme = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "scheme", "default") $ini_path_schemes = @AppDataDir & "\corz\" & $my_shortname & "\schemes.ini" FileInstall(".\stuff\default-schemes.ini", $ini_path_schemes, 0) global $uncheck_item = 0 global $recent_collection = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "recent_collection", "corz clock collected settings") $mid = $size / 2 ;radius $ClockActive = 1 $gdi_dll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") $user32_dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") const $PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ; accuracy! :/ global $last_alarm_min, $play_idx, $last_exclusion LoadScheme($current_scheme) global $Labels[13], $Sec global $OldFontSize, $Radius = $mid global $MousePos, $WinPos, $PosDiff[2] ; work-around for Aero + GetPixel() = soup.. $vista = false if StringInStr(@OSVersion, "vista") then $vista = true global $disable_cpc = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "disable_cpc", $GUI_UNCHECKED) $ini_path_alarms = $data_parent & "\alarms.ini" $AlarmStatus[2] = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "alarms_active", 1) $alert = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "alert", "simple") StopSound() GetAlarms() ; create the gui.. ; $gui = GUICreate($my_shortname, $mid*2, $mid*2, $clock_x, $clock_y, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) ; gui events.. ; GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN, "Drag", $gui) ; dodgy ; basic appearance.. GUISetBkColor("0x" & $face_color) GUISetFont($mid/15, 800) $a = CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, $mid*2, $mid*2, $mid*2, $mid*2) SetWindowRgn($gui, $a) $curSecX = $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("sec", @SEC)) * $SecRad $curSecY = $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("sec", @SEC)) * $SecRad $curMinX = $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("min", @MIN)) * $MinRad $curMinY = $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("min", @MIN)) * $MinRad $curHourX = $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("hour", @HOUR)) * $HourRad $curHourY = $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("hour", @HOUR)) * $HourRad #cs sometimes restart won't work because the old instance is still doing *feck knows what* as it finishes up. clearly, putting this inside the $switch cases would prevent this, at the possible cost of having the old instance hang around for a wee while. But that's stupid; if clock is running after "restart", you could easily launch a second instance by clicking the icon. Bugger! #ce ; pfff.. ce_Singleton("corzclock", 1) ; command-line parameters.. $switch = "" $startup_tips = false if $CmdLine[0] then $switch = $CmdLine[$CmdLine[0]] debug(@ScriptLineNumber & ": " & "switch: " & "->" & $switch & "<-") ; & @CRLF switch $switch ; I've been dying to do this for ages! haha case "restart" GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui) case "startup" Sleep(5000) ; we'll give the system time to get itself together continuecase case else CheckMissedAlarms() FadeIn() $startup_tips = true endswitch ; main context menu.. ; global $ContextMenu ContextMenuMain() ; system tray.. ; SystemTrayMain() DrawNumerals() UpdateTrans() AllThatGoodStuff(1) ; Toggle The Toggles! (I like this reset technique) ToggleOnTop(1) ToggleOnTop(1) ToggleStartWithWindows(1) ToggleStartWithWindows(1) ToggleFadeAtStartup(1) ToggleFadeAtStartup(1) ToggleClickDrag(1) ToggleClickDrag(1) ToggleChime(1) ToggleChime(1) ; tricks and tips.. if $startup_tips and $no_tips = $GUI_UNCHECKED or ce_IsPressed(10) then ShowTips() endif ; see notes inside CheckClockStuff().. SetHotKeys() ; main loop.. $audio_check = 0 while 1 CheckClockStuff() Sleep(25) $audio_check +=1 if $audio_check >= 500 then ; delete any temporary wavs, if sound is stopped. CheckSound() ; around two checks a minute $audio_check = 0 endif wend ; fin! func CheckClockStuff($special=0) if not WinActive($gui) then $ClockActive = 0 if WinActive($gui) and $ClockActive = 0 then AllThatGoodStuff(2) $ClockActive = 1 if $keys_unset = 1 then SetHotKeys() $keys_unset = 0 endif endif if $Sec <> @SEC then AllThatGoodStuff($special) endif ; this is looking like a better method for HotKey control.. ; simply unset them when not in focus. ; when all your AutoIt apps do this, they don't interfere ; with each other, even multiple instances of the same app. if $ClockActive = 0 and not $keys_unset then UnSetHotKeys() $keys_unset = 1 endif ; it also means the HotKey functions go from seven+ lines of code, to one. ; (there's no need to check if we are active or any of that) ; hourly chimes first.. if @MIN = $chime_minute then if not $chime_done then DoChime() $chime_done = 1 endif if @MIN <> $chime_minute then $chime_done = 0 ; we do more of this sort of thing, later.. if $AlarmStatus[$AlarmStatus[2]] then ; master alarms switch is enabled for $index = 1 to $alarm_names[0] ; run through alarms, checking for any matches.. if $my_alarms[$index][7] = 1 and $primed[$index] = 1 then ; this alarm is active (enabled) & primed switch $my_alarms[$index][0] case "One Date" if @YEAR = $my_alarms[$index][6] and @MON = $my_alarms[$index][4] _ and @MDAY = $my_alarms[$index][5] and @MIN = $my_alarms[$index][2] then CheckTheHour($index) endif case "Weekdays" if _DateToDayOfWeekSpecial(@YEAR, @MON, @MDAY) <= 4 and @MIN = $my_alarms[$index][2] then CheckTheHour($index) endif case "Weekends" if _DateToDayOfWeekSpecial(@YEAR, @MON, @MDAY) > 4 and @MIN = $my_alarms[$index][2] then CheckTheHour($index) endif case "Custom" if @YEAR = $my_alarms[$index][6] and @MON = $my_alarms[$index][4] _ and @MDAY = $my_alarms[$index][5] and @MIN = $my_alarms[$index][2] then if CheckTheHour($index) then Reschedule($index) endif endif case else if @MIN = $my_alarms[$index][2] then CheckTheHour($index) endif endswitch endif ; to play, an alarm must be "primed". This is the normal state. The are "unprimed" only for a minute. if $primed[$index] = 0 and $last_alarm_min <> @MIN then $primed[$index] = 1 ; reset $primed on next minute ; this alarm played just fine, we can reset the "missed" flag now.. if IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "missed", "foo") = "no" and _ $my_alarms[$index][0] <> "One Date" then _ IniDelete($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "missed") endif next endif endfunc ; I guess we could check $primed, to prevent double play when user is ; messing with prefs during the alarm's active minute. But it's no biggie. ; This next function is a wee bit smaller now. ; ; And in case you were thinking it some lovely stroke of lateral thinking... ; ; In fact, only after writing the HumanTimeToHour() function for CheckMissedAlarms() ; did I realize I could re-use the same function to shave away most of the code here. ; ; It's always worth going back over old code to see where new functionality can ; save bytes and increase simplicity; especially if it isn't your code! <- note to self ;o) ; func CheckTheHour($index) if HumanTimeToHour($my_alarms[$index][1], $my_alarms[$index][3]) = @HOUR then IGuessItsAlarmTime($index) return true endif endfunc ; runs once at startup.. ; (which is quite enough for such a mess of code) func CheckMissedAlarms() for $index = 1 to $alarm_names[0] ; check if alarm is in the past.. $24hours = HumanTimeToHour($my_alarms[$index][1], $my_alarms[$index][3]) ; here comes another nice function.. $time_diff_min = _DateDiff("n", @Year & "/" & @Mon & "/" & @Mday & " " & @Hour & ":" & @Min & ":00", _ $my_alarms[$index][6] & "/" & $my_alarms[$index][4] & "/" & $my_alarms[$index][5] & " " & $24hours _ & ":" & $my_alarms[$index][2] & ":00") $post_missed_alarm = false select ; negative result, must be in the past case $time_diff_min < 0 and ($my_alarms[$index][0] = "One Date" or $my_alarms[$index][0] = "One Date") $post_missed_alarm = true ; notify only if launched within an hour (default) of these alarms (see "missed_minutes") case $time_diff_min < 0 and $time_diff_min > -($missed_minutes + 1) and _ ($my_alarms[$index][0] = "Daily" or $my_alarms[$index][0] = "Weekdays" or $my_alarms[$index][0] = "Weekends") $post_missed_alarm = true endselect ; alarm was missed, post a notice.. if $post_missed_alarm then if $my_alarms[$index][16] <> "no" and $my_alarms[$index][16] <> "yes" then $missed_str = @CRLF & "Alarm set for: " & $my_alarms[$index][6] & "/" & $my_alarms[$index][4] & "/" & _ $my_alarms[$index][5] & " @ " & $my_alarms[$index][1] & ":" & $my_alarms[$index][2] & $my_alarms[$index][3] & @CRLF if $my_alarms[$index][8] <> "" then $missed_str &= @CRLF & "'" & $my_alarms[$index][8] & "'" & @CRLF MsgBox(48, "Missed Alarm!", "You missed the following alarm: '" & $alarm_names[$index] & "'" & @CRLF & $missed_str) ; reschedule recurring alarms.. if $my_alarms[$index][0] = "Custom" then Reschedule($index) if $my_alarms[$index][0] = "One Date" then _ IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "missed", "yes") elseif $my_alarms[$index][16] = "yes" or _ ($my_alarms[$index][16] = "no" and $my_alarms[$index][0] = "One Date") then ; do nothing else ; reset this, and we're done. it's all good.. IniDelete($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "missed") endif endif next endfunc ; novel and effective.. ; ; The "trick" to recurring alarms is; after playing the alarm, we immediately re-save ; it, except with a new date. Thanks to _DateAdd(), it's a trivial matter to retrieve ; that by simply adding the user's custom schedule to the old alarm date. ; ; Respect to Jos van der Zande for _DateAdd() and _DateDiff() which make all this possible. ; Very nice. ; func Reschedule($index) $current_custom_date = $my_alarms[$index][6] & "/" & $my_alarms[$index][4] & "/" & $my_alarms[$index][5] switch $my_alarms[$index][14] case "Months" $type = "M" case "Weeks" $type = "w" case "Days" $type = "D" case else $type = "Y" endswitch $new_date = _DateAdd($type, $my_alarms[$index][15], $current_custom_date) $new_schedule = StringSplit($new_date, "/") $my_alarms[$index][6] = $new_schedule[1] ; "Year" $my_alarms[$index][4] = $new_schedule[2] ; "Month" $my_alarms[$index][5] = $new_schedule[3] ; "Day" SaveAlarm($index) GetAlarms() $primed[$index] = 0 ; prevent Reschedule() setting off same alarm again. GetAlarms() resets it. $last_alarm_min = @MIN ; set this so it can be succesfully re-primed (above) endfunc func AllThatGoodStuff($FirstRun = 0) $GUIHDC = DllCall($user32_dll,"int","GetDC","hwnd", $gui) if $FirstRun = 1 then UpdateColors() endif ; erase old hands.. if $curHourX <> $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("hour", @HOUR)) * $HourRad or _ $curHourY <> $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("hour", @HOUR)) * $HourRad then DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "hwnd", $BackgroundPens[2]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "MoveToEx", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid, "int", $mid, "ptr", 0) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "LineTo", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $curHourX, "int", $curHourY) $curHourX = $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("hour", @HOUR)) * $HourRad $curHourY = $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("hour", @HOUR)) * $HourRad endif if $curMinX <> $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("min", @MIN)) * $MinRad or _ $curMinY <> $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("min", @MIN)) * $MinRad then DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "hwnd", $BackgroundPens[1]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "MoveToEx", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid, "int", $mid, "ptr", 0) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "LineTo", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $curMinX, "int", $curMinY) $curMinX = $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("min", @MIN)) * $MinRad $curMinY = $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("min", @MIN)) * $MinRad endif DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "hwnd", $BackgroundPens[0]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "MoveToEx", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid, "int", $mid, "ptr", 0) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "LineTo", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $curSecX, "int", $curSecY) ; draw new hands.. DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "hwnd", $ClockPens[2]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "MoveToEx", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid, "int", $mid, "ptr", 0) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "LineTo", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("hour", @HOUR)) * _ $HourRad, "int", $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("hour", @HOUR)) * $HourRad) DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "hwnd", $ClockPens[1]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "MoveToEx", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid, "int", $mid, "ptr", 0) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "LineTo", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("min", @MIN)) * _ $MinRad, "int", $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("min", @MIN)) * $MinRad) DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "hwnd", $ClockPens[0]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "MoveToEx", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid, "int", $mid, "ptr", 0) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "LineTo", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("sec", @SEC)) * _ $SecRad, "int", $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("sec", @SEC)) * $SecRad) UpdatePips() ; much better! DllCall($user32_dll,"int","ReleaseDC","int",$GUIHDC[0],"hwnd",$gui) $curSecX = $mid + Cos(TimeTorad("sec", @SEC)) * $SecRad $curSecY = $mid - Sin(TimeTorad("sec", @SEC)) * $SecRad $Sec = @SEC endfunc func UpdatePips() if $draw_pips = $GUI_UNCHECKED then return $GUIHDC = DllCall($user32_dll,"int","GetDC","hwnd", $gui) DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "hwnd", $ClockPens[3]) $Tempcounter = 0 ; values are "close enough" - you can set it anywhichway in the prefs. $outer = $Radius*(100-$pips_outer_rim-14)/100 $inner = $Radius*(100-$minute_pips_size-14)/100 $big_inner = $Radius*(100-$hour_pips_size-14)/100 if $draw_numerals = $GUI_UNCHECKED then $outer = $Radius*(100-$pips_outer_rim)/100 ; it would be trivial to have separate $inner = $Radius*(100-$minute_pips_size)/100 ; outer rims for hour and minute pips. $big_inner = $Radius*(100-$hour_pips_size)/100 endif for $i = 0 To 2*$PI Step $PI/30 if Mod($Tempcounter, 5) = 0 then ; hour pips DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "hwnd", $ClockPens[4]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "MoveToEx", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid + Cos($i)*$big_inner, "int", $mid - Sin($i)*$big_inner, "ptr", 0) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "LineTo", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid + Cos($i)*$outer, "int", $mid - Sin($i)*$outer) DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "hwnd", $ClockPens[3]) else ; minute pips.. DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "MoveToEx", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid + Cos($i)*$inner, "int", $mid - Sin($i)*$inner, "ptr", 0) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "LineTo", "hwnd", $GUIHDC[0], "int", $mid + Cos($i)*$outer, "int", $mid - Sin($i)*$outer) endif $Tempcounter += 1 next endfunc ; out on its own now - it will be well used. ; note separate pens for all hands and pips.. func UpdateColors() GUISetBkColor("0x" & $face_color, $gui) $background_pen = ConvertColorValue($face_color, "vc") global $BackgroundPens[3], $ClockPens[5] ; these pens draw in the ghosts that would be left by the hands, so they need to be updated, too.. $BkgrndPen = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreatePen", "int", "0", "int", "0", "hwnd", $background_pen); small background pen $BackgroundPens[0] = $BkgrndPen[0] $BkgrndPen = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreatePen", "int", "0", "int", "2", "hwnd", $background_pen); medium background pen $BackgroundPens[1] = $BkgrndPen[0] $BkgrndPen = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreatePen", "int", "0", "int", "3", "hwnd", $background_pen); large background pen $BackgroundPens[2] = $BkgrndPen[0] $BlackPen = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreatePen", "int", "0", "int", "0", "hwnd", ConvertColorValue($second_hand_color, "vc")) ; (second hand) $ClockPens[0] = $BlackPen[0] $BlackPen = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreatePen", "int", "0", "int", "2", "hwnd", ConvertColorValue($minute_pen, "vc")) ; (minute hand) $ClockPens[1] = $BlackPen[0] $BlackPen = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreatePen", "int", "0", "int", "3", "hwnd", ConvertColorValue($hour_pen, "vc")) ; (hour hand) $ClockPens[2] = $BlackPen[0] if $draw_pips = $GUI_CHECKED then $BlackPen = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreatePen", "int", "0", "int", "0", "hwnd", ConvertColorValue($pips_pen, "vc")) ; wee pips $ClockPens[3] = $BlackPen[0] $BlackPen = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreatePen", "int", "0", "int", "0", "hwnd", ConvertColorValue($big_pips_pen, "vc")) ; wee pips $ClockPens[4] = $BlackPen[0] endif UpdateNumeralLabels() UpdateTrans() endfunc func UpdateTrans() WinSetTrans($gui, "", (100 - $WinTrans) * 2.55) endfunc ; now, isn't this a better way to draw those numerals.. ; ; this could definitely be refined (a challenge for you) ; but some quick math means we can open with an any-sized clock.. ; func DrawNumerals() $rim = $mid - $mid / 12 ; a fairly arbitrary 12, this one. $count = 1 for $a = 0 to ((2 * $PI) - (2.0 * $PI / 12.5)) step 2.0 * $PI / 12 ; slightly over 12, to ensure the "12" is written $px = $rim * Cos(($a - $PI / 3)) + ($rim / 2 + $mid / 2) ; half-way between $mid and $rim! Mean($mid, $rim) ! $py = $rim * Sin(($a - $PI / 3)) + ($rim / 2 + $mid / 2) $Labels[$count] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(string($count), $px, $py) $count += 1 next UpdateNumeralLabels() endfunc func UpdateNumeralLabels() for $i = 1 To 12 if $draw_numerals = 1 then GUICtrlSetColor($Labels[$i], "0x" & $numerals_color) else ; a slightly alternative way of hiding them.. GUICtrlSetColor($Labels[$i], "0x" & $face_color) endif next endfunc ; length of hands.. func UpdateHandSizes() global $SecRad = $mid * ($second_hand_size/100) global $MinRad = $mid * ($minute_hand_size/100) global $HourRad = $mid * ($hour_hand_size/100) endfunc ; system tray.. ; ; the first few items here, you might notice, produce the optical illusion ; of being curved, don't you think? scroll slowly... func SystemTrayMain() global $TrayItemAbout = TrayCreateItem("About..") TrayItemSetOnEvent($TrayItemAbout, "DoAbout") TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemAlarmStatus = TrayCreateItem("Alarms are " & $AlarmStatus[$AlarmStatus[2]]) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "ToggleAlarm") global $TrayItemChimeStatus = TrayCreateItem("Chimes are " & $chimes_status[$do_chime]) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleChime") TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemPrefsDialog = TrayCreateItem("Alarms and Chimes.. F5") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "AlarmPrefs") global $TrayItemPrefsDialog = TrayCreateItem("Scheme Settings.. F6") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "ColorPrefs") global $TrayItemAudioPrefs = TrayCreateItem("Audio Settings.. F7") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "LaunchAudioPrefs") TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemOpenDataFolder = TrayCreateItem("Access Color Pickin Chooser.. F8") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "GoColorPickinChooser") TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemOpenDataFolder = TrayCreateItem("Open Clock Data Folder..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "OpenDataFolder") TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemStartWithWindows = TrayCreateItem("Start with Windows") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleStartWithWindows") global $TrayItemFadeAtStartup = TrayCreateItem("Fade-in at Startup") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleFadeAtStartup") TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemExit = TrayCreateItem("Handy Tips and Tricks.. F1", -1) TrayItemSetOnEvent($TrayItemExit, "ShowTips") TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemExit = TrayCreateItem("Exit", -1) TrayItemSetOnEvent($TrayItemExit, "DoQuit") TraySetToolTip(" left-click to toggle the clock " & @CRLF & " right-click to bring up the menu ") TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN, "MenuToggleWindow") ; left-click TraySetState() ; show the tray menu TraySetClick(8) ; right-click to bring up the menu endfunc func ContextMenuMain() global $ContextMenu $ContextMenu = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu() $MenuItemAbout = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("About..", $ContextMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "DoAbout") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $ContextMenu) $MenuItemResizeClock = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Resize Clock F2", $ContextMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ResizeTheClock") $MenuItemMoveClock = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Move Clock F3", $ContextMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MoveTheClock") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $ContextMenu) $MenuItemTransparency = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Set Transparency F4", $ContextMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "DialogSetTrans") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $ContextMenu) ; schemes sub-menu.. ; this is another good reason why we restart the clock.. if FileExists($ini_path_schemes) then $MenuSchemes = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Schemes..", $ContextMenu) global $scheme_menu_items[$scheme_names[0]+1] for $i = 1 to $scheme_names[0] if $scheme_names[$i] <> '' then $scheme_menu_items[$i] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($scheme_names[$i], $MenuSchemes) ; when re-built, $scheme_menu_items[$i] = 0, always. even when we delete the whole thing first (?) if $scheme_names[$i] = $current_scheme then $uncheck_item = $i GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) endif GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuSwitchScheme") endif next endif GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $ContextMenu) global $MenuItemOnTop = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Always On Top", $ContextMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleOnTop") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $on_top) global $MenuItemClickDrag = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Click+Drag To Move F9", $ContextMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MenuToggleClickDrag") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $click_drag_to_move) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $ContextMenu) $MenuItemExit = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Exit", $ContextMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($MenuItemExit, "DoQuit") endfunc func TimeTorad($TimeType, $TimeVal=@SEC) local $Rads switch $TimeType case "sec" $Rads = $PI/2 -($TimeVal * $PI/30) case "min" $Rads = $PI/2 -($TimeVal * $PI/30) - Int(@SEC/10)*$PI/180 case "hour" $Rads = $PI/2 -($TimeVal * $PI/6) -(@MIN/12)*$PI/30 endswitch return $Rads endfunc func CreateRoundRectRgn($l, $t, $w, $h, $e1, $e2) $ret = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "CreateRoundRectRgn", "long", $l, "long", $t, _ "long", $l + $w, "long", $t + $h, "long", $e1, "long", $e2) return $ret[0] endfunc func SetWindowRgn($h_win, $rgn) DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowRgn", "hwnd", $h_win, "long", $rgn, "int", 1) endfunc func F2ResizeTheClock() if $click_drag_to_move = $GUI_CHECKED then ToggleClickDrag() ResizeTheClock() endfunc func ResizeTheClock() local $last_mouse_coord = AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", 2) GUISetCursor(13, 1, $gui) ToolTip(" click and drag (left-right) to resize the clock. release to set the size. ") while 1 $MousePos = MouseGetPos() $WinPos = WinGetPos($gui) if not IsArray($MousePos) or not IsArray($WinPos) then continueloop $PosDiff[0] = $WinPos[2] - $MousePos[0] $PosDiff[1] = $WinPos[1] - $MousePos[1] if ce_IsPressed(01) then while ce_IsPressed(01) ; mouse down $MousePos = MouseGetPos() WinMove($my_shortname, "", $WinPos[0], $WinPos[1], $MousePos[0] + $PosDiff[0], $MousePos[0] + $PosDiff[0]) $WinPos = WinGetPos($gui) $a = CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, $WinPos[2], $WinPos[3], $WinPos[2], $WinPos[3]) SetWindowRgn($gui, $a) $mid = $WinPos[2]/2 $Radius = $mid UpdateHandSizes() if $OldFontSize <> Int($mid/15) then for $i = 1 To 12 GUICtrlSetFont($Labels[$i], Int($mid/15), 800) next $OldFontSize = Int($mid/15) endif CheckClockStuff(2) Sleep(10) wend ExitLoop endif CheckClockStuff() Sleep(10) wend IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "size", $WinPos[2]) ToolTip("") GUISetCursor() AllThatGoodStuff(2) AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", $last_mouse_coord) MoveTheClock() endfunc func F3MoveTheClock() if $click_drag_to_move = $GUI_CHECKED then ToggleClickDrag() MoveTheClock() endfunc func MoveTheClock() GUISetCursor(9, 1, $gui) ToolTip(" click and drag to move the clock. release to set the position. ") while 1 $MousePos = MouseGetPos() $WinPos = WinGetPos($gui) if not IsArray($MousePos) or not IsArray($WinPos) then continueloop $PosDiff[0] = $WinPos[0] - $MousePos[0] $PosDiff[1] = $WinPos[1] - $MousePos[1] if ce_IsPressed(01) then while ce_IsPressed(01) $MousePos = MouseGetPos() WinMove($gui, "", $MousePos[0] + $PosDiff[0], $MousePos[1] + $PosDiff[1]) $WinPos = WinGetPos($gui) if($WinPos[0] < -10) or($WinPos[1] < -10) or($WinPos[0] + $WinPos[2] > @DesktopWidth + 10) or _ ($WinPos[1] + $WinPos[3] > @DesktopHeight + 10) then CheckClockStuff(2) else CheckClockStuff() endif Sleep(10) wend exitloop endif CheckClockStuff() Sleep(10) wend ToolTip("") GUISetCursor() RefreshClock() SaveXYPrefs() AllThatGoodStuff(2) endfunc func TransUp() $WinTrans += 1 SetTrans() endfunc func TransDown() $WinTrans -= 1 SetTrans() endfunc func BigTransUp() $WinTrans += 10 SetTrans() endfunc func BigTransDown() $WinTrans -= 10 SetTrans() endfunc func F4DialogSetTrans() DialogSetTrans() CheckClockStuff(2) endfunc func DialogSetTrans() DialogOpen() local $last_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) local $last_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 1) $trans_x = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "trans_x", -1) $trans_y = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "trans_y", -1) $GUI_Trans = GUICreate(" set clock transparency..", 300, 120, $trans_x, $trans_y) $label_ud_notice = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Note: You can also use the UP/DOWN arrow keys, and Page Up/Page Down keys for this.", _ 20, 11, 260, 40, $SS_CENTER) $GUI_Trans_Slider = GUICtrlCreateSlider(10, 47, 280, 35) GUICtrlSetLimit($GUI_Trans_Slider, 99, 0) GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Trans_Slider, $WinTrans) $GUI_Trans_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 100, 90, 100, 25) WinSetOnTop($GUI_Trans, "", 1) GUISetState() while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $GUI_Trans_OK $WinTrans = GUICtrlRead($GUI_Trans_Slider) $size_array = WinGetPos($GUI_Trans) if IsArray($size_array) then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "trans_x", $size_array[0]) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "trans_y", $size_array[1]) endif GUIDelete($GUI_Trans) RefreshClock() exitloop endswitch WinSetTrans($gui, "", (100 - GUICtrlRead($GUI_Trans_Slider)) * 2.5) WinSetTitle($GUI_Trans, "", " set clock transparency.. [" & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Trans_Slider) & "%]") CheckClockStuff(2) Sleep(50) wend SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "transparency", $WinTrans) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_event_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $last_coord_mode) DialogClose() endfunc func SetTrans() if $WinTrans <= -1 then $WinTrans = 0 if $WinTrans >= 100 then $WinTrans = 99 UpdateTrans() SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "transparency", $WinTrans) endfunc ; These need a wrapper, because menus and such don't send parameters ; even otional parameters will fail!(?) This solves it.. func AlarmPrefs() PrefsDialog(1) endfunc func ColorPrefs() PrefsDialog(2) endfunc func LaunchAudioPrefs() PrefsDialog(3) endfunc ; the (large) prefs dialog.. ; func PrefsDialog($choose_tab) $prefs_open = true global $show_prefs = true global $seen_switch_msg = false UnsetHotKeys() DialogOpen() StopSound() $play_idx = 0 AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) global $changes[50] local $new_alert = "" local $init_prefs = 0 local $alert_is_wav = false local $current_flash_color = "FF0000" local $remember_wav = "" GetAlertNames() global $current_alert = $alert_names[$alert_names[0]] global $current_preset = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "current_preset", "unsaved alarm") if not InArray($alarm_names, $current_preset) then $current_preset = $alarm_names[1] local $prefs_dialog_Min, $butt_save_alarm, $lc = 50 ; loop-counter global $prefs_x = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "prefs_x", -1) global $prefs_y = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "prefs_y", -1) global $prefs_dialog = GUICreate(" Preferences", 440, 340, $prefs_x, $prefs_y, -1, _ BitOr($WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW), $gui) WinSetOnTop($prefs_dialog, "", 1) ; relative positioning, methinks.. AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) ; do this first so it persists on all tabs.. GUISetCoord(370, 314) ; <- I like these, then--V--V-- = ZERO,ZERO (best of both worlds) $butt_done = GUICtrlCreateButton("all &done!", 0, 0, 64, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " close the preferences ") ; Tab container.. ; GUISetCoord(0, 0) global $tab_prefs = GUICtrlCreateTab(-2, 1, 444, 344, BitOr($TCS_HOTTRACK, $TCS_TOOLTIPS)) ; First tab.. ; $tab_prefs_title = GUICtrlCreateTabItem( " Alarms and Chimes " ) GUICtrlSetTip($tab_prefs_title, " Alarms and Chimes preferences.. ") ; time.. GUISetCoord(5, 25) ; this whole "block" could be moved as a group, see. $pref_group_alarm_time = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Alarm Time..", 0, 0, 210, 45) $Alarm_Hour = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 16, 48, 20) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " set the hour of the alarm ") GUICtrlCreateLabel(":", 51, 0) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 700) $prefs_dialog_Min = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 11, 0, 48, 20) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|") for $i = 10 To 59 GUICtrlSetData(-1, $i & "|") next GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " set the minute of the alarm ") $Alarm_AMPM = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 60, 0, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "am|pm") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " wee small oors/morning (am) or afternoon/evening (pm) ") $butt_now = GUICtrlCreateButton("no&w", 46, 1, 30, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " set the time to right now ") ; date.. GUISetCoord(5, 75) $pref_group_alarm_date = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Alarm Date..", 0, 0, 210, 190) $Alarm_Cal = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal("", 5, 20, 200, 165) ; chimes.. GUISetCoord(5, 270) $group_chimes = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Chimes..", 0, 0, 210, 66) $chime_minute = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "chime_minute", 0) if $chime_minute = 0 then $chime_minute = "00" ; catches text, too. $check_chimes = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Hourly Chimes Every..", 10, 18) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " Hourly Chimes can happen on the hour, or at any minute you specify.. ") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $do_chime) global $icon_chime_test = GUICtrlCreateIcon("shell32.dll", 246, 135, 0, 16, 16) GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "shell32.dll", 246, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " test your chime ") $combo_chime_minute = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 18, -2, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " at what minute of the hour would you like your chimes (usually 00) ") GUICtrlSetData(-1, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|") for $i = 10 To 59 GUICtrlSetData($combo_chime_minute, $i & "|", $chime_minute) next $label_chime = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Chime: ", -153, 28, 32, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click this label to reset the chime to the default (a 4000Hz tone) ") global $combo_chimes = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 40, -5, 153, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " enter a Hz value (37-19999, for a tone sound) or some words (for a spoken message) " & @CRLF & _ " you can also enter the full path to a WAV file (something short!). " & @CRLF & _ " [recent spoken chimes and WAVs are available from the drop-down] ") GetChimesList() if $do_chime <> 1 then GUICtrlSetState($icon_chime_test, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($combo_chime_minute, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($label_chime, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($combo_chimes, $GUI_DISABLE) endif ; alarm presets.. GUISetCoord(220, 25) $group_presets = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Alarm Presets..", 0, 0, 218, 45) $ex_tip = @CRLF & " right-click for the alarms export menu " global $combo_alarm_presets = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 16, 115, 20, _ BitOR($CBS_SORT, $CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " your alarm presets " & @CRLF & _ " you can add to these, update, and delete them from here " & @CRLF & _ " note: for a presets to play, it needs to be ENABLED (at the bottom) ") for $i = 1 to $alarm_names[0] GUICtrlSetData(-1, $alarm_names[$i]) next GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $butt_del_alarm = GUICtrlCreateButton("x", 119, 0, 16, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " delete the current alarm preset") $butt_revert_alarm = GUICtrlCreateButton("&revert", 19, 0, 36, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " revert back to the last saved settings ") $butt_save_alarm = GUICtrlCreateButton("&save", 38, 0, 32, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " save this alarm preset with the current settings ") ; frequency options.. local $Alarm_Dates[4] GUISetCoord(220, 75) $group_alarm_freq = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Alarm Frequency..", 0, 0, 218, 60) $combo_frequency = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Daily", 8, 20, 75) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Weekdays|Weekends|One Date|Custom") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " how many? ") $label_custom_frequency = GUICtrlCreateLabel("repeat alarm every..", 95, -7, 140) $combo_interval_period = GUICtrlCreateCombo("1", 0, 16, 36) for $i = 2 To 100 GUICtrlSetData(-1, $i & "|") next GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " how many? ") $combo_interval_type = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Years", 40, 0, 64) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Months|Weeks|Days") ; alarm options.. GUISetCoord(220, 140) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Alarm Options..", 0, 0, 218, 125) $label_flash_color = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Flash Colour: ", 8, 25, 69, 20); 228, 145, GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " when your alarm sounds, the clock face will also flash. what colour? " & @CRLF & _ " click this label to set the flash colour to the last saved value (aka. revert) ") $butt_flash_color = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 71, -2, 48, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " choose this alarm's flash colour ") GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_flash_color, "0x" & $my_alarms[1][9]) $label_alert = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Alert: ", -71, 28, 32) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " what alert would you like to use for this alarm? " & @CRLF & _ " click this label to revert the alert to the last saved value " & @CRLF & _ " (beep alerts use the peecee speaker, WAV alerts use the windows sound system) ") global $combo_alert = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 32, -5, 130, 20, _ BitOR($CBS_SORT, $CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " choose which alert to use (see the 'Audio' tab to easily create your own) " & @CRLF & _ " alternatively, you can use a WAV file - add it to your alerts by dropping it " & @CRLF & _ " on here (the best way), or browsing for a file (click the button to the right). ") GetAlertNames() $icon_alert_in = GUICtrlCreateIcon("shell32.dll", 4, 136, 0, 16, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " browse for a WAV file to use as an alert sound ") global $icon_alert_test = GUICtrlCreateIcon("shell32.dll", 246, 22, 1, 16, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " test the current alert (and flash color) ") GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "shell32.dll", 246, 0) $label_message = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Spoken Message.. ", -190, 28, 188) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " enter some text (or the path to a text file), and have it spoken after the alarm sound " & @CRLF & _ " (click this label to adjust the speech settings for this message) ") global $combo_message = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", -1, 17, 186) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " e.g. 'You have a meeting with the Bank Manager in ONE HOUR!' " & @CRLF & _ " (note: for all speech inputs, you can also enter the full path to a plain text file or URL," & _ " and have it spoken) ") global $icon_msg_test = GUICtrlCreateIcon("shell32.dll", 246, 190, 3, 16, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " test the current alarm message using the current voice settings ") GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "shell32.dll", 246, 0) GetMessagesList() ; alarm switches GUISetCoord(224, 270) $this_label = " Enable/Disable the current alarm preset (takes effect immediately) " $label_alarm_enabled = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This alarm preset is.. ", 0, 0, 105) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $this_label) global $check_alarm_enabled = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("enabled.", 103, -3) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $this_label) $this_label = " Enable/Disable the master alarm switch (takes effect immediately) " $label_master_enabled = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Master alarms switch is.. ", -103, 22, 120) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $this_label) global $check_master_enabled = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("enabled.", 118, -3) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $this_label) $butt_exclusions = GUICtrlCreateButton("&exclusions", -118, 28, 64, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " no audio will play while an excluded application is active - click here to setup the exclusions ") ; some context menus.. ; why oh why did I stick with message loop mode for the prefs??? $context_ex_alarms = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($combo_alarm_presets) $ex_1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alarm..", $context_ex_alarms) $ex_9 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alarm into Collection..", $context_ex_alarms) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_alarms) $ex_2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Alarms..", $context_ex_alarms) $context_ex_alarms2 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($butt_del_alarm) $ex_3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alarm..", $context_ex_alarms2) $ex_10 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alarm into Collection..", $context_ex_alarms2) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_alarms2) $ex_4 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Alarms..", $context_ex_alarms2) $context_ex_alarms3 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($butt_revert_alarm) $ex_5 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alarm..", $context_ex_alarms3) $ex_11 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alarm into Collection..", $context_ex_alarms3) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_alarms3) $ex_6 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Alarms..", $context_ex_alarms3) $context_ex_alarms4 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($butt_save_alarm) $ex_7 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alarm..", $context_ex_alarms4) $ex_12 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alarm into Collection..", $context_ex_alarms4) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_alarms4) $ex_8 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Alarms..", $context_ex_alarms4) $context_chimes_clear_list = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($combo_chimes) $menu_chimes_clear_list = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Clear recent chimes list..", $combo_chimes) $context_msg_clear_list = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($combo_message) $menu_msg_clear_list = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Clear recent messages list..", $combo_message) ; Second tab.. ; $tab_prefs_title2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(" Schemes ") GUICtrlSetTip($tab_prefs_title, " Visual and Other Preferences.. ") ; Colour Scheme Presets.. GUISetCoord(5, 30) $group_scheme_presets = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Scheme Presets..", 0, 0, 218, 45) $ex_tip = @CRLF & " right-click for the schemes export menu " global $combo_scheme_presets = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 16, 115, 20, _ BitOR($CBS_SORT, $CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " your clock schemes (bundled color, hands, pips and numerals settings) " & @CRLF & _ " you can add, update, and delete schemes from here " & $ex_tip) GUICtrlSetData($combo_scheme_presets, "|") for $i = 1 to $scheme_names[0] GUICtrlSetData($combo_scheme_presets, $scheme_names[$i]) next GUICtrlSetData($combo_scheme_presets, $current_scheme) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $butt_del_scheme = GUICtrlCreateButton("x", 119, 0, 16, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " delete the current scheme" & $ex_tip) $butt_revert_scheme = GUICtrlCreateButton("&revert", 19, 0, 36, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " revert back to the last saved settings " & $ex_tip) $butt_save_scheme = GUICtrlCreateButton("&save", 38, 0, 32, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " save this scheme with all the current settings " & $ex_tip) $context_ex_schemes = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($combo_scheme_presets) $exsc_1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Scheme..", $context_ex_schemes) $exsc_9 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Scheme into Collection..", $context_ex_schemes) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_schemes) $exsc_2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Schemes..", $context_ex_schemes) $context_ex_schemes2 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($butt_del_scheme) $exsc_3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Scheme..", $context_ex_schemes2) $exsc_10 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Scheme into Collection..", $context_ex_schemes2) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_schemes2) $exsc_4 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Schemes..", $context_ex_schemes2) $context_ex_schemes3 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($butt_revert_scheme) $exsc_5 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Scheme..", $context_ex_schemes3) $exsc_11 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Scheme into Collection..", $context_ex_schemes3) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_schemes3) $exsc_6 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Schemes..", $context_ex_schemes3) $context_ex_schemes4 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($butt_save_scheme) $exsc_7 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Scheme..", $context_ex_schemes4) $exsc_12 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Scheme into Colection..", $context_ex_schemes4) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_schemes4) $exsc_8 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Schemes..", $context_ex_schemes4) ; 2do - disable desktop compositioning temporarily (inside cpc) $check_disable_cpc = "" if $vista then GUISetCoord(230, 33) $tip_vista_warn = " The Aero drawing routines in Vista are not compatible with the color pickin chooser's magnifier. " & @CRLF & _ " Check this box to disable the color pickin chooser, and use the system color picker, instead. " $check_disable_cpc = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("DISABLE COLOR PICKIN CHOOSER", 0, 0, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_vista_warn) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $disable_cpc) $label_color_clock_face = GUICtrlCreateLabel("..handy if you are using an 'Aero' theme", 11, 21, 190, 50) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_vista_warn) endif ; clock face colours.. GUISetCoord(5, 80) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Colors..", 0, 0, 218, 215) $revert_tip = @CRLF & "(click here to revert the value back to its last saved setting) " $label_color_clock_face = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Clock Face: ", 8, 25, 69, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the color of the clock face " & $revert_tip) $butt_color_clock_face = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 91, -2, 62, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to choose the color for the face of the clock ") $label_numerals_color = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Numerals: ", -91, 25, 69, 20) $tiny_add = "" if $size < 150 then $tiny_add = "(tiny) " GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the color of the " & $tiny_add & "numbers around the clock face " & $revert_tip) $butt_numerals_color = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 91, -2, 62, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to choose the color for numbers around the clock face ") $label_hour_pen = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hour Hand: ", -91, 25, 69, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the color of the Hour hand (the thick one!)" & $revert_tip) $butt_hour_pen = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 91, -2, 62, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to choose the color for hour hand ") $label_minute_pen = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Minute Hand: ", -91, 25, 69, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the color of the Minute hand (the thin one!) " & $revert_tip) $butt_minute_pen = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 91, -2, 62, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to choose the color for minute hand ") $label_second_hand_color = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Second Hand: ", -91, 25, 69, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the color of the thin hand that moves each second " & $revert_tip) $butt_second_hand_color = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 91, -2, 62, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to choose the color for second hand ") $label_big_pips_pen = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hour Pips: ", -91, 25, 69, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the color of big pips at each hour " & $revert_tip) $butt_big_pips_pen = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 91, -2, 62, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to choose the color for hour pips ") $label_pips_pen = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Minute Pips: ", -91, 25, 69, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the color of wee minute pips around the clock " & $revert_tip & @CRLF & _ " (to make them disappear, set them to the face color) ") $butt_pips_pen = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 91, -2, 62, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to choose the color for minute pips ") $label_prefs_trans = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Transparency: ", -91, 25, 69, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the opaquenessnessness of your clock " & $revert_tip) $slider_prefs_trans = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, -2, 75, 20, $TBS_NOTICKS) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 99, 0) $tip_trans = "%" & @CRLF & " use can use the arrow keys and PgUp/PgDn to adjust this " GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " currently " & $WinTrans & $tip_trans) GUICtrlSetData($slider_prefs_trans, $WinTrans) ; needs to be set now for live update $handy_tip_01 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tip: To switch schemes quickly, use F10 and F11.", -80, 45, 350, 40) ; Pips and Numerals prefs.. GUISetCoord(228, 80) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Pips and Numerals..", 0, 0, 207, 120) $check_draw_numerals = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Draw Numerals", 10, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " you can choose to not draw the numerals. " & @CRLF & _ " the pips will move out to the edge, and you can control them. ") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $draw_numerals) $check_draw_pips = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Draw Pips", 100, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " you can choose to not draw the Pips. this is the same as setting them to zero, but quicker) ") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $draw_pips) $rev_tip = " [click this label to revert to the last saved setting. shift-click to get back the master default setting] " $label_pips_rim = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pips outer rim", -100, 25, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " this enables you to shift the outer rim inwards. depending on the length of the pips, they could be inside or outside the rim. " & @CRLF & $rev_tip) $tip_pips_rim = " the distance between the pips rim and the outer edge of the clock (or numerals, if enabled) " & @CRLF & " [default is 2, currently " $slider_pips_rim = GUICtrlCreateSlider(80, 0, 115, 20, $TBS_NOTICKS) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_pips_rim & $pips_outer_rim & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 50, 0) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $pips_outer_rim) $label_minute_pips_size = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Minute pips size", -80, 20, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the length of the minute pips. set this to zero (or rim) to make them invisible. other effects are possible. " _ & @CRLF & $rev_tip) $tip_minute_pips = " the length of the minute pips " & @CRLF & " [default is 6, currently " $slider_minute_pips_size = GUICtrlCreateSlider(80, 0, 115, 20, $TBS_NOTICKS) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_minute_pips & $minute_pips_size & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 50, 0) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $minute_pips_size) $label_hour_pips_size = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hour pips size", -80, 20, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the length of the hour pips. set this to zero (or rim) to make them invisible. other effects are possible. " _ & @CRLF & $rev_tip) $tip_hour_pips = " the length of the hour pips " & @CRLF & " [default is 10, currently " $slider_hour_pips_size = GUICtrlCreateSlider(80, 0, 115, 20, $TBS_NOTICKS) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_hour_pips & $hour_pips_size & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 50, 0) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $hour_pips_size) if $draw_pips = $GUI_UNCHECKED then for $i = $label_pips_rim to $slider_hour_pips_size GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_HIDE) next endif ; Hands.. GUISetCoord(228, 205) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Hands..", 0, 0, 207, 90) $label_size_second_hand = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Second hand size", 10, 18, 85, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the length of the second hand (% of radius) " & @CRLF & $rev_tip) $tip_second_hand = " the length of the second hand " & @CRLF & " [default is 75, currently " $slider_size_second_hand = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 0, 110, 20, $TBS_NOTICKS) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_second_hand & $second_hand_size & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 0) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $second_hand_size) $label_size_minute_hand = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Minute hand size", -85, 20, 85, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the length of the minute hand (% of radius) " & @CRLF & $rev_tip) $tip_minute_hand = " the length of the minute hand " & @CRLF & " [default is 67, currently " $slider_size_minute_hand = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 0, 110, 20, $TBS_NOTICKS) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_minute_hand & $minute_hand_size & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 0) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $minute_hand_size) $label_size_hour_hand = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hour hand size", -85, 20, 85, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the length of the hour hand (% of radius) " & @CRLF & $rev_tip) $tip_hour_hand = " the length of the hour hand " & @CRLF & " [default is 50, currently " $slider_size_hour_hand = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 0, 110, 20, $TBS_NOTICKS) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_hour_hand & $hour_hand_size & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 0) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $hour_hand_size) ; Third tab.. ; $tab_prefs_title3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem( " Audio " ) GUICtrlSetTip($tab_prefs_title, " Audio Preferences.. ") ; Alerts.. GUISetCoord(5, 30) $group_alert_presets = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Alert Presets..", 0, 0, 220, 45) $ex_tip = @CRLF & " right-click for the alerts export menu " global $combo_alert_presets = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 16, 115, 20, _ BitOR($CBS_SORT, $CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " your alerts " & $ex_tip) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $butt_del_alert = GUICtrlCreateButton("x", 119, 0, 16, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " delete the current alert" & $ex_tip) $butt_revert_alert = GUICtrlCreateButton("&revert", 19, 0, 36, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " revert back to the last saved settings " & $ex_tip) $butt_save_alert = GUICtrlCreateButton("&save", 38, 0, 32, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " save this alert with all the current settings " & $ex_tip) $context_ex_alerts = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($combo_alert_presets) $exst_1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alert..", $context_ex_alerts) $exst_9 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alert into Collection..", $context_ex_alerts) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_alerts) $exst_2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Alerts..", $context_ex_alerts) $context_ex_alerts2 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($butt_del_alert) $exst_3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alert..", $context_ex_alerts2) $exst_10 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alert into Collection..", $context_ex_alerts2) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_alerts2) $exst_4 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Alerts..", $context_ex_alerts2) $context_ex_alerts3 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($butt_revert_alert) $exst_5 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alert..", $context_ex_alerts3) $exst_11 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alert into Collection..", $context_ex_alerts3) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_alerts3) $exst_6 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Alerts..", $context_ex_alerts3) $context_ex_alerts4 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($butt_save_alert) $exst_7 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alert..", $context_ex_alerts4) $exst_12 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Alert into Collection..", $context_ex_alerts4) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $context_ex_alerts4) $exst_8 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export All Alerts..", $context_ex_alerts4) GUISetCoord(5, 80) $radio_alert_switch_beep = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Beep Style", 0, 0, 80, 22, BitOr($BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_VCENTER, $BS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " use a beep synth sound for this alert preset ") $radio_alert_switch_wavs = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Wav File", 85, 0, 80, 22, BitOr($BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_VCENTER, $BS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " use a wav file for this alert preset ") ; beeps.. GUISetCoord(5, 108) $tip_beep_label = " click this label to revert the setting back to its last saved value" $group_alert_params = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Beep Synth ;o)..", 0, 0, 350, 125) $label_alert_repeat = GUICtrlCreateLabel("repeat: ", 10, 25, 83) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_beep_label) $input_alert_repeat = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 85, -3, 45, 20, BitOr($ES_LEFT, $ES_NUMBER)) $label_alert_beep_len = GUICtrlCreateLabel("beep length: ", -85, 27, 83) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_beep_label) $input_alert_beep_len = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 85, -3, 45, 20, BitOr($ES_LEFT, $ES_NUMBER)) $label_alert_sleep = GUICtrlCreateLabel("sleep length: ", -85, 27, 83) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_beep_label) $input_alert_sleep = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 85, -3, 45, 20, BitOr($ES_LEFT, $ES_NUMBER)) $label_alert_beeps = GUICtrlCreateLabel("no. of beeps: ", -85, 27, 83) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_beep_label) $input_alert_beeps = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 85, -3, 45, 20, BitOr($ES_LEFT, $ES_NUMBER)) GUISetCoord(170, 108) $label_alert_bottom = GUICtrlCreateLabel("bottom: ", 10, 25, 83) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_beep_label) $input_alert_bottom = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 85, -3, 45, 20) $label_alert_step = GUICtrlCreateLabel("step: ", -85, 27, 83) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_beep_label) $input_alert_step = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 85, -3, 45, 20, BitOr($ES_LEFT, $ES_NUMBER)) $label_alert_scaler = GUICtrlCreateLabel("scaler: ", -85, 27, 83) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $tip_beep_label) $input_alert_scaler = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 85, -3, 45, 20, BitOr($ES_LEFT, $ES_NUMBER)) $check_alert_and_down = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" play second loop", -85, 25, 120, 20, BitOr($ES_LEFT, $ES_NUMBER)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " also play the down scale ") global $icon_beepalert_test = GUICtrlCreateIcon("shell32.dll", 246, 152, 7, 16, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " test this alert ") GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "shell32.dll", 246, 0) ; wavs.. GUISetCoord(5, 108) $group_wav_file_params = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Wav File Parameters..", 0, 0, 350, 125) $label_alert_wavname = GUICtrlCreateLabel("wav file: ", 10, 25, 83) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click this label to get back the last saved setting " & @CRLF & _ " if you mess up, and save it as a Beep Style by mistake, you can click here to get back the last wav file path " ) $input_alert_wavname = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 75, -3, 212) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) $icon_alert_wav_in = GUICtrlCreateIcon("shell32.dll", 4, 220, 2, 16, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " browse for a WAV file to use as an alarm ") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) global $icon_alert_wav_play = GUICtrlCreateIcon("shell32.dll", 246, 20, 1, 16, 16) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to play the currently selected WAV file ") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) $label_alert_pause = GUICtrlCreateLabel("pause: ", -315, 25, 83) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click this label to get back the last saved setting ") $input_alert_pause = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 75, -3, 40, 20, BitOr($ES_LEFT, $ES_NUMBER)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) ; Master Speech prefs.. GUISetCoord(5, 238) $group_master_speech_params = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Master Speech Settings..", 0, 0, 350, 98) $label_master_volume = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Speech Volume: ", 10, 25, 80, 20) $vtip = " adjust the volume of the speech , from 0 (silent) to 100 (loud) " $slider_master_volume = GUICtrlCreateSlider(80, -4, 133, 35) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $vtip & @CRLF & " [current volume: " & $speech_volume & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 0) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $speech_volume) $label_master_rate = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Speech Rate: ", -80, 40, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " adjust the rate of the speech (this setting affects all spoken messages and chimes) ") $rtip = " adjust the rate of the speech, from -10 (slow) to 10 (fast) " $slider_master_rate = GUICtrlCreateSlider(80, -4, 133, 35) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $rtip & @CRLF & " [current rate: " & $speech_rate & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 10, -10) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $speech_rate) $label_master_voice = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Voice: ", 150, -31, 32, 20) $s_tip = " choose which voice to use for spoken messages and chimes. the default is 'Sam', but you may have others " GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $s_tip) $input_master_voice = GUICtrlCreateInput($speech_voice, 40, -3, 64, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $s_tip) ; Help system GUISetCoord(230, 30) $group_help_box = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Help..", 0, 0, 200, 75) $help_default_tip = "Hover over a control to receive help with the item. Click any of the labels to set that parameter back to its last saved value. aka. 'revert' " $label_help_box = GUICtrlCreateLabel($help_default_tip, 5, 17, 190, 53) ; let's do it.. ; a dll fade-in sometimes causes controls to not be drawn properly (see FadeIn() for a better way), so here's a slide.. DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $prefs_dialog, "int", 200, "long", 0x00040004 ) GUISetState() HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "SoundOff") ; for some reason, setting this here has no effect HotKeySet("^+{TAB}", "PreviousTab") HotKeySet("^{TAB}", "NextTab") HotKeySet("{F10}", "SchemeSwitchMsg") HotKeySet("{F11}", "SchemeSwitchMsg") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "KillPrefs") while $show_prefs ; yeah, I guess we could use $prefs_open :/ if not $init_prefs then ; activate the first (or previously selected) alarm, etc.. ; always init first tab regardless.. UpdateAlertCombos() ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "SelectString", $current_preset) ; which tab to jump to? for $i = 2 to $choose_tab ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $tab_prefs, "TabRight", "") next $init_prefs = 1 endif $msg = GUIGetMsg() $cpc = "" ; thank God for code-folding! (also the reason for the group indentations throughout) switch $msg ; update tab when clicked case $tab_prefs ; if there have been changes, don't update the tab, otherwise load the current preset. ; this ensures it gets updated at least one time, to load the preset's values into the controls. if not HasChanged(1, 20) then ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_scheme_presets, "SelectString", $current_scheme) if not HasChanged(41, 49) then ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert_presets, "SelectString", $current_alert) $lc = 50 ; update titlebar immediately case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($prefs_dialog) exitloop case $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED if @GUI_DRAGID = -1 then if not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib(@GUI_DRAGFILE), "D") then $import_file = @GUI_DRAGFILE switch GetExtension($import_file) case "wav" $new_alert = @GUI_DRAGFILE AddAlert($new_alert) ControlClick($prefs_dialog, "", $icon_alert_in) ; only activates if first tab is active. handy. case "ini" ImportIniFile(@GUI_DRAGFILE) endswitch endif endif ; Alarms & Chimes.. ; this always gets called at least once, automatically (see above) case $combo_alarm_presets $current_preset = GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets) RememberComboSelection($previous_combo_alarms, $current_preset) $index = AlarmIndex($current_preset) $current_alarm_freq = $my_alarms[$index][0] ; the text, ie. "Weekends" GUICtrlSetData($combo_frequency, $current_alarm_freq) $current_alarm_hour = $my_alarms[$index][1] GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_Hour, $current_alarm_hour) $current_alarm_min = $my_alarms[$index][2] GUICtrlSetData($prefs_dialog_Min, $current_alarm_min) $current_alarm_ampm = $my_alarms[$index][3] GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_AMPM, $current_alarm_ampm) $current_alarm_month = $my_alarms[$index][4] ; load even when "Daily", or whatever, $current_alarm_day = $my_alarms[$index][5] ; in case they switch back to "One Date" $current_alarm_year = $my_alarms[$index][6] ; etc. global $current_custom_type = $my_alarms[$index][14] global $current_custom_period = $my_alarms[$index][15] if $current_alarm_freq = "One Date" or $current_alarm_freq = "Custom" then GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_Cal, $current_alarm_year & "/" & $current_alarm_month & "/" & $current_alarm_day) GUICtrlSetState($Alarm_Cal, $GUI_ENABLE) else GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_Cal, @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY) ; set back to today's date GUICtrlSetState($Alarm_Cal, $GUI_DISABLE) endif if $current_alarm_freq = "Custom" then for $i = $label_custom_frequency to $combo_interval_type GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_SHOW) next GUICtrlSetData($combo_interval_period, $current_custom_period) GUICtrlSetData($combo_interval_type, $current_custom_type) else for $i = $label_custom_frequency to $combo_interval_type GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_HIDE) next endif global $current_alarm_status = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "active", 1) if $current_alarm_status = 1 then GUICtrlSetData($check_alarm_enabled, "enabled.") GUICtrlSetState($check_alarm_enabled, $GUI_CHECKED) else GUICtrlSetData($check_alarm_enabled, "disabled.") GUICtrlSetState($check_alarm_enabled, $GUI_UNCHECKED) endif if $AlarmStatus[2] = 1 then GUICtrlSetData($check_master_enabled, "enabled.") GUICtrlSetState($check_master_enabled, $GUI_CHECKED) else GUICtrlSetData($check_master_enabled, "disabled.") GUICtrlSetState($check_master_enabled, $GUI_UNCHECKED) endif $current_input_message = $my_alarms[$index][8] if $current_input_message then GUICtrlSetData($combo_message, $current_input_message) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_message, "SelectString", $current_input_message) GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_flash_color, "0x" & $my_alarms[$index][9]) $current_flash_color = $my_alarms[$index][9] $current_alert = $my_alarms[$index][10] if $current_alert <> "" then GUICtrlSetData($combo_alert, $current_alert) global $current_speech_volume = $my_alarms[$index][11] global $current_speech_voice = $my_alarms[$index][12] global $current_speech_rate = $my_alarms[$index][13] IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "current_preset", GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets)) $lc = 50 ; reset scheme changed flags.. ResetChanges(21, 40) ControlFocus($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets ) case $butt_del_alarm if ce_IsPressed(10) then RecoverBackup($ini_path_alarms) GetAlarms() continueloop endif StoreBackup($ini_path_alarms) IniDelete($ini_path_alarms, GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets)) $occ = ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "FindString", GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets)) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "DelString", $occ) GetAlarms() $previous_alarm = GetLastComboSelection($previous_combo_alarms, $alarm_names) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "SelectString", $previous_alarm) case $butt_revert_alarm GetAlarms() ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "SelectString", GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets)) case $butt_save_alarm RemoveBackup($ini_path_alarms) global $new_alarm = StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets), "[", "{") $new_alarm = StringReplace($new_alarm, "]", "}") if not InArray($alarm_names, $new_alarm) then ; create an (almost) empty preset.. IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $new_alarm, "alert", GUICtrlRead($combo_alert)) ; or whatever ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "AddString", $new_alarm) GetAlarms() endif $index = AlarmIndex($new_alarm) if Number(GUICtrlRead($Alarm_Hour)) > 0 and Number(GUICtrlRead($Alarm_Hour)) < 13 then $my_alarms[$index][1] = GUICtrlRead($Alarm_Hour) else $my_alarms[$index][1] = 12 GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_Hour, "12") endif if Number(GUICtrlRead($prefs_dialog_Min)) >= 0 and Number(GUICtrlRead($prefs_dialog_Min)) < 60 then $my_alarms[$index][2] = GUICtrlRead($prefs_dialog_Min) else $my_alarms[$index][2] = 00 GUICtrlSetData($prefs_dialog_Min, "00") endif if StringLower(GUICtrlRead($Alarm_AMPM)) = "am" or StringLower(GUICtrlRead($Alarm_AMPM)) = "pm" then $my_alarms[$index][3] = GUICtrlRead($Alarm_AMPM) else $my_alarms[$index][3] = "am" GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_AMPM, "am") endif $my_alarms[$index][0] = GUICtrlRead($combo_frequency) ; we don't care if these apply, it's user information (date of alarm creation/update), and so we'll store it.. ; you can check that date in the prefs, by switching to 'One Date', or 'Custom'. In short, why not? $prefs_dialog_MonthCalDate = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($Alarm_Cal), "/") $my_alarms[$index][4] = $prefs_dialog_MonthCalDate[2] $my_alarms[$index][5] = $prefs_dialog_MonthCalDate[3] $my_alarms[$index][6] = $prefs_dialog_MonthCalDate[1] $my_alarms[$index][14] = GUICtrlRead($combo_interval_type) ; yup, this came later, hence 14/15 $my_alarms[$index][15] = GUICtrlRead($combo_interval_period) ; for new alarms, this is hidden, so they always begin disabled.. if GUICtrlRead($check_alarm_enabled) = 1 then $my_alarms[$index][7] = 1 else $my_alarms[$index][7] = 0 endif $my_alarms[$index][8] = GUICtrlRead($combo_message) $my_alarms[$index][9] = $current_flash_color ; enables new alarms to pick up current color $my_alarms[$index][10] = GUICtrlRead($combo_alert) ; copy voice settings to new preset.. $my_alarms[$index][11] = $current_speech_volume $my_alarms[$index][12] = $current_speech_voice $my_alarms[$index][13] = $current_speech_rate $primed[$index] = 1 $current_preset = $new_alarm SaveAlarm($index) AddMessageToList() ; this will also reset $changes for this group.. ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "SelectString", $current_preset) ; where we try and make up for all the extra bytes in the GUI creation case $ex_1, $ex_3, $ex_5, $ex_7 ExportAlarm() case $ex_2, $ex_4, $ex_6, $ex_8 ExportAllAlarms() case $ex_9 to $ex_12 ExportAlarmIntoCollection() case $Alarm_Hour $changes[31] = 0 if GUICtrlRead($Alarm_Hour) <> $my_alarms[$index][1] then $changes[31] = 1 ; hour case $prefs_dialog_Min $changes[32] = 0 if GUICtrlRead($Alarm_Hour) <> $my_alarms[$index][2] then $changes[32] = 1 ; hour case $Alarm_AMPM $changes[33] = 0 if GUICtrlRead($Alarm_AMPM) <> $my_alarms[$index][3] then $changes[33] = 1 ; ampm case $butt_now $this_hour = HourToHumanTime(@HOUR) $current_alarm_hour = $this_hour[0] GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_Hour, $current_alarm_hour) $current_alarm_min = @MIN GUICtrlSetData($prefs_dialog_Min, $current_alarm_min) $current_alarm_ampm = $this_hour[1] GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_AMPM, $current_alarm_ampm) $current_alarm_date = @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_Cal, $current_alarm_date) $current_alarm_month = @MON $current_alarm_day = @MDAY $current_alarm_year = @YEAR if $current_alarm_hour <> $my_alarms[$index][1] then $changes[31] = 1 ; hour if $current_alarm_min <> $my_alarms[$index][2] then $changes[32] = 1 ; minute if $current_alarm_ampm <> $my_alarms[$index][3] then $changes[33] = 1 ; ampm if $current_alarm_month <> $my_alarms[$index][4] then $changes[34] = 1 ; month if $current_alarm_day <> $my_alarms[$index][5] then $changes[35] = 1 ; day if $current_alarm_year <> $my_alarms[$index][6] then $changes[36] = 1 ; year ControlFocus($prefs_dialog, "", $prefs_dialog_Min) case $Alarm_Cal $prefs_dialog_MonthCalDate = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($Alarm_Cal), "/") $current_alarm_month = $prefs_dialog_MonthCalDate[2] $current_alarm_day = $prefs_dialog_MonthCalDate[3] $current_alarm_year = $prefs_dialog_MonthCalDate[1] $changes[34] = 0 $changes[35] = 0 $changes[36] = 0 if $current_alarm_month <> $my_alarms[$index][4] then $changes[34] = 1 if $current_alarm_day <> $my_alarms[$index][5] then $changes[35] = 1 if $current_alarm_year <> $my_alarms[$index][6] then $changes[36] = 1 case $combo_frequency $current_alarm_freq = GUICtrlRead($combo_frequency) if $current_alarm_freq = "One Date" or $current_alarm_freq = "Custom" then GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_Cal, $current_alarm_year & "/" & $current_alarm_month & "/" & $current_alarm_day) GUICtrlSetState($Alarm_Cal, $GUI_ENABLE) else GUICtrlSetData($Alarm_Cal, @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY) GUICtrlSetState($Alarm_Cal, $GUI_DISABLE) endif if $current_alarm_freq = "Custom" then for $i = $label_custom_frequency to $combo_interval_type GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetData($combo_interval_period, $current_custom_period) GUICtrlSetData($combo_interval_type, $current_custom_type) next else for $i = $label_custom_frequency to $combo_interval_type GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_HIDE) next endif $changes[21] = 1 if $current_alarm_freq = $my_alarms[$index][0] then $changes[21] = 0 switch $current_alarm_freq case "Daily" GUICtrlSetTip($combo_frequency, " your alarm is set to play every day ") case "One Date" GUICtrlSetTip($combo_frequency, " your alarm is set to play only at one specific date and time ") case "Weekdays" GUICtrlSetTip($combo_frequency, " your alarm is set to play every Weekday (Mon-Fri) ") case "Weekends" GUICtrlSetTip($combo_frequency, " your alarm is set to play only on Weekends (Sat-Sun) ") case "Custom" GUICtrlSetTip($combo_frequency, " your alarm is set to recur at custom intervals, " & @CRLF & _ "either days, weeks, months, or years ") endswitch case $combo_interval_type $current_custom_type = GUICtrlRead($combo_interval_type) if $current_custom_type <> $my_alarms[$index][14] then $changes[28] = 1 case $combo_interval_period $current_custom_period = GUICtrlRead($combo_interval_period) if $current_custom_period <> $my_alarms[$index][15] then $changes[29] = 1 case $label_flash_color $current_flash_color = $my_alarms[$index][9] GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_flash_color, "0x" & $current_flash_color) $changes[22] = 0 case $butt_flash_color $cpc = GetPickedColor($current_flash_color, $current_scheme, true) if $cpc <> "" then $changes[22] = 0 $index = AlarmIndex(GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets)) if StringTrimLeft($cpc, 2) <> $my_alarms[$index][9] then $changes[22] = 1 $current_flash_color = StringTrimLeft($cpc, 2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_flash_color, $cpc) endif case $label_alert if InArray($alert_names, $my_alarms[$index][10]) then ; user may have deleted this alert $current_alert = $my_alarms[$index][10] ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert, "SelectString", $current_alert) $changes[23] = 0 endif case $combo_alert $index = AlarmIndex(GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets)) $changes[23] = 0 if GUICtrlRead($combo_alert) <> $my_alarms[$index][10] then $changes[23] = 1 $current_alert = GUICtrlRead($combo_alert) UpdateAlertCombos() case $icon_alert_in if $new_alert = "" then PrefsFileDialogOpen() $open_at = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "wavs_folder", $data_parent & "\alerts") $tmp_open = FileOpenDialog("Pick a WAV file to play as your alarm..", _ $open_at, "WAV Files (*.wav)", 1, "alarm.wav") if $tmp_open <> "" then $new_alert = $tmp_open IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "wavs_folder", GetParent($new_alert)) endif PrefsFileDialogClose() AddAlert($new_alert) endif $new_alert = "" case $icon_alert_test switch $play_idx case 2 SoundOff() case 1 to 9 continueloop case else $play_idx = 2 if IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "wav", "") = "" then $play_idx = 3 ; beep SwitchIconsPLAYING() IGuessItsAlarmTime(GUICtrlRead($combo_alert), true, $current_flash_color) endswitch case $combo_message if $current_input_message <> GUICtrlRead($combo_message) then $changes[24] = 1 else $changes[24] = 0 endif AddMessageToList() case $menu_chimes_clear_list IniDelete($ini_path, $my_shortname, "recent_chimes") GUICtrlSetData($combo_chimes, "") GetChimesList() ; GUICtrlSetData($combo_chimes, $current_input_message) ; ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_chimes, "SelectString", $current_chimes) case $menu_msg_clear_list IniDelete($ini_path, $my_shortname, "recent_messages") GUICtrlSetData($combo_message, "") GUICtrlSetData($combo_message, $current_input_message) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_message, "SelectString", $current_input_message) case $icon_msg_test switch $play_idx case 6 SoundOff() case 1 to 9 continueloop case else $play_idx = 6 SwitchIconsPLAYING() TestMessage(GUICtrlRead($combo_message), $index, $current_speech_volume, $current_speech_voice, $current_speech_rate) endswitch AddMessageToList() case $label_message DialogSetVoice(AlarmIndex(GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets))) case $label_alarm_enabled ; this means you can overlap them, too ControlClick($prefs_dialog, "", $check_alarm_enabled) case $check_alarm_enabled ToggleThisAlarm(AlarmIndex(GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets))) ControlFocus($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets ) case $label_master_enabled ControlClick($prefs_dialog, "", $check_master_enabled) ControlFocus($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets) case $check_master_enabled ToggleAlarm() case $butt_exclusions EditExclusions() case $check_chimes if $init_prefs = 1 then ToggleChime() if $do_chime = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($icon_chime_test, $GUI_SHOW) for $i = $combo_chime_minute to $combo_chimes GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_ENABLE) next else GUICtrlSetState($icon_chime_test, $GUI_HIDE) for $i = $combo_chime_minute to $combo_chimes GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_DISABLE) next endif case $icon_chime_test AddChimeToList() switch $play_idx case 7, 8, 9 SoundOff() case 2 to 9 continueloop case else $play_idx = 9 SwitchIconsPLAYING() DoChime(GUICtrlRead($combo_chime_minute)) endswitch case $label_chime GUICtrlSetData($combo_chimes, "4000") continuecase case $combo_chimes AddChimeToList() case $combo_chime_minute $chime_minute = GUICtrlRead($combo_chime_minute) ; Number() <- letters get you "0", but fux! 07 -> 7 IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "chime_minute", $chime_minute) ;allow 00 $chime_done = 0 ; Scheme Prefs.. ; we are working with the live clock, here.. case $combo_scheme_presets $current_scheme = GUICtrlRead($combo_scheme_presets) RememberComboSelection($previous_combo_schemes, $current_scheme) SwitchScheme($current_scheme) GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_color_clock_face, "0x" & $face_color) GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_numerals_color, "0x" & $numerals_color) GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_second_hand_color, "0x" & $second_hand_color) GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_hour_pen, "0x" & $hour_pen) GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_minute_pen, "0x" & $minute_pen) GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_pips_pen, "0x" & $pips_pen) GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_big_pips_pen, "0x" & $big_pips_pen) GUICtrlSetData($slider_prefs_trans, $WinTrans) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_prefs_trans, " currently " & $WinTrans & $tip_trans) GUICtrlSetState($check_draw_numerals, $draw_numerals) GUICtrlSetState($check_draw_pips, $draw_pips) GUICtrlSetData($slider_pips_rim, $pips_outer_rim) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_pips_rim, $tip_pips_rim & $pips_outer_rim & "] ") GUICtrlSetData($slider_minute_pips_size, $minute_pips_size) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_minute_pips_size, $tip_minute_pips & $minute_pips_size & "] ") GUICtrlSetData($slider_hour_pips_size, $hour_pips_size) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_hour_pips_size, $tip_hour_pips & $hour_pips_size & "] ") if $draw_pips = $GUI_CHECKED then for $i = $label_pips_rim to $slider_hour_pips_size GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_SHOW) next else for $i = $label_pips_rim to $slider_hour_pips_size GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_HIDE) next endif GUICtrlSetData($slider_size_second_hand, $second_hand_size) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_size_second_hand, $tip_second_hand & $second_hand_size & "] ") GUICtrlSetData($slider_size_minute_hand, $minute_hand_size) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_size_minute_hand, $tip_minute_hand & $minute_hand_size & "] ") GUICtrlSetData($slider_size_hour_hand, $hour_hand_size) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_size_hour_hand, $tip_hour_hand & $hour_hand_size & "] ") UpdateHandSizes() ResetChanges(1, 20) $lc = 50 ControlFocus($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_scheme_presets) case $butt_del_scheme if ce_IsPressed(10) then RecoverBackup($ini_path_schemes) continueloop endif StoreBackup($ini_path_schemes) IniDelete($ini_path_schemes, GUICtrlRead($combo_scheme_presets)) GetSchemeNames() $previous_scheme = GetLastComboSelection($previous_combo_schemes, $scheme_names) $current_scheme = $previous_scheme SwitchScheme($current_scheme) UpdateSchemesCombo() ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_scheme_presets, "SelectString", $current_scheme) case $butt_revert_scheme SwitchScheme(GUICtrlRead($combo_scheme_presets)) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_scheme_presets, "SelectString", GUICtrlRead($combo_scheme_presets)) case $butt_save_scheme RemoveBackup($ini_path_schemes) $current_scheme = StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($combo_scheme_presets), "[", "{") $current_scheme = StringReplace($current_scheme, "]", "}") SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "face_colour", $face_color) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "numerals_color", $numerals_color) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "second_hand_color", $second_hand_color) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "hour_pen", $hour_pen) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "minute_pen", $minute_pen) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "pips_pen", $pips_pen) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "big_pips_pen", $big_pips_pen) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "transparency", $WinTrans) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "draw_numerals", $draw_numerals, 1) ; checkbox flag set to true SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "draw_pips", $draw_pips, 1) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "pips_outer_rim", $pips_outer_rim) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "minute_pips_size", $minute_pips_size) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "hour_pips_size", $hour_pips_size) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "second_hand_size", $second_hand_size) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "minute_hand_size", $minute_hand_size) SaveSchemePref($current_scheme, "hour_hand_size", $hour_hand_size) SwitchScheme($current_scheme) UpdateSchemesCombo() ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_scheme_presets, "SelectString", $current_scheme) case $exsc_1, $exsc_3, $exsc_5, $exsc_7 ExportScheme() case $exsc_2, $exsc_4, $exsc_6, $exsc_8 ExportAllSchemes() case $exsc_9 to $exsc_12 ExportSchemeIntoCollection() case $check_disable_cpc $disable_cpc = GUICtrlRead($check_disable_cpc) IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "disable_cpc", $disable_cpc) case $label_color_clock_face $face_color = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "face_colour", "FFFFFF") GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_color_clock_face, "0x" & $face_color) AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[2] = 0 case $butt_color_clock_face $cpc = GetPickedColor($face_color, $current_scheme) if $cpc <> "" then $changes[2] = 0 if $cpc <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "face_colour", "FFFFFF") then $changes[2] = 1 $face_color = $cpc GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_color_clock_face, "0x" & $face_color) AllThatGoodStuff(1) endif case $label_numerals_color $numerals_color = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "numerals_color", "FF0000") GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_numerals_color, "0x" & $numerals_color) AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[3] = 0 case $butt_numerals_color $cpc = GetPickedColor($numerals_color, $current_scheme) if $cpc <> "" then $changes[3] = 0 if $cpc <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "numerals_color", "FF0000") then $changes[3] = 1 $numerals_color = $cpc GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_numerals_color, "0x" & $numerals_color) AllThatGoodStuff(1) endif case $label_second_hand_color $second_hand_color = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "second_hand_color", "FF0000") GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_second_hand_color, "0x" & $second_hand_color) AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[4] = 0 case $butt_second_hand_color $cpc = GetPickedColor($second_hand_color, $current_scheme) if $cpc <> "" then $changes[4] = 0 if $cpc <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "second_hand_color", "FF0000") then $changes[4] = 1 $second_hand_color = $cpc GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_second_hand_color, "0x" & $second_hand_color) AllThatGoodStuff(1) endif case $label_hour_pen $hour_pen = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "hour_pen", "000000") GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_hour_pen, "0x" & $hour_pen) AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[5] = 0 case $butt_hour_pen $cpc = GetPickedColor($hour_pen, $current_scheme) if $cpc <> "" then $changes[5] = 0 if $cpc <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "hour_pen", "000000") then $changes[5] = 1 $hour_pen = $cpc GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_hour_pen, "0x" & $hour_pen) AllThatGoodStuff(1) endif case $label_minute_pen $minute_pen = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "minute_pen", "000000") GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_minute_pen, "0x" & $minute_pen) AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[6] = 0 case $butt_minute_pen $cpc = GetPickedColor($minute_pen, $current_scheme) if $cpc <> "" then $changes[6] = 0 if $cpc <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "minute_pen", "000000") then $changes[6] = 1 $minute_pen = $cpc GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_minute_pen, "0x" & $minute_pen) AllThatGoodStuff(1) endif case $label_pips_pen $pips_pen = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "pips_pen", "000000") GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_pips_pen, "0x" & $pips_pen) AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[7] = 0 case $butt_pips_pen $cpc = GetPickedColor($pips_pen, $current_scheme) if $cpc <> "" then $changes[7] = 0 if $cpc <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "pips_pen", "000000") then $changes[7] = 1 $pips_pen = $cpc GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_pips_pen, "0x" & $pips_pen) AllThatGoodStuff(1) endif case $label_big_pips_pen $big_pips_pen = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "big_pips_pen", "000000") GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_big_pips_pen, "0x" & $big_pips_pen) AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[8] = 0 case $butt_big_pips_pen $cpc = GetPickedColor($big_pips_pen, $current_scheme) if $cpc <> "" then $changes[8] = 0 if $cpc <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "big_pips_pen", "000000") then $changes[8] = 1 $big_pips_pen = $cpc GUICtrlSetBkColor($butt_big_pips_pen, "0x" & $big_pips_pen) AllThatGoodStuff(1) endif case $label_prefs_trans $WinTrans = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "transparency", 0) GUICtrlSetData($slider_prefs_trans, $WinTrans) UpdateTrans() $changes[9] = 0 continuecase case $slider_prefs_trans GUICtrlSetTip($slider_prefs_trans, " currently " & $WinTrans & "%" & _ @CRLF & " use can use the arrow keys and PgUp/PgDn to adjust this ") ; Pips and Numerals.. case $check_draw_numerals $draw_numerals = GUICtrlRead($check_draw_numerals) $changes[10] = 0 if $draw_numerals <> IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "draw_numerals", 1) then $changes[10] = 1 UpdateColors() AllThatGoodStuff(1) case $check_draw_pips $draw_pips = GUICtrlRead($check_draw_pips) if $draw_pips = $GUI_CHECKED then for $i = $label_pips_rim to $slider_hour_pips_size GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_SHOW) next else for $i = $label_pips_rim to $slider_hour_pips_size GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_HIDE) next endif $changes[11] = 0 if $draw_pips <> IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "draw_pips", 1) then $changes[11] = 1 UpdateColors() AllThatGoodStuff(1) case $label_pips_rim if ce_IsPressed(10) then ; master default setting GUICtrlSetData($slider_pips_rim, 2) else GUICtrlSetData($slider_pips_rim, IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "pips_outer_rim", 2)) endif continuecase case $slider_pips_rim $pips_outer_rim = GUICtrlRead($slider_pips_rim) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_pips_rim, $tip_pips_rim & $pips_outer_rim & "] ") AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[12] = 0 if $pips_outer_rim <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "pips_outer_rim", 2) then $changes[12] = 1 case $label_minute_pips_size if ce_IsPressed(10) then GUICtrlSetData($slider_minute_pips_size, 6) else GUICtrlSetData($slider_minute_pips_size, IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "minute_pips_size", 6)) endif continuecase case $slider_minute_pips_size $minute_pips_size = GUICtrlRead($slider_minute_pips_size) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_minute_pips_size, $tip_minute_pips & $minute_pips_size & "] ") AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[13] = 0 if $minute_pips_size <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "minute_pips_size", 6) then $changes[13] = 1 case $label_hour_pips_size if ce_IsPressed(10) then GUICtrlSetData($slider_hour_pips_size, 10) else GUICtrlSetData($slider_hour_pips_size, IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "hour_pips_size", 11)) endif continuecase case $slider_hour_pips_size $hour_pips_size = GUICtrlRead($slider_hour_pips_size) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_hour_pips_size, $tip_hour_pips & $hour_pips_size & "] ") AllThatGoodStuff(1) $changes[14] = 0 if $hour_pips_size <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "hour_pips_size", 10) then $changes[14] = 1 ; Hands case $label_size_second_hand if ce_IsPressed(10) then GUICtrlSetData($slider_size_second_hand, 75) else GUICtrlSetData($slider_size_second_hand, IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "second_hand_size", 75)) endif continuecase case $slider_size_second_hand $second_hand_size = GUICtrlRead($slider_size_second_hand) $changes[16] = 0 if $second_hand_size <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "second_hand_size", 75) then $changes[16] = 1 GUICtrlSetTip($slider_size_second_hand, $tip_second_hand & $second_hand_size & "] ") UpdateHandSizes() AllThatGoodStuff(1) case $label_size_minute_hand if ce_IsPressed(10) then GUICtrlSetData($slider_size_minute_hand, 67) else GUICtrlSetData($slider_size_minute_hand, IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "minute_hand_size", 67)) endif continuecase case $slider_size_minute_hand $minute_hand_size = GUICtrlRead($slider_size_minute_hand) $changes[17] = 0 if $minute_hand_size <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "minute_hand_size", 67) then $changes[17] = 1 GUICtrlSetTip($slider_size_minute_hand, $tip_minute_hand & $minute_hand_size & "] ") UpdateHandSizes() AllThatGoodStuff(1) case $label_size_hour_hand if ce_IsPressed(10) then GUICtrlSetData($slider_size_hour_hand, 50) else GUICtrlSetData($slider_size_hour_hand, IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "hour_hand_size", 50)) endif continuecase case $slider_size_hour_hand $hour_hand_size = GUICtrlRead($slider_size_hour_hand) $changes[18] = 0 if $hour_hand_size <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "hour_hand_size", 50) then $changes[18] = 1 GUICtrlSetTip($slider_size_hour_hand, $tip_hour_hand & $hour_hand_size & "] ") UpdateHandSizes() AllThatGoodStuff(1) ; Alerts.. case $combo_alert_presets $current_alert = GUICtrlRead($combo_alert_presets) RememberComboSelection($previous_combo_alerts, $current_alert) if IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "wav", "") <> "" then $alert_is_wav = true ControlClick($prefs_dialog, "", $radio_alert_switch_wavs) GUICtrlSetState($combo_alert_presets, $GUI_FOCUS) else $alert_is_wav = false ControlClick($prefs_dialog, "", $radio_alert_switch_beep) GUICtrlSetState($combo_alert_presets, $GUI_FOCUS) endif ResetChanges(41, 49) $lc = 50 ControlFocus($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert_presets) case $butt_del_alert if ce_IsPressed(10) then RecoverBackup($ini_path_alerts) continueloop endif $del_alert = GUICtrlRead($combo_alert_presets) StoreBackup($ini_path_alerts) IniDelete($ini_path_alerts, $del_alert) GetAlertNames() $previous_alert = GetLastComboSelection($previous_combo_alerts, $alert_names) $current_alert = $previous_alert UpdateAlertCombos() ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert_presets, "SelectString", $current_alert) if $del_alert = $my_alarms[$index][10] then $changes[23] = 1 IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "alert", "") GUICtrlSetData($combo_alert, "") ; you can't actually choose this, though ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert, "SelectString", "") endif case $butt_revert_alert ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert_presets, "SelectString", GUICtrlRead($combo_alert_presets)) case $butt_save_alert RemoveBackup($ini_path_alerts) $preset_name = StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($combo_alert_presets), "[", "{") $preset_name = StringReplace($preset_name, "]", "}") if $alert_is_wav then local $save_alert[3] = [ $preset_name, _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_wavname), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_pause) ] SaveAlert($save_alert, "wav") else if GUICtrlRead($input_alert_step) < 1 then GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_step, 1) local $save_alert[9] = [ $preset_name, _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_repeat), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_beep_len), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_sleep), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_beeps), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_bottom), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_step), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_scaler), _ GUICtrlRead($check_alert_and_down) ] $remember_wav = GUICtrlRead($input_alert_wavname) ; in case they fuxdup, we'll remember this SaveAlert($save_alert) endif UpdateAlertCombos() ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert_presets, "SelectString", $save_alert[0]) case $exst_1, $exst_3, $exst_5, $exst_7 ExportAlert() case $exst_2, $exst_4, $exst_6, $exst_8 ExportAllAlerts() case $exst_9 to $exst_12 ExportAlertIntoCollection() case $radio_alert_switch_beep $alert_is_wav = false ; The AutoIt documentation doesn't do enough to explain that the creation of a GUI Control ; returns the ID of the control, that is, A NUMBER. If folk realised, there wouldn't be ; crazy forum questions along the lines of "how to I disable groups of controls?" ; Put them into arrays? Guys! Numbers work like this.. for $i = $group_wav_file_params to $input_alert_pause ; just numbers, see. GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_HIDE) next ; TADA! Not exactly rocket science. I use this all over. ; But it's so obscure, it could almost be called a "trick" :/ ; Arrays of controls have their place, sure, but not here. ; here it goes again.. for $i = $group_alert_params to $icon_beepalert_test GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_SHOW) next ; you can also use "step 2" to affect only alternate controls, ; leaving labels, but disabling their sliders, or whatever. handy. $current_repeat = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "repeat", 4) GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_repeat, $current_repeat) $current_beep_len = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "beep_len", 500) GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_beep_len, $current_beep_len) $current_sleep = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "sleep", 500) GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_sleep, $current_sleep) $current_beeps = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "beeps", 1) GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_beeps, $current_beeps) $current_bottom = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "bottom", 1) GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_bottom, $current_bottom) $current_step = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "step", 1) if $current_step < 1 then $current_step = 1 GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_step, $current_step) $current_scaler = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "scaler", 3000) GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_scaler, $current_scaler) $current_and_down = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "and_down", 4) GUICtrlSetState($check_alert_and_down, $current_and_down) case $radio_alert_switch_wavs $alert_is_wav = true for $i = $group_alert_params to $icon_beepalert_test GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_HIDE) next for $i = $group_wav_file_params to $input_alert_pause GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_SHOW) next GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_wavname, IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "wav", "")) GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_pause, IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "pause", 250)) ; click labels to revert parameters.. case $label_alert_repeat GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_repeat, $current_repeat) $changes[41] = 0 case $input_alert_repeat if GUICtrlRead($input_alert_repeat) <> $current_repeat then $changes[41] = 1 case $label_alert_beep_len GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_beep_len, $current_beep_len) $changes[42] = 0 case $input_alert_beep_len if GUICtrlRead($input_alert_beep_len) <> $current_beep_len then $changes[42] = 1 case $label_alert_sleep GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_sleep, $current_sleep) $changes[43] = 0 case $input_alert_sleep if GUICtrlRead($input_alert_sleep) <> $current_sleep then $changes[43] = 1 case $label_alert_beeps GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_beeps, $current_beeps) $changes[44] = 0 case $input_alert_beeps if GUICtrlRead($input_alert_beeps) <> $current_beeps then $changes[44] = 1 case $label_alert_bottom GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_bottom, $current_bottom) $changes[45] = 0 case $input_alert_bottom if GUICtrlRead($input_alert_bottom) <> $current_bottom then $changes[45] = 1 case $label_alert_step GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_step, $current_step) $changes[46] = 0 case $input_alert_step if GUICtrlRead($input_alert_step) <> $current_step then $changes[46] = 1 case $label_alert_scaler GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_scaler, $current_scaler) $changes[47] = 0 case $input_alert_scaler if GUICtrlRead($input_alert_scaler) <> $current_scaler then $changes[47] = 1 case $check_alert_and_down if GUICtrlRead($check_alert_and_down) <> $current_and_down then $changes[48] = 1 else $changes[48] = 0 endif case $icon_beepalert_test $play_idx = 5 SwitchIconsPLAYING() if GUICtrlRead($input_alert_step) < 1 then GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_step, 1) local $save_alert[9] = [ "corz-clock-temp-alert", _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_repeat), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_beep_len), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_sleep), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_beeps), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_bottom), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_step), _ GUICtrlRead($input_alert_scaler), _ GUICtrlRead($check_alert_and_down) ] SaveAlert($save_alert) IGuessItsAlarmTime("corz-clock-temp-alert", true, "-") IniDelete($ini_path_alerts, "corz-clock-temp-alert") case $label_alert_wavname if IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "wav", "") <> "" then GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_wavname, IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "wav", "")) else GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_wavname, $remember_wav) endif case $label_alert_pause GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_pause, IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $current_alert, "pause", 250)) case $icon_alert_wav_in PrefsFileDialogOpen() $open_at = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "wavs_folder", $data_parent & "\alerts") $tmp_open = FileOpenDialog("Pick a WAV file to use for this alert..", _ $open_at, "WAV Files (*.wav)", 1, "alarm.wav") if $tmp_open <> "" then GUICtrlSetData($input_alert_wavname, $tmp_open) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "wavs_folder", GetParent($new_alert)) PrefsFileDialogClose() case $icon_alert_wav_play switch $play_idx case 4 SoundOff() case 1 to 9 continueloop case else $play_idx = 4 SwitchIconsPLAYING() PlaySound(GUICtrlRead($input_alert_wavname)) endswitch ; Master Speech Setings.. case $label_master_volume GUICtrlSetData($slider_master_volume, 50) continuecase case $slider_master_volume ; update instantly $speech_volume = GUICtrlRead($slider_master_volume) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_master_volume, $vtip & @CRLF & " [current volume: " & GUICtrlRead($slider_master_volume) & "] ") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "speech_volume", $speech_volume) case $label_master_rate GUICtrlSetData($slider_master_rate, 0) continuecase case $slider_master_rate $speech_rate = GUICtrlRead($slider_master_rate) GUICtrlSetTip($slider_master_rate, $rtip & @CRLF & " [current rate: " & GUICtrlRead($slider_master_rate) & "] ") IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "speech_rate", $speech_rate) case $label_master_voice GUICtrlSetData($input_master_voice, "Sam") continuecase case $input_master_voice $speech_voice = GUICtrlRead($input_master_voice) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "speech_voice", $speech_voice) ; All done! case $butt_done if DontDiscardChanges() then continuecase AddChimeToList() $chime_minute = GUICtrlRead($combo_chime_minute) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "chime_minute", $chime_minute) $chime_done = 0 $size_array = WinGetPos($prefs_dialog) if IsArray($size_array) then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "prefs_x", $size_array[0]) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "prefs_y", $size_array[1]) endif DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $prefs_dialog, "int", 200, "long", 0x00050008) GUIDelete($prefs_dialog) exitloop case else ; for the above continuecase, saves messing around endswitch ; better here, for live effect.. if $WinTrans <> GUICtrlRead($slider_prefs_trans) then $WinTrans = GUICtrlRead($slider_prefs_trans) UpdateTrans() endif $changes[9] = 0 if $WinTrans <> IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $current_scheme, "transparency", 0) then $changes[9] = 1 ; irregular gui events (every x cycles, to avoid flicker) ; update the title bar, help text, etc. $lc += 1 if $lc >= 30 then $tab_index = ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $tab_prefs, "CurrentTab", "") ; we will do these updates, even if the user is mousing outside the GUI.. switch $tab_index case 1 $this_hour = HourToHumanTime(@HOUR) WinSetTitle($prefs_dialog , "", " Alarms And Chimes.. [" & $this_hour[0] & _ "." & @MIN & " " & StringLower($this_hour[1]) & "]" ) case 2 WinSetTitle($prefs_dialog , "", " Schemes.. [current scheme: " & $current_scheme & "]") case 3 WinSetTitle($prefs_dialog , "", " Audio Preferences..") endswitch ; but these only occur when the mouse is inside the GUI.. local $mouse_info = GUIGetCursorInfo($prefs_dialog) if IsArray($mouse_info) and $mouse_info[4] <> 0 then switch $tab_index case 1 ; switch the text of the "save" buttons, to "add", as required.. if not InArray($alarm_names, GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets)) then GUICtrlSetData($butt_save_alarm, "&add") GUICtrlSetTip($butt_save_alarm, " save this alarm preset with the current settings " & @CRLF & _ " new alarms will be disabled until you enable them (below) ") for $i = $label_alarm_enabled to $check_alarm_enabled GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_HIDE) next else GUICtrlSetData($butt_save_alarm, "&save") GUICtrlSetTip($butt_save_alarm, " save this alarm preset with the current ghsettings " ) for $i = $label_alarm_enabled to $check_alarm_enabled GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_SHOW) next endif case 2 if not InArray($scheme_names, GUICtrlRead($combo_scheme_presets)) then GUICtrlSetData($butt_save_scheme, "&add") else GUICtrlSetData($butt_save_scheme, "&save") endif case 3 if not InArray($alert_names , GUICtrlRead($combo_alert_presets)) then GUICtrlSetData($butt_save_alert, "&add") else GUICtrlSetData($butt_save_alert, "&save") endif ; alerts help system.. switch $mouse_info[4] ; quickly! enable word-wrap! ... case $group_alert_presets to $combo_alert_presets GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Select and create alerts from here. You can drop WAVs and preset (ini) files onto this combo box to automatically import them.") case $butt_del_alert GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Delete the currently selected alert from the list.") case $butt_revert_alert GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Revert this alert back to its last saved settings") case $butt_save_alert GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Save or add alerts. Note: Alerts can be either Beep or Wav, NOT BOTH! Saving a beep alert as a Wav destroys the beep settings, and vica-versa") case $radio_alert_switch_beep GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "A beep alert is basically two loops of beeps that you can play with. ") case $radio_alert_switch_wavs GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Rather than using the built-in beep synth, you can use a WAV file for your alert - remember to have the sound on, and the volume UP!") case $group_alert_params GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "The first loop has the potential to increase pitch with every beep, and the second (optional) loop has the potential to decrease pitch with every beep.") case $label_alert_repeat GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "This sets the total number of overall (outer) loops. Whatever wonderful noise you create, it will be repeated *this* many times..") case $input_alert_repeat GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Yes, sometimes the help is split over two controls. Watch for that!") case $label_alert_beep_len to $input_alert_beep_len GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "This sets the length of the actual beeps, in milliseconds. The default is 500. For special effects, sirens, etc. use much shorter lengths.") case $label_alert_sleep to $input_alert_sleep GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "This defines the gap between individual beeps, again, in milliseconds. You can set this to zero if you want. The default is 500.") case $label_alert_beeps GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "The number of beeps in the loop. The default is 1..") case $input_alert_beeps GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Set to larger numbers for special effects (basically, lots of short beeps, as opposed to one long beep)") case $label_alert_bottom to $input_alert_bottom GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Where the pitch slide begins. Generally it's set to 1, but you might want to begin your scale further up the audio spectrum") case $label_alert_step GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "The value of the steps in pitch. Set to any number equal or smaller than the value of 'beeps'. The default is 1 (play every beep). Step cannot be zero..") case $input_alert_step GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "e.g., if you have 10 beeps, with a step value of 2, you will only hear five beeps; 1,3,5,7,9. It's generally best to keep the step value quite low.") case $label_alert_scaler GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "The multiplier for the beep pitch. The value of the pitch is beeps*scaler. If 'no. of beeps' is 1, the pitch won't change, and this becomes a simple Hz value..") case $input_alert_scaler GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "If 'no. of beeps' is NOT 1, the pitch will start at 1*scaler and finish at beeps*scaler, increasing in pitch all the way. ") case $check_alert_and_down GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "This instructs clock to perform a second inner loop, this time decreasing the pitch, enabling the creation of 'siren' like effects, lots of fun. ") case $icon_beepalert_test GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Test the current Beep Alert. Note: Like native WAVs and spoken messages, Beep Alerts can be stopped mid-stream with the Pause (Break) key.") case $group_wav_file_params GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Native WAV files and Spoken messages can be stopped while playing. Some imported WAV files cannot; you get a 'NO ENTRY' icon, and must wait for them.") case $label_alert_wavname to $input_alert_wavname GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "To use a WAV file for this alert, enter the full path to a WAV file (or use the browse button)") case $icon_alert_wav_in GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Click here to browse for a WAV file to use for this alert.") case $icon_alert_wav_play GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Test the current WAV file." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Note: If you get the 'NO ENTRY' icon, it means the sound cannot be stopped mid-stream.") case $label_alert_pause to $input_alert_pause GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "This is the delay between the alarm sound and any spoken messages that may follow. Usually 250ms but some WAVs like more of a pause after them.") case $group_master_speech_params GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "These settings affect all spoken chimes, and alarms without speech settings of their own. Master speech settings take effect immediately.") case $label_master_volume to $slider_master_volume GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Set the MASTER speech volume from here. This setting affects all spoken chimes, and alarms without speech volume settings.") case $label_master_rate to $slider_master_rate GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Set the MASTER speech rate from here. This setting affects all spoken chimes, and alarms without speech rate settings.") case $label_master_voice to $input_master_voice GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, "Which voice to use for speech? This setting affects all spoken chimes, and alarms with no voice selection. Sam, Mike, and Mary are good choices.") case else GUICtrlSetData($label_help_box, $help_default_tip) endswitch endswitch endif ; update sound play icons.. if CheckSound() then SwitchIconsPLAYING() else SwitchIconsREADY() endif if $mouse_info[4] <> 0 then ; enable/disable export context menus.. if $alarm_names[0] > 1 or ($alarm_names[0] = 1 and $alarm_names[1] <> "unsaved alarm") then if $prefs_open then for $i = $context_ex_alarms to $ex_8 GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_ENABLE) next endif elseif $prefs_open then for $i = $context_ex_alarms to $ex_8 GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_DISABLE) next endif if $scheme_names[0] > 1 or ($scheme_names[0] = 1 and $scheme_names[1] <> "default") then if $prefs_open then for $i = $context_ex_schemes to $exsc_8 GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_ENABLE) next endif elseif $prefs_open then for $i = $context_ex_schemes to $exsc_8 GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_DISABLE) next endif if $alert_names[0] > 1 or ($alert_names[0] = 1 and $alert_names[1] <> "simple") then if $prefs_open then for $i = $context_ex_alerts to $exst_8 GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_ENABLE) next endif elseif $prefs_open then for $i = $context_ex_alerts to $exst_8 GUICtrlSetState($i, $GUI_DISABLE) next endif endif HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "SoundOff") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "KillPrefs") ; in case cpc has run, and unset it HotKeySet("{F10}", "F10SchemeSwitchMsg") ; simply because setting them earlier HotKeySet("{F11}", "F11SchemeSwitchMsg") ; seems to have no effect. hmm. $lc = 0 endif sleep(20) CheckClockStuff(2) wend ; this is a highly effective reset! RestartClock() endfunc ; My very simple, yet highly effective changes tracker.. ; ; Basically, it's an array of zeros. If anything gets changed, some unique element is set to 1 ; If the setting is reverted, or manually goes back to previous setting, the element is set to 0 ; Then, when we need to check for changes, we simply run through the array, or any part of it, ; and look for ones. Different areas of the preferences are split into "ranges".. ; ; changes ranges.. ; ; schemes: 1-20 ; I just happened to do these first, is all. ; alarms: 21-40 ; alerts: 41-49 ; $changes[0] is reserved (possibly for fuzzy option - ignore single changes, maybe) ;2do ; func HasChanged($start, $end) for $i = $start to $end if $changes[$i] = 1 then return true next endfunc func ResetChanges($start, $end) for $i = $start to $end $changes[$i] = 0 next endfunc func DontDiscardChanges() $made_changes = false for $i in $changes if $i = 1 then $made_changes = true next if $made_changes then $made_changes = false if LoseUnsavedChanges() then return false else return true endif endif endfunc func LoseUnsavedChanges() $dont_bug_me = IniReadCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "dont_bug_me_about_unsaved_changes", $GUI_UNCHECKED) if $dont_bug_me = $GUI_CHECKED then return true $size_array = WinGetPos($prefs_dialog) if IsArray($size_array) then $vx = $size_array[0] + 110 $vy = $size_array[1] + 120 else $vx = -1 $vy = -1 endif PrefsDialogOpen() $gui_unsaved_changes = GUICreate(" Unsaved Chages!", 223, 100, $vx, $vy, -1, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) WinSetOnTop($gui_unsaved_changes, "", 1) $label_unsaved = GUICtrlCreateLabel("There are unsaved changes " & @CRLF & _ "Do you still wish to close the preferences?", 10, 10, 203) $butt_yes = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes", 0, 40, 42, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " ignore the changes you made, and close the preferences" ) $butt_no = GUICtrlCreateButton("No", 44, 0, 42, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " go back to the preferences " ) $check_dont_bug_me = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox("don't bug me again about this", -40, 28) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " if you check this, corz clock will stop reminding you about unsaved changes " ) GUISetState() $lose_changes = false while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exitloop case $butt_yes $lose_changes = true exitloop case $butt_no exitloop case $check_dont_bug_me if GUICtrlRead($check_dont_bug_me) = $GUI_CHECKED then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "dont_bug_me_about_unsaved_changes", "true") else IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "dont_bug_me_about_unsaved_changes", "false") endif endswitch wend GUIDelete($gui_unsaved_changes) PrefsDialogClose() return $lose_changes endfunc func F10SchemeSwitchMsg() if WinActive($prefs_dialog) then SchemeSwitchMsg() else HotKeyset("{F10}") Send("{F10}") HotKeySet("{F10}", "F10SchemeSwitchMsg") endif endfunc func F11SchemeSwitchMsg() if WinActive($prefs_dialog) then SchemeSwitchMsg() else HotKeyset("{F11}") Send("{F11}") HotKeySet("{F11}", "F11SchemeSwitchMsg") endif endfunc func SchemeSwitchMsg() if $seen_switch_msg then return ToolTip(" You can use the mouse and arrow keys in here.", $prefs_x, $prefs_y, "Not when the preferences are open! ", 2) AdlibEnable("SwitchOffTip", 3333) $seen_switch_msg = true endfunc func KillPrefs() if WinActive($prefs_dialog) then $show_prefs = false else HotKeyset("{ESC}") Send("{ESC}") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "KillPrefs") endif endfunc func GetPickedColor($start_color, $load_scheme, $autoitval=false) PrefsDialogOpen() if $disable_cpc = $GUI_CHECKED then $foo = cpc__ChooseColor(2, "0x" & $start_color, 2, $gui) if not @error then $cpc = StringTrimLeft($foo, 2) else $cpc = $start_color endif else $cpc = ColorPickinChooser($start_color, $load_scheme, $autoitval, "CheckClockStuff") endif PrefsDialogClose() return $cpc endfunc func PreviousTab() if WinActive(" Alarms And") or WinActive(" Schemes") or WinActive(" Audio") then ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $tab_prefs, "TabLeft", "") else HotKeySet("^+{TAB}") Send("^+{TAB}") HotKeySet( "^+{TAB}" , "NextTab") endif endfunc func NextTab() if WinActive(" Alarms And") or WinActive(" Schemes") or WinActive(" Audio") then ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $tab_prefs, "TabRight", "") else HotKeySet("^{TAB}") Send("^{TAB}") HotKeySet( "^{TAB}" , "NextTab") endif endfunc ; set speech options for this alarm.. ; func DialogSetVoice($index) $size_array = WinGetPos($prefs_dialog) if IsArray($size_array) then $vx = $size_array[0] + 110 $vy = $size_array[1] + 120 else $vx = -1 $vy = -1 endif PrefsDialogOpen() $gui_speech = GUICreate(" Spoken Message Settings..", 223, 118, $vx, $vy, -1, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) WinSetOnTop($gui_speech, "", 1) $label_speech_volume = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Speech Volume: ", 10, 15, 80, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to revert the speech volume back to the last saved setting for this alarm ") $vtip = " adjust the volume of the speech , from 0 (silent) to 100 (loud) " $slider_speech_volume = GUICtrlCreateSlider(80, -4, 133, 35) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $vtip & @CRLF & " [current volume: " & $current_speech_volume & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 0) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $current_speech_volume) $label_speech_rate = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Speech Rate: ", -80, 40, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to revert the speech rate back to the last saved setting for this alarm ") $rtip = " adjust the rate of the speech, from -10 (slow) to 10 (fast) " $slider_speech_rate = GUICtrlCreateSlider(80, -4, 133, 35) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $rtip & @CRLF & " [current rate: " & $current_speech_rate & "] ") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 10, -10) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $current_speech_rate) $label_voice = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Voice: ", -79, 43, 32, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click here to revert the voice back to the last voice selected for this alarm ") $input_speech_voice = GUICtrlCreateInput($current_speech_voice, 45, -3, 64, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " choose which voice to use for this spoken message ") $butt_ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save", 112, 2, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " save the changes you made, and close this dialog " & @CRLF & _ " note: these changes won't be permanent until you save the alarm " ) GUISetState() while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exitloop case $label_speech_volume if ce_IsPressed(10) then GUICtrlSetData($slider_speech_volume, 50) else GUICtrlSetData($slider_speech_volume, $my_alarms[$index][11]) endif continuecase case $slider_speech_volume GUICtrlSetTip($slider_speech_volume, $vtip & @CRLF & " [current volume: " & GUICtrlRead($slider_speech_volume) & "] ") case $label_voice if ce_IsPressed(10) then GUICtrlSetData($input_speech_voice, "Sam") else GUICtrlSetData($input_speech_voice, $my_alarms[$index][12]) endif case $label_speech_rate if ce_IsPressed(10) then ; master default setting GUICtrlSetData($slider_speech_rate, 0) else GUICtrlSetData($slider_speech_rate, $my_alarms[$index][13]) endif continuecase case $slider_speech_rate GUICtrlSetTip($slider_speech_rate, $rtip & @CRLF & " [current rate: " & GUICtrlRead($slider_speech_rate) & "] ") case $butt_ok $changes[25] = 0 $changes[26] = 0 $changes[27] = 0 if $my_alarms[$index][11] <> GUICtrlRead($slider_speech_volume) then $changes[25] = 1 if $my_alarms[$index][12] <> GUICtrlRead($input_speech_voice) then $changes[26] = 1 if $my_alarms[$index][13] <> GUICtrlRead($slider_speech_rate) then $changes[27] = 1 $current_speech_volume = GUICtrlRead($slider_speech_volume) $current_speech_voice = GUICtrlRead($input_speech_voice) $current_speech_rate = GUICtrlRead($slider_speech_rate) exitloop endswitch wend GUIDelete($gui_speech) PrefsDialogClose() endfunc func GetChimesList() global $chime = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "chime", 4000) if $chime = "" then $chime = 4000 ; in the gui, out-of-range Hz values are not possible ; but we allow folk to hack out-of-range values into the ini, for their own devious purposes. global $recent_chimes = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "recent_chimes", "HO? HO? HO!|and all is well!|") ; we don't store Hz values in the "recent chimes", but we still need to load them if they have been previously set.. GUICtrlSetData($combo_chimes, "|") if not StringInStr($recent_chimes, $chime) then ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_chimes, "AddString", $chime) endif GUICtrlSetData($combo_chimes, $recent_chimes) GUICtrlSetData($combo_chimes, $chime) endfunc func AddChimeToList() $bad_chimes = false $new_chime = GUICtrlRead($combo_chimes) if $new_chime = "" or $new_chime = "0" then $bad_chimes = true if Number($new_chime) > 19999 then $bad_chimes = true if Number($new_chime) > 0 and Number($new_chime) < 37 then $bad_chimes = true if $bad_chimes then if $chime <> "" then GUICtrlSetData($combo_chimes, $chime) return endif $chime = $new_chime IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "chime", $chime) ; add to list or not, it's now the default. if not StringInStr($recent_chimes, $chime) and Number($chime) = 0 and $chime <> "" then $recent_chimes &= $chime & "|" $recent_chimes_array = StringSplit($recent_chimes, "|") $recent_chimes = "" $keep = 50 ; remember the last (up to) 50 spoken chimes.. if $recent_chimes_array[0] < 50 then $keep = $recent_chimes_array[0]-1 for $i = $recent_chimes_array[0]-$keep to $recent_chimes_array[0]-1 if $recent_chimes_array[$i] <> "" then $recent_chimes &= $recent_chimes_array[$i] & "|" next IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "recent_chimes", $recent_chimes) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_chimes, "AddString", $chime) endif endfunc func GetMessagesList() global $recent_messages = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "recent_messages", "Now is the time!|WAKE UP!|") GUICtrlSetData($combo_message, "|") GUICtrlSetData($combo_message, $recent_messages) endfunc func AddMessageToList() $message = GUICtrlRead($combo_message) if $message = "" or Number($message) then return if not StringInStr($recent_messages, $message) then $recent_messages &= $message & "|" $recent_messages_array = StringSplit($recent_messages, "|") $recent_messages = "" $keep = 50 if $recent_messages_array[0] < 50 then $keep = $recent_messages_array[0]-1 for $i = $recent_messages_array[0]-$keep to $recent_messages_array[0]-1 if $recent_messages_array[$i] <> "" then $recent_messages &= $recent_messages_array[$i] & "|" next IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "recent_messages", $recent_messages) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_message, "AddString", $message) endif endfunc func EditExclusions() $size_array = WinGetPos($prefs_dialog) if IsArray($size_array) then $vx = $size_array[0] - 24 $vy = $size_array[1] - 24 if $vx < 0 then $vx = 0 if $vy < 0 then $vy = 0 else $vx = -1 $vy = -1 endif PrefsDialogOpen() global $gui_exclusions = GUICreate(" Application Exclusion list", 322, 277, $vx, $vy, -1, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) WinSetOnTop($gui_exclusions, "", 1) $label_info = GUICtrlCreateLabel("No audio will sound while the following applications are active..", 9, 9, 300) $label_info2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("corz clock will match the application's window title with whatever " & _ "you enter here, so please be as specific as possible..", 0, 18, 312, 32) GetExclusionsList() ; get it fresh, every time. global $list_exlusions = GUICtrlCreateList("", -3, 32, 250, 200);, BitOr($LBS_SORT, $WS_BORDER, $WS_VSCROLL, $LBS_NOTIFY)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $exclusion_list) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " you can enter more than just the application's name, if it will help make the match " ) $butt_delete = GUICtrlCreateButton("&remove", 258, 2, 54, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " permanently remove the selected item from the exclusion list " ) $butt_edit = GUICtrlCreateButton("&edit", 0, 28, 54, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " edit this item (this removes it from the exclusion list until you add it again)" ) global $input_appname = GUICtrlCreateInput("", -258, 162, 200, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " enter the name of the application, as appears in its window's TITLE BAR " & @CRLF & _ " be as specific as you can, eg. 'Adobe Audition', rather than just plain 'Audition' " & @CRLF & _ " which would match, for example, you editing a text file called 'Audition Notes'") if $last_exclusion then GUICtrlSetData(-1, $last_exclusion) $butt_add = GUICtrlCreateButton("&add", 205, 1, 46, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " add your text to the exclusion list " ) $butt_done = GUICtrlCreateButton("all &done", 54, 0, 54, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " close this dialog " ) GUISetState() $sel = "" global $clicked = 0 while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() ; do this here - we may re-use the functions eleswhere.. $selected = ControlCommand($gui_exclusions, "", $list_exlusions, "GetCurrentSelection", "") switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exitloop case $butt_add AddExclusion(GUICtrlRead($input_appname)) case $list_exlusions ; a wee trick to get the list to register a proper (fast) double-click $mousepos = MouseGetPos() if IsArray($mousepos) then MouseMove($mousepos[0]+3, $mousepos[1]) ; the movement must be at or beyond their system double-click rectangle setting (/2) ; in XP, the default is 4, so we'd need to move the mouse at least 2 pixels. 3 is safer, ; but obviously more preceptible to the user. endif ; where is the double-click event? select case $sel = $selected if $clicked then EditThisExclusion($selected) $clicked = 0 endif case $sel <> $selected $clicked = 1 $sel = $selected continueloop endselect ; at any rate, the double-click to edit exclusions is an undocumented feature! case $butt_edit if $selected then EditThisExclusion($selected) case $butt_delete if $selected then RemoveExclusion($selected) case $butt_done $last_exclusion = GUICtrlRead($input_appname) exitloop endswitch CheckClockStuff() wend GUIDelete($gui_exclusions) PrefsDialogClose() endfunc #cs switch $clicked case 0 ; first click if $sel <> $selected then $sel = $selected $clicked = 1 continueloop else continuecase endif case else if $sel = $selected then EditThisExclusion($selected) $clicked = 0 $sel = "" else $sel = $selected $clicked = 1 continueloop endif endswitch #ce func GetExclusionsList() global $exclusion_list = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "exclusions", "Adobe Audition|AudioMulch|") endfunc func UpdateExclusionsList() GUICtrlSetData($list_exlusions, "") GUICtrlSetData($list_exlusions, $exclusion_list) endfunc func AddExclusion($new_ex) if not StringInStr($exclusion_list, $new_ex & "|") and $new_ex <> "" then $exclusion_list &= $new_ex & "|" IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "exclusions", $exclusion_list) endif GUICtrlSetData($input_appname, "") GetExclusionsList() UpdateExclusionsList() endfunc func EditThisExclusion($ex) if not $ex then return $curr_ex = GUICtrlRead($input_appname) AddExclusion($curr_ex) RemoveExclusion($ex) GUICtrlSetData($input_appname, $ex) endfunc func RemoveExclusion($appname) if not $appname then return ; "0" is sent if nothing selected, prevents removing all items! $tmp_array = StringSplit($exclusion_list, "|") $exclusion_list = "" for $i = 1 to $tmp_array[0] if $tmp_array[$i] <> "" and $tmp_array[$i] <> $appname then $exclusion_list &= $tmp_array[$i] & "|" endif next IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "exclusions", $exclusion_list) GetExclusionsList() UpdateExclusionsList() endfunc func CheckActiveExclusions() GetExclusionsList() $ex_apps = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($exclusion_list, 1), "|") $old_matchmode = AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) for $i = 1 to $ex_apps[0] if WinActive($ex_apps[$i]) then return $ex_apps[$i] endif next AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", $old_matchmode) endfunc ; alarms.. ; ; feed it the alarm name.. ; returns the index number of that alarm. ; func AlarmIndex($alarm_name) for $i = 1 to $alarm_names[0] if $alarm_names[$i] = $alarm_name then return $i endif next endfunc func GetAlarmNames() global $alarm_names = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path_alarms) if not IsArray($alarm_names) then global $alarm_names = MakeDummyArray("unsaved alarm") global $my_alarms[2][17] = [[1]] else global $my_alarms[$alarm_names[0]+1][17] = [[$alarm_names[0]]] ; set [0][0] to $alarm_names[0] (total) endif global $primed[$alarm_names[0]+1] endfunc func GetAlarms() GetAlarmNames() for $index = 1 to $alarm_names[0] $primed[$index] = 1 ; could check for a primed=0 (for active alarms) $my_alarms[$index][0] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Frequency", "Daily") $my_alarms[$index][1] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Hour", "12") $my_alarms[$index][2] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Min", "00") $my_alarms[$index][3] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "AMPM", "pm") if $my_alarms[$index][0] <> "Daily" and $my_alarms[$index][0] <> "Weekdays" and _ $my_alarms[$index][0] <> "Weekends" and $my_alarms[$index][0] <> "One Date" _ and $my_alarms[$index][0] <> "Custom" then $my_alarms[$index][0] = "Daily" if $my_alarms[$index][1] < 1 or $my_alarms[$index][1] > 12 then $my_alarms[$index][1] = "12" if $my_alarms[$index][2] < 0 or $my_alarms[$index][2] > 59 then $my_alarms[$index][2] = "00" if StringLower($my_alarms[$index][3]) <> "am" and StringLower($my_alarms[$index][3]) <> "pm" _ then $my_alarms[$index][3] = "am" $my_alarms[$index][4] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Month", "") if Number($my_alarms[$index][4]) < 1 or Number($my_alarms[$index][4]) > 12 then $my_alarms[$index][4] = "" $my_alarms[$index][5] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Day", "") if Number($my_alarms[$index][5]) < 1 or Number($my_alarms[$index][5]) > 31 then $my_alarms[$index][5] = "" $my_alarms[$index][6] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Year", "") if Number($my_alarms[$index][6]) < Number(@YEAR) then $my_alarms[$index][6] = "" ; in the past $my_alarms[$index][7] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "active", "1") $my_alarms[$index][8] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "message", "") $my_alarms[$index][9] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "flash_color", "FF0000") $my_alarms[$index][10] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "alert", "simple") ; use defaults if none set.. $my_alarms[$index][11] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "speech_volume", $speech_volume) $my_alarms[$index][12] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "speech_voice", $speech_voice) $my_alarms[$index][13] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "speech_rate", $speech_rate) $my_alarms[$index][14] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "custom_type", "Years") $my_alarms[$index][15] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "custom_period", 1) $my_alarms[$index][16] = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "missed", 0) next endfunc ; hmm. getting kinda long. func SaveAlarm($index) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Frequency", $my_alarms[$index][0]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Hour", $my_alarms[$index][1]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Min", $my_alarms[$index][2]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "AMPM", $my_alarms[$index][3]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Month", $my_alarms[$index][4]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Day", $my_alarms[$index][5]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "Year", $my_alarms[$index][6]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "active", $my_alarms[$index][7]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "message", $my_alarms[$index][8]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "flash_color", $my_alarms[$index][9]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "alert", $my_alarms[$index][10]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "speech_volume", $my_alarms[$index][11]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "speech_voice", $my_alarms[$index][12]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "speech_rate", $my_alarms[$index][13]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "custom_type", $my_alarms[$index][14]) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "custom_period", $my_alarms[$index][15]) IniDelete($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "missed") if $prefs_open then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "current_preset", $new_alarm) endfunc ; master alarm switch.. ; func ToggleAlarm() if $AlarmStatus[2] = 1 then $AlarmStatus[2] = 0 GUICtrlSetState($check_master_enabled, $GUI_UNCHECKED) if $prefs_open then GUICtrlSetData($check_master_enabled, "disabled") else $AlarmStatus[2] = 1 GUICtrlSetState($check_master_enabled, $GUI_CHECKED) if $prefs_open then GUICtrlSetData($check_master_enabled, "enabled") endif TrayItemSetText($TrayItemAlarmStatus, "Alarms are " & $AlarmStatus[$AlarmStatus[2]]) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "alarms_active", $AlarmStatus[2]) endfunc func ToggleThisAlarm($index) if $current_alarm_status = 1 then $current_alarm_status = 0 GUICtrlSetData($check_alarm_enabled, "disabled") GUICtrlSetState($check_alarm_enabled, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; it should be anyway, but this is a back-up else $current_alarm_status = 1 GUICtrlSetData($check_alarm_enabled, "enabled") GUICtrlSetState($check_alarm_enabled, $GUI_CHECKED) ; ditto endif IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "active", $current_alarm_status) endfunc ; schemes.. ; func SchemeIndex($scheme_name) for $i = 1 to $scheme_names[0] if $scheme_names[$i] = $scheme_name then return $i endif next endfunc ; you want those colours right now, sir? ; as you wish.. func MenuSwitchScheme() for $s = 1 to $scheme_names[0] select case @GUI_CtrlId = $scheme_menu_items[$s] $current_scheme = $scheme_names[$s] CheckUncheckScheme($GUI_UNCHECKED, $uncheck_item) CheckUncheckScheme($GUI_CHECKED, $s) SwitchScheme($current_scheme) $uncheck_item = $s endselect next endfunc func F10SwitchPreviousScheme() CheckUncheckScheme($GUI_UNCHECKED) $new_idx = SchemeIndex($current_scheme) - 1 if $new_idx < 1 then $new_idx = $scheme_names[0] $current_scheme = $scheme_names[$new_idx] CheckUncheckScheme($GUI_CHECKED) SwitchScheme($current_scheme) endfunc func F11SwitchNextScheme() CheckUncheckScheme($GUI_UNCHECKED) $new_idx = SchemeIndex($current_scheme) + 1 if $new_idx > $scheme_names[0] then $new_idx = 1 $current_scheme = $scheme_names[$new_idx] CheckUncheckScheme($GUI_CHECKED) SwitchScheme($current_scheme) endfunc func CheckUncheckScheme($action, $item="") if $item then $s_idx = $item else $s_idx = SchemeIndex($current_scheme) endif GUICtrlSetState($scheme_menu_items[$s_idx], $action) endfunc func SwitchScheme($my_scheme) LoadScheme($my_scheme) AllThatGoodStuff(1) UpdateNumeralLabels() UpdatePips() IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "scheme", $my_scheme) ; set as current scheme endfunc func GetSchemeNames() if not FileExists($ini_path_schemes) then FileInstall(".\stuff\default-schemes.ini", $ini_path_schemes, 0) global $scheme_names = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path_schemes) if not IsArray($scheme_names) then $scheme_names = MakeDummyArray("default") BubbleSort($scheme_names) endfunc ; load a colour scheme.. ; func LoadScheme($my_scheme) GetSchemeNames() if not InArray($scheme_names, $my_scheme) then $my_scheme = "default" $current_scheme = $my_scheme endif global $face_color = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "face_colour", "FFFFFF") global $numerals_color = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "numerals_color", "FF0000") global $second_hand_color = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "second_hand_color", "FF0000") global $hour_pen = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "hour_pen", "000000") global $minute_pen = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "minute_pen", "000000") global $pips_pen = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "pips_pen", "000000") global $big_pips_pen = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "big_pips_pen", "000000") global $WinTrans = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "transparency", 0) if $WinTrans >= 100 then $WinTrans = 99 if $WinTrans < 0 then $WinTrans = 0 global $draw_numerals = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "draw_numerals", 1) global $draw_pips = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "draw_pips", 1) global $pips_outer_rim = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "pips_outer_rim", 2) global $minute_pips_size = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "minute_pips_size", 6) global $hour_pips_size = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "hour_pips_size", 10) global $second_hand_size = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "second_hand_size", 75) global $minute_hand_size = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "minute_hand_size", 67) global $hour_hand_size = IniRead($ini_path_schemes, $my_scheme, "hour_hand_size", 50) UpdateHandSizes() endfunc func UpdateSchemesCombo() GetSchemeNames() GUICtrlSetData($combo_scheme_presets, "|") for $i = 1 to $scheme_names[0] GUICtrlSetData($combo_scheme_presets, $scheme_names[$i]) next GUICtrlSetData($combo_scheme_presets, $current_scheme) endfunc func SaveSchemePref($this_scheme, $prefname, $val, $checkbox=false) if $checkbox then IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path_schemes, $this_scheme, $prefname, $val) else IniWrite($ini_path_schemes, $this_scheme, $prefname, $val) endif endfunc ; alerts.. ; func AlertIndex($alert_name) for $i = 1 to $alert_names[0] if $alert_names[$i] = $alert_name then return $i endif next return 1 endfunc func GetAlertNames() if not FileExists($ini_path_alerts) then FileInstall(".\stuff\default-alerts.ini", $ini_path_alerts, 0) global $alert_names = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path_alerts) if not IsArray($alert_names) then $alert_names = MakeDummyArray("simple") endfunc func AddAlert($new_alert) if $new_alert <> "" then ; if not already in list.. (could also add automatically from wavs folder ;2do) $base_new_alert = BaseName($new_alert) if not FileExists(IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $new_alert, "wav", "")) then ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert, "AddString", $base_new_alert) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert, "SelectString", $base_new_alert) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert_presets, "AddString", $base_new_alert) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert_presets, "SelectString", $base_new_alert) IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $base_new_alert, "wav", $new_alert) IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $base_new_alert, "pause", 250) endif endif ; if it was thrown into the currently selected alarm, that counts as a change.. $tab_index = ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $tab_prefs, "CurrentTab", "") $current_alert = $new_alert endfunc ; there can be only one.. func SaveAlert($alert_array, $alert_type="beep") IniDelete($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0]) if $alert_type = "wav" then IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "wav", $alert_array[1]) IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "pause", $alert_array[2]) else IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "repeat", $alert_array[1]) IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "beep_len", $alert_array[2]) IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "sleep", $alert_array[3]) IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "beeps", $alert_array[4]) IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "bottom", $alert_array[5]) if $alert_array[6] < 1 then $alert_array[6] = 1 IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "step", $alert_array[6]) IniWrite($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "scaler", $alert_array[7]) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path_alerts, $alert_array[0], "and_down", $alert_array[8]) endif endfunc func UpdateAlertCombos() GetAlertNames() GUICtrlSetData($combo_alert, "|") GUICtrlSetData($combo_alert_presets, "|") for $i = 1 to $alert_names[0] if $alert_names[$i] <> "" then GUICtrlSetData($combo_alert, $alert_names[$i]) GUICtrlSetData($combo_alert_presets, $alert_names[$i]) endif next if AlertIndex($current_alert) = 0 then $current_alert = $alert_names[$alert_names[0]] endif GUICtrlSetData($combo_alert, $current_alert) GUICtrlSetData($combo_alert_presets, $current_alert) endfunc func DeleteAlert($this_alert) IniDelete($ini_path_alerts, $this_alert) endfunc ; import/export functions.. ; func ImportIniFile($import_file) if $import_file <> "" then $ini_sections = IniReadSectionNames($import_file) if not IsArray($ini_sections) then return ; the quick and dirty method.. ;for $i = 1 to $ini_sections[0] ; if not InArray($alarm_names, $ini_sections[$i]) then ; IniWriteSection($ini_path_alarms, $ini_sections[$i], IniReadSection($import_file, $ini_sections[$i])) ; ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "AddString", $ini_sections[$i]) ; endif ;next ; A more thorough method.. ; ; This method enables dragging of *any* type of preset file. It interrogates the file, and ; adds whatever presets it finds to the correct ini. This even works if the presets are all ; mixed up in a single file, a-la "collection". ; local $alarm_score, $scheme_score, $wav_score, $beep_score, $got_alarms, $got_schemes for $i = 1 to $ini_sections[0] $ini_section = IniReadSection($import_file, $ini_sections[$i]) if not IsArray($ini_section) then continueloop ; run through each ini setting, see what we have.. for $j = 0 to uBound($ini_section)-1 switch $ini_section[$j][0] ; To be valid, an alarm MUST have at least.. ; Frequency, Hour, Min, and AMPM case "Dates" ; drag&drop legacy "analog clock" alarm conversion $ini_section[$j][0] = "Frequency" continuecase case "Frequency" $alarm_score += 1 case "Hour" $alarm_score += 1 case "Min" $alarm_score += 1 case "AMPM" $alarm_score += 1 ; any one of these settings is enough to make a scheme.. case "face_colour" $scheme_score += 1 case "numerals_color" $scheme_score += 1 case "second_hand_color" $scheme_score += 1 case "hour_pen" $scheme_score += 1 case "minute_pen" $scheme_score += 1 case "pips_pen" $scheme_score += 1 case "big_pips_pen" $scheme_score += 1 case "transparency" $scheme_score += 1 case "draw_numerals" $scheme_score += 1 case "draw_pips" $scheme_score += 1 case "pips_outer_rim" $scheme_score += 1 case "minute_pips_size" $scheme_score += 1 case "hour_pips_size" $scheme_score += 1 case "second_hand_size" $scheme_score += 1 case "minute_hand_size" $scheme_score += 1 case "hour_hand_size" $scheme_score += 1 ; again, a single setting is enough (a simple override).. case "repeat" $beep_score += 1 case "beep_len" $beep_score += 1 case "sleep" $beep_score += 1 case "beeps" $beep_score += 1 case "bottom" $beep_score += 1 case "step" $beep_score += 1 case "scaler" $beep_score += 1 case "and_down" $beep_score += 1 ; you get nothing for just a "pause" setting.. case "wav" $wav_score += 1 endswitch next ; now check the totals.. select case $alarm_score = 4 ; four criteria satisfied if not InArray($alarm_names, $ini_sections[$i]) then IniWriteSection($ini_path_alarms, $ini_sections[$i], $ini_section) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "AddString", $ini_sections[$i]) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alarm_presets, "SelectString", $ini_sections[$i]) $got_alarms = true endif case $scheme_score >= 1 if not InArray($scheme_names, $ini_sections[$i]) then IniWriteSection($ini_path_schemes, $ini_sections[$i], $ini_section) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_scheme_presets, "AddString", $ini_sections[$i]) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_scheme_presets, "SelectString", $ini_sections[$i]) $got_schemes = true endif case $wav_score >= 1 or $beep_score >= 1 ; we may add more criteria later ; we don't check for the wav's existence, assuming the user probably knows what they are doing. if not InArray($alert_names, $ini_sections[$i]) and $ini_sections[$i] <> $my_shortname then IniWriteSection($ini_path_alerts, $ini_sections[$i], $ini_section) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert_presets, "AddString", $ini_sections[$i]) ControlCommand($prefs_dialog, "", $combo_alert_presets, "SelectString", $ini_sections[$i]) endif endselect $alarm_score = 0 $scheme_score = 0 $wav_score = 0 $beep_score = 0 next if $got_alarms then GetAlarms() if $got_schemes then GetSchemeNames() endif endfunc func ExportAlarm() ExportSettings($ini_path_alarms, "save_alarms", GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets)) endfunc func ExportAlarmIntoCollection() ExportSettings($ini_path_alarms, "save_collections", GUICtrlRead($combo_alarm_presets), "", "", true) endfunc func ExportAllAlarms() ExportSettings($ini_path_alarms, "save_alarms", "", "Alarms", true) endfunc func ExportScheme() ExportSettings($ini_path_schemes, "save_schemes", GUICtrlRead($combo_scheme_presets)) endfunc func ExportSchemeIntoCollection() ExportSettings($ini_path_schemes, "save_collections", GUICtrlRead($combo_scheme_presets), "", "", true) endfunc func ExportAllSchemes() ExportSettings($ini_path_schemes, "save_schemes", "", "Schemes", true) endfunc func ExportAlert() ExportSettings($ini_path_alerts, "save_alerts", GUICtrlRead($combo_alert_presets)) endfunc func ExportAlertIntoCollection() ExportSettings($ini_path_alerts, "save_collections", GUICtrlRead($combo_alert_presets), "", "", true) endfunc func ExportAllAlerts() ExportSettings($ini_path_alerts, "save_alerts", "", "Alerts", true) endfunc func ExportSettings($ini_file, $default_save_to="save_inis", $preset="", $title="Settings", $all_sections=false, $collect=false) $save_to = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, $default_save_to, @MyDocumentsDir) $old_section = IniReadSection($ini_file, $preset) $label = $preset $save_name = $preset $opt = 16 $thingie = " as.." if $collect then $opt = 0 ; don't prompt for overwrite $thingie = " into a new or existing collection.." $save_name = $recent_collection endif ; technically, these should never action, but the user may be *really* quick, and ; grab a menu item before it is greyed out. They also serve as a fall-back check. if not $all_sections and not IsArray($old_section) then return if $all_sections and not FileExists($ini_file) then return PrefsFileDialogOpen() if $all_sections then $label = "All " & $title $save_name = $title & " [" &@YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "]" endif $save_file = FileSaveDialog( "Export " & $label & $thingie, $save_to, "ini files (*.ini)" , $opt, $save_name & ".ini") if $save_file then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, $default_save_to, GetParent($save_file)) if $all_sections then ; simple is best, this way we also get the comments.. FileCopy($ini_file, $save_file) else IniWriteSection($save_file, $preset, $old_section) ; you can add to existing ini files, make collections endif $recent_collection = CleanName($save_file) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "recent_collection", $recent_collection) endif PrefsFileDialogClose() endfunc ; backup preset deletions in case they change their mind.. ; func StoreBackup($inifile_path) FileCopy($inifile_path, @TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backup.ini", 1) endfunc func RecoverBackup($inifile_path) FileCopy($inifile_path, @TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backupTMP", 1) ImportIniFile(@TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backup.ini") ; whole lotta free energy here FileMove(@TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backupTMP", @TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backup.ini", 1) ToolTip(" Your " & CleanName($inifile_path) & " have been successfully recovered", $prefs_x, $prefs_y, _ "Backup recovered ", 1) AdlibEnable("SwitchOffTip", 4000) endfunc func RemoveBackup($inifile_path) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backup.ini") endfunc func DoChime($do_min="") if CheckActiveExclusions() then return if $do_chime = 1 then StopSound() $chime = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "chime", 4000) if $chime = "" then $chime = 4000 if not $do_min then $do_min = @MIN if Int($chime) <> 0 then if @HOUR = 00 then ; double-pips at midnight, for human-time calibration when no clocks are visible Beep($chime, 133) Sleep(5) Beep($chime, 133) else Beep($chime, 333) endif if $play_idx <> 0 then SwitchIconsREADY() elseif GetExtension($chime) = "wav" and FileExists($chime) then $play_idx = 12 if $prefs_open then $play_idx = 8 PlaySound($chime) else $play_idx = 13 if $prefs_open then $play_idx = 7 $ampm_add = ", A. M. " ; punctuate for correct speech $hour_array = HourToHumanTime(@HOUR) $hour = $hour_array[0] if $hour_array[1] = "pm" then $ampm_add = ", P. M. " $chime = TransformMessage($chime) $speech_voice = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "speech_voice", "Sam") if $do_min = 0 then Say(String($hour) & " O clock " & $ampm_add & ", " & $chime, $speech_volume, $speech_voice, $speech_rate) ; string() isn't strictly necessary else if $do_min < 10 then $do_min = StringReplace(String($do_min), "0", "O ") Say(String($hour) & " " & $do_min & $ampm_add & ", " & $chime, $speech_volume, $speech_voice, $speech_rate) endif endif endif ; on-top status tends to be lost over time, so thios would be nice.. ;if $on_top = $GUI_CHECKED then WinSetOnTop($gui, "", 1) ; but we'd have to check that no movies/games/etc were playing - how to check the overlay status? hmm. endfunc func MenuToggleChime() ToggleChime() endfunc func ToggleChime($flip=0) if $do_chime = $GUI_CHECKED then $do_chime = $GUI_UNCHECKED else $do_chime = $GUI_CHECKED endif if not $flip then TrayItemSetText($TrayItemChimeStatus, "Chimes are " & $chimes_status[$do_chime]) GUICtrlSetState($check_chimes, $do_chime) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "do_chime", $do_chime) endif endfunc func TestMessage($t_string, $t_index, $t_volume, $t_voice, $t_rate) if $t_string = "" then return if GetExtension($t_string) = "wav" and FileExists($t_string) then PlaySound($t_string) else $t_string = TransformMessage($t_string) Say($t_string, $t_volume, $t_voice, $t_rate) endif endfunc ; somewhat enhanced.. ; func IGuessItsAlarmTime($index=0, $test=false, $flash_col="FF0000") if CheckActiveExclusions() then ToolTip(" Audio disabled by exclusion list ", @DesktopWidth/2-100, 1, "ALARM: " & $alarm_names[$index], 2) AdlibEnable("SwitchOffTip", 3333) ; do not unset the primed status ; if they switch to a non-excluded app within a minute, they still get the alarm return endif $do_flash = true if not $test then if $my_alarms[$index][7] <> 1 then return ; alarm is disabled if $AlarmStatus[2] <> 1 then return ; alarms master disabled $primed[$index] = 0 $last_alarm_min = @MIN ; grab these again, in case they are playing around, editing their ini.. $flash_color = "0x" & IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "flash_color", "FF0000") $alert = IniRead($ini_path, $my_shortname, "alert", "simple") ; override with alarm-specific alert (or not).. $alert = IniRead($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "alert", $alert) IniWrite($ini_path_alarms, $alarm_names[$index], "missed", "no") else $alert = $index if $flash_col = "-" then $do_flash = false else $flash_color = "0x" & $flash_col endif endif if FileExists($alert) then $play_wav = $alert ; useful legacy functionality: [c:\path\to\file.wav] else ; they might simply enter the path to a wav in the input, you see. $play_wav = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "wav", "") endif if FileExists($play_wav) then if $do_flash then GUISetBkColor($flash_color, $gui) if not $test then $play_idx = 13 PlaySound($play_wav) Sleep(IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "pause", 250)) ; alarm specific if $do_flash then GUISetBkColor("0x" & $face_color, $gui) AllThatGoodStuff(2) else ; load the default alert values first.. $and_down = 0 $beep_len = 500 $beeps = 1 $bottom = 1 $repeat = 6 $scaler = 3000 $sleep = 500 $step = 1 ; then the default built-in alert values.. select case $alert = "siren" $and_down = 1 $beep_len = 5 $beeps = 66 $repeat = 10 $scaler = 50 $sleep = 0 $step = 2 case $alert = "beeper" $beep_len = 50 $beeps = 20 $repeat = 3 $scaler = 400 $sleep = 50 case $alert = "simple" $repeat = 7 endselect ; the user may have been toying around (and may still be!), let's override.. $sections = IniReadSectionNames($ini_path_alerts) if IsArray($sections) then ; Damn! AutoIt is STRONG in the ini department! $repeat = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "repeat", $repeat) $beep_len = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "beep_len", $beep_len) $sleep = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "sleep", $sleep) $beeps = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "beeps", $beeps) $bottom = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "bottom", $bottom) $step = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "step", $step) if $step < 1 then $step = 1 $scaler = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "scaler", $scaler) $and_down = IniRead($ini_path_alerts, $alert, "and_down", $and_down) endif ; wait for previous alarm (if any) to finish. if Checksound() then while CheckSound() sleep(500) CheckClockStuff() wend endif ; let's beep! global $interrupt = 0 for $a = 1 to $repeat if $do_flash then GUISetBkColor($flash_color, $gui) for $i = $bottom to $beeps step $step if $interrupt then exitloop 2 Beep($scaler * $i, $beep_len) Sleep($sleep) next if $do_flash then GUISetBkColor("0x" & $face_color, $gui) if $and_down = 1 then for $i = $beeps to $bottom step - $step if $interrupt then exitloop 2 Beep($scaler * $i, $beep_len) Sleep($sleep) next endif next AllThatGoodStuff(2) $interrupt = 0 if $do_flash then GUISetBkColor("0x" & $face_color, $gui) ; in case of interrupt endif ; if there's a spoken message for this alarm.. if not $test then if Checksound() then while CheckSound() sleep(500) CheckClockStuff() wend endif ; the following is an undocumented feature; you can enter the path to a wav file ; into the spoken message input and basically use two wav files for your alarm.. if GetExtension($my_alarms[$index][8]) = "wav" and FileExists($my_alarms[$index][8]) then $play_idx = 13 if $prefs_open then $play_idx = 6 PlaySound($my_alarms[$index][8]) else $play_idx = 13 if $my_alarms[$index][8] <> "" then $spoken = TransformMessage($my_alarms[$index][8]) Say($spoken, $my_alarms[$index][11], $my_alarms[$index][12], $my_alarms[$index][13]) endif endif SwitchScheme($current_scheme) ; in case there are any color artefacts from the flashing endif endfunc ; Speak some text out loud.. ; ; saving to a temporary WAV file works better than speaking directly, because ; you always hear the whole message without timing worries, messing with ; sleep()ing and shit. Using my custom PlaySound routine also enables us to ; stop the speech mid-stream, which is often useful. ; func Say($text, $volume, $my_voice="Sam", $rate=0) if FileExists($text) then $text = FileRead($text) global $voice = ObjCreate("Sapi.SpVoice") if SpeakToWAV($text, @tempdir & "\clocktmp.wav", $volume, $my_voice, $rate) = 1 then PlaySound(@tempdir & "\clocktmp.wav") endif endfunc ; is you specify the wrong voice, sapi continues with the default voice (on XP, that's Sam) func SpeakToWAV($text, $file, $volume, $my_voice="Sam", $rate=0) if StringLen($my_voice) < 5 then $my_voice = "Name=Microsoft " & $my_voice ; works so far! $MyObjectError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyDummyErrFunc") $file_obj=ObjCreate("SAPI.SpFileStream.1") if Isobj($voice) and Isobj($file_obj) then $file_obj.Open($file,3) $voice.AudioOutputStream = $file_obj $voice.Voice = $voice.GetVoices($my_voice).Item(0) ; language is optional, you see $voice.Volume = $volume $voice.Rate = $rate $voice.Speak($text) $voice = ObjCreate("Sapi.SpVoice") ; stop return 1 endif endfunc ; prevents errers.. func MyDummyErrFunc() ; if you specify "LH Michael", speech will still work. ; btw; get "LH Michelle" and "LH Michael" by installing Microsoft Reader and the TTS add-on. endfunc ; decide whether the text provided is a string, a URL, or a real local file, ; and if it's the latter, decide if it's HTML or not. Once we know what we have, ; return the plain text of whatever-it-is for speaking. ; func TransformMessage($string) select case FileExists($string) $inner = FileRead($string) ; I started checking for " 1 then ; backup for wavs that winmm.dll won't play, somehow SoundPlay() can. ; however, the user cannot stop this sound in mid-stream. ; ; setting an hourglass cursor here would be great, but for some reason ; it won't properly unset afterwards, perhaps something to do with the ; dll call. The buttons change to "NO ENTRY", so that will have to do. debug(@ScriptLineNumber & ": " & "PlaySound: FALL-BACK " & "->" & $file & "<-" & @CRLF) SwitchIconsWAIT() SoundPlay($file, 1) ; it's too dodgy to give back control while the sound is playing SwitchIconsREADY() ; As well as a backup for sounds that winmm.dll can't handle, it serves as a fall-back for ; any occasions when the sound system/temp wav gets stuck; this kicks in and you still get audio. return endif DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "mciSendString", "str", "play sample", "str", "", "int", 0, "int", 0) endfunc ; sound still playing? ; although it sounds groovy if you're stoned, we don't actually want sounds playing over the top of each other. func CheckSound() if not $play_idx then return 0 $status = DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "mciSendString", "str", "status sample mode", "str", "", "int", 255, "int", 0) switch $status[2] case "stopped" SoundOff() return 0 case "" $play_idx = 0 return 0 case else return 1 endswitch endfunc ; we have CONTROL! func SoundOff() StopSound() $play_idx = 0 SwitchIconsREADY() endfunc func StopSound() $interrupt = 1 ; hit it with everything.. DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "mciSendString", "str", "seek sample to start", "str","", "int", 0, "int", 0) DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "mciSendString", "str", "stop sample", "str","", "int", 0, "int", 0) DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "mciSendString", "str", "close sample", "str","", "int", 0, "int", 0) ; I realise that the above isn't strictly necessary, but it was added while hunting ; a curious bug, and I can't think of any good reason to remove it again! DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "mciSendString", "str", "close waveaudio", "str", "", "int", 0, "int", 0) FileDelete(@tempdir & "\clocktmp.wav") endfunc func SwitchIconsPLAYING() switch $play_idx case 2 ; alert test (wav) GUICtrlSetImage($icon_alert_test, "shell32.dll", 28, 0) case 3 ; alert test (beep) GUICtrlSetImage($icon_alert_test, "shell32.dll", 200, 0) case 4 ; audio tab wav test GUICtrlSetImage($icon_alert_wav_play, "shell32.dll", 28, 0) case 5 ; audio tab beep test GUICtrlSetImage($icon_beepalert_test, "shell32.dll", 200, 0) case 6 ; spoken message test GUICtrlSetImage($icon_msg_test, "shell32.dll", 28, 0) case 7 ; spoken chime GUICtrlSetImage($icon_chime_test, "shell32.dll", 28, 0) case 8 ; chime test (wav) GUICtrlSetImage($icon_chime_test, "shell32.dll", 28, 0) case 9 ; chime test (beep) GUICtrlSetImage($icon_chime_test, "shell32.dll", 200, 0) endswitch endfunc ; for some reason, you cannot interrupt this sound.. func SwitchIconsWAIT() switch $play_idx case 2 GUICtrlSetImage($icon_alert_test, "shell32.dll", 200, 0) case 4 GUICtrlSetImage($icon_alert_wav_play, "shell32.dll", 200, 0) case 8 GUICtrlSetImage($icon_chime_test, "shell32.dll", 200, 0) endswitch endfunc ; the normal state.. func SwitchIconsREADY() if not $prefs_open then return GUICtrlSetImage($icon_chime_test, "shell32.dll", 246, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($icon_alert_test, "shell32.dll", 246, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($icon_msg_test, "shell32.dll", 246, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($icon_beepalert_test, "shell32.dll", 246, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($icon_alert_wav_play, "shell32.dll", 246, 0) endfunc func F9ToggleClickDrag() ToggleClickDrag() endfunc func MenuToggleClickDrag() ToggleClickDrag() endfunc func ToggleClickDrag($flip=0) ; a "flip" is when we toggle and back very quickly, as a handy reset mechanism if $click_drag_to_move <> $GUI_CHECKED then $click_drag_to_move = $GUI_CHECKED GUICtrlSetState($MenuItemClickDrag, $GUI_CHECKED) else $click_drag_to_move = 0 GUICtrlSetState($MenuItemClickDrag, $GUI_UNCHECKED) endif if not $flip then IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "click_drag_to_move", $click_drag_to_move) endfunc func _DateToDayOfWeekSpecial($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) local $i_aFactor, $i_yFactor, $i_mFactor, $i_dFactor $i_aFactor = Int((14 - $iMonth) / 12) $i_yFactor = $iYear - $i_aFactor $i_mFactor = $iMonth + (12 * $i_aFactor) - 2 $i_dFactor = Mod($iDay + $i_yFactor + Int($i_yFactor / 4) - Int($i_yFactor / 100) _ + Int($i_yFactor / 400) + Int((31 * $i_mFactor) / 12), 7) if $i_dFactor >= 1 then return $i_dFactor - 1 return 6 endfunc; _DateToDayOfWeekISO all-in-one ; ; HourToHumanTime() ; ; returns a 1-dimensional array with two values.. ; ; [0] = hour (integer in 12-hour clock format) ; [1] = am/pm (string) ; func HourToHumanTime($24hour) local $human_hour[2] $human_hour[0] = Number($24hour) ; 02 -> 2 $human_hour[1] = "am" if $24hour > 11 then $human_hour[1] = "pm" if $24hour = 00 then $human_hour[0] = 12 if $24hour > 12 then $human_hour[0] -= 12 $human_hour[0] = int($human_hour[0]) return $human_hour endfunc ; And the reverse.. ; ; Feed it the twelve-hour-clock format hour, and the am/pm string ("am" or "pm") ; Returns an integer (the hour, in 24 hour clock format, padded with a zero, if ; necessary), e.g.. ; ; HumanTimeToHour(3, "am") = 03 ; HumanTimeToHour(3, "pm") = 15 ; ; I use two variables here because a) it's clearer, and b) ; I've been gagging to use the word "puter" in a variable for ages. ; func HumanTimeToHour($12hour, $am_pm) switch $am_pm case "am" if $12hour = 12 then $puter_hours = 0 else $puter_hours = $12hour endif case "pm" if $12hour = 12 then $puter_hours = 12 else $puter_hours = $12hour + 12 endif endswitch return StringFormat("%02d", $puter_hours) endfunc func DoAbout() DialogOpen() $last_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) $last_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 1) $GUI_About = GUICreate(" About " & $my_shortname & "..", 230, 100, -1, -1, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlCreateLabel(" " & $my_shortname & " v" & $my_version & @CRLF & " by cor + greenmachine", 60, 8) GUICtrlCreateIcon("shell32.dll", 274, 10, 10) GUICtrlCreateLabel(" do you want to visit the " & @CRLF & " corz clock web page at this time? ", 60, 40) $gui_about_NO = GUICtrlCreateButton("No, not right now", 10, 74, 85, 22) $gui_about_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes, let's do it!", 138, 74, 85, 22) GUICtrlSetState($gui_about_OK, $GUI_FOCUS) GUISetState() while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $gui_about_NO GUIDelete($gui_about) exitloop case $gui_about_OK VisitURL('http://corz.org/windows/software/clock/') GUIDelete($gui_about) exitloop endswitch CheckClockStuff(2) wend AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_event_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $last_coord_mode) DialogClose() WinActivate($gui) endfunc func ShowTips() DialogOpen() corz_TipsSystem($tips_file, $gui, $ini_path, $my_shortname, "corz clock tips", "", 380, "CheckClockStuff", "", "", "right") DialogClose() endfunc ; fade-in.. ; ; you get to see the clock at max opacity for a moment, then dropping to the ; current transparency setting, which I enjoy; it's like a wee startup pulse. func FadeIn() if $fade_in = $GUI_CHECKED then WinSetTrans($gui, "", 0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui) $step = 5 $i = 100 ;while $i >= $WinTrans+3 ; use this to only fade-in to the clock's current transparency level while $i >= 3 WinSetTrans($gui, "", (100 - $i) * 2.55) Sleep(5) $step = $i / 9 $i -= $step wend else GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui) endif WinActivate($gui) ; bonus! heh. seriously, in startup items it sometimes doesn't draw completely - try 1. ;2do ; I only restart the XP box about once a month, so I'll come back to this. endfunc ; handy as functions.. func DialogOpen() GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $gui) AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide" , 1) UnsetHotKeys() endfunc func DialogClose() AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide" , 0) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $gui) WinActivate($gui) SetHotKeys() endfunc ; mix-and-match, depending on whether it's a system file dialog or not.. func PrefsFileDialogOpen() PrefsDialogOpen() ; on top status is only disabled for file dialogs, else gui paint issues WinSetOnTop($prefs_dialog, "", 0) endfunc func PrefsFileDialogClose() GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $prefs_dialog) WinSetOnTop($prefs_dialog, "", 1) WinActivate($prefs_dialog) endfunc func PrefsDialogOpen() GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $prefs_dialog) endfunc func PrefsDialogClose() ; if you move the dialog (say, the exclusions list), it leaves black areas in the prefs window. ; However, after some trial and error, I discovered a way to force the window to re-paint.. GUISetState(@SW_UNLOCK, $prefs_dialog) ; even though it was never locked, Boom! Instant re-paint! ; before or after the @SW_ENABLE, it dunt matter, but don't use it for system file dialogs. PrefsFileDialogClose() endfunc func SwitchOffTip() ToolTip("") AdlibDisable() endfunc func MenuToggleStartWithWindows() ToggleStartWithWindows() endfunc func ToggleStartWithWindows($flip=0) if $start_with_windows = $GUI_CHECKED then $start_with_windows = $GUI_UNCHECKED else $start_with_windows = $GUI_CHECKED endif TrayItemSetState($TrayItemStartWithWindows, $start_with_windows) if not $flip then IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "start_with_windows", $start_with_windows) CheckStartupLink() endif endfunc func MenuToggleFadeAtStartup() ToggleFadeAtStartup() endfunc func ToggleFadeAtStartup($flip=0) if $fade_in = $GUI_CHECKED then $fade_in = $GUI_UNCHECKED else $fade_in = $GUI_CHECKED endif TrayItemSetState($TrayItemFadeAtStartup, $fade_in) if not $flip then IniWriteCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "fade_in", $fade_in) endfunc func MenuToggleOnTop() ToggleOnTop() endfunc func ToggleOnTop($flip=0) if $on_top <> $GUI_CHECKED then ; 1 WinSetOnTop($gui, "", 1) $on_top = $GUI_CHECKED GUICtrlSetState($MenuItemOnTop, $GUI_CHECKED) else WinSetOnTop($gui, "", 0) $on_top = $GUI_UNCHECKED ; 4 GUICtrlSetState($MenuItemOnTop, $GUI_UNCHECKED) endif if not $flip then IniWriteCheckBoxValue($ini_path, $my_shortname, "always_on_top", $on_top) endfunc func RefreshClock() ToggleWindow(1) ToggleWindow(1) endfunc ; left-click system tray action.. func MenuToggleWindow() ToggleWindow() endfunc func ToggleWindow($flip=0) $winstate = WinGetState($gui) if BitAnd($winstate, 2) then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $gui) if not $flip then UnsetHotKeys() else GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui) if not $flip then SetHotKeys() if $on_top = $GUI_CHECKED then WinSetOnTop($gui, "", 1) ; after a time, this ca get unset somehow. hmm endif endfunc ; a bit dodgy, but fun.. func Drag() if $click_drag_to_move <> 1 then return dllcall("user32.dll","int","ReleaseCapture") dllcall("user32.dll","int","SendMessage","hWnd", $gui ,"int",$WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN,"int", $HTCAPTION,"int", 0) endfunc ; hot-keys.. ; ; this was a back-up system that was convenient to leave intact ; now it's the main system. I like it. ; func SetHotKeys() HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "SoundOff") HotKeySet("!{F4}", "AltF4DoQuit") HotKeySet("{Esc}", "AltF4DoQuit") HotKeySet("{F1}", "ShowTips") HotKeySet("{F2}", "F2ResizeTheClock") HotKeySet("{F3}", "F3MoveTheClock") HotKeySet("{F4}", "F4DialogSetTrans") HotKeySet("{F5}", "AlarmPrefs") HotKeySet("{F6}", "ColorPrefs") HotKeySet("{F7}", "LaunchAudioPrefs") HotKeySet("{F8}", "GoColorPickinChooser") HotKeySet("{F9}", "F9ToggleClickDrag") HotKeySet("{F10}", "F10SwitchPreviousScheme") HotKeySet("{F11}", "F11SwitchNextScheme") HotKeySet("{UP}", "TransUp") HotKeySet("{DOWN}", "TransDown") HotKeySet("{PGUP}", "BigTransUp") HotKeySet("{PGDN}", "BigTransDown") endfunc func UnsetHotKeys() HotKeySet("{PAUSE}") HotKeySet("!{F4}") HotKeySet("{Esc}") HotKeySet("{F1}") HotKeySet("{F2}") HotKeySet("{F3}") HotKeySet("{F4}") HotKeySet("{F5}") HotKeySet("{F6}") HotKeySet("{F7}") HotKeySet("{F8}") HotKeySet("{F9}") HotKeySet("{F10}") HotKeySet("{F11}") HotKeySet("{UP}") HotKeySet("{DOWN}") HotKeySet("{PGUP}") HotKeySet("{PGDN}") endfunc func OpenDataFolder() ShellExecute("Explorer.exe", $data_parent) endfunc func GoColorPickinChooser() DialogOpen() ColorPickinChooser("", "", "", "CheckClockStuff") DialogClose() endfunc func CheckStartupLink() if $start_with_windows = $GUI_CHECKED then if not FileExists(@StartupDir & "\corz clock.lnk") then FileCreateShortcut(@ScriptFullPath, @StartupDir & "\corz clock.lnk", "" , "startup" , _ "A clock and a half! Multiple alarm presets, spoken alarms and chimes, colour schemes and much more!") endif else FileDelete(@StartupDir & "\corz clock.lnk") endif endfunc ; save the width/height prefs.. ; func SaveXYPrefs() $size_array = WinGetPos($gui) if IsArray($size_array) then IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "x", $size_array[0]) IniWrite($ini_path, $my_shortname, "y", $size_array[1]) endif CheckStartupLink() endfunc func AltF4DoQuit() DoQuit() endfunc func DoQuit() SaveXYPrefs() FileDelete(@tempdir & "\clocktmp.wav") ; just in case DllClose($gdi_dll) ; these are closed automatically, but it shouldn't hurt to do it manually here, too. DllClose($user32_dll) exit endfunc func RestartClock() SaveXYPrefs() if @Compiled = 1 then Run("""" & @ScriptFullPath & """" & " restart") ; command line switch tells clock to not fade-in. else Run(FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & " " & """" & @ScriptFullPath & """" & " restart") endif exit(@AutoItPID) ; will try something later ;2do endfunc func OnAutoItExit() ; closing dll's in here can sometimes throw up an error (already closed automatically?). ; don't do it. endfunc #cs changes 2.6 * The Vista work-around release. If you are running Vista, clock will give you the option to disable the color pickin chooser, and instead, you'll get the system color picker. This is a stop-gap measure until I can make the time to figure out how to disable desktop compositioning for the duration of the chooser's activity. The fix will probably be in cpc itself. I don't think the Vista GetPixel bug will ever be fixed, in fact, in all fairness to Microsoft, I don't believe it's a bug at all. On closer investigation, it turns out (I am so out of the OS hype-loop!) Vista uses a vector-based window manager, like Mac OS X (good!), and rendering all those layers as a bitmap is always gonna take time, no matter how brilliant your code is. In a tight loop, it's inevitable that this will equate to "a LOT of time". However, I do believe that the PixelGetColor() AutoIt manual page should fully detail this issue, and provide a working code example of how to disable/enable desktop compositioning, using dllcall + dwmapi.dll (I'm guessing), something I'm gonna have to figure out, when I get a chance - and I have a mental block with DLL calls, as it is! It would prolly take those clever AutoIt dudes SECONDS. Och well. 2.5.2 * fixed a bug where dragging wav files onto alert inputs was saving only the basename of the wav, and not the entire path, so when you tried to play them, it would fail. 2.5.1 * maintenance release - non-code improvements only. There are still issues with mag speed under Vista with Aero running - if you want to use the color chooser, you need to be running a classic or "standard" theme. 2.5 * fixes to color pickin chooser incorporated into clock. - * bugfixing vista troubles (in the dark!) fixed a couple of unchecked GetPos() commands only color chooser is causing issues now, I think. I'm now developing clock from the exact same folder that I put out as the source pack, so anything that works for me, should also work for you! 2.4.8 [first release] #ce ; compiler directives.. ; #Region ; AutoIt3Wrapper settings.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon = img\clock.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add = img\icons\grad.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add = img\icons\mag.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add = img\icons\hex.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add = img\chooser.ico ; free-form resource fields (max 15).. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field = Author|(or #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field = Compiled|%date% - %time% ; resource info.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment = initially developed from 'analog clock' by greenmachine, with bits by Larry, neogia, and Valuater. Many thanks. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description = corz clock #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion = 2.6 #EndRegion