global $cpc_my_version = "1.8.1" #cs corz color pickin chooser a color picker to use on your desktop, or in your AutoIt applications. for information, see here.. have fun! ;o) If you are compiling this yourself, you need to use "AutoIt Wrapper" to add the extra icons. You will also need to use AT LEAST version 1.9.3 of AutoIt Wrapper for the paths to work correctly. You can download it here.. © 2007-> Cor @ ;o) #ce ; if you don't have these includes, go here.. ; #include ".\Include\corz_essentials.au3" #include ".\Include\corz_gui_fx.au3" #include ".\Include\corz_colors.au3" #include ".\Include\corz_tips.au3" ; Establish whether we are running stand-alone or included in some other app.. $cpc_stand_alone = true ;distro ; or.. ; ;if StringInStr(@ScriptName, "color pickin chooser") then $cpc_stand_alone = true ; ; Setting this up makes it a breeze to develop this and (your app) simultaneously. ; Running either, works. It also enables us to pull-off a few other tricks. ; The downside is that if you compile a "final" stand-alone version with the ; conditional code in-place, renaming color pickin chooser to something else ; would prevent it from running. It's for the development process, only. ; Constantinos.. ; ##include ##include ; it's no problem to delete all the constants below and simply uncomment the two constants file include lines (above) ; these constants are unique to the color pickin chooser.. const $CC_ANYCOLOR = 0x100 const $CC_FULLOPEN = 0x2 const $CC_RGBINIT = 0x1 const $TRAY_CHECKED = 1 const $TRAY_UNCHECKED = 4 const $BS_AUTOCHECKBOX = 0x0003 const $BS_ICON = 0x0040 const $WS_TABSTOP = 0x00010000 const $WS_MINIMIZEBOX = 0x00020000 const $WS_SYSMENU = 0x00080000 const $WS_SIZEBOX = 0x00040000 const $ES_MULTILINE = 4 const $SS_SUNKEN = 0x1000 const $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP = 12 const $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT = -2 const $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG = 0x00100000 const $GUI_DOCKBORDERS = 0x0066 const $GUI_DOCKLEFT = 0x0002 const $GUI_DOCKRIGHT = 0x0004 const $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM = 0x0040 const $GUI_DOCKWIDTH = 0x0100 const $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT = 0x0200 const $GUI_DEFBUTTON = 512 const $GUI_ONTOP = 2048 ; these constants are also in the master app (e.g. clock).. ; (we only load them when running in stand-alone mode) ; if your app doesn't declare any of these.. you will need ; to move those constants to the "unique" section above. if $cpc_stand_alone then const $TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN = -7 const $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE = -3 const $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED = -13 const $GUI_CHECKED = 1 const $GUI_UNCHECKED = 4 const $GUI_DROPACCEPTED = 8 const $GUI_FOCUS = 256 const $CBS_DROPDOWN = 0x0002 const $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL = 0x0040 const $CBS_SORT = 0x0100 const $ES_NUMBER = 8192 const $WS_VSCROLL = 0x00200000 const $WS_CAPTION = 0x00C00000 const $WS_MINIMIZE = 0x20000000 const $WS_POPUP = 0x80000000 const $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES = 0x00000010 const $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = 0x00000080 const $WS_EX_TOPMOST = 0x00000008 const $SS_NOTIFY = 0x0100 const $BS_CENTER = 0x0300 const $BS_VCENTER = 0x0C00 const $BS_PUSHLIKE = 0x1000 const $TBS_NOTICKS = 0x0010 endif ; so, we are on our own.. if $cpc_stand_alone then ce_Singleton("ColorPickinChooser") ColorPickinChooser() exit endif ; main function.. ; func ColorPickinChooser($set_color="", $scheme="", $autoit_val=false, $func="") ; initialize variables and GUI cpc_Setup() cpc_InitColorWells() if $scheme <> "" then if InArray($group_names, $scheme) then $cpc_my_group = $scheme GUICtrlSetData($combo_custom_groups, $cpc_my_group) cpc_LoadColorGroup() endif endif if $set_color <> "" then if StringLen($set_color) <> 6 then $set_color = StringRight($set_color, 6) $cpc_my_color = $set_color endif global $do_func = $func cpc_UpdateImageContextMenu() cpc_SwitchImage($cpc_picker_image) ; get the colors ready.. cpc_UpdateHexOutput($cpc_my_color) cpc_AddHex() cpc_SetColor(true) ; true for first run local $last_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) local $last_traymenu_mode = AutoItSetOption("TrayMenuMode", 1) local $last_trayonevent_mode = AutoItSetOption("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ; show the gui.. corz_GUIAnimateOpen($gui_color, $cpc_gui_fx) cpc_ToggleOnTopWin(true) cpc_ToggleOnTopWin(true) cpc_ToggleLiveTitleBar(true) cpc_ToggleLiveTitleBar(true) if $cpc_stand_alone then cpc_ToggleDoneQuits(true) cpc_ToggleDoneQuits(true) endif cpc_LoadMag() GUICtrlSetState($combo_custom_groups, $GUI_FOCUS) $color_set = 0 global $do_quit = false global $cpc_killed = false global $super_mag = false $left_window = false ; tricks and tips.. if $cpc_no_tips = $GUI_UNCHECKED or ce_IsPressed(10) then cpc_HotKeyShowTips() endif ; main loop.. ; while not $do_quit if $do_func <> "" then Call($do_func) endif sleep(75) local $mouse_info = GUIGetCursorInfo() ; help file page for this command needs a decent hover example! ; in fact, *any* decent examples would be good. if $mouse_info = 0 then $left_window = true cpc_UnSetHotKeys() else cpc_SetHotKeys() if $super_mag and $left_window = true then ; back inside the gui cpc_SwitchOffSuperMag() endif $left_window = false endif if not IsArray($mouse_info) then continueloop ; outside gui local $MousePos = MouseGetPos() if not IsArray($MousePos) then continueloop ; inside picker, grad, or mag (or dragable info label).. if $mouse_info[4] = $pic_color_picker or $mouse_info[4] >= $info_dummy then if $mouse_info[4] = $info_dummy or $mouse_info[4] = $label_colorwell then GUISetCursor(9, 1, $gui_color) ; feel free to use something like this for the GUIGetCursorInfo() manual page. continueloop ; no credit required! ;o) endif GUISetCursor(3, 1, $gui_color) ; "+" $cpc_live_color = StringRight(Hex(PixelGetColor($MousePos[0],$MousePos[1])), 6) cpc_UpdateLiveColorBox() ; hold down left mouse button for live effects.. if $live_luminance = $GUI_CHECKED or ce_IsPressed(01) then cpc_UpdateLumGrad($cpc_live_color) if $live_mag = $GUI_CHECKED or ce_IsPressed(01) then cpc_UpdateMag() if $live_hex = $GUI_CHECKED then if ce_IsPressed(10) then ToolTip(ConvertColorValue($cpc_live_color, $cpc_output_mode, $add_prefix), $MousePos[0]+2, $MousePos[1]+2) else ToolTip($cpc_live_color, $MousePos[0]+2, $MousePos[1]+2) endif endif $color_set = 1 elseif $super_mag then cpc_UpdateMag() GUISetCursor(3, 1, $gui_color) else ; outside picker areas or window.. GUISetCursor() ToolTip ("") if $color_set = 1 then if $hold_live_color = $GUI_UNCHECKED then GUICtrlSetBkColor($label_live_color, "0x" & $cpc_my_color) if $live_luminance = $GUI_CHECKED then cpc_UpdateLumGrad($cpc_my_color) endif $color_set = 0 endif endif wend ; all done.. cpc_KillWindow() AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_event_mode) AutoItSetOption("TrayMenuMode", $last_traymenu_mode) AutoItSetOption("TrayOnEventMode", $last_trayonevent_mode) $return_val = $cpc_my_color ; nothing changed, return the original color.. if $cpc_killed then $return_val = $set_color if $autoit_val then return '0x' & $return_val else return $return_val endif endfunc ; initial setup.. ; func cpc_Setup() global $cpc_my_name = "color pickin chooser" global $cpc_data_parent = @AppDataDir & "\corz\" & $cpc_my_name global $cpc_ini_path = $cpc_data_parent & "\" & $cpc_my_name & ".ini" global $colors_ini_path = $cpc_data_parent & "\custom colors.ini" global $default_picker_img_dir = $cpc_data_parent & "\picker images" global $picker_img_dir = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "picker_images_folder", $default_picker_img_dir) global $previous_combo_groups[501] = [500] ; for storing previous combobox selections global $ini_process = false global $group_process = false global $no_colorwells = 64 ; it won't do anything good if you change this (at least, not yet) global $sort_flags[11] = [10] if not FileExists($picker_img_dir) then DirCreate($picker_img_dir) ; install sample images.. if $picker_img_dir = $default_picker_img_dir then cpc_InstallSampleImages() ; tips setup.. global $tips_file = $cpc_data_parent & "\tips.txt" ;if StringInStr(@OSVersion, 'VISTA') then global $tips_file = @TempDir & "\color-pickin-tips.txt" ; not required FileInstall(".\stuff\tips.txt", $tips_file, 0) global $cpc_no_tips = IniReadCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "no_tips", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $cpc_live_color, $red_index, $green_index, $blue_index global $cpc_my_color = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "my_color", "FF50A3") global $cpc_my_group = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "my_group", "empty") global $current_group_index, $cpc_previous_mode global $cpc_picker_image = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "picker_image", $picker_img_dir & "\Spectrums\Spectrum.jpg") global $cpc_last_mag = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "last_mag", "0|0") global $live_luminance = IniReadCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "live_luminance", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $live_hex = IniReadCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "live_hex", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $live_mag = IniReadCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "live_mag", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $hold_live_color = IniReadCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "hold_live_color", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $cpc_auto_copy = IniReadCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "auto_copy", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $cpc_on_top = IniReadCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "always_on_top", $GUI_CHECKED) global $cpc_live_titlebar = IniReadCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "colors_in_titlebar", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $cpc_output_mode = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "output_mode", "Web Hex") global $cpc_output_modes[9] = [ "Web Hex", _ ; You can change the menu order by changing the order here. "Autoit RGB Hex", _ ; You can also disable any options you don't want to use. "Autoit BGR Hex", _ ; If you do, don't forget to alter the total (currently 9). "Visual C++ Hex", _ ; The full text of the items is important; if you want to "Delphi Hex", _ ; alter any items, check/hack ConvertColorValue() first. "RGB Integer", _ "RGB Float", _ "HSL", _ "CMYK" ] global $cpc_menu_output_modes[uBound($cpc_output_modes)] global $add_prefix = IniReadCheckBoxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "add_prefix", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $gui_fx = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "gui_fx", "Slide Right") global $cpc_gui_fx = corz_GUIGetFX($gui_fx, $cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name) global $done_quits = IniReadCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "done_quits", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $dont_pop_up_comments = IniReadCheckBoxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "dont_pop_up_comments", $GUI_UNCHECKED) global $cpc_width = 395 global $cpc_height = 215 global $cpc_x = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "x", @DesktopWidth-$cpc_width-16) ; not -1. we need a real number global $cpc_y = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "y", 26) ; for later calculations global $cpc_picker_size = 150 global $cpc_mag_top = $cpc_picker_size + 10 global $cpc_lum_width = 16 global $cpc_lum_height = $cpc_picker_size global $cpc_grad_step = $cpc_lum_height / 2 global $cpc_uncheck_img_idx global $cpc_current_img_idx cpc_MakeGUI() endfunc ; create the main gui and controls.. ; func cpc_MakeGUI() ; the main gui.. ; local $last_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) global $dummy_container = GUICreate(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) ; no taskbar entry required global $gui_color = GUICreate($cpc_my_name & "..", $cpc_width , $cpc_height , $cpc_x , $cpc_y, _ BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU), $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, $dummy_container) if not $cpc_stand_alone then GuiSetIcon(@ScriptFullPath, 6) ; set correct icon (see #compile section @ foot) ; GUI Events.. GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "cpc_ExitDoQuit", $gui_color) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_DROPPED, "cpc_GetDroppedItem", $gui_color) global $pic_color_picker = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 6, 6, $cpc_picker_size , $cpc_picker_size) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ClickMouseSetColor") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) ; live toggles.. global $check_lumlive = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $cpc_picker_size+5, $cpc_lum_height+5, 15, 15, _ BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_ICON, $BS_VCENTER, $BS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ToggleLiveLum") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click this switch to toggle the live luminance gradient [F5]") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $live_luminance) if @compiled then GUICtrlSetImage(-1, @ScriptFullPath, -4, 0) else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, ".\img\icons\grad.ico", -1, 0) endif global $check_maglive = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", 0, 17, 15, 15, _ BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_ICON, $BS_VCENTER, $BS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ToggleLiveMag") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click this switch to toggle the live magnifier (it will revert once you select an area) [F6] " _ & @CRLF & " [ shift-click for super-mag ] ") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $live_mag) if @compiled then GUICtrlSetImage(-1, @ScriptFullPath, -5, 0) else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, ".\img\icons\mag.ico", -1, 0) endif global $check_hexlive = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("#", 0, 17, 15, 15, _ BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_ICON, $BS_VCENTER, $BS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ToggleLiveHex") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click this switch to toggle the live hex color readout tip [F7] " & @CRLF & _ " while running, hold down the SHIFT key to see the converted output") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $live_hex) if @compiled then GUICtrlSetImage(-1, @ScriptFullPath, -6, 0) else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, ".\img\icons\hex.ico", -1, 0) endif GUISetCoord(5, $cpc_mag_top) global $label_live_color = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $cpc_picker_size/3, 0, $cpc_picker_size/3, $cpc_picker_size/3) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ToggleLiveColorHold") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " this is the current live color " & @CRLF & _ " [as well as a readout, you can click it to toggle the live color hold] ") global $label_my_color = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $cpc_picker_size/3, 0, $cpc_picker_size/3, $cpc_picker_size/3) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_AddMyColor") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " your currently selected color, aka 'my color' " & @CRLF & _ " [click this box (or press F2) to add this color to the end of your current color group] ") GUISetCoord(184, 10) global $cpc_label_red = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Red: ", 0, 3, 32, 20, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) global $cpc_input_red = GUICtrlCreateInput(" ", 40, -4, 32, 20, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_AddRed") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " red input/output. here you can enter a decimal value for red (0-255) ") global $cpc_label_green = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Green: ", -40, 47, 32, 20, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) global $cpc_input_green = GUICtrlCreateInput(" ", 40, -4, 32, 20, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_AddGreen") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " green input/output. here you can enter a decimal value for green (0-255) ") global $cpc_label_blue = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Blue: ", -40, 47, 32, 20, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) global $cpc_input_blue = GUICtrlCreateInput(" ", 40, -4, 32, 20, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_AddBlue") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " blue input/output. here you can enter a decimal value for blue (0-255) ") global $cpc_slider_red = GUICtrlCreateSlider( -40, -65, 85 , 20 , BitOr($TBS_NOTICKS, $WS_TABSTOP)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_SlideRed") GUICtrlSetLimit (-1, 255, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " red slider. slide it up and down to chage the red value (0-255) ") global $cpc_slider_green = GUICtrlCreateSlider( 0, 43, 85 , 20 , BitOr($TBS_NOTICKS, $WS_TABSTOP)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_Slidegreen") GUICtrlSetLimit (-1, 255, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " green slider. sliding it chages the green value (0-255) ") global $cpc_slider_blue = GUICtrlCreateSlider( 0, 43, 85 , 20 , BitOr($TBS_NOTICKS, $WS_TABSTOP)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_Slideblue") GUICtrlSetLimit (-1, 255, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " blue slider. give it a slide to chage the blue value (0-255) ") global $label_hex_in_out = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hex: ", 0, 28, 32, 20, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " current output: " & ConvertColorValue($cpc_my_color, $cpc_output_mode, $add_prefix) _ & @CRLF & " right-click me for a menu of various clipboard output formats ") global $input_hex_in_out = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 27, -3, 53, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_AddHex") GUICtrlSetData(-1, $cpc_my_color) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " RGB hex input/output. here you can enter a standard RGB hex color value, eg. 'FF00FF' " & @CRLF & _ " (note: you can copy to the clipboard in a number of formats; right-click the 'Hex' label to choose) ") global $check_autocopy = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("auto", -27, 24, 28, 19, _ BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_VCENTER, $BS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ToggleAutoCopy") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click this switch to automatically copy the " & $cpc_output_mode & " value of all selected colors to the clipboard, or not [F3] ") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $cpc_auto_copy) global $check_special_clip_copy = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("copy hex", 28, 0, 50, 19, _ BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE, $BS_VCENTER, $BS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ButtCopyColor") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " click this button to copy the " & $cpc_output_mode &" value to the clipboard [F4] ") if $cpc_auto_copy = $GUI_CHECKED then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) ; all done.. GUISetCoord($cpc_width-44, $cpc_height-25) $butt_all_done = GUICtrlCreateButton( "&done!", 0, 0, 40, 20 ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_Done") GUISetCoord(269, 8) ; we'll duplicate the context menu on these three controls.. global $combo_custom_groups = GUICtrlCreateCombo( "", 0, 0, 86, 18, BitOR($CBS_SORT, $CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_LoadColorGroup") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " your color groups " & @CRLF & _ " you can drag palettes and ini files (even folders of ini files) into here (and the picker image) to import their colors ") global $butt_delete_group = GUICtrlCreateButton("-", 88, 1, 16, 18) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_DeleteColorGroup") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " remove this color group ") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, Default , 800) global $butt_add_group = GUICtrlCreateButton("+", 18, 0, 16, 18) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_AddColorGroup") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " add a new color group ") ; color wells.. ; GUISetCoord(374, 17) global $custom_color_box[$no_colorwells+1] = [$no_colorwells] ; 1-64 (0 is total) $box = 1 for $i = 1 to 8 ; eight main rows, we'll make a grid ; need $*CHECKBOX to get colors on pushlike radio buttons ;$custom_color_box[$box] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", -105, 16, 16, 17, BitOr($BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, $BS_PUSHLIKE)) ; first box $custom_color_box[$box] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", -105, 16, 16, 17, BitOr($SS_NOTIFY, $SS_SUNKEN)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_SelectColorWell") ; labels also work fine (and look *much* better in XP style - which I GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, Default) ; don't use) but you can't see the (almost invisible) checkbox selections. $box += 1 ; Feck it, labels it is! I'll add some other kind of visual feedback. for $t = 1 to 7 ; the other seven boxes.. $custom_color_box[$box] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 15, 0, 16, 17, BitOr($SS_NOTIFY, $SS_SUNKEN)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_SelectColorWell") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, Default) $box += 1 next next global $input_color_name = GUICtrlCreateInput("", -106, 20, 122, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " the color name input. enter something here to save a color by that name. " & @CRLF & _ " to rename a color: click it, type a new name, click it again (or hit F2/Enter) ") ; information area (dragable) ; global $info_dummy = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", -83, 21, 164, 30, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) global $label_colorwell = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 9, 164, 15, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " information appears here. you can click and drag the window around from here, too ") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 7, 200) ; magnifier (Cheers to CodeMaster Rapture) ; AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 1) $count = 0 global $mag_x = 5 $mag_size = 5 global $mag_block[200] ; yeah, we only need 100, but still. try it. global $mag_save_blocks[200] = [100] for $iterX = 0 to 49 step $mag_size for $iterY = 0 to 49 step $mag_size $mag_block[$count] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $iterX+$mag_x, $iterY+$cpc_mag_top, $mag_size, $mag_size) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ClickMouseSetColor") ; otherwise first click on mag doesn't stick GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, Default) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "the magnifier area, aka. 'mag box'. you can magnify this, too ") $count += 1 next next ; a new style luminance gradient.. ; global $grad_bars[151] = [150] for $bar = 1 to 150 $grad_bars[$bar] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("", $cpc_picker_size+10, 4 + $bar, $cpc_lum_width, 1) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ClickMouseSetColor") next ; end of visible gui controls ; context menus.. ; global $cpc_MenuHex = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($label_hex_in_out) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Clipboard Copy Modes..", $cpc_MenuHex) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $cpc_MenuHex) for $i = 0 to uBound($cpc_output_modes)-1 $cpc_menu_output_modes[$i] = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem($cpc_output_modes[$i], $cpc_MenuHex) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_SwitchMode") if $cpc_output_modes[$i] = $cpc_output_mode then GUICtrlSetState($cpc_menu_output_modes[$i], $GUI_CHECKED) $cpc_previous_mode = $i endif next GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $cpc_MenuHex) global $menu_hex_prefix = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Add Prefix", $cpc_MenuHex) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuTogglePrefix") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $add_prefix) ; three identical context menus.. for $i = $combo_custom_groups to $butt_add_group GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($i) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Color Group..", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ExportGroup") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export Gimp Palette..", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ExportGimpPalette") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Export JASC Palette..", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ExportJASCPalette") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $i) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Sort Colors by Name.. Ctrl + KeyPad 0", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuSortColorsName") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $i) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Sort Colors by Red.. Ctrl + KeyPad 1", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuSortColorsRed") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Sort Colors by Green.. Ctrl + KeyPad 2", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuSortColorsGreen") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Sort Colors by Blue.. Ctrl + KeyPad 3", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuSortColorsBlue") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $i) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Sort Colors by Hue.. Ctrl + KeyPad 4", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuSortColorsHue") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Sort Colors by Saturation.. Ctrl + KeyPad 5", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuSortColorsSat") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Sort Colors by Lightness.. Ctrl + KeyPad 6", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuSortColorsLum") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $i) GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Group notes and comments.. Alt+C", $i) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuGroupComments") next ; picker image menu built and re-built later. global $cpc_MenuColorPicker = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($pic_color_picker) ; system tray.. ; only for stand-alone mode ; if $cpc_stand_alone then $TrayItemAbout = TrayCreateItem("About color pickin chooser..") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_DoAbout") global $TrayItemDoneQuits= TrayCreateItem("Tips and Tricks.. F1", -1) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_HotKeyShowTips") TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemOpenDataFolder = TrayCreateItem("Open data folder.. F10") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_OpenDataFolder") TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemToggleOnTop= TrayCreateItem("Always on top") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuToggleOnTopWin") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $cpc_on_top) global $TrayItemLiveTitleBar= TrayCreateItem("Color output in title bar") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuToggleLiveTitleBar") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $cpc_live_titlebar) TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayMenuWinAnim = TrayCreateMenu("Window animation..") local $win_anims[11] = ["Slide Left", "Slide Right", "Slide Top", "Slide Bottom", _ "Slide Top Left", "Slide Top Right", "Slide Bottom Right", "Slide Bottom Left", _ "Explode/Implode", "Fade", "Disable window animation"] global $menu_items_win_anim[11] for $i = 0 to 10 $menu_items_win_anim[$i] = TrayCreateItem($win_anims[$i], $TrayMenuWinAnim, -1, 1) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuSetWinAnim") next for $i in $menu_items_win_anim if TrayItemGetText($i) = $gui_fx then TrayItemSetState($i, $TRAY_CHECKED) next TrayCreateItem("") global $TrayItemDoneQuits= TrayCreateItem("'Done!' quits the program", -1) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuToggleDoneQuits") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $done_quits) TrayCreateItem("") $TrayItemExit = TrayCreateItem("Exit (Esc)", -1) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_ExitDoQuit") TraySetToolTip (" left-click to toggle the color pickin chooser [Ctrl+F1]" & _ @CRLF & " right-click to bring up the menu ") TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN, "cpc_ToggleWindow") TraySetState() TraySetClick(8) ; right-click only to bring up the menu endif AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $last_coord_mode) endfunc ; update our cpc_gui_fx array and save the new setting to the ini.. func cpc_MenuSetWinAnim() $cpc_gui_fx = corz_GUIGetFX(TrayItemGetText(@TRAY_ID), $cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name) ;$cpc_gui_fx = corz_GUIAnimateOpen("", TrayItemGetText(@TRAY_ID), $cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name) ;same thing, but a tad slower endfunc func cpc_HotKeyShowTips() if $tips_live then return ; prevents F1 causing trouble when tips are running cpc_DialogOpen() corz_TipsSystem($tips_file, $gui_color, $cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "color pickin tips", "", "", $do_func) cpc_DialogClose() endfunc func cpc_ClickMouseSetColor() cpc_MouseSetColor() if $live_mag = $GUI_CHECKED then cpc_UnliveMag() cpc_UpdateMag() endfunc func cpc_MouseSetColor() $mouse_info = GUIGetCursorInfo() if not IsArray($mouse_info) then return if $mouse_info[4] = $pic_color_picker or $mouse_info[4] >= $mag_block[0] then cpc_SetColor() ; replace a color well with the current color.. if ce_IsPressed(10) then cpc_AddNewColor($cpc_my_color, GUICtrlRead($input_color_name)) if ($mouse_info[4] >= $grad_bars[1] and $mouse_info[4] < $grad_bars[150]) _ and $live_mag = $GUI_CHECKED then cpc_UnliveMag() endif endfunc func cpc_SetColor($first=false) if cpc_MakeNewColor($first) then cpc_UpdateInputs() cpc_UpdateLiveColorBox() endif endfunc func cpc_MakeNewColor($first=false) if $first = false and $cpc_my_color = $cpc_live_color then return 0 cpc_MakeRGBFromCurrentColor() $cpc_my_color = $cpc_live_color if $cpc_auto_copy = $GUI_CHECKED then cpc_ClipCopyHex($cpc_my_color) return 1 endfunc func cpc_SlideRed() $red_index = Hex(GUICtrlRead($cpc_slider_red), 2) cpc_Update() endfunc func cpc_Slidegreen() $green_index = Hex(GUICtrlRead($cpc_slider_green), 2) cpc_Update() endfunc func cpc_Slideblue() $blue_index = Hex(GUICtrlRead($cpc_slider_blue), 2) cpc_Update() endfunc func cpc_AddRed() $red_index = Hex(GUICtrlRead($cpc_input_red), 2) cpc_Update() endfunc func cpc_AddGreen() $green_index = Hex(GUICtrlRead($cpc_input_green), 2) cpc_Update() endfunc func cpc_AddBlue() $blue_index = Hex(GUICtrlRead($cpc_input_blue), 2) cpc_Update() endfunc func cpc_AddHex() if cpc_CheckBigHex(GUICtrlRead($input_hex_in_out)) then cpc_MakeRGBFromHex() cpc_Update() else cpc_UpdateHexOutput($cpc_my_color) endif endfunc func cpc_MakeRGBFromHex() $red_index = StringLeft(GUICtrlRead($input_hex_in_out), 2) $green_index = StringMid(GUICtrlRead($input_hex_in_out), 3, 2) $blue_index = StringRight(GUICtrlRead($input_hex_in_out), 2) endfunc func cpc_MakeColorFromRGB() $cpc_live_color = $red_index & $green_index & $blue_index endfunc func cpc_MakeRGBFromCurrentColor() $red_index = StringLeft($cpc_live_color, 2) $green_index = StringMid($cpc_live_color, 3, 2) $blue_index = StringRight($cpc_live_color, 2) endfunc func cpc_Update() cpc_MakeColorFromRGB() if cpc_MakeNewColor() then cpc_UpdateInputs() cpc_UpdateLiveColorBox() endif endfunc func cpc_UpdateInputs() ; sadly, this deselects the text in the control you tab to. hmm. ; who keys in colors manually these days, huh? GUICtrlSetData($cpc_slider_red, Dec($red_index)) GUICtrlSetData($cpc_slider_green, Dec($green_index)) GUICtrlSetData($cpc_slider_blue, Dec($blue_index)) GUICtrlSetData($cpc_input_red, Dec($red_index)) GUICtrlSetData($cpc_input_green, Dec($green_index)) GUICtrlSetData($cpc_input_blue, Dec($blue_index)) cpc_UpdateHexOutput($cpc_my_color) GUICtrlSetBkColor($label_my_color, "0x" & $cpc_my_color) cpc_UpdateLumGrad($cpc_my_color) endfunc func cpc_UpdateHexOutput($web_hex) GUICtrlSetData($input_hex_in_out, $web_hex) $c_color = ConvertColorValue($web_hex, $cpc_output_mode, $add_prefix) if $cpc_live_titlebar = $GUI_CHECKED then _ WinSetTitle($gui_color, "", "color pickin chooser.. " & $cpc_output_mode & ": " & $c_color & "" ) GUICtrlSetTip($label_hex_in_out, " current output: " & $c_color & @CRLF & _ " right-click me for a menu of various clipboard output formats ") endfunc func cpc_UpdateLiveColorBox() GUICtrlSetBkColor($label_live_color, "0x" & $cpc_live_color) endfunc ; two gradients, one from the target color up to white, the other down to black.. ; (crafty luminance selection ;o) func cpc_UpdateLumGrad($target_color) $target_color = "0x" & $target_color GUICtrlSetBkColor($grad_bars[1], 0xFFFFFF) ; Oh! The math! for $i = 2 to $cpc_grad_step $color_str = cpc_MakeGradLineColors(0xFFFFFF, $target_color, $i) GUICtrlSetBkColor($grad_bars[$i], $color_str) next for $i = 1 to $cpc_grad_step $color_str = cpc_MakeGradLineColors($target_color, 0x000000, $i) GUICtrlSetBkColor($grad_bars[$cpc_grad_step+$i], $color_str) next endfunc func cpc_MakeGradLineColors($start_color, $target_color, $i) local $g_red = GetColorRed($start_color) local $g_green = GetColorGreen($start_color) local $g_blue = GetColorBlue($start_color) local $g_r_step = (GetColorRed($target_color) - $g_red) / $cpc_grad_step local $g_g_step = (GetColorGreen($target_color) - $g_green) / $cpc_grad_step local $g_b_step = (GetColorBlue($target_color) - $g_blue) / $cpc_grad_step return "0x" & StringFormat("%02X%02X%02X", $g_red + $g_r_step * $i, $g_green + $g_g_step * $i, $g_blue + $g_b_step * $i) endfunc func cpc_UpdateMag($firstrun=false) if $firstrun then if $cpc_last_mag then ; this is a back-up for the regular "fool-proof" approach (store an array of the label colors in the ini) ; if they move the GUI (or switch image) after clicking, it spoils the effect, but it's still fun. ; this only kicks in if they have no 'mag_save' data in their ini, and the mag array could not be built. ; on first run, it will create a cute mag of the top-left corner of your desktop. ; we leave the 'last_mag' pref (and this Plan B) hanging around, to confound users of the compiled app ;o) $mag_xy = StringSplit($cpc_last_mag, "|") local $MousePos[2] = [$mag_xy[1], $mag_xy[2]] ; minus x/y else return endif else $MousePos = MouseGetPos() if IsArray($MousePos) then $cpc_last_mag = $MousePos[0] & "|" & $MousePos[1] endif $count = 0 for $iterX = -5 to 4 for $iterY = -5 to 4 $mag_save_blocks[$count+1] = PixelGetColor($MousePos[0]+$iterX, $MousePos[1]+$iterY) ; so we can store it, later GUICtrlSetBkColor($mag_block[$count], $mag_save_blocks[$count+1]) $count += 1 next next endfunc ; a few sample picker images.. func cpc_InstallSampleImages() if IniReadCheckBoxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "samples_installed", $GUI_UNCHECKED) = $GUI_UNCHECKED then if not FileExists($picker_img_dir) then return FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Homer X-Ray.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Homer X-Ray.jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\New York.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\New York.jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Biker.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Biker.jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Reds.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Reds.jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Sarah.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Sarah.jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Tropical bed and breakfast.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Tropical bed and breakfast.jpg") ; will anyone spot the ordering by extension type? they might spot this.. FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Shoreline.jpeg", $picker_img_dir & "\Shoreline.jpeg") if not FileExists($picker_img_dir & "\Spectrums") then DirCreate($picker_img_dir & "\Spectrums") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Spectrums\Gimp.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Spectrums\Gimp.jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Spectrums\Microsoft.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Spectrums\Microsoft.jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Spectrums\Spectrum.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Spectrums\Spectrum.jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Spectrums\Primary-Secondary.jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Spectrums\Primary-Secondary.jpg") if not FileExists($picker_img_dir & "\Stretchies") then DirCreate($picker_img_dir & "\Stretchies") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Stretchies\Primary Stretchie 1.bmp", $picker_img_dir & "\Stretchies\Primary Stretchie 1.bmp") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Stretchies\Primary Stretchie 2.bmp", $picker_img_dir & "\Stretchies\Primary Stretchie 2.bmp") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Stretchies\Stretchie [blue-green].jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Stretchies\Stretchie [blue-green].jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Stretchies\Stretchie [red-yellow].jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Stretchies\Stretchie [red-yellow].jpg") FileInstall(".\img\picker images\Stretchies\Stretchie [yellow-green].jpg", $picker_img_dir & "\Stretchies\Stretchie [yellow-green].jpg") IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "samples_installed", 1) endif endfunc func cpc_ImportImage($some_image) $new_image = $picker_img_dir & "\Imported\" & BaseName($some_image) $current_picker_images = RecurseDir($picker_img_dir, "*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif,*.bmp") for $i in $current_picker_images if BaseName($i) = BaseName($some_image) and FileGetSize($i) = FileGetSize($some_image) then cpc_DoInfo("import failed: image already exists") AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 4000) return endif next FileCopy($some_image, $new_image, 8) if FileExists($new_image) then cpc_DoInfo("image imported successfully") AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 4000) cpc_UpdateImageContextMenu() cpc_SwitchImage($new_image) endif endfunc func cpc_MenuUpdateImageContextMenu() cpc_UpdateImageContextMenu() ; immediately pop up the refreshed menu.. ; also means folk can use F8 to pop up the menu anywhere on screen ControlFocus ($gui_color, "", $pic_color_picker) ControlSend($gui_color, "", $pic_color_picker, "{APPSKEY}") endfunc func cpc_UpdateImageContextMenu() GUICtrlDelete($cpc_MenuColorPicker) global $cpc_MenuColorPicker = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($pic_color_picker) global $cpc_picker_images = RecurseDir($picker_img_dir, "*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif,*.bmp") if IsArray($cpc_picker_images) and FileExists($picker_img_dir) then global $img_menu_items[$cpc_picker_images[0]+1] $current_picker_path = $picker_img_dir for $i = 1 to $cpc_picker_images[0] ; check if we need a separator.. if $current_picker_path <> GetParent($cpc_picker_images[$i]) then $current_picker_path = GetParent($cpc_picker_images[$i]) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) endif if $cpc_picker_images[$i] <> '' then $img_menu_items[$i] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(CleanName($cpc_picker_images[$i]), $cpc_MenuColorPicker) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_Menucpc_SwitchImage") if $cpc_picker_images[$i] = $cpc_picker_image then $cpc_current_img_idx = $i GUICtrlSetState($img_menu_items[$i], $GUI_CHECKED) endif endif next else $img_menu_item = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("[no images in this folder]", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_NewPickerFolder") endif GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) $MenuSchemePrefs = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Open Picker Images Folder..", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_OpenPickersFolder") $MenuSchemePrefs = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("New Picker Images Folder..", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_NewPickerFolder") $MenuSchemePrefs = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Refresh this menu.. F8", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_MenuUpdateImageContextMenu") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) $MenuSchemePrefs = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Use System Picker.. F9", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_SystemPicker") GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) $MenuSchemePrefs = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("About corz color pickin chooser", $cpc_MenuColorPicker) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cpc_DoAbout") ; grab this again.. $cpc_picker_image = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "picker_image", $picker_img_dir & "\Spectrums\Spectrum.jpg") endfunc func cpc_Menucpc_SwitchImage() if not IsArray($cpc_picker_images) then return for $s = 1 to $cpc_picker_images[0] select case @GUI_CtrlId = $img_menu_items[$s] if ce_IsPressed(10) then ; delete an image from the folder FileRecycle($cpc_picker_images[$s]) ; well, almost delete cpc_UpdateImageContextMenu() return endif $cpc_current_img_idx = $s cpc_SwitchImage($cpc_picker_images[$s]) endselect next endfunc func cpc_SwitchImage($new_image) if FileExists($new_image) then GUICtrlSetState($img_menu_items[$cpc_uncheck_img_idx], $GUI_UNCHECKED) $cpc_picker_image = $new_image for $i = 1 to $cpc_picker_images[0] if $cpc_picker_images[$i] = $cpc_picker_image then $cpc_current_img_idx = $i $cpc_uncheck_img_idx = $i GUICtrlSetState($img_menu_items[$i], $GUI_CHECKED) endif next if not ce_IsPressed(11) then GUICtrlSetImage($pic_color_picker, "") ; if Ctrl key not down, clear the image GUICtrlSetImage($pic_color_picker, $cpc_picker_image) IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "picker_image", $cpc_picker_image) ; set as current picker image elseif IsArray($cpc_picker_images) then GUICtrlSetImage($pic_color_picker , $cpc_picker_images[1]) else cpc_NewPickerFolder() ; WHAT HAPPENED? Vista user? endif endfunc func cpc_OpenPickersFolder() ShellExecute ("Explorer.exe", $picker_img_dir) WinWaitActive($picker_img_dir, "" , 5) ; activate thumbnails (how dare we!).. Send("!vh") endfunc func cpc_NewPickerFolder() if $cpc_on_top = $GUI_CHECKED then WinSetOnTop($gui_color, "", 0) $new_dir = FileSelectFolder( "Select a folder to use for picker images (subfolders will also be scanned)", _ "" , 6 , $picker_img_dir) if $new_dir <> "" then $picker_img_dir = $new_dir IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "picker_images_folder", $picker_img_dir) cpc_UpdateImageContextMenu() endif if $cpc_on_top = $GUI_CHECKED then WinSetOnTop($gui_color, "", 1) endfunc func cpc_SwitchMode() GUICtrlSetState($cpc_menu_output_modes[$cpc_previous_mode], $GUI_UNCHECKED) for $i = 0 to uBound($cpc_output_modes)-1 select case @GUI_CtrlId = $cpc_menu_output_modes[$i] $cpc_output_mode = $cpc_output_modes[$i] GUICtrlSetState($cpc_menu_output_modes[$i], $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetTip($check_special_clip_copy, " click this button to copy the " & $cpc_output_modes[$i] & _ " value to the clipboard [F4] ") GUICtrlSetTip($check_autocopy, " click this switch to automatically copy the " & $cpc_output_modes[$i] & _ " value of all selected colors to the clipboard, or not [F3] ") $cpc_previous_mode = $i IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "output_mode", $cpc_output_mode) endselect next if $cpc_auto_copy = $GUI_CHECKED then ControlClick($gui_color, "", $check_special_clip_copy) cpc_UpdateHexOutput($cpc_my_color) endfunc func cpc_HotAutoKeyCopyHex() ControlClick($gui_color, "", $check_autocopy) endfunc func cpc_HotKeyCopyHex() ControlClick($gui_color, "", $check_special_clip_copy) endfunc func cpc_ButtCopyColor() cpc_ClipCopyHex(GUICtrlRead($input_hex_in_out)) endfunc func cpc_ClipCopyHex($color) if $color = "" then $color = GUICtrlRead($input_hex_in_out) $color = ConvertColorValue($color, $cpc_output_mode, $add_prefix) ClipPut($color) ;EnvSet("color_pickin_color", $color) if $cpc_auto_copy = $GUI_UNCHECKED then GUICtrlSetState($check_special_clip_copy, $GUI_UNCHECKED) else GUICtrlSetState($check_special_clip_copy, $GUI_CHECKED) endif endfunc func cpc_ToggleAutoCopy() if $cpc_auto_copy = $GUI_UNCHECKED then $cpc_auto_copy = $GUI_CHECKED ControlClick($gui_color, "", $check_special_clip_copy) else $cpc_auto_copy = $GUI_UNCHECKED GUICtrlSetState($check_special_clip_copy, $GUI_UNCHECKED) endif IniWriteCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "auto_copy", $cpc_auto_copy) endfunc func cpc_MenuToggleDoneQuits() cpc_ToggleDoneQuits() endfunc func cpc_ToggleDoneQuits($flip=0) if $done_quits <> $GUI_CHECKED then $done_quits = $GUI_CHECKED else $done_quits = $GUI_UNCHECKED endif TrayItemSetState($TrayItemDoneQuits, $done_quits) if not $flip then IniWriteCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "done_quits", $done_quits) endfunc func cpc_HotKeyToggleLiveLum() ControlClick($gui_color, "", $check_lumlive) endfunc func cpc_ToggleLiveLum() if $live_luminance = $GUI_CHECKED then $live_luminance = $GUI_UNCHECKED else $live_luminance = $GUI_CHECKED endif IniWriteCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "live_luminance", $live_luminance) endfunc func cpc_HotKeyToggleLiveMag() ControlClick($gui_color, "", $check_maglive) endfunc ; user clicked the mag (pushbutton) checkbox.. func cpc_ToggleLiveMag() select ; regardless of whether it was on or off, it's super-mag time!.. case ce_IsPressed(10) cpc_GetXYPrefs(1) ToolTip(" click somewhere to grab that region " & @CRLF & _ " or even right-click, if it's an active thing ", $cpc_x, $cpc_y, "super mag activated", 1) AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 4000) $super_mag = true GUISetCursor(3, 1, $gui_color) ; "+" $live_mag = $GUI_CHECKED GUICTrlSetState($check_maglive, $GUI_CHECKED) case $live_mag = $GUI_CHECKED $live_mag = $GUI_UNCHECKED if $super_mag = true then $super_mag = false GUISetCursor() endif case $live_mag = $GUI_UNCHECKED $live_mag = $GUI_CHECKED endselect IniWriteCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "live_mag", $live_mag) endfunc func cpc_UnliveMag() $live_mag = $GUI_UNCHECKED GUICtrlSetState($check_maglive, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; don't write to ini. in practice, you may have quit right after getting your color, live mag ; enabled means you probably like it that way, and were just grabbing a color. so let's leave ; it that way for when you begin again. however, if you physically switch it off (with HotKey ; or mag button click), it will remain off. endfunc func cpc_SwitchOffSuperMag() cpc_UnliveMag() $super_mag = false endfunc func cpc_HotKeyToggleLiveHex() ControlClick($gui_color, "", $check_hexlive) endfunc func cpc_ToggleLiveHex() if $live_hex = $GUI_CHECKED then $live_hex = $GUI_UNCHECKED ToolTip("") else $live_hex = $GUI_CHECKED endif IniWriteCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "live_hex", $live_hex) endfunc func cpc_ToggleLiveColorHold() if $hold_live_color = $GUI_UNCHECKED then $hold_live_color = $GUI_CHECKED else $hold_live_color = $GUI_UNCHECKED endif IniWriteCheckboxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "hold_live_color", $hold_live_color) endfunc func cpc_MenuToggleOnTopWin() cpc_ToggleOnTopWin() endfunc func cpc_ToggleOnTopWin($flip=0) if $cpc_on_top <> $GUI_CHECKED then ; I like to mix it up! $cpc_on_top = $GUI_CHECKED WinSetOnTop($gui_color, "", 1) else $cpc_on_top = $GUI_UNCHECKED WinSetOnTop($gui_color, "", 0) endif if $cpc_stand_alone then TrayItemSetState($TrayItemToggleOnTop, $cpc_on_top) if not $flip then IniWriteCheckBoxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "always_on_top", $cpc_on_top) endfunc func cpc_MenuToggleLiveTitleBar() cpc_ToggleLiveTitleBar() endfunc func cpc_ToggleLiveTitleBar($flip=0) if $cpc_live_titlebar <> $GUI_CHECKED then $cpc_live_titlebar = $GUI_CHECKED ; *phew*! if not $flip then _ WinSetTitle($gui_color, "", "color pickin chooser.. " & $cpc_output_mode & ": " & _ ConvertColorValue(GUICtrlRead($input_hex_in_out), $cpc_output_mode, $add_prefix) & "" ) else $cpc_live_titlebar = $GUI_UNCHECKED if not $flip then _ WinSetTitle($gui_color, "", "color pickin chooser..") endif if $cpc_stand_alone then TrayItemSetState($TrayItemLiveTitleBar, $cpc_live_titlebar) if not $flip then IniWriteCheckBoxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "colors_in_titlebar", $cpc_live_titlebar) endfunc func cpc_MenuTogglePrefix() if $add_prefix = $GUI_CHECKED then $add_prefix = $GUI_UNCHECKED else $add_prefix = $GUI_CHECKED endif GUICtrlSetState($menu_hex_prefix, $add_prefix) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "add_prefix", $add_prefix) cpc_UpdateHexOutput($cpc_my_color) if $cpc_auto_copy = $GUI_CHECKED then cpc_ClipCopyHex($cpc_my_color) endfunc func cpc_InitColorWells() cpc_LoadAllSavedColors() cpc_FillGroupsCombo() cpc_LoadColorGroup() endfunc func cpc_LoadAllSavedColors() cpc_GetColorGroupNames() for $i = 1 to $group_names[0] local $a_group[$no_colorwells+1][2] local $tmp_array = IniReadSection($colors_ini_path, $group_names[$i]) if not IsArray($tmp_array) then local $tmp_array[1][2] = [[0]] ; fill first values from ini array (the remaining wells will be blank).. for $j = 0 to uBound($tmp_array)-1 if $tmp_array[$j][0] <> "" then $a_group[$j][0] = $tmp_array[$j][0] $a_group[$j][1] = $tmp_array[$j][1] endif if $j = $no_colorwells then exitloop ; there may be more colors in the ini, but we'll load only 64 for now. next ; if they delete one, the 65th will pop into the last well, and so on.. $groups[$i] = $a_group next endfunc func cpc_GetColorGroupNames() global $group_names = IniReadSectionNames($colors_ini_path) if not IsArray($group_names) then global $group_names = MakeDummyArray("empty") global $groups[$group_names[0]+1] ; 1 IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "my_group", "empty") $cpc_my_group = "empty" else if not InArray($group_names, $cpc_my_group) then; your last group is now gone.. $cpc_my_group = $group_names[$group_names[0]] IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "my_group", $cpc_my_group) endif global $groups[$group_names[0]+1] = [$group_names[0]] ; set element 0 to total endif endfunc func cpc_FillGroupsCombo() GUICtrlSetData($combo_custom_groups, "|") for $i = 1 to $group_names[0] GUICtrlSetData($combo_custom_groups, $group_names[$i]) next GUICtrlSetData($combo_custom_groups, $cpc_my_group) endfunc func cpc_LoadColorGroup() global $current_box = 0 ; not 1-64 RememberComboSelection($previous_combo_groups, $cpc_my_group) $load_group = GUICtrlRead($combo_custom_groups) for $i = 1 to $group_names[0] if $load_group = $group_names[$i] then $current_group_index = $i $cpc_my_group = $group_names[$current_group_index] ; <- handy variable to set now, the group name. ; now a 2-dimensional array of all the colours (and their names) in the currently selected group.. global $this_group = $groups[$i] cpc_UpdateColorWells() ; but leave the name and label as they are. endif next endfunc func cpc_UpdateColorWells() for $i = 1 to $no_colorwells GUICtrlSetBkColor($custom_color_box[$i], Default) ; aha! blankness! if $this_group[$i][0] <> "" then GUICtrlSetBkColor($custom_color_box[$i], '0x' & $this_group[$i][0]) GUICtrlSetTip($custom_color_box[$i], $this_group[$i][1]) else GUICtrlSetTip($custom_color_box[$i], "no color") endif next endfunc func cpc_SelectColorWell() $overwrite = false if ce_IsPressed(10) then $overwrite = true for $i = $custom_color_box[1] to $custom_color_box[$no_colorwells] ; just numbers, dudes! ;o) $box_idx = $i - ($custom_color_box[1]) + 1 ; user clicked box no. $box_idx.. if $i = @GUI_CtrlId then ; of course, this doesn't work with labels. erm.. ;GUICtrlSetState($custom_color_box[$box_idx], $GUI_CHECKED) $flash_color = '0xffffff' ; or perhaps.. $flash_color = Default if RGBToHSL($this_group[$box_idx][0], 3) > 0.9 then $flash_color = '0x000000' GUICtrlSetBkColor($custom_color_box[$box_idx], $flash_color) ; there's your feedback! ; empty color well.. (add my color to group) if $this_group[$box_idx][0] = "" then $this_group[$box_idx][0] = $cpc_my_color $this_group[$box_idx][1] = GUICtrlRead($input_color_name) cpc_AddNewColor($this_group[$box_idx][0], $this_group[$box_idx][1]) ; existing color.. else ; update existing color with new name.. if $current_box = $box_idx and GUICtrlRead($input_color_name) <> $this_group[$box_idx][1] and _ GUICtrlRead($input_color_name) <> "" then ; no removing names, only changing $this_group[$box_idx][1] = GUICtrlRead($input_color_name) ; if you really need to, use a space cpc_AddNewColor($this_group[$box_idx][0], $this_group[$box_idx][1]) exitloop endif ; delete a color.. if $cpc_my_color = $this_group[$box_idx][0] and $overwrite then cpc_DeleteColor($this_group[$box_idx][0]) $this_group[$box_idx][0] = "" ; keep name, for moving colors cpc_InitColorWells() ; replace a color with current picked colors.. elseif $overwrite then cpc_DeleteColor($this_group[$box_idx][0]) $this_group[$box_idx][0] = $cpc_my_color $this_group[$box_idx][1] = GUICtrlRead($input_color_name) cpc_AddNewColor($this_group[$box_idx][0], $this_group[$box_idx][1]) else ; update picked colors from selected color well.. GUICtrlSetData($input_color_name, $this_group[$box_idx][1]) if GUICtrlRead($input_hex_in_out) <> $this_group[$box_idx][0] then cpc_UpdateHexOutput($this_group[$box_idx][0]) cpc_AddHex() endif GUICtrlSetBkColor($custom_color_box[$box_idx], $flash_color); if they clicked the active color well again Sleep(100) GUICtrlSetBkColor($custom_color_box[$box_idx], '0x' & $this_group[$box_idx][0]) endif endif $current_box = $box_idx endif next ; no sticky visible selections, but at least we have this.. cpc_DoInfo("Color Well " & $current_box & " : " & $this_group[$current_box][1]) GUICtrlSetState($input_color_name, $GUI_FOCUS) ; you want to name the color, right? (then type, hit ) Voila! Send("{RIGHT}") ; it's too ugly when all the text is selected automatically (use Ctrl+SHIFT+LEFT!) endfunc func cpc_HotKeyDeleteColor() cpc_DeleteColor($this_group[$current_box][0]) $save_box = $current_box cpc_InitColorWells() $current_box = $save_box endfunc func cpc_DeleteColor($color) IniDelete($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group, $color) endfunc func cpc_HotKeyAddChosenColor() cpc_AddMyColor() endfunc func cpc_AddMyColor() if GUICtrlRead($combo_custom_groups) = "" then ControlCommand($gui_color, "", $combo_custom_groups, "SelectString", $cpc_my_group) endif $under_limit = false for $i = 1 to $no_colorwells if $this_group[$i][0] = "" then $this_group[$i][0] = $cpc_my_color $this_group[$i][1] = GUICtrlRead($input_color_name) ; this could be a rename GUICtrlSetBkColor($custom_color_box[$i], '0x' & $this_group[$i][0]) cpc_AddNewColor($this_group[$i][0], $this_group[$i][1]) ControlFocus ($gui_color, "", $custom_color_box[$i]) $current_box = $i $under_limit = true exitloop endif next ; even if we're out of space in the color wells, we'll add it to the ini. ; the user may not realise yet and we DO NOT want to destroy user data. ; they might later copy the group and delete the first 64 colors, creating ; two groups out of the one big one (see cpc_LoadAllSavedColors() - above) ; or perhaps export it as a palette, with *all* the colors intact. if not $under_limit then cpc_AddNewColor($cpc_my_color, GUICtrlRead($input_color_name)) endfunc func cpc_AddNewColor($color, $name) ; prefs color-first, means leave the dupe-checking to IniWrite. However.. ; if you launch cpc and "my_color" happens to be in the group (quite likely) ; this will prevent it having its name wiped if you happen to click an empty well, as folk do.. $poss_old_name = IniRead($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group, $color, "()*&(*&^*&^%*&^%(*&^") if $poss_old_name <> "()*&(*&^*&^%*&^%(*&^" and $name = "" then $name = $poss_old_name IniWrite($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group, $color, $name) cpc_InitColorWells() endfunc func cpc_AddColorGroup() $new_group = StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($combo_custom_groups), "[", "{") $new_group = StringReplace($new_group, "]", "}") for $i = 1 to $group_names[0] ; existing group.. if $group_names[$i] = $new_group and $new_group <> "empty" then return next ; simple and effective, and 'extra' colors are passed across, comments are not.. $old_group = IniReadSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group) if IsArray($old_group) then IniWriteSection($colors_ini_path, $new_group, $old_group) else IniWrite($colors_ini_path, $new_group, "tmp", "") IniDelete($colors_ini_path, $new_group, "tmp") endif cpc_LoadAllSavedColors() cpc_FillGroupsCombo() GUICtrlSetData($combo_custom_groups, $new_group) cpc_LoadColorGroup() endfunc func cpc_DeleteColorGroup() if ce_IsPressed(10) then cpc_RecoverBackup($colors_ini_path) cpc_LoadAllSavedColors() cpc_FillGroupsCombo() return endif cpc_StoreBackup($colors_ini_path) IniDelete($colors_ini_path, GUICtrlRead($combo_custom_groups)) cpc_LoadAllSavedColors() $cpc_my_group = GetLastComboSelection($previous_combo_groups, $group_names) IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "my_group", $cpc_my_group) cpc_FillGroupsCombo() GUICtrlSetData($combo_custom_groups, $cpc_my_group) cpc_LoadColorGroup() GUICtrlSetState($combo_custom_groups, $GUI_FOCUS) endfunc func cpc_DoInfo($info_string) GUICtrlSetData($label_colorwell, $info_string) endfunc func cpc_SwitchOffInfo() if $ini_process then return ; they may import another folder immediately, you see. GUICtrlSetData($label_colorwell, "") ToolTip("") AdLibDisable() endfunc func cpc_GetDroppedItem() global $found_colors = false $ini_process = false WinActivate($gui_color) $new_group = "" if @GUI_DRAGID = -1 then ; a regular file or folder if not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib(@GUI_DRAGFILE), "D") then ; not a folder $import_file = @GUI_DRAGFILE switch GetExtension($import_file) case "ini" $ini_process = true $new_group = cpc_ImportIniColors(@GUI_DRAGFILE) case "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "gif" cpc_ImportImage(@GUI_DRAGFILE) case "gpl", "pal" $multiple_groups = true if ce_IsPressed(10) then $multiple_groups = false cpc_DoInfo("scanning palette.. " & BaseName(@GUI_DRAGFILE)) cpc_ImportPalette(@GUI_DRAGFILE, $multiple_groups) GUICtrlSetState($combo_custom_groups, $GUI_FOCUS) endswitch else ; a folder.. $ini_process = true $group_process = true cpc_DoInfo("scanning for ini files in: " & BaseName(@GUI_DRAGFILE)) $list_o_inis = RecurseDir(@GUI_DRAGFILE, "*.ini") if IsArray($list_o_inis) and FileExists(@GUI_DRAGFILE) then for $i = 1 to $list_o_inis[0] if $list_o_inis[$i] <> '' then cpc_DoInfo("assimilating colors in: " & BaseName($list_o_inis[$i])) $new_group = cpc_ImportIniColors($list_o_inis[$i]) endif next endif endif endif if $ini_process then if $found_colors then if $group_process then cpc_GetXYPrefs(1) ToolTip(" Imported colors are now available in your color groups ", $cpc_x, $cpc_y, _ "Import Complete", 1) cpc_DoInfo("import complete: new colors added") endif cpc_InitColorWells() cpc_DoInfo("import complete") else cpc_DoInfo("no colors found") endif endif $ini_process = false AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 4000) if $new_group then if $dont_pop_up_comments = $GUI_UNCHECKED then cpc_PopUpComments($new_group) ; this next line is here because doing it beforehand isn't quick enough to activate the group! :/ ; which is why cpc_PopUpComments() takes a variable instead of always working with cpc_my_group. ControlCommand($gui_color, "", $combo_custom_groups, "SelectString", $new_group) endif endfunc ; cpc_ImportIniColors() ; ; This function imports colours from any old ini file, as well as regular ; cpc color group files, and converts them into color groups. pretty neat. ; func cpc_ImportIniColors($import_file) $new_group = $cpc_my_group ; we will return this value, and use it to set the group combo $comment_string = "" ; to the last $new_group loaded (it may only be one group) $imported_sections = IniReadSectionNames($import_file) if not IsArray($imported_sections) then ; bad ini file (prolly xml!) if not $group_process then cpc_GetXYPrefs(1) ToolTip(" The ini file is in a non-standard format. ", $cpc_x, $cpc_y, "An error occurred.", 1) AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 3333) endif return endif ; it would get too slow to check all situations, this is probably enough.. $removed = 0 for $i = 1 to $imported_sections[0] ; run through each section of the ini file.. $found_here = false $new_group = $imported_sections[$i] $ini_section = IniReadSection($import_file, $new_group) if not IsArray($ini_section) then continueloop for $j = 0 to uBound($ini_section)-1 select ; remove a color from a group (for "updates").. case StringLen($ini_section[$j][0]) = 6 and $ini_section[$j][1] = "-" if IniRead($colors_ini_path, $new_group, $ini_section[$j][0], "foo") <> "foo" then $removed += 1 IniDelete($colors_ini_path, $new_group, $ini_section[$j][0]) ; kinda back-to-front, but we like it that way.. ; foo=FF0000 becomes.. FF0000=foo case StringLen($ini_section[$j][1]) = 6 and cpc_CheckBigHex($ini_section[$j][1]) IniWrite($colors_ini_path, $new_group, $ini_section[$j][1], _ StringReplace($ini_section[$j][0], "_", " ")) $found_colors = true $found_here = true ; and for regular front-to-back cpc color groups.. ; we get a lot of free energy out of the colors being stored value-first. case StringLen($ini_section[$j][0]) = 6 and cpc_CheckBigHex($ini_section[$j][0]) IniWrite($colors_ini_path, $new_group, $ini_section[$j][0], _ StringReplace($ini_section[$j][1], "_", " ")) $found_colors = true $found_here = true endselect next if $found_here then ; we won't import comments for existing groups - this could potentially lead to massive duplication (when updating).. ; we could delete the existsing comments (good for 'updates'), but I just don't like detroying user data. if not InArray($group_names, $new_group) then $comment_string = GrabCommentsFromIniSection($import_file, $new_group) ; write out any comments for this section.. if $comment_string then WriteCommentsToIniSection($colors_ini_path, $new_group, $comment_string) endif next if not $group_process then $tip_add = "" if $removed then $tip_add = @CRLF & $removed & " colors were removed." cpc_GetXYPrefs(1) ToolTip("All available colors have been added to your color groups. " & $tip_add, $cpc_x, $cpc_y, "Import Complete", 1) AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 3333) $tip_add = "" if $removed then $tip_add = " (" & $removed & " colors removed)" cpc_DoInfo("import complete" & $tip_add) AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 4000) endif return $new_group endfunc func cpc_CheckBigHex($so_called_color) $tmp_dec = Dec($so_called_color) if $tmp_dec = 0 and $so_called_color = "000000" then return 1 if $tmp_dec <> 0 then return 1 return 0 endfunc ; Import a Color Palette.. ; ; Gimp palettes are the best, bar none; beautiful plain text, support for both palette and ; color names, as well as column information (which even cpc doesn't have). Vey nice indeed. ; ; JASC palettes are also pretty good; and plain text, which we love. Though they do have ; a couple of quirks. For instance, although IniWrite wouldn't write two blacks, we need ; to watch for them, anyway.. ; ; Black is used as the "empty" color in JASC Palettes, so after we have one black, we need ; to skip the rest. HOWEVER, sometimes you will see dozens of black entries, and then more ; valid colors, and then another group of black entries, then more colors, and so on. ; ; Gimp palettes have their quirks, too. Duplicate colors are common (to fill columns), as ; are comments, both of which will be stripped when imported into color pickin chooser. ; ; Anyways, this simple function will grab all the colors, nomatter where they are, from ; either type of palette and store them in color pickin chooser groups. ; func cpc_ImportPalette($file, $multiple_groups=true) cpc_GetXYPrefs(1) $palfile = FileOpen($file, 0) if $palfile = -1 then ToolTip(" There was an error reading the file. Check its permissions.", $cpc_x, $cpc_y, "Import Failed", 1) AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 3333) return 0 endif $palette_values = FileRead($palfile) FileClose($palfile) $palette_values = StringSplit($palette_values, @LF) switch StringStripWS($palette_values[1], 3) case "JASC-PAL" $pal_type = "jasc" $new_group = StringReplace(CleanName($file), "[", "{") $new_group = StringReplace($new_group, "]", "}") $got_colums = true case "GIMP Palette" $pal_type = "gimp" $new_group = StringStripWS(StringReplace($palette_values[2], "Name:", ""), 3) $got_colums = false case else ToolTip(" The palette was of an unknown type", $cpc_x, $cpc_y, "Import Failed", 1) cpc_DoInfo("import failed: unknown palette type") AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 4000) return endswitch if InArray($group_names, $new_group) then ToolTip(" '" & $new_group & "' already exists", $cpc_x, $cpc_y, "Import Failed", 1) cpc_DoInfo("failed: '" & $new_group & "' already exists") AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", 4000) return endif $color_well = 1 $name_count = 1 $name_append = "" $comment_string = "" $partial = false $got_black = false local $check_array[$palette_values[0]] ; quicker than querying the ini for every value for $i = 3 to $palette_values[0] ; begin scanning at line 2 if not StringInStr($palette_values[$i], " ") then continueloop if $palette_values[$i] <> "" then ; setting a flag now is quicker than checking on every loop.. if not $got_colums and $pal_type = "gimp" and StringLeft($palette_values[$i], 8) = "Columns:" then $got_colums = true ; continueloop endif if $pal_type = "jasc" and StringStripWS($palette_values[$i], 3) = "0 0 0" then if $got_black then continueloop else $got_black = true endif endif if $pal_type = "gimp" and StringLeft($palette_values[$i], 1) = "#" then $comment_string &= StringStripWS($palette_values[$i], 3) & @CRLF continueloop endif ; holding down the shift key while importing enables you to force ; all the colors into the same group.. if $multiple_groups then ; more than 64 colors in this group -> make another group.. if $color_well = $no_colorwells+1 then $name_count += 1 $color_well = 1 ; reset endif if $name_count > 1 then $name_append = " " & $name_count if InArray($group_names, $new_group & $name_append) then $partial = true continueloop ; they are fooling around! endif ; seriously though, this enables you to re-import parts of a set endif ; convert the decimal RGB color to its hex equivalent, and save.. switch $pal_type case "jasc" ; colors separated by spaces.. $dec_array = StringSplit(StringStripWS($palette_values[$i], 3), " ") $hex_val = Hex($dec_array[1], 2) & Hex($dec_array[2], 2) & Hex($dec_array[3], 2) $color_name = StringStripWS($palette_values[$i], 3) case "gimp" ; colors separated by spaces, followed by a tab, followed by the color name. $gimp_col = StringSplit(StringStripWS($palette_values[$i], 3), " ") $color_name = $gimp_col[$gimp_col[0]] $col_array = StringSplit(StringStripWS($gimp_col[1], 3), " ") local $gimp_col[3] ; might as well re-use this $count = 0 for $g = 1 to $col_array[0] if StringStripWS($col_array[$g], 8) <> "" then $gimp_col[$count] = $col_array[$g] $count +=1 endif next $hex_val = Hex($gimp_col[0], 2) & Hex($gimp_col[1], 2) & Hex($gimp_col[2], 2) endswitch ; this is a new color.... if not InArray($check_array, $hex_val) then $check_array[$i] = $hex_val IniWrite($colors_ini_path, $new_group & $name_append, $hex_val, $color_name) $color_well += 1 ; Next! elseif $color_well = 1 then ; duplicate gimp colors could fool our group counter, so.. $color_well = $no_colorwells+1 $name_count -= 1 endif endif next if $comment_string then $comment_string = StringStripWS($comment_string, 2) WriteCommentsToIniSection($colors_ini_path, $new_group, $comment_string) endif $tip_append = "" $info_append = "" $pause = 3333 if $name_append <> "" then $tip_append = @CRLF & " note: the palette has been split into " & $name_count & " groups" $info_append = " (" & $name_count & " groups)" if $partial then $tip_append &= @CRLF & " note also: some groups already existed and were not overwritten " $pause = 6000 endif cpc_GetXYPrefs(1) cpc_DoInfo("Success: added '" & $new_group & "'" & $info_append) ToolTip(" The palette is now available as the group '" & $new_group & "'" & $tip_append, $cpc_x, $cpc_y, _ "Import Complete", 1) AdlibEnable("cpc_SwitchOffInfo", $pause) cpc_InitColorWells() if $dont_pop_up_comments = $GUI_UNCHECKED then cpc_PopUpComments($new_group) ControlCommand($gui_color, "", $combo_custom_groups, "SelectString", $new_group) endfunc ; export a color group.. ; func cpc_ExportGroup() cpc_DialogOpen() $save_to = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "save_inis", @MyDocumentsDir) $group_section = IniReadSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group) $comment_string = GrabCommentsFromIniSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group) $save_file = FileSaveDialog( "Export the Color Group..", $save_to, "ini files (*.ini)" , 16 , $cpc_my_group & ".ini") cpc_DialogClose() if $save_file = "" then return IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "save_inis", GetParent($save_file)) IniWriteSection ($save_file, $cpc_my_group, $group_section) if $comment_string then WriteCommentsToIniSection($save_file, $cpc_my_group, $comment_string) endfunc ; export a JASC-compatible palette.. ; func cpc_ExportJASCPalette() $save_file = cpc_GetPalleteSaveLocation("JASC Palette files", "save_jasc_palettes", "pal") if not $save_file then return $group_section = IniReadSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group) $pal_type = "256" if $group_section[0][0] <= 16 then $pal_type = "16" $pal_string = "JASC-PAL" & @CRLF & "0100" & @CRLF & $pal_type & @CRLF if IsArray($group_section) then if $pal_type = "256" then $pal_string &= "255 255 255" & @CRLF ; add a white $pal_type = "255" endif for $i = 1 to $group_section[0][0] $pal_string &= StringReplace(ConvertColorValue($group_section[$i][0], "int"), ",", " ") & @CRLF next for $j = $i to $pal_type $pal_string &= "0 0 0" & @CRLF next ; the null character at the end isn't necessary. FileWrite($save_file, $pal_string) endif endfunc ; export a Gimp palette.. ; func cpc_ExportGimpPalette() $save_file = cpc_GetPalleteSaveLocation("Gimp Palette files", "save_gimp_palettes", "gpl") if not $save_file then return $group_section = IniReadSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group) $comment_string = GrabCommentsFromIniSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group, "", "exported color pickin chooser") $pal_string = "GIMP Palette" & @LF & "Name: " & $cpc_my_group & @LF & "# exported color pickin chooser color group" & @LF if $comment_string then $pal_string &= StringReplace(StringStripWS($comment_string, 1), @CRLF, @LF) & @LF if IsArray($group_section) then for $i = 1 to $group_section[0][0] $tmp_string = StringReplace(ConvertColorValue($group_section[$i][0], "int"), ",", " ") $rgb = StringSplit($tmp_string, " ") for $c = 1 to $rgb[0] ; pad the decimal string with spaces to take it up to 3 characters (perhaps StringFormat could do this) ; this is cute, though.. ;for $a = StringLen($rgb[$c])+1 to 3 ; $rgb[$c] = " " & $rgb[$c] ;next ; yup.. $rgb[$c] = StringFormat("% 3s", $rgb[$c]) next $pal_string &= $rgb[1] & " " & $rgb[2] & " " & $rgb[3] ; add the name, if any.. if $group_section[$i][1] = "" then $group_section[$i][1] = "Untitled" $pal_string &= " " & $group_section[$i][1] & @LF next $save_file = FileOpen($save_file, 2) FileWrite($save_file, $pal_string) FileClose($save_file) endif endfunc func cpc_GetPalleteSaveLocation($type_string, $ini_save, $ext) cpc_DialogOpen() $save_to = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, $ini_save, @MyDocumentsDir) $save_file = FileSaveDialog( "Export the Color Group as a Palette..", $save_to, $type_string & "(*" & "." & $ext & ")" , 16 , $cpc_my_group & "." & $ext) cpc_DialogClose() if $save_file = "" then return IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, $ini_save, GetParent($save_file)) if GetExtension($save_file) <> $ext then $save_file &= "." & $ext return $save_file endfunc ; view/edit the comments for this group.. ; func cpc_PopUpComments($group) cpc_GroupComments($group, 1) endfunc func cpc_MenuGroupComments() cpc_GroupComments($cpc_my_group) endfunc func cpc_GroupComments($color_group, $popped=0) $comment_string = "" $comment_array = GrabCommentsFromIniSection($colors_ini_path, $color_group, true) ; strip "#" character (and any spaces) from left side of comment lines.. if $comment_array[0] > 0 then for $i = 1 to $comment_array[0] $comment_array[$i] = StringTrimLeft($comment_array[$i], 1) $comment_array[$i] = StringStripWS($comment_array[$i], 1) $comment_string &= $comment_array[$i] & @CRLF next $comment_string = StringStripWS($comment_string, 2) endif ; no comments here, return.. if $comment_string = "" and $popped then return $last_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) $last_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 0) cpc_DialogOpen() $dont_pop_up_comments = IniReadCheckBoxValue($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "dont_pop_up_comments", $GUI_UNCHECKED) cpc_GetXYPrefs(1) $com_x = $cpc_x - 55 $com_y = $cpc_y + 75 if $com_x < 0 then $com_x = 0 if $com_y < 0 then $com_y = 0 global $gui_comments = GUICreate("Notes and Comments for '" & $color_group & "'..", _ 450, 172, $com_x, $com_y, -1, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) WinSetOnTop($gui_comments, "", 1) global $edit_comments = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 7, 7, 440, 138) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $comment_string) $butt_done= GUICtrlCreateButton("&cancel", 0, 142, 46, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " close this dialog " ) $check_no_comments_pop = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox("don't pop-up comments on import", 80, 0, 200) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " check this box to prevent comments popping up when you import color groups " ) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $dont_pop_up_comments) $butt_revert = GUICtrlCreateButton("&revert", 250, 0, 54, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " revert the comments back to the last saved version " ) $butt_save = GUICtrlCreateButton("&save", 56, 0, 54, 22) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " save the comments for this color group " ) GUISetState() GUICtrlSetState($edit_comments, $GUI_FOCUS) ; this command, and.. WinActivate($gui_comments) ; this, prevents an popping the app menu (ALT key remnant?) ; perhaps we send an ALT keypress instead while 1 sleep(50) $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $butt_done exitloop case $edit_comments case $butt_revert GUICtrlSetData($edit_comments, $comment_string) case $check_no_comments_pop $dont_pop_up_comments = GUICtrlRead($check_no_comments_pop) if $dont_pop_up_comments = $GUI_CHECKED then IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "dont_pop_up_comments", "true") else IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "dont_pop_up_comments", "false") endif case $butt_save if StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($edit_comments), 3) = "" then exitloop $comment_string = "" $new_comments_array = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($edit_comments), @CRLF) for $i = 1 to $new_comments_array[0] if StringStripWS($new_comments_array[$i], 3) <> "" then $comment_string &= "# " & StringStripWS($new_comments_array[$i], 3) & @CRLF endif next $tmp_colors = IniReadSection($colors_ini_path, $color_group) if IsArray($tmp_colors) then ; wipe and replace the ini section to remove its comments.. ; this is where AutoIt's lack of comment support works in our favour! IniDelete($colors_ini_path, $color_group) IniWriteSection($colors_ini_path, $color_group, $tmp_colors) ; add the new comments.. if $comment_string then WriteCommentsToIniSection($colors_ini_path, $color_group, StringStripWS($comment_string, 2)) endif exitloop endswitch if GUICtrlRead($edit_comments) <> $comment_string then GUICtrlSetData($butt_save, "&save") else GUICtrlSetData($butt_save, "&ok") endif wend AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $last_coord_mode) GUIDelete($gui_comments) cpc_DialogClose() endfunc #cs (color sorting!) sort flags.. 1: red sort 2: green sort 3: blue sort 4: hue sort 5: sat sort 6: lum sort 10: name sort #ce;(critical entropy!) func cpc_MenuSortColorsName() if $sort_flags[10] then cpc_ReverseColors() $sort_flags[10] = false else cpc_SetSortFlag(10) cpc_GetColorsToSort() cpc_ColorSortName($sort_colors) endif cpc_ShowSortedColors() endfunc ; r/g/b.. func cpc_MenuSortColorsRed() if $sort_flags[1] then cpc_ReverseColors() $sort_flags[1] = false else cpc_SetSortFlag(1) cpc_GetColorsToSort() cpc_ColorSortRGB($sort_colors, 1) endif cpc_ShowSortedColors() endfunc func cpc_MenuSortColorsGreen() if $sort_flags[2] then cpc_ReverseColors() $sort_flags[2] = false else cpc_SetSortFlag(2) cpc_GetColorsToSort() cpc_ColorSortRGB($sort_colors, 2) endif cpc_ShowSortedColors() endfunc func cpc_MenuSortColorsBlue() if $sort_flags[3] then cpc_ReverseColors() $sort_flags[3] = false else cpc_SetSortFlag(3) cpc_GetColorsToSort() cpc_ColorSortRGB($sort_colors, 3) endif cpc_ShowSortedColors() endfunc ; h/s/l.. func cpc_MenuSortColorsHue() if $sort_flags[4] then cpc_ReverseColors() $sort_flags[4] = false else cpc_SetSortFlag(4) cpc_GetColorsToSort() cpc_ColorSortHSL($sort_colors, 1) endif cpc_ShowSortedColors() endfunc func cpc_MenuSortColorsSat() if $sort_flags[5] then cpc_ReverseColors() $sort_flags[5] = false else cpc_SetSortFlag(5) cpc_GetColorsToSort() cpc_ColorSortHSL($sort_colors, 2) endif cpc_ShowSortedColors() endfunc func cpc_MenuSortColorsLum() if $sort_flags[6] then cpc_ReverseColors() $sort_flags[6] = false else cpc_SetSortFlag(6) cpc_GetColorsToSort() cpc_ColorSortHSL($sort_colors, 3) endif cpc_ShowSortedColors() endfunc func cpc_GetColorsToSort() global $sort_colors = IniReadSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group) endfunc func cpc_ShowSortedColors() $comment_string = GrabCommentsFromIniSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group) IniWriteSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group , $sort_colors) if $comment_string then WriteCommentsToIniSection($colors_ini_path, $cpc_my_group, $comment_string) cpc_InitColorWells() endfunc ; could be re-used (with a small modification) to reverse other 2D arrays.. func cpc_ReverseColors() cpc_GetColorsToSort() $limit = $sort_colors[0][0] local $tmp_array[$limit+1][2] = [[$limit]] $a = 1 for $i = $limit to 1 step -1 $tmp_array[$a][0] = $sort_colors[$i][0] $tmp_array[$a][1] = $sort_colors[$i][1] $a += 1 next $sort_colors = $tmp_array endfunc ; set this sort flag, and clear all other sort flags.. ; this ensures you get your chosen sort on the first keypress func cpc_SetSortFlag($flag) for $i = 1 to $sort_flags[0] if $i <> $flag then $sort_flags[$i] = false else $sort_flags[$i] = true endif next endfunc ; The sorting routines.. ; ; Basically, insertion sort algos with a colorful twist ; (the color fun happens in corz_colors.au3) ; ; I originally had a QuickSort algo here, but insertion sorting ; a) is just as fast, and b) gives better results for colors. ; ShellSort also proves to be no better in this application. ; ; sort by Hue/Sat/Lum.. ; func cpc_ColorSortHSL(ByRef $array, $idx) for $i = 1 to $array[0][0] $store = $array[$i][0] $store2 = $array[$i][1] $hsl_idx = RGBToHSL($array[$i][0], $idx) $j = $i while $j > 1 and RGBToHSL($array[$j-1][0], $idx) > $hsl_idx $array[$j][0] = $array[$j-1][0] $array[$j][1] = $array[$j-1][1] $j -= 1 wend $array[$j][0] = $store $array[$j][1] = $store2 next endfunc ; sort by RGB values.. ; I often wonder why you don't see this more in color utilities. ; func cpc_ColorSortRGB(ByRef $array, $idx) for $i = 1 to $array[0][0] $store = $array[$i][0] $store2 = $array[$i][1] $hsl_idx = ConvertColorValue($array[$i][0], "i", 0, $idx) $j = $i while $j > 1 and ConvertColorValue($array[$j-1][0], "i", 0, $idx) > $hsl_idx $array[$j][0] = $array[$j-1][0] $array[$j][1] = $array[$j-1][1] $j -= 1 wend $array[$j][0] = $store $array[$j][1] = $store2 next endfunc ; and a bubble sort for the names.. ; func cpc_ColorSortName(ByRef $bs_array) for $i = uBound($bs_array)-1 to 1 step -1 for $j = 2 to $i if $bs_array[$j-1][1] > $bs_array[$j][1] then $temp = $bs_array[$j-1][0] $temp2 = $bs_array[$j-1][1] $bs_array[$j-1][0] = $bs_array[$j][0] $bs_array[$j-1][1] = $bs_array[$j][1] $bs_array[$j][0] = $temp $bs_array[$j][1] = $temp2 endif next next endfunc func cpc_DialogOpen() cpc_UnSetHotKeys() GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $gui_color) if $cpc_stand_alone then AutoItSetOption ("TrayIconHide" , 1) if $cpc_on_top = $GUI_CHECKED then WinSetOnTop($gui_color, "", 0) endif endfunc func cpc_DialogClose() if $cpc_stand_alone then if $cpc_on_top = $GUI_CHECKED then WinSetOnTop($gui_color, "", 1) AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide" , 0) endif GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $gui_color) WinActivate($gui_color) ; handy for when embedded in other apps cpc_SetHotKeys() endfunc func cpc_SaveColorPrefs() IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "my_color", $cpc_my_color) IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "my_group", $cpc_my_group) endfunc func cpc_LoadMag() local $tmp_blocks = IniRead($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "mag_save", "") if $tmp_blocks = "" then cpc_UpdateMag(true) ; (first run) return endif $mag_save_blocks = StringSplit($tmp_blocks, "|") if $mag_save_blocks[0] = 1 then return for $i = 1 to 100 GUICtrlSetBkColor($mag_block[$i-1], $mag_save_blocks[$i]) next endfunc func cpc_SaveMag() local $mag_save = "" for $i = 1 to 100 $mag_save &= $mag_save_blocks[$i] & "|" next $mag_save = StringTrimRight($mag_save, 1) IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "mag_save", $mag_save) IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "last_mag", $cpc_last_mag) ; secondary mag backup system endfunc ; backup group deletions in case they change their mind.. ; func cpc_StoreBackup($inifile_path) FileCopy($inifile_path, @TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backup.ini", 1) endfunc ; use a standard ini import, in case they are tardy in recovery; no new colors get lost ; func cpc_RecoverBackup($inifile_path) FileCopy($inifile_path, @TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backupTMP", 1) cpc_ImportIniColors(@TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backup.ini") FileMove(@TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backupTMP", @TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backup.ini", 1) endfunc ; cpc will not, in fact, call this function.. ;o) func cpc_RemoveBackup($inifile_path) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\" & Basename($inifile_path) & ".backup.ini") endfunc func cpc_OpenDataFolder() ShellExecute ("Explorer.exe", $cpc_data_parent) endfunc func cpc_DoAbout() GUISetCursor() cpc_DialogOpen() $last_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 0) ; you surely wouln't remove my credit! $gui_about = GUICreate(" about corz " & $cpc_my_name & "..", 225, 100, -1, -1, _ $WS_CAPTION, BitOr($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) GUICtrlCreateLabel(" " & $cpc_my_name & " v" & $cpc_my_version & @CRLF & " by cor", 60, 8) GUICtrlCreateIcon("shell32.dll", 274, 10, 10) GUICtrlCreateLabel(" do you want to visit the " & @CRLF & " color pickin chooser web page? ", 60, 38) $gui_about_NO = GUICtrlCreateButton("No, not right now", 10, 73, 85, 22) $gui_about_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes, let's do it!", 133, 73, 85, 22) GUICtrlSetState($gui_about_OK, $GUI_FOCUS) GUISetState() while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() switch $msg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $gui_about_NO GUIDelete($gui_about) exitloop case $gui_about_OK VisitURL('') GUIDelete($gui_about) exitloop endswitch wend AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_mode) cpc_DialogClose() endfunc ; left-click system tray action.. ; func cpc_ToggleWindow() $winstate = WinGetState($gui_color) if BitAnd($winstate, 2) then ; hide the window.. if $cpc_on_top = $GUI_CHECKED then WinSetOnTop($gui_color, "", 0) GUISetCursor() ToolTip ("") cpc_GetXYPrefs() ; still looking for the "MOVE" event (if primaryup is available, it's handy for that) cpc_UnSetHotKeys() corz_GUIAnimateClose($gui_color, $cpc_gui_fx) else ; show the window.. corz_GUIAnimateOpen($gui_color, $cpc_gui_fx) cpc_UpdateImageContextMenu() cpc_SetHotKeys() if $cpc_on_top = $GUI_CHECKED then WinSetOnTop($gui_color, "", 1) endif endfunc func cpc_SetHotKeys() HotKeySet("^{F1}", "cpc_ToggleWindow") HotKeySet("{DEL}", "cpc_HotKeyDeleteColor") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "cpc_ExitDoQuit") HotKeySet("{ENTER}", "cpc_HotKeyAddChosenColor") HotKeySet("{F1}", "cpc_HotKeyShowTips") HotKeySet("{F2}", "cpc_HotKeyAddChosenColor") HotKeySet("{F3}", "cpc_HotAutoKeyCopyHex") HotKeySet("{F4}", "cpc_HotKeyCopyHex") HotKeySet("{F5}", "cpc_HotKeyToggleLiveLum") HotKeySet("{F6}", "cpc_HotKeyToggleLiveMag") HotKeySet("{F7}", "cpc_HotKeyToggleLiveHex") HotKeySet("{F8}", "cpc_MenuUpdateImageContextMenu") HotKeySet("{F9}", "cpc_HotKeySystemPicker") HotKeySet("{F10}", "cpc_OpenDataFolder") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD0}", "cpc_MenuSortColorsName") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD1}", "cpc_MenuSortColorsRed") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD2}", "cpc_MenuSortColorsGreen") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD3}", "cpc_MenuSortColorsBlue") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD4}", "cpc_MenuSortColorsHue") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD5}", "cpc_MenuSortColorsSat") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD6}", "cpc_MenuSortColorsLum") HotKeySet("!c", "cpc_MenuGroupComments") endfunc func cpc_UnSetHotKeys() HotKeySet("{DEL}") HotKeySet("{ESC}") HotKeySet("{ENTER}") HotKeySet("{F1}") HotKeySet("{F2}") HotKeySet("{F3}") HotKeySet("{F4}") HotKeySet("{F5}") HotKeySet("{F6}") HotKeySet("{F7}") HotKeySet("{F8}") HotKeySet("{F9}") HotKeySet("{F10}") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD0}") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD1}") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD2}") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD3}") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD4}") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD5}") HotKeySet("^{NUMPAD6}") HotKeySet("!c") endfunc func cpc_GetXYPrefs($check_only=false) ; also called during window toggle, and before tips $size_array = WinGetPos($gui_color) if IsArray($size_array) then $cpc_x = $size_array[0] $cpc_y = $size_array[1] else $cpc_x = -1 $cpc_y = -1 endif if not $check_only then IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "x", $cpc_x) IniWrite($cpc_ini_path, $cpc_my_name, "y", $cpc_y) endif endfunc func cpc_KillWindow() cpc_UnSetHotKeys() ; I'm trying to track something down *sigh* GUISetCursor() ToolTip ("") if not $cpc_killed then corz_GUIAnimateClose($gui_color, $cpc_gui_fx) GUIDelete($gui_color) GUIDelete($dummy_container) endfunc func cpc_Done() if $done_quits = $GUI_CHECKED or not $cpc_stand_alone then cpc_DoneDoQuit() return else cpc_ToggleWindow() endif endfunc func cpc_DoneDoQuit() cpc_UnSetHotKeys() cpc_GetXYPrefs() cpc_SaveColorPrefs() cpc_SaveMag() $do_quit = true endfunc ; bye! func cpc_ExitDoQuit() $cpc_killed = true cpc_DoneDoQuit() endfunc func cpc_HotKeySystemPicker() cpc_SystemPicker() endfunc func cpc_SystemPicker() cpc_UnSetHotKeys() $some_color = cpc__ChooseColor(2, "0x" & $cpc_my_color, 2, $gui_color) if not @error then $cpc_live_color = StringTrimLeft($some_color, 2) cpc_SetColor() endif cpc_SetHotKeys() endfunc ; From the UDFs (Misc.au3).. ; Call the System Picker.. ; ; Author: Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net) ; Func cpc__ChooseColor($i_ReturnType = 0, $i_colorref = 0, $i_refType = 0, $h_wnd_owner = 0) Local $custcolors = "int[16]" Local $struct = "dword;int;int;int;ptr;dword;int;ptr;ptr" Local $p = DllStructCreate($struct) If @error Then SetError(-1) Return -1 EndIf Local $cc = DllStructCreate($custcolors) If @error Then SetError(-2) Return -1 EndIf If ($i_refType == 1) Then $i_colorref = Int($i_colorref) ElseIf ($i_refType == 2) Then $i_colorref = Hex(String($i_colorref), 6) $i_colorref = '0x' & StringMid($i_colorref, 5, 2) & StringMid($i_colorref, 3, 2) & StringMid($i_colorref, 1, 2) EndIf DllStructSetData($p, 1, DllStructGetSize($p)) DllStructSetData($p, 2, $h_wnd_owner) DllStructSetData($p, 4, $i_colorref) DllStructSetData($p, 5, DllStructGetPtr($cc)) DllStructSetData($p, 6, BitOR($CC_ANYCOLOR, $CC_FULLOPEN, $CC_RGBINIT)) Local $ret = DllCall("comdlg32.dll", "long", "ChooseColor", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($p)) If ($ret[0] == 0) Then SetError(-3) Return -1 EndIf Local $color_picked = DllStructGetData($p, 4) If ($i_ReturnType == 1) Then ; return Hex BGR Color Return '0x' & Hex(String($color_picked), 6) ElseIf ($i_ReturnType == 2) Then ; return Hex RGB Color $color_picked = Hex(String($color_picked), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($color_picked, 5, 2) & StringMid($color_picked, 3, 2) & StringMid($color_picked, 1, 2) ElseIf ($i_ReturnType == 0) Then Return $color_picked Else SetError(-4) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc #cs changes [since release] 1.8.1 * maintenance release - non-code changes only. 1.8 * fixed picker image install bug, no really. * last if the include paths is now relative I upgraded to the latest AutoIt Wrapper, and the extra icons worked! Ensure you are using at least v1.9.3 of AutoIt wrapper. YOu should be able to compile the source pack now with zero editing. 1.7.9 * bugfix to the cpc_ButtCopyColor()function * fixed incorrect ini path entry 1.7.8 * made include paths relative * notes updates 1.7.7 * documentation updates and typo fixes * cleaned up a couple of sections 1.7.6 * added page URL to about box (and made the page!) #ce ; compiler directives.. ; #Region ; AutoIt3Wrapper settings.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon = img\chooser.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add = img\icons\grad.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add = img\icons\mag.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add = img\icons\hex.ico ; free-form resource fields (max 15).. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field = Author|(or #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field = Compiled|%date% - %time% #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field = URL| ; application's resource info.. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment = a color chooser #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description = corz color pickin chooser #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion = 1.8.1 #EndRegion